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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> 2007 PAD--Who's In?
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Showing posts 151 - 175 of 622, (reverse)
01/01/2007 06:09:19 PM · #151
Day 2 >.> Day 2 here in Aus
01/02/2007 01:43:35 AM · #152
Took my Jan 1st shot pretty much right after New Years...but just got it up.

Did anyone not take a shot yesterday??
01/02/2007 02:51:33 AM · #153
i'm slightly ahead of many people (time zone wise) so i've already got day 2 up! :)

this is fun ... only 363 days to go! hahahahaha!

btw, i've checked out some of the other blogs. they look good. i hope the quality stays nice and high by december.


BTW, please please please please sign my guestbook ... it's the only joy in my otherwise mundane life! LOL

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 02:52:43.
01/02/2007 06:22:33 AM · #154
Day 3Ok its a bit early but I couldnt wait
01/02/2007 06:27:41 AM · #155
well I have Day 1 up and am working on Day 2! Have had great fun looking through all your PAD's so far!
01/02/2007 09:28:15 AM · #156
first one of my portrait-a-week is in.. not sure what to think of it, might be a bit too much, but on the other hand I like it...

I'm gonna create a special page for this project, but didnt have the time for it yet. Mean while I'll put them on DPC.
01/02/2007 11:50:45 AM · #157
It is really good to see everyones PADs and fab to recieve all the great comments. Here is the list of links again, this hopefully will be the last time I need to update it (but if you want to be added let me know...) ;)

DPCers PAD 2007 links
alliebeal - //alliebeal.photoblog.com/
ancientimages - //ancientimages.blogspot.com/
chaimelle - //chaimellepad.blogspot.com/
cwyou - //www.cyimages.blogspot.com/
ericwoo - //www.creekfall.com/pad07/
EvanH - //haharadio.blogspot.com/
Faye Pekas - //fayepfotos.blogspot.com/
james_so - //jamesso.blogspot.com/
justintu - //fixingahole.spaces.live.com/
k4rp - //photo.k4rp.nl/
KarenNfld - //bitstop-nfld.blogspot.com/
karmat - //www.karmashuford.blogspot.com/
keone - //www.flickr.com/photos/johnsmith/sets/72157594450984443/
Krystle - //silverturtlephotography.blogspot.com/
L1 - //2007pics.blogspot.com/
ladyhawk22 - //ladyhawk22.blogspot.com/
loriprophoto - //prophotobylori.blogspot.com/
MPRPRO - //pad2007.blogspot.com/
nickp37 - //www.pbase.com/nickp37/pad_2007/
papagei - //2007pad.blogspot.com/
petrakka - //www.phphoto.net/chronology/slideshow/slideshow.html
puzzled - //www.archerfoto.com/photoblog/
rennie - //www.renniedpc.blogspot.com/
super-dave - //www.super-dave.com/
talj - //www.talj.blogspot.com/
thelobster - //thelobsterpad.blogspot.com/
TheStick - //2007photoaday.blogspot.com/
tmhalling - //www.timhallingphoto.com/blog/index.php?x=browse&category=5
TomFoolery - //www.pbase.com/defytime/photo_a_day/
tooohip - //www.lancewilliams.net/blog/
vikas - //www.vikas-garg.com/pad2007/
W.R.Miller - //www.flickr.com/photos/wrmiller/sets/72157594449103357/
xXxscarletxXx - //amys2007photoaday.blogspot.com/
youngnova - //tlgoodwin.smugmug.com/gallery/2298451
Zippy - //www.zippyandpeep.blogspot.com/

DPCers PAW 2007 links
Alain - //alain-2007paw.blogspot.com/
Alienyst - //cejpad.blogspot.com/
chaimelle - //chaimelle.blogspot.com/
Chalice - //zenweek.blogspot.com/
ericwoo - //www.creekfall.com/paw07/
gordon - //gordonmcgregor.blogspot.com/
gooc - //goc1.com/v2/dir.php?_PAW_2007
Hopper - //www.shutupmilo.com/blog/index.php
jenesis - //jenpricephotography.blogspot.com/
jfriesen - //joshfriesen.com/
JMSetzler - //weeklypix.blogspot.com/
jpochard - //www.pbase.com/jpochard/hometown_hamilton/
kteach - //kteach.theuw.net/
L2 - //lauriegaddis.com/projects/
Lentil - //lisasphotoaweek.blogspot.com/
nickp37 - //nickp37paw2007.blogspot.com/
Nullix - //nullixpow.blogspot.com/
obsidian - //obsidians-paw.blogspot.com/
OtisXMike - //mikepaw-07.blogspot.com/
pug-H - //pug8.smugmug.com/gallery/2272744/
Sacker - //sacker.freehostia.com/pixelpost/
saracat - //saracatspaw.blogspot.com/
slickchik - //paw2007.blogspot.com/
snowflakejen - //jeniyantispaw2007.blogspot.com/
stewils - //stewilspaw.blogspot.com/
TCGuru - //cdhphotos-byjojo.blogspot.com/
tlemetry - //tlemetry.blogspot.com/
Twyla - //dreamingplace.ca/
Wildcard - //bobbiespaw.blogspot.com/

DPCers Photo Blogs
acrotide - //evolutionofthemindseye.blogspot.com/
kearock - //keaphoto.blogspot.com/
mk - //hyperbolical.org/pxl/

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 18:16:22.
01/02/2007 11:58:50 AM · #158
Originally posted by james_so:

It is really good to see everyones PADs and fab to recieve all the great comments. Here is the list of links again, this hopefully will be the last time I need to update it ;)

You missed me off :o( I am doing PAD


01/02/2007 12:01:39 PM · #159
Originally posted by talj:

Originally posted by james_so:

It is really good to see everyones PADs and fab to recieve all the great comments. Here is the list of links again, this hopefully will be the last time I need to update it ;)

You missed me off :o( I am doing PAD


missed me too..
but I'll give the link later on this week.
will be online very soon

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 12:02:02.
01/02/2007 12:08:02 PM · #160
Count me in... My 2007 Photo-A-Day Gallery Set
01/02/2007 12:15:01 PM · #161
Count me in too! 2007 Photo-A-Day gallery set
01/02/2007 12:27:21 PM · #162
i update every day on my website //www.phphoto.net

the direct link would be //www.phphoto.net/chronology/slideshow/slideshow.html

i have no plans on stoppin for 2007. but who knows what'll come.
01/02/2007 12:34:25 PM · #163
i completed it last year and am going for two years this year!

01/02/2007 12:42:55 PM · #164
Originally posted by biteme:

missed me too..
but I'll give the link later on this week.
will be online very soon

Let me know the URL and I'll add you to the list ;-)

everyone up to EvanH is on now I think..

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 12:43:47.
01/02/2007 03:16:06 PM · #165
Can you put me on the list? PAD

Message edited by author 2007-01-02 15:16:24.
01/02/2007 03:41:22 PM · #166
I finally posted Day 2!! :o)
01/02/2007 04:53:43 PM · #167
Thanks for all the comments so far everybody!

I'm afraid I can't comment back enough yet. The world of working grabbed my *** today. I'll make some of it up in the weekend!
01/02/2007 05:47:18 PM · #168
If you are looking at my PAD (or PAW for that matter) and notice you are not listed in the PAD/PAW links let me know so I can correct it. I used a version a few days ago, and some might have been added since then.
01/02/2007 11:33:32 PM · #169
Ok, day two is up...finally. Thanks so much for all the comments on day one! I'll start returning the favor tomorrow, I promise.
01/03/2007 08:32:51 AM · #170
PAD navigation.
It's a long list, and i've been wondering about ways to make it eiser to have a quick look at a lot of blogs and dip into a few to comment.
I found this //www.snap.com/ which will give a thumbnail of every link on your page, just go through the setup then paste the code into a HTML sidebar/ footter element on your blog. Other thoughts i had were the //www.yourminis.com and //www.goowy.com/where you can set up rss feeds for multiple blogs on the same page. Anybody else have any suggestions?
01/03/2007 09:07:53 AM · #171
Thanks everyone for all your comments on my PAD photos, I promise as soon as I have time I will return the favor. I have checked some out briefly but hope to have more time tonight to look and post properly. There are some awesome photos there so far.

01/03/2007 10:36:32 AM · #172
day3 on .. only 362 more days to go :)

Thanks for all the comments.. I am still working on updating my template to include the links of other PADers. and also working towards getting to comment on all the blogs possible !
01/03/2007 10:54:53 AM · #173
Originally posted by stewils:

PAD navigation.
It's a long list, and i've been wondering about ways to make it eiser to have a quick look at a lot of blogs and dip into a few to comment.
I found this //www.snap.com/ which will give a thumbnail of every link on your page, just go through the setup then paste the code into a HTML sidebar/ footter element on your blog. Other thoughts i had were the //www.yourminis.com and //www.goowy.com/where you can set up rss feeds for multiple blogs on the same page. Anybody else have any suggestions?

Snap.com is great!! Thanks for recommending it, I inserted it in my about section of the PAD and looks like this will be really convenient !

Message edited by author 2007-01-03 10:55:11.
01/03/2007 11:13:26 AM · #174
Originally posted by stewils:

PAD navigation.
It's a long list, and i've been wondering about ways to make it eiser to have a quick look at a lot of blogs and dip into a few to comment.
I found this //www.snap.com/ which will give a thumbnail of every link on your page, just go through the setup then paste the code into a HTML sidebar/ footter element on your blog. Other thoughts i had were the //www.yourminis.com and //www.goowy.com/where you can set up rss feeds for multiple blogs on the same page. Anybody else have any suggestions?


It takes a bit to setup all the sites, but I love working with it. I'm using it for lots of stuff. Very handy when you switch pc's often.
01/03/2007 11:24:01 AM · #175
i should be in the "photoblog list" and not the "paw list"

i think my posts to the paw thread confused the list creator ... sorry about that

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