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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Comments for a Cause!
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08/28/2006 11:18:07 PM · #1
I would like to enlist your help to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Each of us have had someone in our family, or someone we know that has had to fight cancer. You all know that cancer is a very serious illness which can indiscriminately take the lives of our loved ones. So I am asking for your help to continue the fight to work for a cure.

My goal is to raise $300 to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells. Blood cells are made by your bone marrow, which is the soft tissue in the middle of most bones. In leukemia, the bone marrow starts making too many white blood cells, and sometimes these cells don't work right. These cells keep growing when they are supposed to stop. They also grow faster than your other cells. Over time, these abnormal cells crowd out your normal white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.

So here is the deal...

I would like you to make an online donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society using the link below. Once you have made a donation, come back to this thread and post any photo you would like for me to comment on. I am not asking for any specific amount, only what you feel you can give. I will try to comment in a timely manner, but I promise to comment for every person that donates. (This is my way of asking for help and having something to offer in return).

Thank you very much!

Donate Here!

08/28/2006 11:21:07 PM · #2
Cool! A commentathon!
08/28/2006 11:23:35 PM · #3
Bill, what an amazing idea and guesture. I have been blessed with donations in the past for a family member and know what this means. I have just donated and wish you the best with your goal.
08/29/2006 07:53:10 AM · #4
Thanks for kicking this off Jim!!!

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08/29/2006 12:20:51 PM · #5
Originally posted by TooCool:

Cool! A commentathon!

Yeah! I like the sound of that!
08/29/2006 05:31:56 PM · #6
Anyone else? I am really looking forward to seeing some photos in this thread!

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08/29/2006 11:21:01 PM · #7
Again, I am just asking for for a small donation for a very worthy cause. If everyone who had viewed this thread were to donate $1, I would be almost halfway to my goal of raising $300 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Thanks again for your consideration.

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08/30/2006 03:37:35 PM · #8
I made a small donation, Bill. It's a great cause, and I hope you achieve your goal. :)
08/30/2006 04:10:45 PM · #9
alright i'll take you up on the comment! good luck with the donations. I'd have donated more but were probably moving soon so were saving every last penny at the moment.

08/30/2006 09:31:22 PM · #10
Thank you so much for the donations!!! Don't forget to come back and post your photos and I will comment on them!

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08/30/2006 10:32:17 PM · #11
Thank you for the comment and a friendly BUMP for the night crowd.
08/30/2006 10:41:47 PM · #12
Left you 10 bucks, and I like this idea that you have. Here is a shot for you that no one has commented on just yet.

08/31/2006 09:25:58 AM · #13
This is great! In just a little over two days, we have raised 18% of the goal which is raising $300 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!!! Thanks again for everyone who has donated!

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08/31/2006 09:42:33 AM · #14
Here's one photo for you :)

Thank you, and good luck!
08/31/2006 04:49:42 PM · #15
a bump for the cause.
08/31/2006 08:26:45 PM · #16
Originally posted by mecfcosta:

Here's one photo for you :)

Thank you, and good luck!

Alright! I have all the comments done so far and am ready for another round. Thanks again for supporting this cause!

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09/01/2006 12:36:46 PM · #17
Here is some information taken from WebMD

Symptoms of leukemia depend on how much the cancer has grown and may include:

* Fevers and night sweats.
* Frequent or unusual infections.
* Weakness and fatigue.
* Headaches.
* Bruising of the skin and bleeding from the gums or rectum.
* Joint pain.
* Swelling in the belly or pain on the left side of the belly or in the left shoulder from a swollen spleen.
* Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, neck, or groin.
* Decreased appetite and weight loss because you feel full and don't want to eat.

The chronic forms of leukemia often cause no symptoms until much later in the disease.

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09/06/2006 03:16:55 PM · #18
So far I have raised 18% of my goal of $300 dollars for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This fund raiser will conclude on September 28th so there is still time to donate! Remember, any person who donates should post a photo here in this thread and then I will comment on it. Thanks again!

Here is some more information taken from WebMD

Experts do not know what causes leukemia. They do not always know why some people get it and others do not.

Research has shown that some people may be more likely to get leukemia. A risk factor is anything that raises your chance of getting a disease. Risk factors for leukemia include chemotherapy treatment, being exposed to large amounts of radiation or some chemicals in the workplace, and smoking and tobacco use.

Most people who get leukemia do not have any risk factors. Leukemia does not usually run in families. But in very rare cases this can happen with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

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09/07/2006 07:29:15 AM · #19
09/07/2006 07:52:54 AM · #20
A wonderful idea Bill! I left you my donation. It means so much for me to see people like you working for such a cause. I lost my 16 year old brother to leukemia 3 years ago, and my fiance was diagnosed with lymphoma 2 years ago. They are terrible ilnesses for the patients and for their families. I encourage everyone here at dpc to support this cause.
09/07/2006 11:24:30 PM · #21
Originally posted by rapid:

A wonderful idea Bill! I left you my donation. It means so much for me to see people like you working for such a cause. I lost my 16 year old brother to leukemia 3 years ago, and my fiance was diagnosed with lymphoma 2 years ago. They are terrible ilnesses for the patients and for their families. I encourage everyone here at dpc to support this cause.

Thank you very much for the donation!!! I'll say a special prayer for you and your fiance. And don't forget to post a photo here and I will comment on it!

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09/17/2006 11:20:26 PM · #22
The 28th is fast approaching and this fundraiser will be over! A donation of any amount will go a long way to help.

Donate Here!
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