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Showing posts 1876 - 1900 of 2180, (reverse)
01/24/2007 06:57:44 PM · #1876
Originally posted by posthumous:

Sympthasize, v., to artificially create a sense of identity with a foreign object through chemical means.

I gotta get a dictionary like he got....8>)

I guess I should have known better than to expect anyone to feel bad for my dropping to a 5.9939.

It was just that I soooooooo wanted another 6.0 score to show the world that the Procrastination entry wasn't a total fluke.

Oh waaaaaaaah! Maybe it was!!!!!!
01/24/2007 07:01:24 PM · #1877
Originally posted by posthumous:

I thought I'd remind everyone that I lead team suck in more ways than one... check out that Entrance score... could be a record for me.

Votes: 74
Views: 97
Avg Vote: 3.3378
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0


That *REALLY* sucks!

Hey, you have really nice non-suck stuff on your profile page, none below 6.2, you know the drill.....WTF happened????

01/24/2007 07:19:15 PM · #1878
Originally posted by posthumous:


BLUE=====Team Novice======5.93915
RED======The Hoovers======5.8177
YELLOW===Team Entropy=====5.541733333
BROWN====Team Minus=======5.229633333

Congratulations to Team Novice!! They have the distinction of leaderlessly awarding an OOBIE and YAPPIE to persons of their choice. And the winner of Momentary Lapse of Sucking is... skewsme!! She gets to comment on Team Suckers or offer an equivalent service.

Holy S#!T Batman, We won.

Oh......wait a minute.....I didn't have a picture entered.....Hey Team Novice, I know what it takes to win now!!!!
01/24/2007 07:36:51 PM · #1879
Originally posted by snaffles:

Wow, do I ever have that brownie recipe memorized now! Thanks to all members of the Brownie Recipe Club (you know who you are) for your suggestions and useful comments.

Just a quick addendum for the recipe - if you do use butter, make sure it is softened, not melted. Big difference between the two. And if you like nuts in your brownies, I'd guess that a 1/2 cup of nuts should be about right for this recipe.

A quick reminder as this thread can move pretty fast - hi, I'm snaffles and I want to sell pix to Shutterstock, so I am asking my TS fellows for assistance in choosing pix worthy of putting in a portfolio to submit to Shutterstock. Any extra post-editing hints to help enhance pix that just need a little more work would be great, too. I now have Photoshop 8.0 so I am up to speed in terms of that, now just need to know how to maximize the program.

So, don't be the only Team Suckee without a PM'd snaffles' mum's brownie recipe! Check out my portfolio, choose the 5-8 pix you like best and PM me your list!

Don't delay! Sometimes my pix suck, but my brownies don't!

Please, please, please don't take this the wrong way. But Shutterstock is almost impossible to get into these days. Many of the so called "pros" on this site have gotten a lot of rejections from them lately. Also not that I'm any better than you (cause I'm not) but I've tried 3 times with 30 different pictures that have all been shot down by them. Those same pictures were accepted at Fotolia, LuckyOliver and 123RF. You might want to try any of these if you get shot down by Shutterstock.
01/24/2007 07:43:12 PM · #1880
Originally posted by Melethia:

OK, Kelli, I remembered this evening. :-)

What I'd said was I like the way Kelli does everyday things - one of my all time favorites of hers is this one:

The title for it is perfect, for it is indeed a simple, quiet moment in time, beautifully captured. No over processing, no oversaturation - just simple and straightforward and a wonderful memory of a day.

I also got a kick out of this one:

Takes a unique eye to see the possibility that presented itself here.

And give the woman a little freedom in Photoshop and you get this:

Very creative indeed!

Kelli, if there's one thing I think you should try (and I need to concentrate on it more, too) it's to move out of the center. Try composing or cropping more on the thirds lines for instance. I tend to shoot centered because that's the focus point I use, then I crop. Or if I'm paying attention, I'll focus center then shift my view slightly. Oh, and I love the shot of your hubby with the sword, too.

Congrats on the new job, by the way, and I hope you're feeling better!!

Thanks Deb! You gave me the warm fuzzies! That's definitely one of my favorites of my son. I needed that today. And yes, I'm feeling much better today. The new job is simply nuts, I'm not sure if I'm going to survive it. I'll send you a PM, maybe you can give me an objective point of view.

Edit for scores update...

Best Of 2006

Votes: 332
Views: 470
Avg Vote: 5.7380
Comments: 12

Wildlife III (I liked the score better before the comments!)

Votes: 173
Views: 227
Avg Vote: 5.9480
Comments: 2


Votes: 81
Views: 90
Avg Vote: 4.7901
Comments: 2

Message edited by author 2007-01-24 19:45:01.
01/24/2007 07:48:28 PM · #1881
Originally posted by posthumous:

Sympthasize, v., to artificially create a sense of identity with a foreign object through chemical means.

This sounds like photography to me.
01/24/2007 08:40:51 PM · #1882
Originally posted by kdsprog:

Wildlife III (I liked the score better before the comments!)
Votes: 173
Views: 227
Avg Vote: 5.9480
Comments: 2

Did this tag you down below 6.0 too?

I got a clueless comment that kinda indicated that I got a slam vote right before mine dipped below.

It was one of those kind of comments that evokes the question,"Who peed in your Cheerios?".
01/24/2007 08:48:28 PM · #1883
Who peed in your Cheerios

dont you hate it when that happens. lol
01/24/2007 08:52:28 PM · #1884
No worries, NikonJeb, bet your wildlife will go back up over 6. Usually there's a nice little surge right at the end. Besides, I think the same person peed in my cheerios, 'cause my score took a tenth of a point dive in one vote, too.
01/24/2007 09:04:13 PM · #1885
I made it to 5.1. YES!!!!


Votes: 88
Views: 108
Avg Vote: 5.1136
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
01/24/2007 09:25:16 PM · #1886
These are my scores I know I suck, but I will still go out and take pictures and enter challenges. What I could use is a mentor in PS. I'm just not understanding it. I've read everything until my head hurts I've played and played in it, and I'm just not getting it. Hopefully in the Spring I can take a class. I'm getting lots of good comments, but if you don't understand what they are saying it's hard to put it to use.
Best of 2006
Votes: 319
Views: 398
Avg Vote: 4.9154
Comments: 15

Wildlife III
Votes: 175
Views: 235
Avg Vote: 5.3829
Comments: 14

Votes: 84
Views: 105
Avg Vote: 4.8810
Comments: 1
I know that my Exit DNMC but I thought it was a good picture (there I go again thinking)

01/24/2007 10:15:10 PM · #1887
Originally posted by noraneko:

No worries, NikonJeb, bet your wildlife will go back up over 6. Usually there's a nice little surge right at the end. Besides, I think the same person peed in my cheerios, 'cause my score took a tenth of a point dive in one vote, too.

Methinks this guy has a large bladder!

And why do we just know it's a guy?


I have not necessarily seen evidence of that elusive surge....as a matter of fact, my Procrastination entry slowly degraded in score that last day from 6.8986 down to 6.7500.
01/24/2007 10:18:29 PM · #1888
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Methinks this guy has a large bladder!

And why do we just know it's a guy?


I have not necessarily seen evidence of that elusive surge....as a matter of fact, my Procrastination entry slowly degraded in score that last day from 6.8986 down to 6.7500.

From what I have experienced, if you score is 5.7 or lower it will surge up, if it is above 5.7 it will surge down. I'm pulling for you though! Here's my, the 5 vote average.

Wildlife III
Votes: 172
Views: 262
Avg Vote: 5.0523
Comments: 9

Message edited by author 2007-01-24 23:22:28.
01/24/2007 11:28:26 PM · #1889
So I seem to have lost my mind....I have entries in Minimalism, Shallow, and Fill the Frame.

I have to do Free Study 'cause I'm in the Marathon and I'll probably do table shot, too.....actually, I just clicked on details and it said that since I have a Shallow entry, too bad about my luck for Table Top.
01/25/2007 12:05:57 AM · #1890
Exclusive open challenges are one or the other. The "open" part is what throws people. Perhaps Don will come up with another word we can use. I do like the definition of sympthasize and will probably start using it in everyday discussions from now on. I'm just not sure I can prounounce it.

I think I may have a good score going in Exit. I have 12 comments so far, mostly good, but none from Team Suck. Waiting for the 100 vote barrier so when anyone else in Exit gets to that, let me know.

Ah, I forgot about the marathon. That means I need a Free Study entry. I shall sort and edit this weekend to see what's lurking on the drive.

cosprenks, I am not a PS wizard by any means, but I can help with the basics. If you have particular questions, fire away and if I don't know the answer, I'm sure someone on Team Suck does!
01/25/2007 02:04:30 AM · #1891
Damn, I thought the two odd rules challenges opened for voting today, but it's tomorrow! Argh, another day of waiting ....
01/25/2007 07:05:59 AM · #1892
wow. its been a while since i posted. there are some pretty amazing scores happening here. well done, everyone. it's been very hectic here, haven't been doing a whole lot of shooting of late...

greetings to new members. glad to have ya!

my wildlife pic is doing as i thought it would - sub5, but some very positive comments. you'll see why on monday, that's all i can say.

i'm in for minimalism, entered mine for free study very early - possibly a first for me. i have an idea for fill the frame, which i need my man to help me with. i'm still pondering shallow DOF, but will probably enter that, as tabel top is offering no inspiration yet.

must go and clean for the carpenter - we're getting built in bookshelves this week! YAY!!!!! i can finally get some of the books properly in shelves. we're bibliophiles, so were my parents. as i'm an only child, i'm getting all of their books as well. nice, but creates storage problems...
01/25/2007 07:20:34 AM · #1893
I'm glad the BO2006 will be over tomorrow, I'm tired of looking at it.

I'm in for "Entrance" and "Fill the Frame"

Votes: 106
Views: 127
Avg Vote: 5.1604
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

01/25/2007 07:26:38 AM · #1894
Best Of 2006
Votes: 352
Views: 427
Avg Vote: 4.6903
Comments: 18

Votes: 96
Views: 127
Avg Vote: 5.1458
Comments: 1

01/25/2007 07:55:07 AM · #1895
I'm really looking forward to seeing Suckee Best Of photos, and think we should post some outtakes when the challenge finishes as well. Would be interested to see what everyone considered but did not enter.
01/25/2007 08:01:52 AM · #1896
Originally posted by bmartuch:

I'm glad the BO2006 will be over tomorrow, I'm tired of looking at it.

Not judging by the nice comment you left on mine....BTW, you're supposed to *pretend* that you don't know whose it is!....8>)

Christian, got any extra room on those shelves for a half dozen boxes of books from me?

I haven't got the money or time to do shelves yet here......sigh.....


You know that e-mail that's been floating around that's a test of your brain where the first and last letters of the words are right, but the rest are jumbled?

I thought Don had a screwball definition for the word SYMPATHIZE.....and my brain took that word SYMPTHASIZE and saw what it wanted to based on my whining!

My crack about wanting his dictionary is much funnier given that context.

I'm such a maroon!

EDIT:Wait a cotton pickin' minute.....is that a real word????

Message edited by author 2007-01-25 08:09:46.
01/25/2007 08:19:28 AM · #1897
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

I'm such a maroon!

Not a bad color to be.
01/25/2007 08:26:19 AM · #1898
Originally posted by xianart:

i have an idea for fill the frame, which i need my man to help me with.

Deb takes 10 foot pole and backs away quietly, careful not to touch...
01/25/2007 08:32:18 AM · #1899
Originally posted by Melethia:

Originally posted by xianart:

i have an idea for fill the frame, which i need my man to help me with.

Deb takes 10 foot pole and backs away quietly, careful not to touch...

You'll need a big pole for my minimalism entry.
01/25/2007 08:36:30 AM · #1900
I need my man's big pole for my minimalism entry, oh wait, sorry, got confused there for a minute. You ladies are dirty (giggles behind hand).
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