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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> website problems
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09/04/2006 10:22:49 AM · #1
Hello all,

I have had a few clients tell me that when they go to my web address my site doesn't appear. Nothing at all.

I'm not looking for site critques, but if you have time, could you just see if my site loads for you? I;m trying to find the common thread that may stop the site from working.

The adderss is www.davidshowers.com

Thank you!
09/04/2006 10:29:24 AM · #2
Site comes up fine for me. Could your clients need a plugin to run the site?
09/04/2006 10:30:56 AM · #3
The main page loaded up nice and quick for me, and I have a slow connection. I clicked on People, Places, etc... and it took a bit of time to load but eventually came up. I like the nice simple layout of your site.
09/04/2006 10:31:54 AM · #4
No plugins needed (except flash). If flash isn't installed, it will prompt the user to install it. However, the rest of the site will still display.

Crazy stuff.

Thanks for looking cpanaioti.
09/04/2006 10:48:35 AM · #5
Your website is working fine on this end. Also, Outstanding work.
09/04/2006 11:07:00 AM · #6
Loads fine for me (Firefox on WinXP)

You have the following script, which might be affecting older browser versions;

09/04/2006 11:11:52 AM · #7
It loads for me and works.

Flash movies won't work if JavaScript is disabled for //www.imbergen.com
09/04/2006 11:20:33 AM · #8
I removed the MM_reload script. Maybe that was it.

Thanks everyone for your time and suggestions. I'm slowly running out of hair to pull!
09/04/2006 11:29:23 AM · #9
Don't remove parts of your website because a couple people say it won't load for them. They might have mistyped the url, they might have issues on their own machine, they might just be know-nothings who are lucky if they can get a computer turned on. The script you removed just reloads the page if the browser is resized for people using netscape navigator. These days that isn't going to be many people and primarily linux*nix users at that, but why remove it based on nothing?

If you are really concerned about their dilemna, you need to get more info

- what date and time did the problem occur
- what browser version are they using
- what error message did they get if any
- get a screenshot of the web browser in full so YOU can verify they didn't muff up the url

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 11:29:40.
09/04/2006 11:38:16 AM · #10
The music should probably be removed - generally it is taboo to have music on your site as it annoys most people.
09/04/2006 11:47:00 AM · #11
Thanks routerguy666

I only removed the script because as you said, it probably isn't needed anyway. I would normally get the information that you are talking aboutm but most of the people I have spoken with about the problems (which haven't been alot) have been in passing. If in fact these are people that don;t know how to use a computer, just imagine how difficult it would be to get them to fiqure out how to di a screen shot and email it to me.

I was hoping that the members on DPC would have enough different configuations for viewing the web that it might assist me in finding any issues.


Ad far as the music goes, I agree that if I had a site for stock photography or something like that to where my site would mostly be used by clients in an office setting, the music would go. However, my site is geared for the home user. I have received mayn compliments about the music. I am a professional programmer and totally agree with not having music on most sites. I did however include an "off button" for those that prefer to view without sound.

Thanks again for your time and help.
09/04/2006 11:47:50 AM · #12
The site looks fine and works fine for me with IE6. What you might want to check out is that the contact me form works if you don't bother to fill it in but just click send. Some validation client-side could sort that.
09/04/2006 11:52:36 AM · #13
I use SBC Yahoo browser and it works fine. I did notice in your copyright statement you have 'concent' and it should be 'consent'. Nice looking website!
09/04/2006 11:54:59 AM · #14
Originally posted by kawesttex:

I use SBC Yahoo browser and it works fine. I did notice in your copyright statement you have 'concent' and it should be 'consent'. Nice looking website!

Sorry bout he typo...

I is a Koledge stuudent!
09/04/2006 11:56:49 AM · #15
I like to say I put the 'K' in Kwality!
09/04/2006 12:01:25 PM · #16
Originally posted by routerguy666:

Don't remove parts of your website because a couple people say it won't load for them.

Just to clarify; I didn't tell him to remove it. I just called it out as it might be something worth looking into.
09/04/2006 12:03:02 PM · #17
Originally posted by jhonan:

Originally posted by routerguy666:

Don't remove parts of your website because a couple people say it won't load for them.

Just to clarify; I didn't tell him to remove it. I just called it out as it might be something worth looking into.

You didn't say the site wasn't loading for you either...
09/04/2006 12:03:37 PM · #18
Originally posted by routerguy666:

Originally posted by jhonan:

Originally posted by routerguy666:

Don't remove parts of your website because a couple people say it won't load for them.

Just to clarify; I didn't tell him to remove it. I just called it out as it might be something worth looking into.

You didn't say the site wasn't loading for you either...

That's correct.
09/04/2006 12:19:40 PM · #19
I didn't mean to cause an issue by removing a script from my site.

I just agreed that it's importaince isn't what it used to be. I removed it because I like to keep my code as light as possible.

I appreceiated the comment. I understand that jhonan didn't "tell" me to remove it and I also understand that the site DID load for him.

I can add it back if it makes things better! haha

Once again, I thank you guys for your time and help.
09/04/2006 01:08:38 PM · #20
it might be the frames... some browsers don't support them
09/04/2006 01:11:34 PM · #21
Site works but the music is horrid.
09/04/2006 01:48:10 PM · #22
Originally posted by strangeghost:

Site works but the music is horrid.

Thank you strangeghost for your thoughtful, kind, and insightful comment about my website.

I really hesitated to ask for people to just test my site to see if it would load. It seems that every time I do so (although not that often) I usually get comments like this.

It isn't the fact that you don't like the music that offends me, however, the arrogance in which you state you opinion does.

I'm done with DPC. This site used to be a community of considerate and helpful people. Ahhh, those were the days.
I've made good friends on here that I can stay in touch with without a membership.

Thanks to those who actually tried to help.

09/04/2006 01:56:53 PM · #23
Originally posted by davidcara:

It isn't the fact that you don't like the music that offends me, however, the arrogance in which you state you opinion does.

I'm done with DPC. This site used to be a community of considerate and helpful people. Ahhh, those were the days.
I've made good friends on here that I can stay in touch with without a membership.

Thanks to those who actually tried to help.

Wow, I'm surprised that you would react so strongly to a fairly low-key remark. I mean, strangehost wasn't exactly subtle, but he did tell you what he thought. It follows that if Strangehost thought that, other people visiting your website might do, too. And they won't even contact you to let you know that it was the music on your site that turned them away, they'll just go elsewhere - you could possibly lose out.

But if you really want to leave the dpchallenge site over a fairly innocuous comment......
09/04/2006 01:59:46 PM · #24
I just wanted to put it out there that the first thing I noticed and enjoyed about your site was the music. I think it's a nice touch.

I also think that the comments made about anything other than if it loaded were out of place and inconsiderate since you stated you just wanted to know if it loaded, not comments on the site itself.

With DPC, I think sometimes we lose touch that the sites aren't to impress other photographers and site makers, but regular people looking to get their photos taken, and as such, I think most would be impressed with the site as a whole, and the music. : )
09/04/2006 02:07:51 PM · #25
Thank you moniepenny..... finally someone gets it. My website is not to impress other photographers, but it is designed to capture the attention and imagination of clients.


It is not just this one comment that has pushed me over the edge. Actually, I think you will find that I participate in the forums very little. However, I do read them several times a day. There has been a definate shift in the type of advice and guidence that is given on this site. There used to be a better spirit of community. I feel that this has gone by the wayside. I see too often that if you are a member of certain circles, you get royal treatment, however, if you are a supporter of the site, but not one of "those" people, you get blasted more often than not. It is not the one thing that offended, but the sum of the whole. It is just time for me to move on. DPC just isn't fun anymore.

I wish everyone well.

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 14:08:43.
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