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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Stationery (not the not moving) scores
Showing posts 176 - 200 of 212, (reverse)
07/11/2006 03:04:17 PM · #176
Originally posted by Rikki:

ummm... my slide is beyond that guys. try 0.1

07/11/2006 03:09:37 PM · #177
07/11/2006 03:11:10 PM · #178
My slide was 0.1 and crushed my hopes of a 6...
07/11/2006 04:34:54 PM · #179
DQ with a 6.12 score. Not for any post work violations, but for not submitting the original file, even though I did - twice. SC won't talk to me and I've done nothing to deserve the dq. I'm angry and I'm outta here for good.

To whoever asked for the validation in the first place: I hope you're satisfied. I so wanted to contribute to this site, but I feel like I've been branded a cheat now. Thanks for that.

My very best wishes to the rest of you and thank you in advance for all the supportive comments.

07/11/2006 04:47:36 PM · #180
Originally posted by rinac:

DQ with a 6.12 score. Not for any post work violations, but for not submitting the original file, even though I did - twice. SC won't talk to me and I've done nothing to deserve the dq. I'm angry and I'm outta here for good.

To whoever asked for the validation in the first place: I hope you're satisfied. I so wanted to contribute to this site, but I feel like I've been branded a cheat now. Thanks for that.

My very best wishes to the rest of you and thank you in advance for all the supportive comments.

I don't think anyone has branded you a cheat. If that were the case then my 2 previous DQs would put me where? Far beyond a cheat I suppose. Not providing an original could be because you didn't give SC the correct file. We take a lot of shots for a challenge. Most of them look the same. It was probably as simple as not providing the correct file number. Check your photos. I doubt you only took one shot for this challenge. Whoever asked for validation has every right to do so. It's why you check that box at the bottom every time you enter an image. Anger and disgust are usually the outcome of DQs. I have been there before and it doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth. However, you also have to understand that validation requests are normal and no one is immune to them. Heck SC has every right to ask for one eventhough a challenge has ended a long time.

My advice? Take this DQ with a grain of salt and move on. Think of it as a badge of experience if you will. Learn from it and don't dwell too much on it. No one has branded you a cheater. You are your worst critic and if this is how you feel about yourself then we can't help you with that issue. You've been here since 2005. By now, you probably understand that a validation is just part of the game.

If you wish to leave the site for good just because of this one incident then my best to you and your photography.



07/11/2006 04:53:43 PM · #181
Originally posted by rinac:

DQ with a 6.12 score. Not for any post work violations, but for not submitting the original file, even though I did - twice. SC won't talk to me and I've done nothing to deserve the dq. I'm angry and I'm outta here for good.

To whoever asked for the validation in the first place: I hope you're satisfied. I so wanted to contribute to this site, but I feel like I've been branded a cheat now. Thanks for that.

My very best wishes to the rest of you and thank you in advance for all the supportive comments.

Please dont take a DQ as a label for life. In fact, it probably wont be looked upon as a negative by anyone at this site. Many of us have that dreaded pink bar on our profiles somewhere and they are forgotten quite quickly. Very few DQ's are because of intentional cheating (as far as I know). Usually because of something minor or accidental rather than intentional. As for my few dealings with site council and from the dealings that I have seen with others, SC seems to bend over backwards with most everyone. I cant imagine that they are ignoring you. Are you sure that you sent in the unadultered original?

Please dont take this too hard. Hang in there and continue to play with us.
07/11/2006 05:24:37 PM · #182
Thanks Tim and Rikki. I guess if it was a lower score or a problem with post processing, I might not have been so uptight about it. I have given them the only original possible and it's really frustrating not knowing what's up.

Yes, I've been a paid member since 2005 but did not actually begin participating til a few weeks ago. Being a member at another site was fairly time consuming, but I felt I'd outgrown it and needed to put my energy somewhere else.

Please excuse my ranting, this is a personal blow for me. I'm certain I'll get over it though but right now, I'm mad as hell.

Thanks once again for your kind words.
07/11/2006 05:35:50 PM · #183
My second entry in the challenges was 4th and scored a whopping 6.9+ and I got a DQ. Trust me. I know how you feel :)

Bummer and guess what? We had the same reason :)

Message edited by author 2006-07-11 17:37:41.
07/11/2006 05:38:06 PM · #184
My fifth entry was a DQ - but didnt have naywhere close to a score that yours did. I got busted for a "literal interpretation" issue. Still dont quite agree with the ruling but whatcha gonna do. THat was now over 30 challenges ago and it didnt affect me too much long term. I just have an aversion to finger paints.

Message edited by author 2006-07-11 17:40:35.
07/11/2006 06:00:55 PM · #185
Originally posted by Rikki:

My second entry in the challenges was 4th and scored a whopping 6.9+ and I got a DQ. Trust me. I know how you feel :)

Bummer and guess what? We had the same reason :)

Just had a look at that awesome image of yours, and ok, now I'm starting to feel a little stooopit for bringing this up :)

I guess it's the italian in me wanting revenge ;)
07/11/2006 06:04:59 PM · #186
Originally posted by rinac:

I guess it's the italian in me wanting revenge ;)

So glad that I wasn't the Irish Mic who pulled you out for validation ;)

Message edited by author 2006-07-11 18:05:30.
07/11/2006 06:07:24 PM · #187
Votes: 288
Views: 379
Avg Vote: 5.4028
Comments: 16
07/11/2006 06:07:32 PM · #188
Originally posted by rinac:

Originally posted by Rikki:

My second entry in the challenges was 4th and scored a whopping 6.9+ and I got a DQ. Trust me. I know how you feel :)

Bummer and guess what? We had the same reason :)

Just had a look at that awesome image of yours, and ok, now I'm starting to feel a little stooopit for bringing this up :)

I guess it's the italian in me wanting revenge ;)

c'est la vie right? it's all in good fun :) now what to shoot for tonight... hmmmm :)

yo kermit. got any bright ideas?

Message edited by author 2006-07-11 18:07:48.
07/11/2006 06:10:12 PM · #189
Originally posted by Rikki:

c'est la vie right? it's all in good fun :) now what to shoot for tonight... hmmmm :)

yo kermit. got any bright ideas?

Oh come on now Rikki...surely you have some ideas...or have you been slacking off so much lately that you have forgotten everything?
07/11/2006 06:11:09 PM · #190
kinda been busy at work...
07/11/2006 06:20:16 PM · #191
Originally posted by Rikki:

yo kermit. got any bright ideas?

I am assuming thats me ;) I have a pic in for tonight but I do not expect it to do nearly as well as my shot here. Probably closer to my flower score. I am hoping for a nice, easy, straightforward, no way you could even think about DNMC challenge tonight. I have my good score in firewroks for the WPL so these challenges arent weighing heavy on me. Need a good one for next week though.
07/11/2006 06:20:33 PM · #192
Originally posted by Rikki:

kinda been busy at work...

Yeah, yeah...any excuse! Hehehehe!
07/11/2006 06:20:33 PM · #193
Originally posted by timfythetoo:

Originally posted by rinac:

I guess it's the italian in me wanting revenge ;)

So glad that I wasn't the Irish Mic who pulled you out for validation ;)

LOL! I thinks it's probably for the best that I never find out, eh? hehehehe...

Ok, I'm off to clear my head, take some photos and put this behind me :)
07/11/2006 06:22:31 PM · #194
Originally posted by Rikki:

kinda been busy at work...

My wife was wondering what it is that you do that allows you to be on this site all day long keeping tabs ont the threads and such.
07/11/2006 06:39:23 PM · #195
Originally posted by timfythetoo:

Originally posted by Rikki:

kinda been busy at work...

My wife was wondering what it is that you do that allows you to be on this site all day long keeping tabs ont the threads and such.

i pretend to be an architect :P
07/11/2006 06:55:43 PM · #196
Originally posted by Rikki:

Originally posted by timfythetoo:

Originally posted by Rikki:

kinda been busy at work...

My wife was wondering what it is that you do that allows you to be on this site all day long keeping tabs ont the threads and such.

i pretend to be an architect :P

My parents are architects. The only thing they do is drinking coffee :)
07/11/2006 06:58:01 PM · #197
i don't drink coffee. I take it intravenously :P
07/11/2006 07:50:27 PM · #198
Votes: 219
Views: 269
Avg Vote: 4.8813

hmm, very similar to Straight out of Camera...
I am on a roll...and I like my shot.
07/11/2006 08:05:26 PM · #199
Votes: 278
Views: 424
Avg Vote: Roast Beef and Provolone Cheese! Mmmm yummy. :)
Comments: 29
Favorites: 1
07/11/2006 08:23:00 PM · #200
Originally posted by maestro:

Votes: 278
Views: 424
Avg Vote: Roast Beef and Provolone Cheese! Mmmm yummy. :)
Comments: 29
Favorites: 1

Oh just go ahead and show it!!! How bad could you be jinxed with less than 4 hours to go. ;)
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