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09/01/2006 01:40:50 PM · #351 |
Votes: 151
Views: 221
Avg Vote: 5.3245
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Votes: 158
Views: 231
Avg Vote: 5.3291
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Slower still... wish I'd get more comments though.
Votes: 161
Views: 234
Avg Vote: 5.3168
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Dropped a little.
Message edited by author 2006-09-01 14:12:28. |
09/01/2006 04:04:09 PM · #352 |
Okay Gang,
I need a little help. My first challenged entered was Aug 30, 2005. Since then I have entered 51 challenges. My top finish was 9th. I have had 8 photos make the top 20, but still the ribbon thing illudes me. I figure it will take at least a 7.0 average to ribbon in Silhouettes. On the average my entries get about 250 votes with 354 views.
I swear I have a decent entry this time and here is where you guys come in. If I could just ask that the remaining 89 people that vote on my image (161 tallied so far) give me a score of 7.8745, I will hit that 7.0 mark. You other 138 that will just stop by to look, not to worry, looks are free.
Thanks loads!
09/01/2006 05:06:00 PM · #353 |
TC, I'll send them your direction only if they promise to do the same for mine afterwards :D
Votes: 167
Views: 210
Avg Vote: 6.2455
Comments: 9
(Tho' that would still only get me to 6.81... Ah well, I had my ribbon last week, can't be greedy!)
Message edited by author 2006-09-01 17:08:15. |
09/01/2006 08:19:14 PM · #354 |
This is one of the better challenges ever for me!!!
Votes: 177
Views: 225
Avg Vote: 6.2260
Comments: 11
Still climbing higher every minute.
09/01/2006 08:37:32 PM · #355 |
Originally posted by sukuriant: Originally posted by sukuriant:
Votes: 145
Views: 179
Avg Vote: 5.5586
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/01/06 12:45 am
Votes: 155
Views: 190
Avg Vote: 5.5613
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/01/06 12:31 pm
it's been sitting up and down around this; a little lower, a little higher |
Votes: 165
Views: 202
Avg Vote: 5.6242
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/01/06 08:36 pm
wee! 5.6! |
09/01/2006 09:09:16 PM · #356 |
Originally posted by SquishyB:
Votes: 71
Views: 105
Avg Vote: 3.5634
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Votes: 169
Views: 230
Avg Vote: 3.5740
Comments: 6
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/01/06 08:10 pm
Woo hoo! I've increased a whole 1/100th of a point! :-) |
09/01/2006 09:12:33 PM · #357 |
Originally posted by glad2badad:
Justin - Still doing the happy dance? ;^) |
of course :)
Votes: 186
Views: 259
Avg Vote:
Comments: 20
Favorites: 2
09/01/2006 11:34:17 PM · #358 |
Originally posted by mist: I really can't understand this voting methodology. You're not the only person that I've seen in the forums say that they do this.
To me, it just defeats the entire point of the voting process if you only vote photos you like upwards.
By not voting on a photo you don't like, you are effectively giving it its average vote, which could be higher than you actually think it should have. |
Yes, but the whole thing issubjective.....this isn't a case where these photos are being judged on the technical and composition aspects.
We are rating each other as enthusiasts and by what our opinion is of our photos.
It's supposed to be a more relaxed atmosphere than the cutthroat attitudes of a true contest or show to be judged......and with all the challenges going on continuously, this'll all be moot in a couple of days anyway, so why be negative in your voting and opinions?
If you feel that you have valid input, feel that you truly know of what you speak, and have the need to vote and/or comment in such a way as to register your opinion of a less than terrific photo, that's certainly your right.
But......I know that I'd want to be very careful that I knew for sure that my opinion carried a lot of weight before I gave any negative, or even less than complimentary, scores or comments.
It's like saying that you're happy for an average or poor photo to win, and you'd rather that then "offend" the sensibilities of someone who:
a) entered the challenge knowing what to expect and
b) won't know what vote you gave anyway.
I'm not qualified to determine what is in fact a truly great photograph.....I know what I think is a truly great photograph but I may miss the point entirely on another.
I just don't feel the need to potentially hammer down someone else's scores when there are plenty enough pics for me to rate and comment on......with the wonderful aside of possibly getting a surprised and pleased response from a fellow photog who is happy that his/her work had a positive effect.
I've been taking pictures for over 30 years and I take good'uns and bad'uns.....but I love doing it.
I just get out there and snap away.
Yes, I'd like to know what y'all think of my pics, but to tell the truth, if I like my picture, all that negative feedback will give me is a bad taste.
It won't change my opinion of my pic, but it might about the people here.
I have a pic that's not that good entered now that's doing better than I expected.....and all of the comments have been poor to downright mean-spirited.
This is my first challenge, and if I took these comments to heart, I'd be done now and moving on to other things.
But I have seen some terrific work, there are opportunities to learn, and I can tell I'll meet some good people here as well.
So I'll stick around, enjoy myself, use my screwball methodology, and hopefully skew the curve upward on the pics that I like to compensate for someone that may just not like one that I think is a good shot.
Message edited by author 2006-09-01 23:56:47.
09/02/2006 12:23:32 AM · #359 |
"By not voting on a photo you don't like, you are effectively giving it its average vote, which could be higher than you actually think it should have."
I read this a lot and don't understand the math.
(1 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 7) / 5 = 4.0
Let's say I voted a 7. Remove it as if I didn't vote at all.
(1 + 2 + 5 + 5) / 4 = 3.25
Maybe I voted the 1, remove that instead.
(2 + 5 + 5 + 7) / 4 = 4.75
All you did by not voting was amplify the weight of each vote the photo did get, for better or worse.
Moral of the story: Since you didn't vote you didn't care anyway, so what's the problem.
Meanwhile, back on topic:
Votes: 175
Views: 211
Avg Vote: 4.9600
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 12:10 am
09/02/2006 01:18:23 AM · #360 |
Ouch! I've been flirting with over 5.8, but with just seven votes, I've dropped to 5.75.
09/02/2006 03:24:05 AM · #361 |
Votes: 171
Views: 269
Avg Vote: 5.3392
Comments: 10
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 03:10 am
09/02/2006 03:36:22 AM · #362 |
Votes: 175
Views: 253
Avg Vote: 5.3029
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 03:10 am
Don't think I've had a single vote since last update, I know... I need an update button, the suspence is killing me! lol. |
09/02/2006 04:38:43 AM · #363 |
Originally posted by routerguy666: "By not voting on a photo you don't like, you are effectively giving it its average vote, which could be higher than you actually think it should have."
I read this a lot and don't understand the math.
(1 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 7) / 5 = 4.0
Let's say I voted a 7. Remove it as if I didn't vote at all.
(1 + 2 + 5 + 5) / 4 = 3.25
Maybe I voted the 1, remove that instead.
(2 + 5 + 5 + 7) / 4 = 4.75
All you did by not voting was amplify the weight of each vote the photo did get, for better or worse.
Not at all. Your own maths just showed that your vote can have a profound overall effect. Likewise that means that your lack of vote means that everyone else's vote is carried forward, be it good or bad.
Which means if you think that a photo is poor, and don't vote on it, its final position could be much higher than it would be if all the folk who think it's bad but don't vote, actually voted.
Originally posted by routerguy666:
Moral of the story: Since you didn't vote you didn't care anyway, so what's the problem.
Assuming that you don't care, I guess there isn't a problem.
However, if you do actually care, but are not voting in order to go easy on the ego of another photographer, then there is a bit of a problem.
With the greatest respect in the world to everyone who enters photos, this is a challenge. You should expect to get the rough with the smooth - and that means good votes and bad votes, good comments and bad comments. Otherwise what's the point of a challenge? If all someone wants is a glowing array of nicey nicey comments, they may as well just exhibit their work to close friends and family who will be mindful of their sensibilities and flatter them. (Depending on your friends and family, granted...)
Originally posted by NikonJeb:
I'm not qualified to determine what is in fact a truly great photograph.....I know what I think is a truly great photograph but I may miss the point entirely on another.
See, that's what I don't understand. Why are you qualified to give a good vote, but not a bad one? By your logic, you shouldn't really vote at all, because you might vote a 10 on a photo that only you think is any good. Why can you do that for photos that you think are good, but you can't give a 1 to photos that you think are bad?
Do you at least see my point that you are not really being fair by only voting photos upwards?
Originally posted by NikonJeb:
I just don't feel the need to potentially hammer down someone else's scores when there are plenty enough pics for me to rate and comment on......with the wonderful aside of possibly getting a surprised and pleased response from a fellow photog who is happy that his/her work had a positive effect.
The way I see it, we're assigned a group of photos to vote on. Whether we vote on 100% of them or just 20%, we should vote on ones that we see as being good and bad, otherwise it's not fair. Not voting down on the ones that you you think are poor means that they could be carried by other people to the top, over and above the ones that you think are good.
Of course you can say that you don't care about that - that if that's the case then the views of the masses have been carried out, but that seems curious to me, in something that's meant be be a contest. Do you want your favourite photos to win or not?
Anyway, that's just my 2 cents. I didn't know why people only vote good photos up, I guess I know now why at least a few do it like that.
09/02/2006 10:04:24 AM · #364 |
Finally, head above the water
Votes: 181
Views: 218
Avg Vote: 5.0055
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 10:01 am |
09/02/2006 10:04:58 AM · #365 |
Originally posted by sukuriant: Originally posted by sukuriant: Originally posted by sukuriant:
Votes: 145
Avg Vote: 5.5586
Comments: 1
Updated: 09/01/06 12:45 am
Votes: 155
Avg Vote: 5.5613
Comments: 1
Updated: 09/01/06 12:31 pm
Votes: 165
Avg Vote: 5.6242
Comments: 1
Updated: 09/01/06 08:36 pm
Votes: 174
Views: 213
Avg Vote: 5.6494
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 09:53 am
Almost 5.65 :-D wee!! |
09/02/2006 12:55:25 PM · #366 |
Votes: 169
Views: 224
Avg Vote: 4.8107
Comments: 3
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0
I guess my photo is quite controversial... 4.8 + ! favorite!!!!
09/02/2006 01:22:34 PM · #367 |
Votes: 177
Views: 267
Avg Vote: 5.3446
Comments: 15
Still blaming dark monitors. :P
The comments are nice!
09/02/2006 02:26:53 PM · #368 |
I managed a favourite too :D
Votes: 190
Views: 242
Avg Vote: 6.2737
Comments: 12
Favorites: 1
(but it's lonely... if anyone would care to give it some friends, it would appreciate it!)
09/02/2006 02:46:20 PM · #369 |
Looks like BeeCee and I are going toe-to-toe for a non-ribbon-maybe-top-20-image.
Votes: 182
Views: 240
Avg Vote: 6.2198
Comments: 15
Favorites: 3
Wish Lists: 0
Originally posted by BeeCee: I managed a favourite too :D
Votes: 190
Views: 242
Avg Vote: 6.2737
Comments: 12
Favorites: 1
(but it's lonely... if anyone would care to give it some friends, it would appreciate it!) |
09/02/2006 03:02:19 PM · #370 |
Well, am out of the 4 zone for sure now. I do think this would have scored higher if 1 element was slightly different. Heck, I'm here to learn and have done just that :)
Silhouettes III
Votes: 179
Views: 229
Avg Vote: 5.2522
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 02:58 pm
09/02/2006 06:20:30 PM · #371 |
Votes: 193
Views: 252
Avg Vote: 6.2280
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
so far the score in this challenge is my personal best. I can only hope that it continues to go up. |
09/02/2006 08:31:54 PM · #372 |
Heres one I just took that I would have loved to have entered into this challenge
09/02/2006 08:36:38 PM · #373 |
Originally posted by island_girl1: Avg Vote: 6.2280
so far the score in this challenge is my personal best. I can only hope that it continues to go up. |
Go Tina Go!!!
09/02/2006 08:50:45 PM · #374 |
Originally posted by sukuriant: Originally posted by sukuriant: Originally posted by sukuriant: Originally posted by sukuriant:
Votes: 145
Avg Vote: 5.5586
Updated: 09/01/06 12:45 am
Votes: 155
Avg Vote: 5.5613
Updated: 09/01/06 12:31 pm
Votes: 165
Avg Vote: 5.6242
Updated: 09/01/06 08:36 pm
Votes: 174
Avg Vote: 5.6494
Updated: 09/02/06 09:53 am
Votes: 191
Views: 235
Avg Vote: 5.6806
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 09/02/06 08:49 pm
w00t! scores going up! |
09/02/2006 09:23:26 PM · #375 |
5.8 and YAY a fave!! woo lol |
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