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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Famous Last words scores....
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 86, (reverse)
11/29/2006 12:17:05 AM · #1
Nothing >.>
11/29/2006 12:18:04 AM · #2
Ho lota nada...
11/29/2006 12:21:13 AM · #3

1 vote of 5.
11/29/2006 12:21:54 AM · #4
7 thats exactly what I would of given my pic lol now stay above 6
11/29/2006 12:23:38 AM · #5
No votes received yet however I am just looking at others and there is some really creative entries! Well done guys
11/29/2006 12:24:41 AM · #6
^&%*%& you beat me by 42 seconds on starting this thread LOL!

No worries. And no votes, either...
11/29/2006 12:27:47 AM · #7
And down to 6 yup only downwards from here >.<
11/29/2006 12:58:25 AM · #8
8 votes: 5.1
10 votes: 4.8

earlier I was at 6 something.

Hope this doesn't continue too much! :-D
11/29/2006 01:01:32 AM · #9
1 vote = 6.0000
2 votes = 5.5 Went to help my daughter with her homework, came back
9 votes = 6.8889 I like this
10 votes = 7.0000 I really like this
11 votes = 6.8182 I'm used to falling scores, but it's sure nice to see.
11/29/2006 01:06:37 AM · #10
I haven't voted yet. Been too busy reading the truly terrific titles. If we were judging only titles, everyone would get a "10" for sure.
11/29/2006 01:12:38 AM · #11
Votes: 11
Views: 26
Avg Vote: 4.7273
Comments: 1

I'm doomed I tell you doomed..

Message edited by author 2006-11-29 01:13:21.
11/29/2006 01:42:03 AM · #12
I'm done voting. I have to wonder whether the concept of "famous last words" wasn't English-specific. Or maybe even US-specific. MANY entries just didn't seem to understand the ironic nature of that phrase, nor that such words always backfire on the person who utters them. The examples were pretty clear that was the meaning intended.

My initial run was pretty strict about that interpretation, but I have to go back and reassess to give credit to at least a couple of others, like actual last words by famous people.

Meanwhile, I'm doing well for opening night for me:
Votes: 21
Views: 34
Avg Vote: 5.9048
Comments: 0

Message edited by author 2006-11-29 01:42:54.
11/29/2006 01:48:52 AM · #13
I uh left home with a 5.5 came back to a 6.4 O.O YAY!!!!!
11/29/2006 07:02:18 AM · #14
6.2 now >.>
Damn it 2 people have spotted me >.< lol

Message edited by author 2006-11-29 07:11:56.
11/29/2006 07:44:06 AM · #15
[quote=levyj413]I have to wonder whether the concept of "famous last words" wasn't English-specific. Or maybe even US-specific. MANY entries just didn't seem to understand the ironic nature of that phrase, nor that such words always backfire on the person who utters them. The examples were pretty clear that was the meaning intended.

You are so right! thats exactly what i noticed after voting. Dunno about the part where the words "backfire on the person who utters them" (coz then there wouldnt be many pictures to vote ), but i agree that people didnt get the ironic meaning of the phrase. Even i thought at the beginning its about famous last words of famous people, but then i noticed it said "famous last words", in brackets, olus those clear examples of "last words".

I did not take part in this, I voted and i hope ppl will not take my comments personal, some of them just did not get the ironic touch of the challenge.

Also, there are some shots that could take part in any challenges, if u change titles, like landscapes and so on. After all, its about the picture itself, not the title, so i am not sure those shots belong here either. Anyway, good luck to all the other funny ppl who got what this was all about.
11/29/2006 08:47:50 AM · #16
Originally posted by levyj413:

I'm done voting. I have to wonder whether the concept of "famous last words" wasn't English-specific. Or maybe even US-specific. MANY entries just didn't seem to understand the ironic nature of that phrase, nor that such words always backfire on the person who utters them. The examples were pretty clear that was the meaning intended.

My initial run was pretty strict about that interpretation, but I have to go back and reassess to give credit to at least a couple of others, like actual last words by famous people.

Sometimes irony is hard to catch if you don't look hard enough or if it doesn't slam you in the face. Go back and look at the "Irony" challenge.

Of the five comments I've received, two got the title and two (including you) didn't.
11/29/2006 09:29:24 AM · #17
Votes: 54
Views: 70
Avg Vote: 5.7593
Comments: 1

First challenge in months! Have to go to work now. No computer access at new job and I forgot about update button addiction. This is hard.
11/29/2006 09:51:20 AM · #18
got this comment:

"ok, i see your point, but the challenge was about "famous last words", in brackets, not about something specific that some1 said..."

where did this come from? who said it should not be specific that someone has said? its a matter of interpretation. duh

i googled "famous last word" and got my title from there.
11/29/2006 09:59:52 AM · #19
Originally posted by davidus428:

where did this come from? who said it should not be specific that someone has said? its a matter of interpretation. duh

Just as some entrants didn't "get it," many voters won't understand the challenge either. This is a topic where some low votes are completely unavoidable.
11/29/2006 10:02:43 AM · #20
Since there is only the TITLE in every entry, voters looking at the photo really don't understand YET the context of the "last words." Probably the explanation/interpretation of the photo will be read AFTER the contest is finished, in the photo comments. ANd we find the connection.

meanwhile, please give due weight to the technicalities and composition of the photo too and NOT simply judge the photo as DNMC of sort. My assumption is this, the photo was entered with the TITLE because there was a connection as far as the interpretation of the photographer is concerned.

my 2 cents and MHO.
11/29/2006 10:17:37 AM · #21
Originally posted by levyj413:

I'm done voting. I have to wonder whether the concept of "famous last words" wasn't English-specific. Or maybe even US-specific. MANY entries just didn't seem to understand the ironic nature of that phrase, nor that such words always backfire on the person who utters them. The examples were pretty clear that was the meaning intended.

Though the challenge description was pretty clear that that was just one way to interpret the challenge, too.

Title your image with your idea of "famous last words" and show us your interpretation of same.

The concept you describe is I think mostly redneck specific really, but certainly there's a wider concept of 'Famous Last Words' that aren't 'here, hold my beer' in the somewhat ironic sense of the phrase. I think certainly that using a colloquialism as a challenge definition was bound to cause confusion.

Message edited by author 2006-11-29 10:18:36.
11/29/2006 10:21:30 AM · #22
Originally posted by Gordon:

I think certainly that using a colloquialism as a challenge definition was bound to cause confusion.

We'll just provide several examples in the challenge description so everyone understands the topic. Famous last words... ;-)
11/29/2006 10:39:26 AM · #23
Yeah this is funny I guess I read the challenge description wrong when it said:

" youridea of "famous last words" and show us your interpretation of same"

I guess if MY IDEA is not the same as another's then it must be a DNMC ...

11/29/2006 10:42:09 AM · #24
I feel like a fool now. Why can´t the people who decide the theme for a challenge put things in PLAIN English! If this was indeed meant to interpret some last words before you did something stupid, say so!
There were even discussions showing results of famous sayings of FAMOUS people before they died, I feel like a fool now..

edit: I felt like a fool twice LOL, I'll keep it in because now it made me smile foolishly.

Message edited by author 2006-11-29 10:43:13.
11/29/2006 10:48:06 AM · #25
Strange the title is almost as important if not more important than the photo. If the photo dont fit the title - trouble
If the title dont fit the challenge - double trouble.
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