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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Steve Irwin Croc Hunter Dead
Showing posts 101 - 125 of 173, (reverse)
09/04/2006 03:13:33 PM · #101
Originally posted by goodman:

actually i said he had it coming to him, very sad......

dont forget the very sad part.

if you swim with sharks you gonna get eaten, end of story.
i'm not cruel, its a fact.

I think the issue with that statement is you imply "he deserved it" at least that's how I interpret it. If a war photographer shooting in a war zone gets killed we may expect it but I don't think they deserve it. That may not be what you implied but that's how I believe people are interpreting it.

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 15:14:22.
09/04/2006 03:15:24 PM · #102
i did NOT say he deserved it.
theres a difference, stop making me look bad.
09/04/2006 03:20:11 PM · #103
Originally posted by goodman:

actually i said he had it coming to him, very sad......

dont forget the very sad part.

if you swim with sharks you gonna get eaten, end of story.
i'm not cruel, its a fact.

goodman, i certainly don't want to make you look bad. I have swam with sharks and I didn't get eaten, so that as you know even with sharks, doesn't usually happen. Everyone has said in the reports that this was a very freak thing, like getting struck by lightning. No matter what qualifiers people put in front of or behind a comment, 10/10 people are gonna interpret what you said as less than respectful. That's all. I mean we all "have it coming" if we must put it that way, but I suppose in light of the rarity of this, the personality of the man, and his family...it is not very tasteful.
09/04/2006 03:24:32 PM · #104
Originally posted by ergo:

Gonna rain on this parade.
Sad that a man died, and a such a character as well.

BUT all through viewing his shows all these years, I've always asked why he doesn't just LEAVE the poor snakes, crocs, etc alone? Yes they're beautiful animals, but isn't it strange that he terrorizes them, grabs them by the tail, drags them out of the holes they're HIDING in, and forces his attention on them, against their will?

I prefer nature shows where they LEAVE the animals alone, instead of manhandling them and exposing them to incredible stress, all for the sake of a TV show.

What was he doing in such a proximity to a STINGray? These are NOT aggressive animals, and they only attack when they feel threatened. The only conceivable position for him to have been stung in the chest is if he was trying to ride one, and the animal reacted in the only way it knows how to defend itself, by bucking its stinger upward. I've heard of only one previous incident in which a man was unthinking enough to have tried to ride a stingray. And yes, he got a barb through the heart for it as well.

Flame away...

Really - you should let people grieve without all your snotty remarks. Flame away??? Is that the only reason you did this? So you can get some attention instead of Mr. Irwin.

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 21:28:53.
09/04/2006 03:38:55 PM · #105
like it or not, we've all got it coming, and it ain't pretty. we've been raping the hell out of this earth, and with modern technology and transportation being so advanced, anyone can get anywhere to screw up just about anything faster and worse than ever.

thank God for people like steve irwin who did what he could to give people a moment to pause and appreciate what is still out there.

some may not like the way he did he got his message across, but the long and short of it is that his message was tailored to our times, and it did a lot more good than harm. count my family in among those who greatly enjoyed him, and will miss him. peace be with his family.
09/04/2006 03:51:37 PM · #106
Originally posted by goodman:

i did NOT say he deserved it.
theres a difference, stop making me look bad.

You did say "he had it coming to him"
what is the difference????

Can't people just let others grieve in peace?

Message edited by kirbic - Removal of personal attack.
09/04/2006 03:57:23 PM · #107
Originally posted by goodman:

i did NOT say he deserved it.
theres a difference, stop making me look bad.

I understood what you meant Lesley.

My kids are are shock today. My youngest (9) has been moping around the house all day - asking questions and feeling bad for the family. It is sad to see how kids deal with this too, so I cannot imagine how his own little ones must be feeling, especially his little girl who just turned eight.
09/04/2006 04:02:13 PM · #108
thank heavens jim, someone understood.

people should treat wild animals with respect, let
this be a lesson to all the kids that watched the ridiculous

i feel deeply sorry for his family.

(edit sp)

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 16:04:17.
09/04/2006 04:03:22 PM · #109
This is a really sad day, I thought he was the best, crazy but the best, at what he did.

Steve you will be missed.


Message edited by author 2006-09-04 16:04:57.
09/04/2006 04:04:57 PM · #110
Originally posted by ergo:

Sad that a man died, and a such a character as well.

I'm gonna repost this part of my original post. You're right. This thread is absolutely for grieving and paying tribute to Steve Irwin.

Now...I'd direct those who'd want to flame away to this other thread where I'm accepting rants over my comments on THIS thread. I still stand by those remarks, and I want to reiterate that I, as everyone else, am entitled to an opinion, and was merely expressing that right earlier today.

No disrespect intended to Steve Irwin and his family, but I also don't see how sparking a discussion about what the man has done for the greater good of humanity is automatically taken as a token of disrespect.

I'd love to respond to those who've personally attacked me in this thread, but please, let's just take that to the other thread. Shall we?

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 16:05:49.
09/04/2006 04:17:29 PM · #111
I will miss Steve Irwin. My education is in the field of Biology- I started out to be an Environmental or Wildlife Biologist and wound up getting my degree in Molecular Biology.

What Steve Irwin did was educate and inform an entire group that probably would have never watched the old National Geographic or Wild Kingdom shows- he did it in a way that appealed to those that grew up with MTV. Some may call his antics stupid, but when things went wrong he showed the consequences. How many people remember the monitor lizard dangling off his nose with its jaw firmly locked and blood spewing out?

His goal was to educate people about dangerous animals so that they respected them, instead of fearing them. If he had been around 200 years ago we might still have some of the wild populations that are now gone. Of course 200 years ago they probably would have locked him up and threw away the key- luckily we're more civilized now.

Margaret Bourke White once said "I want to be alive when I die." Steve Irwin certainly was and there is no doubt in my mind that his last thought was of his family.
09/04/2006 04:19:38 PM · #112
Originally posted by vxpra:

I will miss Steve Irwin. My education is in the field of Biology- I started out to be an Environmental or Wildlife Biologist and wound up getting my degree in Molecular Biology.

What Steve Irwin did was educate and inform an entire group that probably would have never watched the old National Geographic or Wild Kingdom shows- he did it in a way that appealed to those that grew up with MTV. Some may call his antics stupid, but when things went wrong he showed the consequences. How many people remember the monitor lizard dangling off his nose with its jaw firmly locked and blood spewing out?

His goal was to educate people about dangerous animals so that they respected them, instead of fearing them. If he had been around 200 years ago we might still have some of the wild populations that are now gone. Of course 200 years ago they probably would have locked him up and threw away the key- luckily we're more civilized now.

Margaret Bourke White once said "I want to be alive when I die." Steve Irwin certainly was and there is no doubt in my mind that his last thought was of his family.

very nicely said.
09/04/2006 08:09:54 PM · #113
Just want tosay that I for one enjoyed watching this "idiot" do the things he did, I learned quite a lot by watchinghis show and truly feel a loss. That said, I do think it was only a matter of time before the odds caught up to him. Hopefully his spirit and vision will be carried out by his friends and family at Austrailia Zoo.
09/04/2006 08:22:05 PM · #114
Originally posted by Cutter:

[quote=goodman] actually i said he had it coming to him, very sad......

dont forget the very sad part.

if you swim with sharks you gonna get eaten, end of story.
i'm not cruel, its a fact.

Everyone has said in the reports that this was a very freak thing, like getting struck by lightning.

Speaking of getting struck by lightning, as a photo buff that pursues anything from floods to tornados to hurricaines to lightning, thats the way I'll probably go.
09/04/2006 08:24:15 PM · #115
There's a great program on him on Animal P{lanet right now. Really shows you the person this guy was - from childhood all the way up until now. A special man indeed.
09/04/2006 08:31:28 PM · #116
I picked up my girlfriend with my croc hunter impersonation. She thought it was the funniest thing in the world, while everyone else looked at me like I was an idiot.

RIP Steve Irwin. The world has lost a great man, one that cared passionately about everything he did in life.
09/04/2006 10:06:18 PM · #117
Shame how the written word can be read one way by someone on one side of the planet,
and read completely different on the opposite side of the globe.

If I said I'm pissed, did I mean I'm angry or that I'm drunk?

Message edited by author 2006-09-04 22:07:41.
09/04/2006 10:15:53 PM · #118
Originally posted by BradP:

Shame how the written word can be read one way by someone on one side of the planet,
and read completely different on the opposite side of the globe.

If I said I'm pissed, did I mean I'm angry or that I'm drunk?

I read it the same way as the above user...but assumed english was probably her 2nd language...so I was giving the benefit of the doubt that it just came out worded wrong. If you told 'me' you were pissed I would assume angry btw :)


Message edited by author 2006-09-04 22:16:03.
09/04/2006 10:38:50 PM · #119
A sad course of events indeed. Say what you will about the man, and his over-exhuberant methods. But the simple fact is that he has had an immense impact on wildlife conservation, both in this country and throughout the world.

And as much as I (and probably most other aussies) cringed every time I heard him say 'crikey' he will be missed.
09/04/2006 11:52:59 PM · #120
Originally posted by samtrundle:

And as much as I (and probably most other aussies) cringed every time I heard him say 'crikey' he will be missed.

I heard his programs weren't well recieved in Australia at first, because too many of you blokes saw too much of yourselves in him...

I guess I feel about the same for these guys that come on television with a thick Southern (US) accent. Please get him off the television before someone sees him. :-)

Steve was a good man that loved his family and loved the animals. I watched that special on Animal Planet and hearing about the birth of Bendi, he had to be one of the proudest father (or atleast most exuberant) alive :-) He will be dearly missed by millions.
09/05/2006 12:07:27 AM · #121
A show that was supposed to be about The Crocodile Hunter and whale sharks has just come on substituted instead with a historical account of Steve Irwin and memorial inserts in the breaks.

It just came on at midnight, eastern time.
09/05/2006 02:20:24 AM · #122
Our family loved and enjoyed Steve for his unlimited passion
for animals and nature. In a world who mostly don̢۪t give a damn.
The earth lost a true friend way way way too soon.
I̢۪m so very sad.
09/05/2006 02:43:50 AM · #123
Originally posted by samtrundle:

A sad course of events indeed. Say what you will about the man, and his over-exhuberant methods. But the simple fact is that he has had an immense impact on wildlife conservation, both in this country and throughout the world.

And as much as I (and probably most other aussies) cringed every time I heard him say 'crikey' he will be missed.

Sounds like the last word to me. It's a tragedy leaving two kids without a loving Dad and that's that.
09/05/2006 10:59:54 AM · #124
All ranting and angry words aside.

Look around and see how many people have the same passion for something other then themselves like Steve did?
He did so much of the preservation of wildlife! And above all, he was a very very good person and loved his family more than anything.
I too won't forget that time FF Cheese Man already mentioned. His children have now lost a daddy and his wife a husband.

This guy was real.
We have truely lost a sweet soul.

Message edited by author 2006-09-05 11:02:14.
09/05/2006 01:14:36 PM · #125
Only 17 deaths from stingrays in all of known literature...complete freak accident. The only good thing about it they say his death happened quite instantaneously. Youo can see video here

Edit--This video is not of the actualy event happening

Message edited by author 2006-09-05 13:19:49.
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