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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Why in the HELLo Dolly Does Everything Have to be
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 50, (reverse)
08/28/2006 08:13:24 PM · #26
Originally posted by littlegett:

And I understand peoples opinion. I respect them, what I don't understand is why everything has to be tack sharp.

If you want to ribbon on DPC, then it has to be tack sharp.

Originally posted by littlegett:

I am not thankful for comments that don't back up anything they say.

The comments that say 'out of focus' are made on your photos that are out of focus. I see no reason why the commentor has to back it up. The voters are voting on 'technicals' apart from anything else. If they leave a comment that says 'out of focus' on an out of focus image, what else would you expect?

It's difficult for people to comment on the subject, when there are (in their opinion) problems with the technicals that they can't ignore.

Originally posted by littlegett:

I have not learned anything because of comments that hold no ground. Hold no substance to help me improve.

If you're happy using OOF techniques to make an artistic statement, then why not just continue?

Is the point of your original post frustration at people saying 'out of focus' on images that you intended to be out of focus? Or am I missing something?
08/28/2006 08:49:49 PM · #27
Originally posted by littlegett:

Originally posted by Spazmo99:

I would say that in general, your images are simply out of focus in ways that don't enhance the image.

There are plenty of OOF images that do work and are really fine images. If you like to work with OOF images, then it's up to you to make them work. I don't think you're there yet.

It's not about being close-minded, it's about doing quality work.

Thanx for the comment.

However, since everyone wants to make this about me. What are you talking about, and how would I work on it to make it work?

You say some OOF works... which ones? Some Don't... Why Not?

This really reminds me of old christmas tree lights. One goes out so the whole cord is bad. Yet, you have to check each one wasting countless time to find the bad one.

yet seems there is someone who knows which one is out and could tell you, but doesn't. Just says there is a bulb out.

I suggest you look at some images by Freeman Patterson, many of his images contain significant blur, yet they are highly regarded. He also doen't do it all the time. He uses the effect with purpose, even though many times he is just experimenting. In no instance, does the resulting effect seem to be accidental as it does in much of your work.
08/28/2006 09:11:30 PM · #28
Originally posted by littlegett:

L()L you are another funny one.

I'm glad I could entertain you

Originally posted by littlegett:

There can be wrong comments.

Technically that is correct because someone could say there are too many clouds in the sky when there are no clouds in the sky, but comments are typically other people's opinion and opinions are never wrong. If I think it's out of focus, that's my opinion and it's correct.

Originally posted by littlegett:

There is no reason you should have written anything in here.

If you don't want to hear other people's opinions, you should not post to a board.

Originally posted by littlegett:

OBVIOUSLY if I am talking about why does everything have to be tack sharp... is because the majority of people like sharp photos.... Don't need to tell me and no math Involved.

Then what the heck are you ranting about? So you like something different then most. Nothing wrong with that, just don't expect everyone to like what you like.

Originally posted by littlegett:

Think I stated my reason.... did you state yours????


Originally posted by littlegett:

I have not learned anything because of comments that hold no ground. Hold no substance to help me improve. The Every Greatful 'WHY'

There are plenty of opportunities to learn here. If you have learned nothing from this site, it's simply because you have not tried to learn.

Originally posted by littlegett:

Give me a valid reason. Solid concrete reason why I should change my opinion on the matter, and well... I just might.

You should not change your opinion. Please don't complain about other people not liking what you like and call everyone closed minded though.

Originally posted by littlegett:

But, most people can not do that. Why, because they can not see through someone elses eyes. They refuse to listen, like LoudDog and Routerguy... Yeah I am picking on the two of you, because there was no reason for the two of you to post.

you did not like it when someone made a incorrect assumption about you, but it's okay for you to do the same to us? I thought you were able to look at things through other people's eyes?
08/28/2006 09:34:26 PM · #29
Originally posted by jhonan:

Is the point of your original post frustration at people saying 'out of focus' on images that you intended to be out of focus? Or am I missing something?

Exactly, Thank you for noticing what I wrote about in this RANT.

It seems it has to be over done or not done at all. I have always hated that part of design. Always hated the fact that something has to be so overboard that it is so blantantly obvious it ruins the design.

Everything a person senses is subjective. Yet, from the moment we sense we are always told This is how it is. Nothing around it.

There are a few whom can think out of the box, yet the majority are all the same. Four walls a celing and a floor. No place to breathe or expand.

Originally posted by Louddog:

you did not like it when someone made a incorrect assumption about you, but it's okay for you to do the same to us? I thought you were able to look at things through other people's eyes?

What incorrect assumption did I make?

I started a RANT about something I made an observation of. I made general statements on said observation. All statements I made are of my opinon of the data of said observation.

yet, people want to make it into a personal attack against me. That is not what I intended for, but I rolled with some of it. Some of it, I don't roll with because it is un-needed and un-called for.

I asked if you stated your reason.. You answer "NO" So what point do you really have? None, because you are not stating anything to the Original post, all you are doing is trying to find an arguement.

Please take a moment read the orginal post and where it is located, and than continue to read through my posts.

The comments that are made that are Civil are answered Civily, The rude comments are answered Rudely.

And forthermore, I never asked nor expect everyone to like what I like. I am just RANTING about everything being told to me is out of Focus. Yet, if you took a second to read the Original Post enstead of run your mouth you would have known that.
08/28/2006 09:36:23 PM · #30
I'm going to try doing this as gently as I can, and then I'll withdraw from the discussion.

Your original question was "Why do DPC voters prefer photos to be tack sharp?" And my answer is "I don't know, but you are right in your perceptions. They do seem to prefer it." They do seem to vote higher for well focused photos. And they do vote down and comment negatively on photos that are blurry ... even if intentionally blurred. Looking at comments and highly scored photos, we can factually observe this is correct.

In the thread below, you have occasionally struck an aggressive pose saying in essence "I like photos that are not tack sharp, and whether the softness comes from post processing or camera movement relative to the subject, I'm going to keep taking them and submitting them to challenges. You DPC voters are all wrong for not appreciating my art." Sorry if I put words in your mouth, that's not my intention. But if that's how you feel ... GREAT! More power to you. But you should expect this particular audience to continue reacting as they have in the past. And that would include unsubstantiated comments like "out of focus" and low scores.

Elsewhere in the thread you have also occasionally struck the pose of a victim. In essence, "I have a POS tripod and can't afford to change it. That will never change so I can never improve and never take photos that voters at DPC will appreciate."

With regard to my last 2 paragraphs, I think you need to choose. You can't be a victim and an aggressor at the same time. If you're going to be an aggressor, you'll need to take the heat that comes with it. Possibly over time you'll get really good at this style of photo and voters will becoome educated to its virtues and appreciate it. Many artists have been dead and cold before the public came to appreciate their art (See Van Gogh, for example). Hopefully appreciation will come more quickly for you.

If you decide on the victim's play, then perhaps you should try another forum where your style of photo is already appreciated. You'll be happier, and so will your audience be with your photos.

Just maybe there's a third strategy and that would be to take the feedback in this thread and in comments, however brief, at face value and to learn to get more out of your equipment and your post processing. If the photographic technique you are using gives you unsatisfactory results, learn better techniques. If your post processing workflow gives you unsatisfactory results, learn better workflows.

I will reiterate my previous offer to work with you as a mentor, if you'll have me after this post. Just PM me and we can work out the details. And in any event, good luck with your photography in the future.
08/28/2006 09:57:35 PM · #31
Originally posted by littlegett:

What incorrect assumption did I make?

Originally posted by littlegett:

But, most people can not do that. Why, because they can not see through someone elses eyes. They refuse to listen, like LoudDog and Routerguy...

You should get to know me and Routerguy a little better before stating we don't listen and we don't look at things through other people's eyes. Making a statement like that about us after only reading a few posts we wrote would be considered an assumption, and in my case I'd say it's incorrect.

And my reason for posting? A lot of people here are afraid to comment because some people like to call them out in the forums and say their comments were stupid, wrong, closed minded... I think that's a shame because I would love to see more people comment more often. Making and receiving comments are great ways to learn and when people discourage others from doing that I'll poke my nose in.

08/28/2006 10:58:29 PM · #32
I am man enough to Admit when I am wrong, Exspecialy about an assumption about another person.

This is not one of those times.

Did you notice what forum this thread is in. If you didn't notice, it is in RANT. Why did I post this in Rant and not any other of the numerous forums on this board. Because I needed to vent out my frustration. I needed to Put to voice what goes unseen. That is why it is in Rant.

I Was Frustrated to High Hades. Yet, to some good posters like Bear_Music and Dr.Confuser, it helped me to calm down, so I can take a step back and relook at things.

Yet, The two of you make two very closed minded posts. You should take your own advice first before giving it out. You know nothing of me and didn't take the time to learn about me, before making your posts. in my opinion the posts was closed minded. Now seeing routerguys latest post, I know I wasn't wrong in that assumption.


Yes Dr.Confuser, you did misthink my thoughts.

I like art, some images I like Tack Sharp, some images I like a little blured, Some images I like black and white, some images I like sepia. It all depends on what I see in the image. Just like it does for other people.

I don't believe I said my situation will 'never' change. Just for now it isn't possible for me to buy decent eq. And I don't know when I might be able to. But If I did say never I did not mean so.

I don't try to play the part of anyone, except maybe a frustrated user who does not understand.

The frustration is over the reasoning, why most of everything I do on this site is called out as out of focus. I havn't heard that from the things offsite. So I don't have a comparison there. I am sure there probly are things out of focus on my sites. no one is perfect.

The frustration comes because it is from this crowd only. A lot of frustration comes because of comments from people who do not understand or refuse to understand or just plan want to be mean.

Yes, there are lots of places to learn around here. But, I don't learn a visual art very well from reading words or seeing someone else do it. I hopped that in some strange derangement of mine I would gather comments that would aid me. I might have, yet, the negative ones far far outweigh any good ones.

Take my second highest scoring image for example.

I recieved 13 comments. Mostly joking about the image a few saying they liked it. One saying they didn't care for the soft uneven focus.

It surprised me just recently someone favored it.

5.28 avg, 145 / 232 placing.

My second best image. To me, I don't see the soft uneven focus. I can make the details of the makeup, and woodgrain. His leg really is that smooth, and I should have covered it with makeup, but that was my mistake.

Now my best entry

Shallow DOF, still had comments about needs to be in focus. If I had the whole flower in focus would I have done better? From the comments, probably. Yet, I found the middle part of the flower to be dull and unenteresting, and being such a large part of the image I felt it would have hurt my score to keep it in focus and full saturation.

So I selective desat the middle and blured it down, keeping the spines full sat and sharp.

I guess I really not open minded because of all the things I don't understand. I didn't expect to score first, I really didn't expect it to be my best of show. But, I was hopping more people would find entrest in this exotic flower.

I can give an example on almost all my entries why I am getting so frustrated. Why I hoped others were more open to my style.

Yes, I can ramble on forever....

Maybe, I am even more frustrated with my life in general. All the hard work I put into everything and never getting a payday. I want to open a photography business. I want to use my style. But, it seems there is not a want desire or need for my style, and I will find no enjoyment of doing what everyone else does. So it frustrates me.

You have no idea....
08/28/2006 11:00:06 PM · #33
p.s. what is USM.. And Yes, I guess I don't know how to use it. Since I don't even know what those letters stand for. I hate abreviations.
08/28/2006 11:08:42 PM · #34
Originally posted by littlegett:

p.s. what is USM.. And Yes, I guess I don't know how to use it. Since I don't even know what those letters stand for. I hate abreviations.

That would be a tool to sharpen images... as shown here...Unsharp Mask

Hope this helps.

08/28/2006 11:16:52 PM · #35
ultra sonic motors.. used in quality built Canon lens. Ok I read the thread and wow. Ok so your frustrated, you have every right to feel frustrated just like everyone else has the right not to like your style since you claim its style. IMO it looks like bad technic. This is based on the settings verse the results. Not going to go into detail don't really want to waste my time rather watch the paint dry since you don't seem to take critisism at all. My photos tend to get some good and some bad reviews along with many other people on this site. I don't always agree with the comment but hey I at least think about it. You just seem IMO to have gotten frustrated with the fact that your style does not go over well. Think of it this way. people just like you said come to expect certain results from everything/ Take a gig shooting a wedding and you will find out its not what you like its what they want. So to sum it up if you want people to like what you shoot then shoot what they like. Thanks PS I'm not being funny
08/28/2006 11:18:30 PM · #36
Originally posted by littlegett:


Shallow DOF, still had comments about needs to be in focus. If I had the whole flower in focus would I have done better? From the comments, probably. Yet, I found the middle part of the flower to be dull and unenteresting, and being such a large part of the image I felt it would have hurt my score to keep it in focus and full saturation.

So I selective desat the middle and blured it down, keeping the spines full sat and sharp.


From this it almost sounds as if you're equating shallow DOF and out of focus. Shallow DOF is not the same as out of focus. It is a very narrow band of focus, the shallower the DOF, the narrower the band. It creates areas of out of focus either behind or in front (or both) of the clear field (focus area). If used effectively it can be a marvelous tool.

I like shallow DOF, very much, so do quite a few others here at DPC. But the out of focus areas created with shallow DOF need to enhance the image. Blurring and desaturating something in the middle of a picture just because it is dull and uninteresting is not going to make it (and your image) any more attractive than before.

BTW, from the same challenge as your best score example,

Made close up at F2.8, the area in focus is very, very narrow, most of the image is out of focus, and it did quite well here.

One more thing, someone mentioned Freeman Patterson here before. If you're interested in the more painterly aspects of photography, you'd benefit from looking at his work. It's marvelous stuff, but much more difficult to do than just making blurry images. There's a tremendous amount of thought behind his images. Freeman Patterson prints

Message edited by author 2006-08-28 23:27:27.
08/28/2006 11:21:03 PM · #37
Originally posted by coronamv:

ultra sonic motors.. used in quality built Canon lens. Ok I read the thread and wow. Ok so your frustrated, you have every right to feel frustrated just like everyone else has the right not to like your style since you claim its style. IMO it looks like bad technic. This is based on the settings verse the results. Not going to go into detail don't really want to waste my time rather watch the paint dry since you don't seem to take critisism at all. My photos tend to get some good and some bad reviews along with many other people on this site. I don't always agree with the comment but hey I at least think about it. You just seem IMO to have gotten frustrated with the fact that your style does not go over well. Think of it this way. people just like you said come to expect certain results from everything/ Take a gig shooting a wedding and you will find out its not what you like its what they want. So to sum it up if you want people to like what you shoot then shoot what they like. Thanks PS I'm not being funny

Heh.. The USM in question was Unsharp Mask, which RayEthier pointed out. Nice try though.. Canon does indeed use USM for Ultra-Sonic Motor.. but that doesn't really have much relevance to this thread.
08/28/2006 11:29:58 PM · #38
Originally posted by RayEthier:

Originally posted by littlegett:

p.s. what is USM.. And Yes, I guess I don't know how to use it. Since I don't even know what those letters stand for. I hate abreviations.

That would be a tool to sharpen images... as shown here...Unsharp Mask

Hope this helps.


Ok, I know what Unsharp Mask is. I never liked it, because I didn't understand how it worked. I could not get the effect I wanted with it.

Thanx for the link. I will try it out and see if It improves my usage of it.
08/28/2006 11:33:04 PM · #39
I prefer not to judge and label people based on reading a few posts and I don't need to rant/vent/complain/call people jerks and closed minded when people are critical of my photos, but if the few sentences I posted here means I'm closed minded so be it.

Good luck with your photography and I hope you get the hang of USM.

08/29/2006 12:02:56 AM · #40
I just noticed that you have entered 33 challenges. The first third scored mostly in the 3's. The second third mostly in the 4's. And more recently you've been breaking into the 5's. Whether you believe it or not, you are improving.

Your Man in the Moon shot was excellent. And you got some constructive comments about grain you can learn from.

Your Levels of Hell shot played to 8 out of 9 positive comments. The 9th offered some constructive observations you can learn from.

Your Power Lines shot is dramatic and carries a strong emotional payload (btw, that's a good thing).

Maybe if you can set aside your frustration for a bit, you'll continue to learn. You will shape the DPC community bit by bit by what you shoot and enter, and the DPC community will shape your skills bit by bit as you learn.

One piece of advice that has not been given in this thread is this. Try to comment on others' photos. Litorally take a couple of minutes to look carefully and develop a point of view. Good or bad, try to articulate what you like about the photo, its subject, its composition and its technical execution. And try to articulate what you don't like or might have done differently yourself. As strange as it may seem, the act of observing others' photos carefully and objectively and articulating how you feel, ..., will help you improve your own photos.

After you've done this for awhile, and before you submit a photo for a challenge, try to drop into "comment mode" and observe your own photo as carefully as you would observe the photo of another. Self-comment on your own photo as articulately as you would comment on another's. I believe you will be amazed by the results.
08/29/2006 12:06:54 AM · #41
So was my post removed for using the naughty word 'laxation' or for pointing out that the OP didn't know how to use USM, which they had already admitted early on. I have no problem with censorship, I honestly don't, but it was a pretty mild response to the OP's ranting and raving which appears to have proceeded unchecked.
08/29/2006 12:51:09 AM · #42
Thanx Dr.Confuser for the comments and examples.

With my Man on the Moon Shot, I personaly found it dull and unenteresting with a smooth sky. I purposely overly sharpend the image to get the noise to add movement in the sky, which to me holds a more sold image. Otherwise to me, it was akward.

Granted, the Levels of Hell shot was not explosive, and there was probably other shots from my Duality study that I could have chosen that showed more emotion(?) Yet, I was hopping to add something where viewers could look at it and find shapes/things in the flame. I have seen dogs head, frogs, witchs, Cheering fan, and other things just in this entry.

I was Highly Frustratied with the Powerlines comments. Well the one that said it was Over Processed. Because it wasn't procced except for a minor levels tweak. The Fire was 60 miles away from where I live here in Southern California. The smoke was thick enough to make us nearly choke on it. Yet, it wasn't popular either.

I do comment on some images. I love to comment. yet, I don't allow myself too Unless I am running at least a 5.0, I don't feel I have a right to comment unless I am there. Some images I didn't care for that I hard crituqes to, normal score high. Makes me feel I don't know what Im doing. So I don't leave comments.

Guess, the old saying.... Those that Can, Do... those that Can't, Teach. Seems I am always better helping others than helping myself.
08/29/2006 01:01:02 AM · #43
p.s. Don't mean for it to look like im trying to defend my images and stuff. Just saying what I am thinking with those images. Doesn't all information help?

Maybe something sparks when I type it out?

Ohh yeah, sadley the images rated in 3's was with the sony p/s when I was first trying to learn it.

I have had the Canon less than a year, but have taken a few thousand images with it. Started on full auto, for about a week, and learned a touch about F-stop and appature, and have been shooting mostly on Manual since last september.
08/29/2006 10:16:19 AM · #44
I get a lot of the same soft focus comments on my shots and when I honestly look at the photos the comments are ussually right on. I did a shot for the fire entry and was offended about the comment then I looked at the original before I adjusted and found out I had really messed it up and it was better before. I also got comments about the flame being blown out and again I was somewhat offended because I used a torch which burns bright and it could not have been helped at least in my mind. But what it did is make me think how can I make the flame come out the right color and intensity next time.

My point is I can be offended or I can use the knowledge on this site to get my images to look better. I do not have to always agree but there are a lot of very good photographers in here ready to give me advice for free and I am willing to hear the good and bad.

Thanks everyone for my weekly beatings!
08/29/2006 12:07:14 PM · #45
littlegett....I am glad you posted this rant and even though some of your frustrations are a little misguided that's understandable when you are learning.

Dr.Confuser made an excellent point...you are learning and improving your scores. Maybe not as fast as you would prefer (aint that the truth for everybody) but it is happening. Growing and learning is painful...I don't have the total control over my own phtography yet and man it ticks me off sometimes too!

Regarding the voters here at DP Challenge. Most of the voters are your peers..meaning fellow photographers. What that means is this...take a look at the photos entered every week. Those photos looked good to their photographers..that is what they liked. Ultimately if your photos look a lot different from what the other photos look like (meaning the other voters photos) odds are you will get lower scores. This is especially true if your photographic "style" is not what others who are learning to photograph aspire to. They think there is something "wrong" with your photo where the photos they would have taken or matched their style and deisires are deemed better.

That is the world of DP Challenge and, frankly, the world. It will not change anytime soon..if ever.

So, where does this leave you? I agree with Ursula and others. Study other photographers that you like. I know..that means reading and stuff...but..it really works. I surf the internet all kinds of ideas and I have a large "favorites" list of photographers whose style I like.

Also, if interaction here at DP Challenge is important to you..find a few people you like and use them as a sounding board for ideas. Most people LOVE to do that and it helps you build a feeling of community.

Regarding your past photos...to me..some are interesting but many are not (for various reasons..please don't yell at me :-D )..BUT..I definitely see a progression happening in your photos regardless of whether I like them or not.

Bottom line, if you are looking for satisfaction here at DP Challenge you are going to have to depend on more than simply entering challenges and waiting for constructive feedback...that never really happens. You have to be proactive in a positive manner and become part of the community to really get good stuff back.

Hope this helps..........

08/29/2006 01:37:27 PM · #46
There is a dpc formula which will always get high votes and its been said many times before. I try to look at the challenges as a photo assignment for a client and then put my own spin on it. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Please don't get down about it. The challenges have to appeal to the masses as its the masses who vote on them.
08/29/2006 02:16:08 PM · #47
LOL yeah I Caught that right after I posted. Too lazy to edit.. Thanks
Originally posted by Artyste:

Originally posted by coronamv:

ultra sonic motors.. used in quality built Canon lens. Ok I read the thread and wow. Ok so your frustrated, you have every right to feel frustrated just like everyone else has the right not to like your style since you claim its style. IMO it looks like bad technic. This is based on the settings verse the results. Not going to go into detail don't really want to waste my time rather watch the paint dry since you don't seem to take critisism at all. My photos tend to get some good and some bad reviews along with many other people on this site. I don't always agree with the comment but hey I at least think about it. You just seem IMO to have gotten frustrated with the fact that your style does not go over well. Think of it this way. people just like you said come to expect certain results from everything/ Take a gig shooting a wedding and you will find out its not what you like its what they want. So to sum it up if you want people to like what you shoot then shoot what they like. Thanks PS I'm not being funny

Heh.. The USM in question was Unsharp Mask, which RayEthier pointed out. Nice try though.. Canon does indeed use USM for Ultra-Sonic Motor.. but that doesn't really have much relevance to this thread.
08/29/2006 02:55:35 PM · #48
Well, I know I can't help alot in this post, but you really need to get a hold of the anger issues, man. People are trying to help you and you were going pretty crazy on them, especially in the first page. I think they all realized that you posted in the "Rant" section, but you still posed a question. You saying you don't care what people thing, you like your images and all that - that's cool and all - but that should mean that you really don't care about the scoring either. Peoples opinions are opinions, I would hope that they worry about as much because of your attacks as I (just an unsaviory aftertaste after reading). You also say things like...

"Ok, I know what Unsharp Mask is. I never liked it, because I didn't understand how it worked. I could not get the effect I wanted with it. "

If you really wanted to be able to do all the artistic things you wanted to do with your pictures, then you would take the little time it takes to figure things like that out. You may think this is an attack, just me saying how it seems like you're coming off. Most people have been exceedingly nice to you, like Dr. Confuser, and even them you responded too in a peckerhead manner.

Good luck to you though.

08/29/2006 07:59:02 PM · #49
RegencyRiggs, How did I reply as you say a 'peckerhead' manner to those who wrote decently to me?

I do believe I thanked them and tried to explain myself more. What is peckerhead about being civil?

I posted this in rant, for reasons listed above. I did not pick any one individual out.

Yet, simply by posting I made myself the target of Personal Attacks. That is not cool. Not exceptable. I did not call anyone out, untill they showed in this thread that they are whatever they are here.

If no one replied, this would have fadded off into oblivian.

If People like Dr.Confuser and Bear_Music where the only ones who posted it would have become a very productive thread.

Yet, users have to drop their own rude, comments making matters worse. Why is that? I figured there is a rant section for a reason, So when frustrated Users like myself need to vent and release they can without having to worry about people like that.

But as Always I am the one who is wrong. Funny how that works. I am the Orginal Poster, so no matter what I am wrong.

How about instead of attacking me, try to take a second to figure out why I posted in the first place. But you didn't obviously, because all you wanted to talk about was things that don't matter to the Orginal Post.

Why does there always have to be jerks that post rude unhelpfull replies in posts... Yet, they are the ones who are defended? Why don't you say something to them about their replies to my post. You say you want to help yet, you do nothing but make matters worse.

but I guess Maybe I just am a 'Peckerhead'
08/29/2006 09:01:15 PM · #50
littlegett, the way some of the replys especially early on read I am not surprised they were taken as an insult and an attack, heck I read them that way! But keep in mind when people post or email you really need to understand that often the way someone thinks they are saying something can come out more harshly than desired, I always try to give people the benefit and hope the intent was better than the way they said it (myself included).

From every comment I have read the one thing that I feel needs to come out of this is if you want better scores then play to what the masses like, if you want to develope you own style then keep working on it and do not let anyones comments or votes get you down. And I like the advice that was given to find someone with a similar style that you like and watch what they do that sets there images apart and learn what you can from them.

God Bless and keep it going!

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