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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Larus´s PAW 2007 project
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 104, (reverse)
01/01/2007 07:15:23 PM · #1
Well I got down to set some goals for this year and well wanted at least one that wasn´t directly "DPC related" but thought I´d use this website to post the photos, going to post these in this folder.

Well as the name on the folder suggests, I am going to take a photograph of a person each week for the whole year. Only limitation will be that I never take the same person over the year so it will consist of 52 different people when the year is over. That´s pretty much it, I am not going to limit myself any more than that, some are going to be studio photos, others environmental portraits and some might just be a photo of a person´s elbow or something, I am trying to have this fun for me so I stick with it :)

Will post the photos here in this thread and in the folder each week, only exceptions will be if I use any of the photos taken in challenges the same week, then I´ll of course delay posting it online till the voting is over.

Hope this will be fun :)

Edited spelling :)

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 05:53:40.
01/01/2007 07:18:46 PM · #2
I had the same thing in mind for this year.. ;)

good luck, hope to see some photo's soon.
01/01/2007 07:26:33 PM · #3
Best of luck - Great idea to set yourself a good goal like this - Look forward to seeing the images throughout the year.
01/01/2007 07:28:11 PM · #4
Great theme, Larus! You are a natural with portrait work, so I'm sure it will be fun to follow.

A bunch of us are doing something similar. Why not join us?
01/17/2007 12:41:51 PM · #5
Ok can finally show my first week of this project since I used it for a challenge entry. Think it is a nice way to start off the series although it´s a bit too typical for my photos of late. I am going to post week 2 very soon, took it this saturday and haven´t gotten around to process or even choose wich of the shot´s I took I´ll use.

01/17/2007 01:23:07 PM · #6
Eh, had a spare half hour around so I finished week 2 as well, here it is :)

By all means comment on this one rather than week 1 as I already got heaps of comments in the challenge, well, preferably both if you have the time hehe :P

01/25/2007 06:54:54 PM · #7
Finally had time to post process week 3, took me a while to get the eyes acceptable :)

01/31/2007 07:26:57 PM · #8
Week 4 is up if anyone is interested, not sure anybody is as I was hoping for a bit more feedback. Should maybe stop bumping up this thread...

01/31/2007 07:36:42 PM · #9
Please don't stop updating this thread.
I could look at your photography all day.
01/31/2007 07:38:51 PM · #10
well, i won't kiss your butt like ben but i will say i've been enjoying this project for the entire 3 minutes that i've known about it.

i think this is a much more reasonable (and meaningful) project than a generic PoD. :)
01/31/2007 07:39:46 PM · #11
Keep them coming. They are all very good. I would like to suggest showing the orginals too. I dont think its just me, but seeing before and after helps learning what kind of work the "top" people on this site do for their photographs.
01/31/2007 07:46:36 PM · #12
Keep these coming, I look forward to seeing what you come up with over the year.
01/31/2007 07:46:55 PM · #13
Ok ok ok, will continue posting, just wasn´t sure if anyone was watching since no one commented after the first three weeks. I´ll keep them coming, don´t worry :)

Oh and vprndsg: Sorry but strapped for time as it is and don´t really want to bother with that but by all means ask about processing and I´ll do my best to reply. I hardly consider myself one of the top people here anyway, go look at Joey´s and Gary´s work if you want to see top quality post processing :)
01/31/2007 08:17:11 PM · #14
Originally posted by Larus:

Week 4 is up if anyone is interested, not sure anybody is as I was hoping for a bit more feedback. Should maybe stop bumping up this thread...

I think this thread should be on top of the front page at all times....
01/31/2007 08:18:13 PM · #15
maybe we should talk Larus into changing his acronym. "POW" (i.e. "prisoner of war") doesn't sound too fun at first glance.
01/31/2007 08:28:34 PM · #16
Originally posted by muckpond:

maybe we should talk Larus into changing his acronym. "POW" (i.e. "prisoner of war") doesn't sound too fun at first glance.

well "prisoner of war" project sounds alot better then "Photo of the week" to me .... but hey thats just how I am!
02/01/2007 02:46:54 PM · #17
Originally posted by muckpond:

well, i won't kiss your butt like ben but i will say i've been enjoying this project for the entire 3 minutes that i've known about it.

Well there are more reasons than photography as to why i can look at them all day.
02/01/2007 03:54:49 PM · #18
ok, renamed the thread for ya! :)
02/01/2007 05:10:55 PM · #19
Originally posted by muckpond:

ok, renamed the thread for ya! :)

Yay! I made a deal with the devil and he did me a favor! Wait a minute... do I now owe you my soul?
02/01/2007 05:17:18 PM · #20
52 people is lot. Will any of these be street candids or only models shoots?

Message edited by author 2007-02-01 17:17:31.
02/01/2007 05:19:19 PM · #21
Originally posted by Larus:

Originally posted by muckpond:

ok, renamed the thread for ya! :)

Yay! I made a deal with the devil and he did me a favor! Wait a minute... do I now owe you my soul?

nah. just a couple of 10s here and there. :)
02/01/2007 05:23:48 PM · #22
Originally posted by yanko:

52 people is lot. Will any of these be street candids or only models shoots?

Well at some point I´ll take pictures of the people around me, will spend a week on each of my kids and wife and parent´s, siblings and definately my other grandmother as I photographed one last fall. Those shot´s will probably be candid but will not take stree candid photos, I will always go out with the intent of taking photos of a particular person and not just someone random. Besides, street candids are not my thing, I have tried it and I just find it boring to photograph but interesting to look at if done well, just not my thing...
02/01/2007 05:34:40 PM · #23
What kind of soft boxes did you use on the two darker shots. That lighting is insane good.
02/02/2007 01:27:28 PM · #24
Originally posted by JawnyRico:

What kind of soft boxes did you use on the two darker shots. That lighting is insane good.

Just a normal kind of soft box, size about 100x100cm :)
02/17/2007 06:39:03 PM · #25
Finally finally finally got around to look at and process the week 5 photos, have been up to my ears and have already shot photos for week 6 and 7 but they are just collecting dust on the hard drive right now, will post as soon as possible but here is week 5.

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