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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> What's your holiday wish?
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Showing posts 251 - 275 of 377, (reverse)
12/05/2006 04:18:13 PM · #251
ok here's my list...

1. firewire card for my computer
2. a ducky to add to my collection
3. someone to buy someone else that hasnt been granted a wish to have a membership a membership
4. a hug
5. a hug
6. a photo of the prettiest christmas lights that are around your homes..
7. postcards using your own photo (pm me and i'll send u my address)
8. a person that needs help around you helped in any tiny way

I dont need much and this month is tight, but a good word and kind thought is what I'd like most for christmas
12/05/2006 04:27:41 PM · #252
I would like a prayer from all of you who believe in God. My boyfriend is not very well..and I hope we can spend a 'good' christmas together.
12/05/2006 04:35:18 PM · #253
Originally posted by Di:

ok here's my list...

1. firewire card for my computer
2. a ducky to add to my collection
3. someone to buy someone else that hasnt been granted a wish to have a membership a membership
4. a hug
5. a hug
6. a photo of the prettiest christmas lights that are around your homes..
7. postcards using your own photo (pm me and i'll send u my address)
8. a person that needs help around you helped in any tiny way

I dont need much and this month is tight, but a good word and kind thought is what I'd like most for christmas
I just might have that firewire card. I'll look when I get home tonight.
12/05/2006 04:53:22 PM · #254
Originally posted by rapid:

I would like a prayer from all of you who believe in God. My boyfriend is not very well..and I hope we can spend a 'good' christmas together.

I truly hope you get your wish fulfilled.
12/05/2006 05:10:30 PM · #255
Originally posted by rapid:

I would like a prayer from all of you who believe in God. My boyfriend is not very well..and I hope we can spend a 'good' christmas together.

I believe we can all send positive thoughts whether we call it prayer or not. The energy can move mountains. Sending you as much as I possibly can.
12/05/2006 05:14:02 PM · #256
Originally posted by rapid:

I would like a prayer from all of you who believe in God. My boyfriend is not very well..and I hope we can spend a 'good' christmas together.

I will pray for you and your boyfriend.
12/05/2006 05:16:27 PM · #257
For ALL those who have asked for a kind word or hug, a special thought for themselves, their loved ones or for the world in general, or even just a cheering message of encouragement and acknowledgement please know that I'm wishing the best for all of you and sending my bestest wishes flying at you through the ether!
12/05/2006 05:29:45 PM · #258
Well no one likes me. Or maybe I asked for too much.

Oh well I made some happy.
12/05/2006 05:31:18 PM · #259
Originally posted by Konador:

Originally posted by biteme:

Ok, I've sent the Remote Controller to konador today :D

Thanks! I received it yesterday and it works great! I can see myself playing with bulb a lot over the xmas hols! :)

whoa! that's fast man! they said it was probably gonna take 3-4 workdays 'till it would arrive. SWEET!

Enjoy it man!
12/05/2006 05:41:13 PM · #260
Originally posted by rapid:

I would like a prayer from all of you who believe in God. My boyfriend is not very well..and I hope we can spend a 'good' christmas together.
\\All my positive thoughts and prayers to you and your bofriend for the christmas you wish for.
12/05/2006 05:42:05 PM · #261
Originally posted by rex:

Well no one likes me. Or maybe I asked for too much.

Oh well I made some happy.

I like you! But I can't help with your wishes, I'm afraid. Want a hug instead? Oddly, I was just thinking earlier today (or was it yesterday, I forget) that although I really get a kick from fulfilling wishes where I can I never have any fortune in these kinds of things with getting any of mine fulfilled and then someone got in touch and they might just be able to help me after all! Even if they can't, I'm feeling much less unloved just by their looking into it! :D PS Got any eggcups? ;)
12/05/2006 05:44:55 PM · #262
1. 5D

2. 5D

3. 5D

4. 5D

5. 5D

6. 5D

7. 5D

8. 5D

9. 5D

10. $ 2,499.95
12/05/2006 05:46:12 PM · #263
Originally posted by Kavey:

For ALL those who have asked for a kind word or hug, a special thought for themselves, their loved ones or for the world in general, or even just a cheering message of encouragement and acknowledgement please know that I'm wishing the best for all of you and sending my bestest wishes flying at you through the ether!

This goes for me too! Although I don't have any equipment to send to anyone, everyone that posts (and even those that don't) get my best wishes being sent!
12/05/2006 05:55:28 PM · #264
Originally posted by Kavey:

Want a hug instead?

I'll take that hug.
12/05/2006 05:56:17 PM · #265
Originally posted by rex:

Originally posted by Kavey:

Want a hug instead?

I'll take that hug.

You got it!
12/05/2006 08:53:56 PM · #266
EDIT to add:

a woody so i can be like Art lol (love the 30 day pics haha)
12/05/2006 09:05:00 PM · #267
Originally posted by kawana:

EDIT to add:

a woody

Hmmmm.....I have one of those every morning...........oh the other woody. Yeah I would like one of those as well.

Updated my list as well. Only 8 now. I took some stuff off.

1: a DVD camcorder.(I want to record straight to DVD)
2: 580EX Flash
3: Woody
4: A decal for my window or honestly anything new with my team which if you don't know it is the Florida Gators
5: An 18-55mm Kit lens (Cause I am sharing with the wife)
6: Battery Grip for my 30D
7: Comments on my images.
8: To grant at least 2 wishes here to other people. 1 of these has been taken care of.

Message edited by author 2006-12-05 21:06:32.
12/05/2006 09:06:16 PM · #268
OK, it only took 3 days for me to get thru this list
Here goes
1. Courage to enter my first challange ,lurking over a year come on
2. Grant at least one wish
3. Learn to use CS2 to something nearer to it's potential...
4. Some time in Iceland, they all seem great at this!
5. the end of suffering for all the good people.
6. increased suffering for all the bad.
7. all the US Service member to come home safe
8. wake up and find George W was all just a bad dream!
12/05/2006 09:43:08 PM · #269
My wish list is small this year.
* Trans-Siberian Orchestra no preference wich cd, I have been looking in local stores for the past 3 years and yet to find it..
Thank you for the wonderful gift of the Christmas Attic, as well as Christmas Eve and other Stories, to
Tis the season with happy moments, baking cookies, visiting relatives, first time snow for my kids, the music will defanetly be a big a part in my last wish....

* Job
* To be able to give my children a meaningful, most memorable, and happiest holiday..


Editing to add items that I am hoping to find before next week at cheap or reasonable bargains... My kids will have a small christmas, they wont be without one if we dont have these, but its the little extra's of wants from thier dreams or wishes I like to see come true...
*playstation 2
*Geo trax, fisher price, train sets...

Message edited by author 2006-12-18 03:30:13.
12/06/2006 02:22:04 AM · #270
Originally posted by tolovemoon:

* Trans-Siberian Orchestra no preference wich cd, I have been looking in local stores for the past 3 years and yet to find it..


12/06/2006 05:37:32 AM · #271
Originally posted by rex:

7: Comments on my images.
8: To grant at least 2 wishes here to other people. 1 of these has been taken care of.

I've just left comments on four of your images.

Re the second, have a look at my wish for world land trust acres and see if it's something you could buy as a christmas/hannukah/insert relevant holiday here gift, not for me but for one of your friends or family. I'd still count that as a fulfillment for me too!

Message edited by author 2006-12-06 05:37:47.
12/06/2006 06:09:36 AM · #272
1. A job in US.
2. ...
12/06/2006 06:10:32 AM · #273
Originally posted by Shutterbug21:

Originally posted by rapid:

I would like a prayer from all of you who believe in God. My boyfriend is not very well..and I hope we can spend a 'good' christmas together.

I will pray for you and your boyfriend.

Thanks for all those who are offering prayers and thoughts!!
12/06/2006 07:24:48 AM · #274
Originally posted by tjbel05:

My wish list goes as follows:

1. studio backdrops - any kind, I don't have any.
2. A stand to hang them on.
3. A light tent...Getting for Christmas from my mom ****
4. A neutral density filter for one of my Nikon lenses.
5. Help with Photoshop cs2, I am completely inept.
6. Donations to St. Judes for the Children.
7. 60mm Micro lens for my Nikon.getting from the husband****
8. More comments on my portfolio.
9. My mom to be succesful in her new job.
10. For everyone who is a DPCer to have the happiest holidays they can imagine.

Two Items down. Can one of you amazingly talented people see your way to helping me with the bold items. Please please please!!!!

Message edited by author 2006-12-06 07:25:08.
12/06/2006 08:13:15 AM · #275
ah, well, it looks like none of my wishes are going to be granted .... no iced vo-vos for Pug-h. :-(
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