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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> 2007 PAD--Who's In?
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Showing posts 126 - 150 of 622, (reverse)
12/31/2006 12:43:10 AM · #126
dear all,

i'd like to try this - i've opened a blof at -


as to the rest i'm confused i'm afraid - i've read all the threads and i don't really understand most of it

i've tried following the sign up link but i didn't know the answers to some of the questions (banner URL ??) and it keeps rejecting my attempt to copy the word at the bottom

if anyone could let me know the bare minimum needed to get started i'd be grateful - and i'll figure the rest out in time -

many thanks
12/31/2006 12:51:01 AM · #127
Originally posted by thelobster:

dear all,

i'd like to try this - i've opened a blof at -


as to the rest i'm confused i'm afraid - i've read all the threads and i don't really understand most of it

i've tried following the sign up link but i didn't know the answers to some of the questions (banner URL ??) and it keeps rejecting my attempt to copy the word at the bottom

if anyone could let me know the bare minimum needed to get started i'd be grateful - and i'll figure the rest out in time -

many thanks

Sure, here we go... a short tutorial!

When you sign in to blogger, go to the templates section. There you will see an "add elements" button... that is where you can add the links (I did mine one by one but some like to copy and paste). When you upload photos, blogger will ask you for orientation (where you want it to appear in the blog) I suggest you try a lot of different ones until you get one you like :D Always "view" your blog after you post... errors do happen. :D

As far as the sign up form goes, you can skip the banner entry part. Just put in your title, your blog URL, and hit submit. Then you will be taken to a page where you can copy the code. If you are unable to do it there, wait on the e-mail that will arrive in your inbox... it is in there too :D

And, that's about it!

Hope this helped!!

12/31/2006 07:23:41 AM · #128
I didn't notice there was a voting-page when clicking on the pad2007-button. Removed it.

Also, I'd like to encourage everyone to make their own button or banner for your listing on the site.

With little time to go, I wish you all good luck and a happy 2007.
12/31/2006 09:21:08 AM · #129
My 2006 PAD didn't last very long, so I'm gonna try something different. I'm not going for a PAD or a PAW with a purpose, but instead I'm just creating a photo blog and seeing how that evolves. I'll be posting whenever I feel like it, as I find I'm easily turned off by the rigors of having to update on a schedule.

I've been on haitus from DPC, and photography in general, for some time and am hoping this project will help me find some inspiration and motivation to get back in the shooting game.

My blog is at //evolutionofthemindseye.blogspot.com/.

Good luck to all participating in this endeavor.
12/31/2006 09:22:49 AM · #130
OMG first day here in Aus!!
12/31/2006 11:23:27 AM · #131
Originally posted by TCGuru:

It is a grouping of both...

Do you have a list of just the PAW blogs that you can PM to me?
never mind, i found it in the other thread ;)

If anyone spots any mistakes below please let me know..

DPCers PAD 2007 links
alliebeal - //alliebeal.photoblog.com/
ancientimages - //ancientimages.blogspot.com/
chaimelle - //chaimellepad.blogspot.com/
cwyou - //www.cyimages.blogspot.com/
ericwoo - //www.creekfall.com/pad07/
EvanH - //haharadio.blogspot.com/
Faye Pekas - //fayepfotos.blogspot.com/
Hopper - //www.shutupmilo.com/blog/index.php
james_so - //jamesso.blogspot.com/
justintu - //fixingahole.spaces.live.com/
k4rp - //photo.k4rp.nl/
KarenNfld - //bitstop-nfld.blogspot.com/
karmat - //www.karmashuford.blogspot.com/
keone - //www.flickr.com/photos/johnsmith/sets/72157594450984443/
Krystle - //silverturtlephotography.blogspot.com/
L1 - //2007pics.blogspot.com/
ladyhawk22 - //ladyhawk22.blogspot.com/
loriprophoto - //prophotobylori.blogspot.com/
MPRPRO - //pad2007.blogspot.com/
nickp37 - //www.pbase.com/nickp37/pad_2007/
papagei - //2007pad.blogspot.com/
petrakka - //www.phphoto.net/chronology/slideshow/slideshow.html
puzzled - //www.archerfoto.com/photoblog/
rennie - //www.renniedpc.blogspot.com/
super-dave - //www.super-dave.com/
talj - //www.talj.blogspot.com/
thelobster - //thelobsterpad.blogspot.com/
TheStick - //2007photoaday.blogspot.com/
tmhalling - //www.timhallingphoto.com/blog/index.php?x=browse&category=5
TomFoolery - //www.pbase.com/defytime/photo_a_day/
tooohip - //www.lancewilliams.net/blog/
vikas - //www.vikas-garg.com/pad2007/
W.R.Miller - //www.flickr.com/photos/wrmiller/sets/72157594449103357/
xXxscarletxXx - //amys2007photoaday.blogspot.com/
youngnova - //tlgoodwin.smugmug.com/gallery/2298451
Zippy - //www.zippyandpeep.blogspot.com/

DPCers PAW 2007 links
Alain - //alain-2007paw.blogspot.com/
Alienyst - //cejpad.blogspot.com/
chaimelle - //chaimelle.blogspot.com/
Chalice - //zenweek.blogspot.com/
ericwoo - //www.creekfall.com/paw07/
gordon - //gordonmcgregor.blogspot.com/
gooc - //goc1.com/v2/dir.php?_PAW_2007
jenesis - //jenpricephotography.blogspot.com/
jfriesen - //joshfriesen.com/
JMSetzler - //weeklypix.blogspot.com/
jpochard - //www.pbase.com/jpochard/hometown_hamilton/
kteach - //kteach.theuw.net/
L2 - //lauriegaddis.com/projects/
Lentil - //lisasphotoaweek.blogspot.com/
nickp37 - //nickp37paw2007.blogspot.com/
Nullix - //nullixpow.blogspot.com/
obsidian - //obsidians-paw.blogspot.com/
OtisXMike - //mikepaw-07.blogspot.com/
pug-H - //pug8.smugmug.com/gallery/2272744/
Sacker - //sacker.freehostia.com/pixelpost/
saracat - //saracatspaw.blogspot.com/
slickchik - //paw2007.blogspot.com/
snowflakejen - //jeniyantispaw2007.blogspot.com/
stewils - //stewilspaw.blogspot.com/
TCGuru - //cdhphotos-byjojo.blogspot.com/
tlemetry - //tlemetry.blogspot.com/
Twyla - //dreamingplace.ca/
Wildcard - //bobbiespaw.blogspot.com/

DPCers Photo Blogs
acrotide - //evolutionofthemindseye.blogspot.com/
kearock - //keaphoto.blogspot.com/
mk - //hyperbolical.org/pxl/

Message edited by author 2007-01-03 12:43:22.
12/31/2006 01:46:18 PM · #132
Thank you, James--great job! I will update both of my blogs later today or tomorrow.
12/31/2006 02:58:09 PM · #133
Originally posted by acrotide:

My 2006 PAD didn't last very long, so I'm gonna try something different. I'm not going for a PAD or a PAW with a purpose, but instead I'm just creating a photo blog and seeing how that evolves. I'll be posting whenever I feel like it, as I find I'm easily turned off by the rigors of having to update on a schedule.

I've been on haitus from DPC, and photography in general, for some time and am hoping this project will help me find some inspiration and motivation to get back in the shooting game.

My blog is at //evolutionofthemindseye.blogspot.com/.

Good luck to all participating in this endeavor.

This is what I'm doing as well (and will also contribute to the collaborative PAD if it takes off again). Mine is at:

12/31/2006 04:34:49 PM · #134
Originally posted by james_so:

Originally posted by TCGuru:

It is a grouping of both...

Do you have a list of just the PAW blogs that you can PM to me?
never mind, i found it in the other thread ;)

Thank goodness!! I was having one hell of a time trying to seperate those!!! I was ready to tell you no LOLOL... Have been going < .><. > crosseyed trying to figure it out... thank goodness one of us has brains :P

12/31/2006 05:54:28 PM · #135
My Photo a Day blog is chaimellepad.blogspot.com. It is correct in the actual link list, but the html left the "pad" off, so both go to my photo a week blog. Sorry it is so confusing!

Edit to add: I will soon be starting an additional, separate photo blog, but it will have a totally different name.

Message edited by author 2006-12-31 17:56:09.
12/31/2006 08:03:21 PM · #136
As a shameless plug:

If you happen to stop by my PAD and browse around, I'm saving for a new lens and some studio lights.....which will hopefully be supplemented by monies from the GoogleAds on my site.

So if you're feeling generous, click around :-) I'd really appreciate it and am happy to return the favor to those who are also enrolled in the adsense program!!
12/31/2006 08:43:26 PM · #137
First pic is up yeah beat you all!!! lol
12/31/2006 08:54:18 PM · #138
Ok... I'm in... Youngnova PAD 2007
Wish me luck. I have to really get into my photography for 2007. I think this is a great way to challenge myself.
12/31/2006 09:10:05 PM · #139
Originally posted by ladyhawk22:

Last year a whole slew of people from DPC decided to join together in the enormous endeavor of creating individual Photo A Day blogs.

I know that I fell quite a bit short of the year, but I think there are several people who did a great job keeping up with theirs!!

So now a new year approaches....2007 looms on the horizon with all of its (as of yet) unbroken promises :-) With all of that inspiration hanging in the air.....

Who's up for PAD 2007??

I'll give it a shot. PAD

Message edited by author 2007-01-01 17:55:44.
12/31/2006 10:33:20 PM · #140
I'd like to be in the PAW



12/31/2006 10:35:16 PM · #141
Day one
12/31/2006 10:55:32 PM · #142
That is a sweet picture scarlet!! Nice start! I love the one theme a month thing too... interesting idea :D

12/31/2006 11:23:50 PM · #143
jesus! photo a day for a year ... that sounds unpossible!

but hell, i'll give it a go ... probably drive me freaking crazy.

i have a photo site here: www.super-dave.com i'll add a link to the top.

count me in! :)

Message edited by author 2006-12-31 23:27:19.
01/01/2007 08:44:45 AM · #144
Lift off!

Happy new year and good luck all.
01/01/2007 10:46:46 AM · #145
OK, I'm in for a PAW thing. Don't think I could manage one a day...somedays its a struggle to get out of bed for work....:)

Message edited by author 2007-01-01 11:02:57.
01/01/2007 11:22:01 AM · #146
I'm in also for the PAW... I know that I just don't have the time for a PAD project.

Alain's 2007 PAW
01/01/2007 11:23:49 AM · #147
wow thats quite a list for this year!

Well I am in...second try - hopefully I will make it longer this year!


1st day up!
01/01/2007 11:37:30 AM · #148
I'm in but it will probably change into PAW or even PAM :(
No time...


01/01/2007 05:06:51 PM · #149
Could not wait, first pic is in. :o)
01/01/2007 05:46:41 PM · #150
First post is up now.
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