Author | Thread |
07/16/2006 04:17:35 AM · #26 |
it's the name they assigned to me when I registered here, and I've never gotten around to changing it. |
07/16/2006 04:26:54 AM · #27 |
Wow I just sent the contact page a memo to change my user name.. It's here already.. from lazy_urfa I've been knighted UrfaK..Hoorayy
07/16/2006 05:45:16 AM · #28 |
Mine is a combo of an old nickname "The Paw" with the 'drix'at the end in honor of Jimi Hendrix.
07/16/2006 06:03:59 AM · #29 |
07/16/2006 06:24:14 AM · #30 |
my name and my age when i signed up... very original-not :) |
07/16/2006 06:51:29 AM · #31 |
Sitting in the front of the computer one night trying to think of a onscreen name for D.O.D. The kids and i kept on hearing this beeping sound and my 4 yo twin boys kept asking me "whats_that_beeping" Dad? It drove me to distraction as it was one of those low level noises that you just can pinpoint where it was coming from. Finally discovered that the fridge door was open!! This can also be applied to unsourcable smells as well! |
07/16/2006 07:01:08 AM · #32 |
I chose my name back when i was 14/15. I dont really remember why I chose it. I just didnt want to choose something as trite as gothgrrrrrrl666(no offense to anyone with this name but the variations of it were running rampant with my goth friends. lol.) although my first boyfriends was quite similar to that with out the grrrrl part.. lol. So Thats how Jaded_youth began. its been me identity ever since. even though i'm no longer youthful .:) |
07/16/2006 07:15:09 AM · #33 |
My mom told me that when I was little it sounded like I was saying "My name is Timfy Too" since I couldnt really pronounce Timothy Toole. I used timfytoo as my username on othe rsites until joining an online gaming community for the game Age of Mythology. I then changed it to Timfy The Too (like Alexander the Great or Attila the Hun). Doesnt make much sense on its own (or even with the story) but I like the way it sounds. |
07/16/2006 07:29:23 AM · #34 |
(Hey great thread Sherryl)
I chose my name for several reasons:
1. I am the Senior Pastor of a church, and some people say I'm HOT ;-)
2. I love pasta, and usually put it in the microwave for one minute to make it really hot - my family thinks this is crazy and they say I Nuke it
3. I like fresh chilli on my pasta from time to time, so it is spicy hot
4. I come from an Italian Family and hotpasta is what makes the world go around
It came from reason 1 mainly, that I am a Pastor, so it's a play on that...
07/16/2006 07:30:50 AM · #35 |
I have been using kollaosk for 9 years. on yahoo. on msn. on paltalk.. any emails i make. forums, you name it.
Kolla is a nickname from my real name Kolbrún it means the dark one. lol well you havent seen me.. but the name does not fitt. Secondly. i dont alow people to call me Kolla in real life, only few do. small children and such.
Ósk is my second name, it means a wish.
in retrospeckt maybe i should have had Búbba (what my famely calls me) or Kósý, that has been my artist name sinse I was twelve, my mom and sister often use it, and few friends from when i was like 16-17.
but everyone knows me online as kollaosk so why bother :p
although many in sertain chatt call me corboral, becouse they know me from real life from the Nato Base. im not army personel though, its more like a privat joke and a distortion from my real name.
oh wow i have writen quite alot, and could write more *blush*
ill go hide now.
07/16/2006 07:35:52 AM · #36 |
Mine came pretty easy.
in almost every other form or online stuff I use shpadoinkle182 which is from a movie called Cannibal the Musical. and the 182 is form turk 182. |
07/16/2006 07:40:10 AM · #37 |
Mine is dorky.
My name is Tyron. Hence the "Ty" spelling...
And sometimes I get a little too excited, so people go "Easy tiger...".
Oh, and I also used to like the character Tigra from the Thundercats...
And there is a cool picture of a tiger in my portfolio.
And I like the William Blake poem... |
07/16/2006 08:07:49 AM · #38 |
Focus Point...
I had to change previous one which was my name, so this was available. I did try a few before though, they were all picked :P |
07/16/2006 09:16:20 AM · #39 |
My name is Bragi Ingibergsson and in my username I use the two first letters in each name, so it is Brin. When I was younger some of my friends called me Brian and I thought of using that but it was already taken. Brin is very similar and I like it. |
07/16/2006 09:29:38 AM · #40 |
Originally I was going to start a company "Palmetto Pixels" to do web design, but my "partners" were unable to commit. I did like the name though so thought I'd use it as a screenname.
"Palmetto" = "Palmetto State (South Carolina)"
"Pixels" = er... uhm.... well... Pixels! |
07/16/2006 09:31:46 AM · #41 |
Beer god and My inits Corona comes from playing an old game called Tradewars 2000 Anyone remember BBS's |
07/16/2006 09:36:54 AM · #42 |
First Letter of my first and middle name, TJ, and first 3 letters of last name BEL, 05 because ther is 5 of us in my house. It is what I use in every online forum I am involved with.
TJBEL05, Its just easy. |
07/16/2006 09:48:01 AM · #43 |
First initials of my family.
Wayne, Michelle, Paul, Ryan, Kyle, Greg |
07/16/2006 09:56:10 AM · #44 |
My name on a games site is WHOPUMPED. I was going to use it here but felt it wasn't serious enough. I wish I'd stuck with it now. LOL |
07/16/2006 10:26:45 AM · #45 |
I was looking for an EBay name without any digits.
A Zamia is a prehistoric plant (cardboard Palm)like a Sago palm.
It was taken so I added an adjective. |
07/16/2006 10:30:46 AM · #46 |
I chose mine because I believe that PHOTOgraphy is a beautiful form of ART, as much as painting, poetry or music, hence PhotoArt. Just look at what many of the photographers post here on DPC, every week! |
07/16/2006 10:32:52 AM · #47 |
07/16/2006 10:52:20 AM · #48 |
My first name is Len, last name begins with 'K', and I like to take photos. No deep meaning in that... |
07/16/2006 11:18:33 AM · #49 |
Originally tried my name - first, last, middle and combinatins there of. All taken. Tried my job title - taken. Tried my job title and unit number - not taken and it's been that ever since.
07/16/2006 11:19:58 AM · #50 |
idnic=cindi=idnic=cindi= well you get the idea.
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