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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> 7 sins: What will you do?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 48, (reverse)
10/12/2002 09:17:12 AM · #1
I was thinking, and wondering what people were going to vote like for the 7 deadly sins.

Will you vote highly photos that are obviously one of the sins?
Will you vote highly photos that are metaphorically one of the sins?
Will you vote highly photos that represent one of the sins, but don't actually show it being commited?

Just curious...
10/12/2002 09:20:52 AM · #2
I will be voting on whether or not I am able to interpret the sin in the image and the visual impact of the image...

10/12/2002 10:06:27 AM · #3
I will be voting on how "cute" the picture is and how many relfections in sunglasses I find.


I think I will be rating higher the ones that make me think. The subject of Sin is rather serious and each of these photos should be almost like sermons. Also, all the ones with graphic nudity and depictions of lust will get 10's from me!

(Sorry, I just woke up - I am a little silly today- my true answer is in there in the middle)
10/12/2002 10:17:58 AM · #4
I'll do what I normally do - vote on visual impact first, technique
second and meeting the challenge a somewhat unimportant last.

The picture has to be 'on theme' but other than that I don't usually
care too much about how 'on theme' it is. So any of your three catagories
would be equally valid for me.
10/12/2002 10:45:45 AM · #5
I agree with MarkRob, "cute" is very important. Puppies! I'll be voting high on puppies!

Seriously, like all challenges, I'll be voting on technical merit and artistic presentation and on if I can discern the theme. I am, like most people, at least a little biased by my own aesthetics, but I try to stay open minded. (It should be noted that I'm new here. This will be my second challenge and my 3rd time voting.)

Having said that, I think your 3rd choice, "photos that represent one of the sins, but don't actually show it being commited", may be difficult to judge as many will have differing ethical standards regarding "sin".
10/12/2002 10:59:07 AM · #6
Why do so many people vote on "artistic presentation". Excellent photos are bought and sold everyday that none of us would consider art.

10/12/2002 11:03:45 AM · #7
Originally posted by Niten:
Why do so many people vote on "artistic presentation". Excellent photos are bought and sold everyday that none of us would consider art.


Because a large chunk of the people entering here are not professional
photographers, and are in it for the art ? There are a great many
people who make money making very boring pictures too. (straight portrait,
classical wedding pictures etc)
10/12/2002 11:25:58 AM · #8
Originally posted by Niten:
Why do so many people vote on "artistic presentation". Excellent photos are bought and sold everyday that none of us would consider art.


Everyone wants the images to be appealing to the eye... I believe that is what artistic presentation is...

10/12/2002 11:34:34 AM · #9
Originally posted by JohnSetzler :

Everyone wants the images to be appealing to the eye... I believe that is what artistic presentation is...

Artistic presentation to me doesn't mean appealing to the eye. It
could be extremely jarring and still be artistically presented. It
needs to communicate to me - but then this goes back to the other
discussion about what we think art is about. To me, art is about
communication, not about being pleasing to the eye. It could perfectly
resonably mean that to someone else though.
10/12/2002 11:52:36 AM · #10
I dont think every photo should be judged on artistic presentation.(maybe with Gordon's definition)

Would you consider this shot art? a good photo? How would this score in artistic presentation? //www.magnumarchive.com/c/htm/CDocZ.aspx?o=&DT=ALB&E=29YL53KWDR1&Pass=&Total=114&Pic=18
This Photo

* This message has been edited by the author on 10/12/2002 11:53:43 AM.
10/12/2002 11:57:53 AM · #11
Originally posted by Konador:
I was thinking, and wondering what people were going to vote like for the 7 deadly sins.

Will you vote highly photos that are obviously one of the sins?
Will you vote highly photos that are metaphorically one of the sins?
Will you vote highly photos that represent one of the sins, but don't actually show it being commited?

Just curious...

I'm probably going to base my voting this week on how I think the photograher put thought into their photo. I have researched and I have taken literally hundreds of pictures...cursing this challenge and working my beginner behind to the bone. I better score good :-) If not, I'll just chuck it up to experience and hope the next challenge will be lite...yeah, yeah, yeah....next time lets do the puppy cute stuff and see how cheesy we can get.

10/12/2002 12:01:36 PM · #12
Gordon - if meeting the challenge is an unimportant last consideration, why bother with a challenge?
dpchallenge could always simply have an open competition like many other sites.
10/12/2002 12:04:27 PM · #13
Originally posted by JEM:
Gordon - if meeting the challenge is an unimportant last consideration, why bother with a challenge?
dpchallenge could always simply have an open competition like many other sites.

I didn't say that. I even went on to qualify it by saying

The picture has to be 'on theme' but other than that I don't usually
care too much about how 'on theme' it is. So any of your three catagories
would be equally valid for me.

Too many people submit dull, lifeless pictures but think that because
it meets the challenge it should score high. I take meeting the
challenge as a 'given' if you don't do that then you score very
low indeed. But everything else after meeting the challenge is
where the interesting pictures are.

10/12/2002 12:24:22 PM · #14
I have taken pictures of three different sins so far. I like the last one I chose best, so I will enter that. I am concerned however that people are going to "like" one sin better than some of the others because it may be more pleasing to the eye. If I could only combine them all into an artistic, pleasing to the eye, techinacally perfect picture I'd have it made:)
10/12/2002 12:31:19 PM · #15
I agree... I think that LUST will be plentiful this week :)
10/12/2002 01:36:07 PM · #16
yeah. My grimace of wrath just looks like a grin. pooh.
10/12/2002 01:43:59 PM · #17
I consider that a photojournalistic photo :) it's a snapshot, captures the moment very well and very candid as snapshots should be. But i wouldn't consider it art.

Originally posted by Niten:
I dont think every photo should be judged on artistic presentation.(maybe with Gordon's definition)

Would you consider this shot art? a good photo? How would this score in artistic presentation? //www.magnumarchive.com/c/htm/CDocZ.aspx?o=&DT=ALB&E=29YL53KWDR1&Pass=&Total=114&Pic=18
This Photo

10/12/2002 01:52:39 PM · #18
Anybody that takes a perfectly technical photo of a Playboy magazine will receive a 1-2 from me. The more metaphorical the better, the more obvious the better the score. The more it SHOCKS me, the better the score. And I'll agree with Gordon's rules: Visula impact first (if i had to sit there and think 3-4 minutes to figure out what the artist is saying, because it's a very well done metaphorical photograph, then it'll get a 10 for sure), technical second, meeting challenge last.

And since I have somewhat of a disturbing photograph submitted, though i'll probably converted to B&W before the deadline, it will probably end up with low scores. And no, it's not one of those sissy i-am-taking-a-nakkkkkkeeeedddd-photo-of-my-girlfriend-wife photos. Not that those don't make good photographs to hang around THEIR house, but for me, unless she looks like Heidi Klum, for the few seconds i sit there looking at it (as most people do with these entries), it'll do very little for me for lust and it's too obvious. And unless i see a bondage teddy bear or a teddybear with its throats cut and red ink flowing out of it, any photos with cute teddy bears that doesn't do much at all other than being cute, will get a 1-3 :)

Originally posted by Konador:
I was thinking, and wondering what people were going to vote like for the 7 deadly sins.

Will you vote highly photos that are obviously one of the sins?
Will you vote highly photos that are metaphorically one of the sins?
Will you vote highly photos that represent one of the sins, but don't actually show it being commited?

Just curious...

10/12/2002 02:43:14 PM · #19
Hi all. I'm new to dpchallenge.

I'm reading these forums with great interest. This thread is quite interesting too.

Although I do understand the point of view that most of you seem to have, that is, to tend to dislike and/or give a low score to photos that are "cliché" (such as garbage can photos in this month's theme for example), I just don't understand why all of a sudden nudity and the likes are automatically associated with the LUST sin, and therefore discarded right away as being "cliché" and not worth a good score.

I agree that a simple Playboy Shot wouldn't be much of a research for a theme as interesting as THE 7 SINS. But personally, I think there are some ways to shoot nudity to represent other sins than Lust. I also think there are some very interesting ways to shoot nudity to represent Lust. Nudity has always been and will always remain an inspiration for photographers. It's been done over and over and over again, yet, each photographer that put his/her heart to it will come up with his/her personal creation on nudity.

All in all, what I'm trying to say is, let's try not to be "cliché" ourselves when refering to nudity in photography. Personally, I really look forward to see how nudity will be used in the current SINS theme. I'm sure we'll see uninspiring shots, but I really hope to see the ones that will shine...

My two cents.
Thanks for sharing and listening.

10/12/2002 02:48:21 PM · #20
I forgot to add one little thing... If someone does indeed post a Playboy Shot and it is technically composed, framed and lighted as well as they do it in Playboy, I will personnally give it at least a 6 or 7. The difficulty level of such a shot is extremely high- a LOT higher than conventional B&W high contrast nude photography. I don't think it would deserve a 1 or 2 like paganini said (no offense paganini).

10/12/2002 03:09:37 PM · #21
Originally posted by paganini:
[i]Anybody that takes a perfectly technical photo of a Playboy magazine will receive a 1-2 from me. The more metaphorical the better, the more obvious the better the score. The more it SHOCKS me, the better the score. And I'll agree with Gordon's rules: Visula impact first (if i had to sit there and think 3-4 minutes to figure out what the artist is saying, because it's a very well done metaphorical photograph, then it'll get a 10 for sure), technical second, meeting challenge last.

And since I have somewhat of a disturbing photograph submitted, though i'll probably converted to B&W before the deadline, it will probably end up with low scores. And no, it's not one of those sissy i-am-taking-a-nakkkkkkeeeedddd-photo-of-my-girlfriend-wife photos. Not that those don't make good photographs to hang around THEIR house, but for me, unless she looks like Heidi Klum, for the few seconds i sit there looking at it (as most people do with these entries), it'll do very little for me for lust and it's too obvious. And unless i see a bondage teddy bear or a teddybear with its throats cut and red ink flowing out of it, any photos with cute teddy bears that doesn't do much at all other than being cute, will get a 1-3 :)

Ku, you've dropped your 1 or 10 voting scheme then? Jakob
10/12/2002 03:11:34 PM · #22
didn't mean to do the italic thing...so:

Ku, you've dropped your 1 or 10 voting scheme then? Jakob
10/12/2002 03:16:41 PM · #23
I'll be voting on these the same way that I vote on all the other challenges. The photo first has to have some visual impact on me, then it has to meet the challenge, be clever or creative and then be technically solid. I will consider which and how many of these elements the photo contains and assign a value to it. In my mind the elements do not have to be equally good to produce a high score. While a good photo should contain a good amount of each of those elements, any one element could be handled so well that it tips the scale to produce a winning photo. I hope that made sense. I'm still trying to wake up this morning : )

10/12/2002 04:36:34 PM · #24
If the folks who disparage cliche shots could duplicate those shots at will with technical skill I would agree with them that the photograph is a dime a dozen.


Based on my time here I have yet to see consistent high quality technical shots of cliches. This just shows that there is a lot of artistic merit to be given even to photographs we may take for granted due to their regular exposure in the media.

Let me see 50 playboy/maxim style shots done with the same skill I see in those magazines then I might believe that type of photo is so easy the it deserves a low score.

I sometimes think folks hide their still newly forming technical skills by avoiding shots people can easily compare to pro style shots in media.

As always..I will vote on all aspects of a photo and technical merit carries a heck of a lot more weight than a 1 or a 2.

* This message has been edited by the author on 10/12/2002 4:36:02 PM.
10/12/2002 05:36:35 PM · #25
I have modified it. 1-3 versus 8-10, still, if you get a 3 it's really a 1. I would vote a 1 and 10 if the administrators would allow it but they have this script that prevents people from blatantly voting other people 1's (i.e. to prevent cheating),so i think i'd have to spread my scores around a bit.

Originally posted by chakkobbo:
Originally posted by paganini:
[i]Anybody that takes a perfectly technical photo of a Playboy magazine will receive a 1-2 from me. The more metaphorical the better, the more obvious the better the score. The more it SHOCKS me, the better the score. And I'll agree with Gordon's rules: Visula impact first (if i had to sit there and think 3-4 minutes to figure out what the artist is saying, because it's a very well done metaphorical photograph, then it'll get a 10 for sure), technical second, meeting challenge last.

And since I have somewhat of a disturbing photograph submitted, though i'll probably converted to B&W before the deadline, it will probably end up with low scores. And no, it's not one of those sissy i-am-taking-a-nakkkkkkeeeedddd-photo-of-my-girlfriend-wife photos. Not that those don't make good photographs to hang around THEIR house, but for me, unless she looks like Heidi Klum, for the few seconds i sit there looking at it (as most people do with these entries), it'll do very little for me for lust and it's too obvious. And unless i see a bondage teddy bear or a teddybear with its throats cut and red ink flowing out of it, any photos with cute teddy bears that doesn't do much at all other than being cute, will get a 1-3 :)

Ku, you've dropped your 1 or 10 voting scheme then? Jakob

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