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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> What's your holiday wish?
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11/25/2006 03:21:50 PM · #101
BUMP - come one people, jump on the bandwagon. It's fun!!!!
11/25/2006 03:22:56 PM · #102
Originally posted by mk:

Originally posted by mngolfer:

My List:

1. An advanced photographer to mentor and teach me.


PMed you. :)

Me too, working on my own list now.
11/25/2006 03:38:34 PM · #103
1. The Intergalactic Bee
2. Canon EOS 5D
3. Peace in the World

Message edited by author 2006-11-25 15:40:22.
11/25/2006 03:52:37 PM · #104
1. Gasmasks
2. An infrared modified camera
3. A hot shoe optical slave attachment for a flash Thanks to MattO
4. Any minolta/sony lenses (I need an ultra wide)
5. Books, Books, Books (I need some John Irving)

Message edited by author 2006-11-26 15:04:01.
11/25/2006 06:11:10 PM · #105
ok i have got what i need to do my part for at least one wish so will send it off asap.

Been thinking about my list for a while as i dont want to seem selfish but meh!

1.Wide angle lens (any kind that will fit the rebel 350)
2. IR filter 58mm thread
3.radio or cable trigger so i can trigger the shutter without having to press the button.
4.another run of acupuncture.
5. a light box just bought one for myself on ebay
6. To beat over this depression thats been holding me back in life.
7. fantasia on dvd
8.clerks 2 on dvd when its released
9.models so i could do some portrait work and some other ideas.
10. and finally lucky charms. I love me those lucky charms but they dont sell them here.

Message edited by author 2006-12-01 19:25:34.
11/25/2006 06:51:08 PM · #106
I never have a long list of what I want, but here goes... (hehe, I'm getting the new Pentax K10D next week)

- Photoshop CS2 or at least a full version (better than Elements)
- fisheye lens for Pentax
- flash for Pentax
- new ironing board cover
- supply of Iced Vo-vos (TimTams are available in Japan, but not Iced Vo-vos...)
- be able to view and photograph the aurora someday
- everybody's wishes to be fulfilled as they should be
11/25/2006 07:03:10 PM · #107
Originally posted by sherpet:

I have done this before, but now my only wish is for my husband Peter, to get well, and beat this cancer, re the treatment he has to have in the "New Year".....

I just dont want or need anything, so this is my wish.

11/25/2006 07:57:08 PM · #108
I was in a kind of slump mood and this has picked up my spirits immensely. It sounds schmaltzy but giving does feel good!!

11/25/2006 08:03:30 PM · #109
Originally posted by mamba:

10. and finally lucky charms. I love me those lucky charms but they dont sell them here.

Like, the breakfast cereal Lucky Charms?
11/25/2006 08:15:05 PM · #110
I have no needs for anything, but a few wishesâ€Â¦
1) Peter needs all the help he can get, So my first wish (prayer) goes to him and his family.
2) I am able to continue doing what I do (concrete finisher) so I can buy my wife her home.
3) I joined this week so I could meet people that would be brutally honest on comments to help me be a better photographer.
4) become a good enough photographer to be able to afford the lenses, filters, cameras, lighting, to be a better photographer .
5)And last but not least. I wish a message from Mohamed, lets the future martyrs know that the 40 virgins all act, talk, and look like Martha Stewartâ€Â¦.
11/25/2006 09:05:59 PM · #111
Well, since this is about wishes, I'm going for the priceless stuff. Why not?
I'd like lots more

- time: there barely seems to be enough of it for me to juggle my life
- peace: or patience, or tolerance, or big, huge, calming breaths (timing is everything)
- hope: even despite all the evidence to do so. Unexpected miracles are cool.
- happiness/joy: 'cause it's the best soul candy! (prime example: DPC!)
- love: because it makes all the other things happen somehow. And it keeps me sane.
- passion: it inspires and moves me in ways I can't always explain. Now, to learn how to capture it...

- and for the sake of those around me, the reminder to check my list more often than I do.

11/25/2006 11:35:22 PM · #112
Originally posted by Jutilda:

5. My hair to stop falling out

Sending a case of hair care products :)
11/25/2006 11:51:56 PM · #113
Originally posted by alfresco:

Originally posted by Jutilda:

5. My hair to stop falling out

Sending a case of hair care products :)

ROFL Is that like the old Ronco spray on stuff?? ha ha ha THANKS, JP!!! Maybe I'll just wear a hat.
11/25/2006 11:58:48 PM · #114
Originally posted by Jutilda:

Originally posted by alfresco:

Originally posted by Jutilda:

5. My hair to stop falling out

Sending a case of hair care products :)

ROFL Is that like the old Ronco spray on stuff?? ha ha ha THANKS, JP!!! Maybe I'll just wear a hat.

Stinking can't play Santa for Judy this year :(

Give uncle JP another wish, I'll try harder!
11/26/2006 04:57:15 AM · #115
Always love this tradition - ok, here's my list:

1. To fill two peoples wishes with one swipe of the credit card

2. To find a good home for each of these orphans:

I looked through the whole thread and nobody wished for a woody :(
I will mail each of these to the first two (U.S.) people who promise to provide them with a good home and gainful employment. PM me with your request.

3. To fulfill at least 3 more wishes from this list

That's about it - I don't want to seem greedy. :)
11/26/2006 05:11:47 AM · #116
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Always love this tradition - ok, here's my list:

1. To fill two peoples wishes with one swipe of the credit card

2. To find a good home for each of these orphans:

I looked through the whole thread and nobody wished for a woody :(
I will mail each of these to the first two (U.S.) people who promise to provide them with a good home and gainful employment. PM me with your request.

3. To fulfill at least 3 more wishes from this list

That's about it - I don't want to seem greedy. :)

Hey now...I asked you for a woody back at the Woody/Ducky challenge...and he never arrived!! So what does a girl need to do to get a Woody around here...............
11/26/2006 05:19:04 AM · #117
Originally posted by Judi:

So what does a girl need to do to get a Woody around here...............

Hmmmm... I'm not taking that bait.

Judi - I would love to send you a woody, but I don't know how difficult or expensive it would be to send it to Australia. I may come under suspicion from Customs for woody-trafficing. :/
11/26/2006 05:29:17 AM · #118
Originally posted by Art Roflmao:

Originally posted by Judi:

So what does a girl need to do to get a Woody around here...............

Hmmmm... I'm not taking that bait.

Judi - I would love to send you a woody, but I don't know how difficult or expensive it would be to send it to Australia. I may come under suspicion from Customs for woody-trafficing. :/

Hmmm..you may be right. My Dad sent me a wooden horse from New Zealand last week for my birthday and customs opened it and cut through the tail cause they suspected drugs. But they found nothing. I hate to think where they might cut the woody...hehehehe!!
11/26/2006 05:39:04 AM · #119
1. Woody :)This is the coolest guy on DPC!
2. 77 mm Circular Polarizer a thin one for wide angle
3. Cokin Z-pro filter holder
4. Graduated ND Cokin Filters
5. SB 800 or 600
6. Any old Nikon AIS primes, except 50 mm 1.8
7. Whatever controller I need to do exposures longer than 30 seconds with the D200
8. Absynthe(Warning illegal in US) but still a great time :)
9. A yellow ribbon
10. For Sherpet's wish to come true.
Now I hope I can find some wishes I can fill.

Message edited by author 2006-11-26 06:14:57.
11/26/2006 06:15:05 AM · #120
1) A member subscription to DPchallenge!
2)An itunes music gift card

thats about it. :)
11/26/2006 06:23:48 AM · #121
Originally posted by karmat:

Originally posted by mamba:

10. and finally lucky charms. I love me those lucky charms but they dont sell them here.

Like, the breakfast cereal Lucky Charms?

haha yeah the breakfast cereal. it was released here for about 6 months when i was 5 and has never been seen again!
11/26/2006 07:13:25 AM · #122
-Rain, in Melbourne, to ease the water restrictions, so I can have a green lawn again, and flush a wee!
-Time. To take more photos, enter challenges, learn PS CS2, and get out into the open air.
-Patience, and tolerance for those around me.
-the continued wonder of seeing my little girls grow up, like spring flowers budding.
-to be free of my damn ever present to-do list, which seems to hijack my life.
-personal growth, weekends outdoors, laughter and music, exercise, health.
-oh, and to enjoy my new Lenovo thinkpad t60p, Pantone huey, Tokina 12-24, Sigma 70-300, and photoshop CS2!!!!
11/26/2006 10:29:57 AM · #123
Originally posted by mamba:

10. and finally lucky charms. I love me those lucky charms but they dont sell them here.

When my sister and I were kids we'd go (with our parents, of course) to Florida every couple of years to visit my dad's younger brother and family and younger sister and family, in Miami and Boca Raton, respectively. I'm talking about back in the '70s and '80s.
As well as developing a taste for American sausages we both absoluted loved Lucky Charms cereal. We'd always pack at least two or three boxes into our cases to bring home and if any of the US family came to visit us in the UK they were under strict instructions to bring some with them too!
These days you can buy Lucky Charms in the UK but I'm not sure it's made to the exact same recipe - the marshmallows don't taste quite right.

Message edited by author 2006-11-26 10:30:23.
11/26/2006 10:35:44 AM · #124
OK, I do have one thing that I want - recommendations for good socks. I need good walking socks - the kind that are thick enough to keep my feet comfy but don't have seams that go right across my toes and give me blisters. If any of you have any recommendations, please send them my way!
11/26/2006 10:53:03 AM · #125
Lucky Charms lovers..in bulk..and it looks like they are having a sale.

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