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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Reflections Without Mirrors Interpretation?
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09/23/2002 05:14:18 PM · #1
I'm not 100% sure as to how I should interpret the guidelines for the "Reflections Without Mirrors" challenge.

Can we basically shoot any type of reflection, except for ones that are explicitly using mirrors?

For example, are reflections in building windows acceptable?? (they often look like mirrors or have a mirroring effect)

Interested in your thoughts!

09/23/2002 05:15:37 PM · #2
I don't believe that a window and a mirror are the same thing :)
09/23/2002 05:17:09 PM · #3
OK. So your take is that it's pretty wide open then!
09/23/2002 05:22:52 PM · #4
It's is wide open so long as you don't use a mirror and don't display the camera in the image.
09/23/2002 05:24:52 PM · #5
I believe it is always a good idea to make sure that I am not accused of 'missing' the challenge... :)
09/23/2002 05:30:30 PM · #6

Now, digging deeper. Shoot only a relfection, or a reflection + non-relfected subject(s) in the image ??

I'm being a pain, ain't I. Am I ever this careful?
09/23/2002 05:31:16 PM · #7
Ok lets play with this. Here is one of my F&V outtakes

Would the skyline reflection be seen or interperted as shadow?
09/23/2002 05:33:28 PM · #8
It's a shadow to me. I can't see it clearly enough. I really like the idea though. I thought doing a Big Apple concept with that, but I'm afraid apples aren't shiny enough, so I ended up with a tribute instead.
09/23/2002 06:38:50 PM · #9
Originally posted by aelith:
Ok lets play with this. Here is one of my F&V outtakes

Would the skyline reflection be seen or interperted as shadow?

looks like a reflection to me :o)
09/23/2002 09:11:47 PM · #10
Okay, I am dumb - is a legitimate "buy at the store as a mirror" the only thing we can't use or are all highly reflective metals (car parts, bells, kitchen utensils, etc.) out?
09/23/2002 09:17:23 PM · #11
In my opinion, those are not mirrors. If we couldn't use those, there would be an awful lot of pictures with reflections in glass and water!! I think it will be very interesting to see the items used to "reflect"!

09/23/2002 10:05:37 PM · #12
i think we should try to be creative and not choose a subject which may be subject to critisism. There will always be voters who give out 1s because they beleive it doesn't fit the challenge criteria.
09/23/2002 10:30:37 PM · #13
I think ANY subject could be subject to criticism. It just depends on the the person voting and perhaps even their mood. With that being said, if I have enjoyed the process of deciding what I think would make for a good entry and have enjoyed taking the photograph, I don't care if someone does
give me a one. I had a pleasurable experience, presented
the best entry I could, probably learned a thing or two, &
hopefully got some interesting comments. Isn't that what it's all about anyway?

* This message has been edited by the author on 9/23/2002 11:18:03 PM.
09/23/2002 10:42:19 PM · #14
I think it will save a lot of bandwidth if Gordon specifcally states in the challenge right now whast he means by "mirrors" which should not be used. Clearly, some people are being VERY picky (I choose my words carefully here) about the words being used.
09/23/2002 10:44:24 PM · #15
It would be easy enuff to stay away from anyting that could be considred a mirror :)
09/23/2002 10:58:21 PM · #16
Apparently not, John. People have already mentioned reflecting windows, for instance, as being mirrors.
09/23/2002 11:11:21 PM · #17
Originally posted by jakking:
I think it will save a lot of bandwidth if Gordon specifcally states in the challenge right now whast he means by "mirrors" which should not be used. Clearly, some people are being VERY picky (I choose my words carefully here) about the words being used.

Don't know why I have to specify it - not like it was me who wrote
the challenge in the first place, but I'd consider anything
that has as its primary function to be a mirror, should not be used
as a mirror in this challenge.

That counts anything sold as a mirror, or the wing mirrors on a car
etc - shakier ground for things like 'mirrored sunglasses' I guess :)

I'd think everything else was fair game - windows, water, shiny cars,
highly polished marble etc.

As to the physical/ scientific approach that everything that isn't
radiating light energy (e.g, by being hot) is actually reflecting
light energy from something else, you _could_ take a picture of a rock
and claim it is reflecting things, but if you don't don't be surprised
if you come in last, just for being a pedant.
09/23/2002 11:13:31 PM · #18
you go gordy
09/24/2002 12:23:36 AM · #19
I didn't mean to pick on you, Gordon! But your explanation works perfectly for me.
09/24/2002 12:24:02 AM · #20
It's hard to believe that people are trying to 'interpret' this challenge... It would be difficult to imagine a more clear cut, concise wording... I think some people just like to argue... Well, enjoy :)
09/24/2002 07:46:34 AM · #21
Originally posted by GordonMcGregor:
Originally posted by jakking:
just for being a pedant.

I think we found our next challenge topic "PEDANTS"
09/24/2002 10:04:58 AM · #22
Would it be permissible to use a mirror provided it wasn't seen as a mirror? For example, heavily disguised by some inventive trickery to look like waterâ€Â¦
09/24/2002 10:25:49 AM · #23
Originally posted by jsabbarton:
Would it be permissible to use a mirror provided it wasn't seen as a mirror? For example, heavily disguised by some inventive trickery to look like waterâ€Â¦

It's up to you. If take a shot and you're happy with it then submit it, but don't be annoyed if everyone votes low and 95% of the comments tell you there's a mirror in your picture!!!

If you disguise it well enough then I guess nobody will know or complain!

Personally I wouldn't bother, there are plenty of reflective surfaces out there to not have to use a mirror.

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