Author | Thread |
05/28/2003 02:22:36 PM · #51 |
Are ideas up for copyright?:p |
05/28/2003 02:41:13 PM · #52 |
Originally posted by sunflower: The liquid state of any type of matter, e.g. like the liquid mercury in a thermometer? |
Just to make sure everyone knows Mercury is not a safe substance to handle. It's highly poisonous and can kill you. It's not just dangerous if you consumed, just being in contact with mercury can be dangerous, and breathing in vapors can also... Here's a site that explains how to safely handle mercury:
Safely Handling Mercury
A mercury shot would probably look really good, but is it worth the risk of death? |
05/28/2003 02:55:24 PM · #53 |
Originally posted by Wes:
Just to make sure everyone knows Mercury is not a safe substance to handle. It's highly poisonous and can kill you. It's not just dangerous if you consumed, just being in contact with mercury can be dangerous, and breathing in vapors can also... Here's a site that explains how to safely handle mercury:
A mercury shot would probably look really good, but is it worth the risk of death? |
I have consumed Mercury. Swallowed a couple of drops. I feel alright... most of the time. =o) I'm still alive at least.
05/28/2003 02:56:11 PM · #54 |
Originally posted by aurora: Are ideas up for copyright?:p |
I doubt this was a serious question, but just in case: no. Ideas are never copyrightable. *Implementation* of ideas is copyrightable. Now, ideas can be trademarks, but that's a whole other issue. :->
05/28/2003 03:08:57 PM · #55 |
Originally posted by Fiver:
Originally posted by Wes:
Just to make sure everyone knows Mercury is not a safe substance to handle. It's highly poisonous and can kill you. It's not just dangerous if you consumed, just being in contact with mercury can be dangerous, and breathing in vapors can also... Here's a site that explains how to safely handle mercury:
A mercury shot would probably look really good, but is it worth the risk of death? |
I have consumed Mercury. Swallowed a couple of drops. I feel alright... most of the time. =o) I'm still alive at least. |
The last link explains how mercury being swallowed isn't generally dangerous, but the mercury vapors are what cause the poisoning. Mishandling mercury can lead to long term exposure to the mercury vapor (ie. spilling a lil on teh carpet where you're probably never gonna get it up, or any other various spills). I'm probably not saying don't take a mercury shot, just be careful and use some precautions while taking a mercury shot. Easy clean up area, well venitlated area, etc... basically the stuff that's in that first link.
Just be safe people.
Message edited by author 2003-05-28 15:16:33. |
05/28/2003 03:37:35 PM · #56 |
Originally posted by Martus: Since there are flowers/cute furry animals/children/a combination of all three, in every challenge, is it safe to assume that some DPC'ers will be getting their blenders out for this challenge?
Just a thought. |
hehe I might just try that :) |
05/28/2003 03:46:40 PM · #57 |
Originally posted by qachyk: ...And if someone else posted the idea here ... what difference does it make? |
If I think of the idea and someone else does too, there will be two clever takes on the challenge. If one of us writes about it here, there might be fifteen other poeple who say "yeah, great idea!" instead of thinking up something original (even if the same idea), and my photo runs the risk of being lost in the crowd or even being considered cliche.
I'm OK with someone who is stuck for an idea asking for help (preferably by PM or Email), but it seems as though these pre-challenge threads have degenerated into a contest to see if all possible interpretations can be listed before anyone has a chance to submit a photo.
I'd be more impressed if one had to have shot a version of the photo before posting the idea. This is effective brainstorming, but that's a technique intended for group problem-solving.
Message edited by author 2003-05-28 15:49:17. |
05/28/2003 06:03:44 PM · #58 |
you probably mean ideas are patentable, eloise. :) Trade marks are a different beast all together. :)
Originally posted by eloise:
Originally posted by aurora: Are ideas up for copyright?:p |
I doubt this was a serious question, but just in case: no. Ideas are never copyrightable. *Implementation* of ideas is copyrightable. Now, ideas can be trademarks, but that's a whole other issue. :-> |
05/28/2003 07:01:14 PM · #59 |
You beat me to it, Frisca. ;)
Damn you jobless lawyers. :lol
05/28/2003 07:12:05 PM · #60 |
Originally posted by Fiver: I have consumed Mercury. Swallowed a couple of drops. I feel alright... most of the time. =o) I'm still alive at least. |
Were ya able to poop through a screen at 3 paces? LOL
Ol' Timers use to use it for constipation (called the remedy Quick Lightening) and other "illnesses." Apparantly, they are able to track the Lewis and Clark expedition (finding exactly where they camped) by high concentrations of mercury in the "crappers" they dug.
05/28/2003 10:05:21 PM · #61 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: If I think of the idea and someone else does too, there will be two clever takes on the challenge. If one of us writes about it here, there might be fifteen other poeple who say "yeah, great idea!" instead of thinking up something original (even if the same idea), and my photo runs the risk of being lost in the crowd or even being considered cliche. |
I agree with this too. I understand it gets frustrating when people "copy" our idea, but I guess we gotta accept the fact that we are not alone sometimes. Maybe out of the 20 mercury submissions, 5 people actually thought they had an original idea, while the remaining 15 have copied the idea from the forums. But we have to live with that, and try our best to get our photo BETTER than the other 19 submissions. This helps us improve. I'm not sure if my perception is correct, but I think winning a DPC ribbon isn't as important as improving my photography skills. So what if I got a blue ribbon (dreaming mode ON) due to the slight advantage of having a purely original idea, but in actual my skills are not really that great after all?
By the way, to BigSmiles, I hope I dont sound as if I'm trying to fight your words, it's just what I feel about why people throw out ideas into the public forums. Sometimes, for the sake of staying "original", when I see someone mention my idea in the forum, I simply go back to the drawing board and cough up another "original" idea and start again. I actually enjoy to see how original I can make myself be! ^ ^ |
05/29/2003 12:49:40 AM · #62 |
Originally posted by dacrazyrn:
Originally posted by Fiver: I have consumed Mercury. Swallowed a couple of drops. I feel alright... most of the time. =o) I'm still alive at least. |
Were ya able to poop through a screen at 3 paces? LOL
Ol' Timers use to use it for constipation (called the remedy Quick Lightening) and other "illnesses." Apparantly, they are able to track the Lewis and Clark expedition (finding exactly where they camped) by high concentrations of mercury in the "crappers" they dug.
tracy |
Well that was a long time ago. I don't recall any side effect like that. =o)
05/29/2003 03:04:56 AM · #63 |
Originally posted by GeneralE:
Originally posted by qachyk: ...And if someone else posted the idea here ... what difference does it make? |
If I think of the idea and someone else does too, there will be two clever takes on the challenge. If one of us writes about it here, there might be fifteen other poeple who say "yeah, great idea!" instead of thinking up something original (even if the same idea), and my photo runs the risk of being lost in the crowd or even being considered cliche.
Okay, see, I might agree with this if people were being specific. But saying "Pepto-bismol" or "magma" is fairly generic. If now instead of two people doing magma there are 15, you will still have 15 different pictures, barring interesting coincidence. Different lighting, different focal points, different skill levels, etc.
Plus, honestly, even if the ideas aren't posted here, those fifteen people without ideas are going to go looking for them somewhere -- other sites, photography books, asking their friends, whatever, so I don't think it matters whether it's here or elsewhere. *shrug* |
05/29/2003 04:59:58 AM · #64 |
I think the admins really meant the description to say:
"Here's the catch -- NOT liquid! Good luck."
05/29/2003 06:02:38 AM · #65 |
I will not be using this, but does the liquify button on PS apply in this case. The reason I ask is because I want to fully understand how to judge this challenge. There seems to be a question on the last challenge (duotone and PS use) as to the voting.... |
05/29/2003 06:04:35 AM · #66 |
05/29/2003 06:07:34 AM · #67 |
Originally posted by Tiberius: is honey a liquid |
At what temperature?
05/29/2003 09:32:39 AM · #68 |
Originally posted by frisca: you probably mean ideas are patentable, eloise. :) Trade marks are a different beast all together. :)
Originally posted by eloise:
Originally posted by aurora: Are ideas up for copyright?:p |
I doubt this was a serious question, but just in case: no. Ideas are never copyrightable. *Implementation* of ideas is copyrightable. Now, ideas can be trademarks, but that's a whole other issue. :-> |
They're patentable as well, but that's different than a trademark. Mickey Mouse is a trademark. Mickey Mouse's cartoons (each individual movie short) are copyrighted. Some of the processes used to make the movie frames might be patented. Technically, if Disney ever allowed US copyright law to let Steamboat Willie (the first Mickey cartoon) to go out of copyright, and therefore become public domain, people would be able to put the movie short on a DVD and sell it ... but they would not necessarily be able to sell T-Shirts with Steamboat Willie on them, because Mickey Mouse is still trademarked.
Anyone can PARODY Steamboat Willie, even a shot-by-shot remake with different characters and the same 'acting' style, because ideas are not copyrightable, however. Anyone can take a shot of a purple-and-yellow pansy for the Complementary Colors challenge. Anyone can even be inspired by someone else's composition as they do so. However, they cannot enter someone else's SHOT in the competition, because they do not hold the copyright for that specific image (that particular implementation of the idea). They can't even post it after they edit it massively in Photoshop, because it's still the same copyrighted image.
05/29/2003 10:06:17 AM · #69 |
Elemental mercury is generally not so bad, it is the tissue soluble salts that are extremely toxic. Mercury vapors can be dangerous after chronic exposure. I once knew a chemist who had been chronically exposed to mercury vapors and he could smell the mercury in the air when there was an open container of it around. I on the other hand could smell nothing.
Just something to think about.
Here are some non-aqueous subjects to think about ;)
Molten sodium
Molten waxes
Liquid Nitrogen
The list goes on and on and on. I hope I didn’t ruin anyone’s original idea!
05/29/2003 11:37:37 AM · #70 |
Be careful with the liquid nitrogen too, you have to keep it in a well insulated container and don't stick your finger in it, it will freeze it to the bone and cause frostbite. |
05/29/2003 12:24:01 PM · #71 |
And if you're going to work with acetone (really, any liquid chemical, I suppose) be very sure to work in a well-ventilated area, and wear gloves, and be VERY careful with your lighting -- acetone is volatile enough to catch fire from heat and not just flame.
Why yes, I used to work in a print shop. Really useful to clean up ink, acetone, but my god is it FOUL.
(Actually, now I kinda wish I had some, I think I could do something with that... hmm. Nail polish remover is dilute acetone.... *goes off to rummage*) |
05/29/2003 01:53:38 PM · #72 |
Originally posted by dacrazyrn:
Originally posted by Fiver: I have consumed Mercury. Swallowed a couple of drops. I feel alright... most of the time. =o) I'm still alive at least. |
Were ya able to poop through a screen at 3 paces? LOL
Ol' Timers use to use it for constipation (called the remedy Quick Lightening) and other "illnesses." Apparantly, they are able to track the Lewis and Clark expedition (finding exactly where they camped) by high concentrations of mercury in the "crappers" they dug.
tracy |
Yep. And look at those two now - they're dead!!! ;)
PS. Those anthropologists must have a lot of time on their hands to come up with investigations like these!!!
05/29/2003 02:25:29 PM · #73 |
Right. But you cannot trademark an idea. Trademarks are solely for identifiable marks. This can be a logo or a slogan, for example. Patents and industrial design can be used for ideas. They don't even have to work or be very good. These are both different from copyright which applies to original "work" (i.e. there has to be something done, like a drawing, or photo or composition, but to name a few.) You can't copyright or trademark you "idea" but if you actually put it to paper or make something of it, then you can have copyrights in that. And if it becomes an identifiable mark pointing to you, then it might be suitable to be a trademark as well.
All this to say don't worry about trademarks or patents, photographers deal most often with issues of copyright, and that your post agrees with mine, eloise. ;)
Originally posted by eloise:
They're patentable as well, but that's different than a trademark. Mickey Mouse is a trademark. Mickey Mouse's cartoons (each individual movie short) are copyrighted. Some of the processes used to make the movie frames might be patented. Technically, if Disney ever allowed US copyright law to let Steamboat Willie (the first Mickey cartoon) to go out of copyright, and therefore become public domain, people would be able to put the movie short on a DVD and sell it ... but they would not necessarily be able to sell T-Shirts with Steamboat Willie on them, because Mickey Mouse is still trademarked.
Anyone can PARODY Steamboat Willie, even a shot-by-shot remake with different characters and the same 'acting' style, because ideas are not copyrightable, however. Anyone can take a shot of a purple-and-yellow pansy for the Complementary Colors challenge. Anyone can even be inspired by someone else's composition as they do so. However, they cannot enter someone else's SHOT in the competition, because they do not hold the copyright for that specific image (that particular implementation of the idea). They can't even post it after they edit it massively in Photoshop, because it's still the same copyrighted image. |
05/29/2003 02:44:53 PM · #74 |
Originally posted by dadas115: Elemental mercury is generally not so bad, it is the tissue soluble salts that are extremely toxic. Mercury vapors can be dangerous after chronic exposure. I once knew a chemist who had been chronically exposed to mercury vapors and he could smell the mercury in the air when there was an open container of it around. I on the other hand could smell nothing.
Just something to think about.
Here are some non-aqueous subjects to think about ;)
Molten sodium
Molten waxes
Liquid Nitrogen
The list goes on and on and on. I hope I didn’t ruin anyone’s original idea!
Greg |
Awwwwwww man! I was sure no one would think about molten sodium!!! Back to the drawing board! LOL!!! :oD
05/29/2003 07:11:01 PM · #75 |
Originally posted by Jacko: I'm trying to raise some funds for my challenge topic. I will be shooting female oil, mud, and jello wrestling and do a triptych. I am reaching out to my fellow DPCers for donations. I figure the whole thing will cost me approx. $500. Donations of $50 or more will get front row seats. I'm also looking for "wrestlers". I already have a candidate ... she's a DPCer. I already turned down offers form Bamaster, Kiwiness and Setzler. Sorry guys ... female wrestlers only.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
;) |
Sounds like fun! I can't donate, but I can wrestle ;-) Count me in
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