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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Wow... Matrix Photos
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 40, (reverse)
05/21/2003 05:41:36 AM · #1
I haven't had this much fun looking through a bunch of thumbnails in a LONG time. I can tell its going to be great fun voting this week. A lot of excellent photos that really suit my taste :)

Yay :D
05/21/2003 05:48:32 AM · #2
Yup, and I'm like going 'Wow, cool!' on some of the photos.
05/21/2003 06:05:24 AM · #3
Amazing to see what the people thought of... Good luck to all of you for the voting!
05/21/2003 07:42:07 AM · #4
and some flower pictures too!!!!!
05/21/2003 07:47:56 AM · #5
lol, it wouldnt be the dpc without them!
05/21/2003 09:16:12 AM · #6
I must have missed something in the guidelines for this challenge. It looks to me like some entries were spot-edited. Was this allowed for this challenge? If so, I guess I didn't realize that and wish I had, because my entry could have been tons better.

Just curious. I'm not sure where it would state that spot-editing is ok for a challenge. I haven't entered very many yet. Please advise.

05/21/2003 09:18:47 AM · #7
Spot editing is not legal and any entries that are spot-edited will be DQd :)
05/21/2003 09:59:16 AM · #8
Originally posted by STEINR:

and some flower pictures too!!!!!

not forgetting pets! :D
05/21/2003 10:18:21 AM · #9
Loads of them looked spot edited to me.
05/21/2003 10:24:39 AM · #10
Originally posted by Anewbe4u:

Loads of them looked spot edited to me.

Click the Request for Disqualification button and type in why you think it is illegal... then we will investigate :)
05/21/2003 10:41:33 AM · #11
I was wondering the same thing -- I can't see how some of these could have been done legally! I thought this would have been an interesting challenge to relax the editing rules, though.
05/21/2003 10:42:10 AM · #12
Originally posted by Anewbe4u:

Loads of them looked spot edited to me.

Me too!
I think I'll look back through them when voting and actually flag some for investigation.
05/21/2003 10:45:32 AM · #13
I give lot of 9's and 10's, very nice!
05/21/2003 10:46:09 AM · #14
Originally posted by zerocusa:

Originally posted by STEINR:

and some flower pictures too!!!!!

not forgetting pets! :D

For sure , but it seems at least the Matrix didn't leave room for a rubber ducky. Leads me to believe that i actually like the Matrix world :)

Thought this was a creative challenge, as evidenced by a number of the submissions.
05/21/2003 10:47:00 AM · #15
Before y'all go about requesting dq on like 100 shots, think about past challenges. I saw LOTS that used techniques we've all learned recently. lol

05/21/2003 12:41:20 PM · #16
The admins are gonna be busy this week with DQ requests. I was kinda perplexed too, looking through. A lot almost certainly look spot edited, but some have that borderline look - looks like it had to be done in the computer, but maybe I just don't get how they did it. I've kinda been wondering lately if there ought to be some kind of exposed short description of a shot, with a bare-bones description of how the shot was composed. I can see both sides of the arguement - against: it takes away from the impact and impression the photo should have all on it's own; for: it can allow for greater appreciation of what you're looking at. The secondary color winner is like that - it didn't make that great of an impact on me initially; after reading the description (like 5 times!) I finally understood what I was looking at, and had that *WOW* moment.

And, of course, relevent for this convo, it might reduce the number of DQ requests.

Food for thought....
05/21/2003 12:46:00 PM · #17
the problem is, you'll also get lots of 'this is a shot of my little puppy who died last week. I've entered this as a tribute' sort of pandering for better votes
05/21/2003 12:46:58 PM · #18
There is one shot I really couldn't at all see how it might have been done, a couple of others so far that I think I could just about guess.

Haven't seen a 'this pic validated by the site admins' thingy yet anywhere.

I was surprised there wasn't an editing rules relaxation - though actually now quite pleased: it made me think a little harder about my shot and I think improved the result.

05/21/2003 03:06:38 PM · #19
I think it is important when grading the pictures to always remember that everybody is not going to interpret the challenge the same way. For example - this weeks challenge is Matrix. Besides being a movie - what is a matrix? According to dictionary.com a matrix is 1. "A situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained, 2. A womb" Wouldn't this eb important to know when looking at the submissions? I think so.
I feel that often the challenge theme is lost in evaluating the picture - Unfairly to all participants.
05/21/2003 03:35:50 PM · #20
Originally posted by Jeileen:

I think it is important when grading the pictures to always remember that everybody is not going to interpret the challenge the same way. For example - this weeks challenge is Matrix. Besides being a movie - what is a matrix? According to dictionary.com a matrix is 1. "A situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained, 2. A womb" Wouldn't this eb important to know when looking at the submissions? I think so.
I feel that often the challenge theme is lost in evaluating the picture - Unfairly to all participants.

A matrix is also a two dimensional array in programming. I was considering taking a shot but barely anyone would of understood it.

05/21/2003 03:37:19 PM · #21
I saw a lot of photos that made me think "this is totally impossible to do with just a camera". I haven't flagged any, though. I don't think anyone goes nuts in photoshop to create a spectacular photo, it's somehow a little too obvious. I bet there's more likelyhood that someone spotedits out an annoying element, thinking "no one will probably notice..."
I don't think any of the photos are more photoshopped than photographed.
05/21/2003 05:06:50 PM · #22
perhaps unfortunate that techniques and personal meanings behind ones shot can only be read in the details after the fact.
05/21/2003 05:25:42 PM · #23
Hi everyone... just a thought... and not to bitch.. I can't understand how a photo can rate a one and then a ten....I am tracking this challenge...and it amazes me...I guess interepretation is ones own... but.. a 1/10..???
05/21/2003 06:16:17 PM · #24
Originally posted by tfarrell23:

Hi everyone... just a thought... and not to bitch.. I can't understand how a photo can rate a one and then a ten....I am tracking this challenge...and it amazes me...I guess interepretation is ones own... but.. a 1/10..???

I can see this kind of rating, if the pic is controversial, in one sense or another, at that. Particularly in this challenge, where external stylistics seem to effect everything from choice of subject to a manner of rendering. Without being at the source, it is often impossible to know, never mind 'judge' whether such choices are deliberate, intentional or even 'conscious'.

I would venture to say, that in cases like the one you describe either the integrity of the photographer or that of the commentor are put into question. A very good exercise, IMO. :-)
05/21/2003 06:26:03 PM · #25
Originally posted by tfarrell23:

Hi everyone... just a thought... and not to bitch.. I can't understand how a photo can rate a one and then a ten....I am tracking this challenge...and it amazes me...I guess interepretation is ones own... but.. a 1/10..???

I saw a fair bit of this on my secondary colours entry, in fact the score pretty much bombed on the first day of voting when I assume all the 1's, 2's & 3's came in.
Whether the low marks were for the cliched chess pieces, the over-vivid colours, or because the image was just too dark on some monitors I don't know, but everybody is entitled to their opinion and everyone's opinion will vary, sometimes wildly.

Like zeuszen says, you could argue that a 1 on an obviously decent shot is a good thing, as you have provoked a strong reaction : )
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