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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Faces of Meth
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 76, (reverse)
07/27/2006 05:22:29 PM · #51
You can read more at this site

07/27/2006 05:30:43 PM · #52
It is very bad here in Western NC. Some of my students were telling me one time, that some of the addicts they knew were so bad off and desperate, that they will pick the sores then ingest (eat, smoke?) the scabs . ..

I saw one of my classmates (a meth head) from high school a few months ago. I had not seen her since 10th or 11 th grade, I obviously didn't recognize her, but if I had estimated would have put her at 50 or 55. That is 15 or 20 years older than we are.

Meth is bad. very bad.
07/27/2006 06:07:44 PM · #53
For anyone thinking that the signs of abuse are obvious, I am here to tell you it isn't.
I used/abused it daily for about 2 years. I knew what to look out for, I knew to chase it with water so it wouldn't burn the membranes in my nasal passages, I knew I had to force myself to eat, I knew I had to keep my nutrition up, my cleanliness, and so forth, and to date, NO ONE knew. Not my family, friends, relatives, neighbors, etc.

It can happen in all social levels / circles.

Just a public service announcement - resuming regular broadcasting now.

Message edited by author 2006-07-27 18:10:13.
07/27/2006 06:09:41 PM · #54
Originally posted by BradP:

For anyone thinking that the signs of abuse are obvious, I am here to tell you it isn't.
I used/abused it for about 2 years. I knew what to look out for, I knew to chase it with water so it wouldn't burn the membranes in my nasal passages, I knew I had to force myself to eat, I knew I had to keep my nutrition up, my cleanliness, and so forth, and to date, NO ONE knew. Not my family, friends, relatives, neighbors, etc.

that must be terrible.. double-checking every move, every word.. double-life is the first thing that comes to mind.

glad you're out of it Brad!
07/27/2006 06:10:49 PM · #55
Originally posted by biteme:

glad you're out of it Brad!

...or so it would appear. ;-P
07/27/2006 06:12:01 PM · #56
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by biteme:

glad you're out of it Brad!

...or so it would appear. ;-P

lol, exactly what I was thinking when I hit the "Post" button ;-)
07/27/2006 06:20:49 PM · #57
My personality disorder was there long before all that took place.

FWIW, my kids were the catalyst for walking away from it all and starting life in a new community, never looking back, never again in contact with anyone in those social circles.
It was a great choice.
07/27/2006 06:26:46 PM · #58
Stiffler from American Pie
Originally posted by OdysseyF22:

Originally posted by biteme:

meth = methadon? (if not, excuse my ignorance...)

Like his new hairdo though!

methamphetamine, I believe
07/27/2006 06:33:52 PM · #59
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by margiemu:

Ken, you have a beautiful daughter. I hope she continues on the road to a better life. And I completely concur with your 'preaching'.

Thanks margie. She was on her way to a promising modeling career and took a wrong turn or two.

This one's more recent:

She babysits Riley for us (while we are working at home) and is really doing great. There was a time when the cops brought her to the house and she didn't even know who she was and was completely out of her mind for 3 weeks.

I failed to mention that I also had my own issues with speed (meth) in the 80's. Like Brad, I managed to pull myself out of it, but not before it (obviously) took it's toll on my mind. ;-) Seriously though - it is a powerful and extremely destructive addiction.

DPC kids, are you listening? ;-)

Glad to hear your daughter is recovering well. I did my own run with speed in the 80's too. Thank goodness it didn't destroy me like those we have seen on that other site. I was lucky. Well, then again it isnt like I was a raving beauty to start with. lol I was using it for about 3-4 years, and did as Brad did nexcept for the forcing myself to eat enough. I did get very thin beleive it or not. Doesnt show today.

Message edited by author 2006-07-27 18:36:21.
07/27/2006 07:27:51 PM · #60
Thanks to everyone who has posted in this thread, especially those sharing their personal experiences with this evil substance.

My goal is to raise some awareness. I was totally oblivious to this drug until I found out that one of my brothers had been hiding it from his wife and children for over 5 years. He was in NA with a good sponsor, but the wife kicked him out and the old friends have come back around. The last time I talked to him he had relapsed.

I've since found out that my other brother was also on it. He's been in a halfway house for 1 1/2 years. I'm distraught over the prospects of their futures.

Our government has passed legislation to get pseudoephedrine put behind the counter; but it's really pointless since there's a steady supply coming over the borders.
07/27/2006 07:31:47 PM · #61
Originally posted by greatandsmall:

Our government has passed legislation to get pseudoephedrine put behind the counter; but it's really pointless since there's a steady supply coming over the borders.

It's quite like our government to think they can fix everything with legislation. If they'd put half the energy and money into education...

*stopping here before I rant*
07/27/2006 07:57:03 PM · #62
IMO, the very first picture that pops up, and the guy ends up with a beard. He looks way better with a beard. Before meth he looked like a repressed mega-agressive child abuser. After he looks like Ewan mcgregor with crazy hair.

07/27/2006 08:22:26 PM · #63
I myself have never done Meth, but my grandmother had 8 children and all of them were "hooked" on Meth. My Grandmother is in Prison right now as we speak doing 9 years for distribution of Meth. 3 years ago my 20 year old cousin was in a stolen car with a guy that she met 30 minutes before that, they were out looking for Meth and the police tried to pull them over and he ended up running from them and went around a curve and hit a tree going 85 MPH and killed my cousin and her 16 yr. old friend. On New Years Eve my sister had a baby, the next day they took it away because they found Meth in my sister's system. I took the responsibility of caring for that baby and now she is back home and my sister has been clean since March. My 7 Aunt's and Uncles are now off of Meth and the only person still doing it in our Family is my Mom. We no longer speak. People keep telling me there is nothing I can do to make her stop. My Aunt now goes to High schools and tells the story of her life of starting to do drugs at the age of 14 and how her entire family used, and she feels that if she can touch just one person, she feels better.

I am sorry to say so much but this is a subject that hits home and sometimes you just need to know there are other people out there trying to help people in their family get off of it to.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for getting the word out there.
07/27/2006 08:29:24 PM · #64
Wow Roni! I'm speechless.
07/27/2006 08:38:22 PM · #65
Wow, in those photos, it almost looks like the cops beat them up before they took the second snapshot. All of them are wearing black eyes, and bloody lips.

I too live amongst the epedimic, the county I live in was ranked #1 in the U.S. for meth production and distribution, that was three years ago, It still carries the #5 rank. Currently there is a show on A&E that they run constantly, and it is all about Little town Franklin County Missouri.

I personally don't use, but I know lots who have, and while I don't judge anybody I JUST WISH THEY WOULD STOP MOWING THEIR GRASS AT 4 IN THE MORNING. LOL.
07/27/2006 09:26:18 PM · #66
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Warning: Preaching Ahead
Admittedly, I all but wrote her off for dead several times and I could not even take seeing her like that. For those of you who don't pray, don't believe in God, etc. trust me when I say that all the drug counseling, drug enforcement and legislation, intervention, etc. has nothing compared to going straight to the head honcho and continually asking Him for some help. No treatment, incarceration, counseling or therapy has a more lasting effect either. I have witnessed it countless times in my own life (even as an atheist) and as one who is a practical, logical, cause-and-effect thinker, the results are what counts and are undeniable in my experience.

It is amazing to me that people say they would do anything to save their child, but when it comes to a potential solution involving God, that is out of the question. I know. Been there done that.

I am not a preacher or an evangalist, or even a good Christian, but it would simply be inhuman and immoral of me not to share this with anyone who is going through this and has an open mind.

I'm sorry.. and I know you *MEAN* well.. but I have to take exception.
Praying is all well and good if you're doing for yourself or your loved ones, on your own, to yourself. However, I have seen far, far too many times where people use the *other* end of the coin.. where they absolutely refuse *all* medical, pyschological, etc. help and insist that "god" will make them or their families/loved ones better. I have seen people die because of this insanity.
The fact of the matter is.. results are a combination of many things.. luck.. will.. determination.. genetics.. support systems.. and yes, prayer (which falls under the "will" and "support systems" category), and medical intervention.

For every person that has seen fantastic results because of prayer.. another one has seen someone die *regardless* of that prayer.

I, for one, am glad that science and medicine continues to grow.. but as open minded as I'd like to be.. I've seen the evil side of religion far, far more often than the "miracles" to ever jump on that ship.
07/28/2006 12:09:51 AM · #67
Originally posted by Artyste:

I, for one, am glad that science and medicine continues to grow.. but as open minded as I'd like to be.. I've seen the evil side of religion far, far more often than the "miracles" to ever jump on that ship.

Hey Glen, I appreciate your opinion and understand it is based on your experience. For the record, I don't believe in prayer instead of medical science - after all God didn't make Doctors for nothing. You're using an extreme and statistically small segment as an example or generalization.

I would ask you to really think about the statement that you have seen the evil side of religion far, far more...etc. Is that really true? Or is it selective memory or simply lack of a broader exposure? Honestly, I used to say things just like that because I was angry and it sounded good to blame things on religion and frankly, I avoided any contact with religious people because of that assumption. Took a long time to understand that I was pretty ignorant. Anyway, don't judge the power of prayer or God by the actions of any or all humans. That's probably the most common mistake.

Sorry, launched into preaching mode again. Like I said, your feelings and opinions are based on your experiences and mine are based on mine. If your sister, niece, brother, etc lay dying and doctors said there is nothing they can do, I just find it strange that you wouldn't even consider simply requesting that God intervene. It may work out, it may not. My experience has been that it does much more often than not.

Not wanting to get into a debate - that never turns out well - just want to share my experience a little and hope it helps you some day in some way. Take care.

07/28/2006 12:13:47 AM · #68



Holy cow!

07/28/2006 12:16:13 AM · #69
My 4 1/2 yo looked at the pictures. He looked through them with me for two or three of them and said, "Mom, those people look sad."

07/28/2006 12:16:25 AM · #70
Originally posted by Rikki:

Holy cow!

Stop tugging my groin! ;-)

Message edited by author 2006-07-28 00:20:20.
05/08/2009 09:21:14 AM · #71
i have read many articles about meth addiction
Now a Day teen are getting habitual of Addiction.But the fact that they don't
discover it does not mean the situation is not especially lacking



Meth Addiction

05/08/2009 09:34:52 AM · #72
Originally posted by henrymaquli:

i have read many articles about meth addiction
Now a Day teen are getting habitual of Addiction.But the fact that they don't
discover it does not mean the situation is not especially lacking

Meth Addiction //www.crystalrecovery.com

Recovery spam?
05/08/2009 09:48:48 AM · #73
The point of it is that meth use goes beyond the poor to touch all levels of our society â and thatâs something that should not be forgotten.

Iâm still struggling with the purpose of the âFacesâ site. As Dr. Wife said, âNothing will stand in the way between an addict and his drug of choice.â The pictures arenât going to phase them one bit. Nor will they stop the sane from indulging in a drug they werenât going to use in the first place.

That leaves me hoping that the site will do some good for recovering addicts and their families. Dr. Wife is sceptical; she thinks its pure sensationalism, nothing more.
Meth Addiction

05/08/2009 09:52:03 AM · #74
** Warning: This post has been hidden as it may content mature content. Click here to show the post.
05/08/2009 09:52:10 AM · #75
My apologies, henry. Often on this site when a four-year-old thread is revived by a new user providing a link to a service, it is the work of a spammer. My impression was compounded by the fact I couldn't make sense of your original post.
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