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Showing posts 2026 - 2050 of 2180, (reverse)
01/26/2007 11:36:05 AM · #2026
Woo hoo - just got a great comment from nikonjeb and my first ever comment from goodman on my fill the frame photo (which, by the way, my husband didn't really think met the challenge, so I'm waiting for those DNMC comments...none so far, but as they say, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen...)
01/26/2007 11:40:07 AM · #2027
my minimalism II is getting minimal votes

Minimalism II

Votes: 43
Views: 53
Avg Vote: 4.6512
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
01/26/2007 11:40:17 AM · #2028
Anybody remember what page of this marathon thread the instructions on how to use guides to rotate a pic or see "rule of thirds" are on? I'll go look here in a bit after my fingers thaw. It's a wee bit on the cold side here today. Never got above freezing and there was a dusting, ever so slight, of schnee on the road on the way home. I bought firewood. Think I shall go throw some of it in the fireplace.
01/26/2007 11:45:44 AM · #2029
Originally posted by Melethia:

Think I shall go throw some of it in the fireplace.

you have a fireplace!!!! :) you are so lucky.

there is an action for PS that "analyses" photos according to the rule of thirds. I have a link on my home computer, I'll post it later when I get home if you want to!
01/26/2007 11:48:42 AM · #2030
Originally posted by levyj413:

Does everyone know how to find old challenges? It's the best research available for repeats. And don't assume that just because there isn't a Roman numeral after it that it hasn't been done before.

Go to the challenges menu and choose "challenge history." Click the box to show all challenges on one screen and then hit ctrl-F to search within the page for the title.


If I would have known about that, and looked, I would have seen that my clever little ploy in B&W had been done before, and zaflabout has the scars to prove it!

It's funny, I think his pic is better than mine is on a couple of different levels.....I guess he just paved the way 'cause mine did a half point better in the scoring.
01/26/2007 11:54:55 AM · #2031
Here is my latest comment on Fill the Frame:

"Your subject takes up most of the frame, but it doesn't fill the frame to me."

Apparently, they want 100%.

This is surprising since many of the high places in the last challenge didn't fill 100% of the frame. I guess the rules have changed. I'll certainly remember this next time. I guess you have to take the instructions literally and DO NOT DEVIATE or many people will be very upset.

I'll tell you something, I just learned a hard lesson and my score proves it.

This is just my sorry opinion but it tells me that OOB will be punished!

Message edited by author 2007-01-26 11:56:47.
01/26/2007 12:02:15 PM · #2032
Originally posted by Melethia:

Anybody remember what page of this marathon thread the instructions on how to use guides to rotate a pic or see "rule of thirds" are on? I'll go look here in a bit after my fingers thaw. It's a wee bit on the cold side here today. Never got above freezing and there was a dusting, ever so slight, of schnee on the road on the way home. I bought firewood. Think I shall go throw some of it in the fireplace.

I don't know about rule of thirds. I usually just eyeball it with the rulers on or drag a guide off the ruler. Assuming you're using Photoshop, literally left-click on the vertical ruler and drag right or on the top ruler and drag down. That'll put a guide line across the picture. It's not in the image, just a tool to help you line things up. To move it again, choose the "move" tool to the right of the rectangle marquee tool and click on the guide.

By the way, if you're ever trying to precisely align things, like for an expert challenge or *gasp* for something outside of a challenge, you can also set it to "snap" things to guides, meaning it'll go from a fair bit away from the guide to right on the money, even if your mouse is a little off.

As for rotating horizons, choose the measurement tool - it's one of the options under the eyedropper. Draw a line and then go to image->rotate->arbitrary; the angle will be automatically filled in. Double-check that it guessed right about clockwise vs. counterclockwise and hit ok.
01/26/2007 12:02:47 PM · #2033
Originally posted by Melethia:

Anybody remember what page of this marathon thread the instructions on how to use guides to rotate a pic or see "rule of thirds" are on?

I have this vision of a whole section somewhere with the Team Suck tech tips/helpful hints that are so hjelpful and informative.......

My vision also sees someone else doing it, but hey.....8>)

Is there some way we could do that?

Maybe in another thread asking people to please come back here to ask questions and not post there?

Could it be locked except for tips?

Am I clueless???????
01/26/2007 12:06:42 PM · #2034
Originally posted by bmartuch:

This is just my sorry opinion but it tells me that OOB will be punished!

Umm....just my opinion, not that I'd know more about it than the next guy, but YES!!!

Even though I'm whining and banging on my highchair about the votes, I'm much more interested in how I fare relative to the people here.

Having become more acquainted with your styles and abilities, I'd rather beat some of you by .001 than ribbon.....okay that's a little bit if a lie, but you know what I mean.
01/26/2007 12:08:14 PM · #2035
rule of thirds, rule of thirds, rule of thirds. gah!

i have two degrees in art, and only heard this particular terminology on DPC. rule of thirds, golden mean, golden proportion, whatever you want to call it, is a guideline. it's not a thing to snap to, or measure to, etc. etc.

as jeffrey said, eyeball it. that's the more organic, and more visually pleasing way to do it. mondrian didn't measure any of his works, he used his eyes to create a pleasing composition. that's what needs to be done in photography too.

so, don't worry overmuch about 'rule of thirds'. a pleasing composition will usually have it naturally, rather than try to force it strictly upon an image. and, don't forget, some images look wonderful centred, or with a radical proportion.

rant over.

you can return to your regularly scheduled converstaions now... ;-P

edit - 'cause i hate spelling errors - even if they're only typos...

Message edited by author 2007-01-26 14:51:18.
01/26/2007 12:09:57 PM · #2036
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by bmartuch:

This is just my sorry opinion but it tells me that OOB will be punished!

Umm....just my opinion, not that I'd know more about it than the next guy, but YES!!!

yup, but that's ok. growth is more important than scores, anyday. OOB thinking helps us to grow creatively, mentally, and spiritually.


i'm done now.

01/26/2007 12:11:56 PM · #2037
Minimalism II
Votes: 45
Avg Vote: 3.6000
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0

Fill the Frame II
Votes: 41
Avg Vote: 4.3415
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0

Boy, do I ever suck this week!

01/26/2007 12:16:44 PM · #2038
Originally posted by xianart:

rule of thirds, rule of thirds, rule of thirds. gah!

i have two degrees in art, and only heard this particular terminology on DPC.

When I first started trying to take good shots as opposed to snapshots back in March, I searched for tips on good photos and came across the phrase "rule of thirds" everywhere. Just now, a Google search yielded 260,000 results.

It's really interesting that the terminology that's so widely used isn't used in art classes. Or wasn't when you were doing your degrees.

But going along with what you said, like all photography "rules," this one helps push people out of so-so results. Once you're comfortable with it, you then should play with breaking it. I usually now just say "get out of the middle."

Message edited by author 2007-01-26 12:17:08.
01/26/2007 12:17:57 PM · #2039
Originally posted by xianart:

rule of thirds, rule of thirds, rule of thirds. gah!

i have two degrees in art, and only heard this particular terminology on DPC. rule of thirds, golden mean, golden proportion, whatever you want to call it, is a guideline. it's not a thing to snap to, or measure to, etc. etc.

as jefferey said, eyeball it. that's the more organic, and more visually pleasing way to do it. mondrian didn't measure any of his works, he used his eyes to create a pleasing composition. that's what needs to be done in photography too.

so, don't worry overmuch about 'rule of thirds'. a pleaseing composition will usually have it naturally, rather than try to force it strictly upon an image. and, don't forget, some images look wonderful centred, or with a radical proportion.

rant over.

you can return to your regularly scheduled converstaions now... ;-P

:) I agree with you, absolutely.
01/26/2007 12:34:54 PM · #2040
I don't really worry about rule of thirds all that much - mostly wanted to work gridlines and have a hard time figuring those out. Also, thanks Jeff, the "behind the eyedropper is another tool" is the bit I was looking for.
01/26/2007 12:36:07 PM · #2041
Originally posted by levyj413:

I usually now just say "get out of the middle."

I've actually been experimenting lately with putting vanishing points back in the middle of photo to see if I can pull of depth as an added dimension of interest. Sometimes it works, sometimes...it just sucks :-)
01/26/2007 12:39:55 PM · #2042
Right then. Please continue to argue, but here's some quarrel-fodder:

The golden ratio is, indeed, a ratio. It's pretty complex to describe it mathematically though and it was (as far as I know) originally expressed verbally.

The thing that's wrong with the 'rule of thirds' is that the 'rule' bit is a misnomer. Decentralisation of major elements is what it's about, allied to the rather obvious point of not crowding things up against the edges. Round about those little cross-hairs is where you end up. The next thing to avoid (if you're really going to get subtle and clever about it) is the diagonals, which is precisely where der feuhrer who rules the thirds reich has camped out. Like the lady says, it's a guideline.

There's more terminology from picture makers that gets distorted. 'Noise' is a term for elements that a) don't add to a composition and b) detract from it. That which is called 'noise' around here (used to be 'grain' in primeval film days) may or may not be 'noise' according to the old usage.

(273 pages deleted here, ed.)

Thank you for your attention, good night.
01/26/2007 12:42:18 PM · #2043
Originally posted by Melethia:

I don't really worry about rule of thirds all that much - mostly wanted to work gridlines and have a hard time figuring those out. Also, thanks Jeff, the "behind the eyedropper is another tool" is the bit I was looking for.

reposting about grids - (the conversation is on the 3rd to last page if you have #posts set to max)

Originally posted by skewsme:

there is a grid tool - very useful - I believe it is under View - Show - Grid. you can change the size of the grid under Edit-Preferences- Guides and Grids

very helpful for rule of thirds pickyness too
01/26/2007 12:44:53 PM · #2044
Raish, darlin', if you ever write a book, I'll be the first in line to buy it. And it will be studied for ages in classes ranging from philosophy to Games of Chance.

And thanks Skewsme, that was the other tip my poor little tired brain couldn't quite remember.
01/26/2007 12:52:42 PM · #2045
Originally posted by raish:

There's more terminology from picture makers that gets distorted. 'Noise' is a term for elements that a) don't add to a composition and b) detract from it. That which is called 'noise' around here (used to be 'grain' in primeval film days) may or may not be 'noise' according to the old usage.

As with "rule of thirds," I just want people to know that "noise" meaning "little dots of random color" isn't a DPC term. Rather, it's found throughout reviews and discussions of digital photography.
01/26/2007 01:57:57 PM · #2046
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Minimalism II
Votes: 45
Avg Vote: 3.6000
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0

Fill the Frame II
Votes: 41
Avg Vote: 4.3415
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0

Boy, do I ever suck this week!

Hey Jeb, Actually I'm just whining because I didn't think my shot was THAT bad.

One thing to think about buddy, I'm not going to let you have the brown without a fight. In fact, you're going to have to chase me.

Read-em and weep!

Fill the Frame II

Votes: 44
Views: 60
Avg Vote: 4.1818
Comments: 5
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
01/26/2007 02:02:07 PM · #2047
Someone mentioned writing a book. That reminded me that on a couple of other sites I've been a member on, collaborations/compilations of tech tips/techniques have been put together.

They related to working on and/or stats with automobiles, but the frame of reference applies.

Any interest in "The Enthusiasts Guide to Photography and Processing", subtitled Written by and For Enthusiasts in the Digital Age?

I predict we'll be rich by February!.....8>)
01/26/2007 02:19:38 PM · #2048
Originally posted by Melethia:

Raish, darlin', if you ever write a book, I'll be the first in line to buy it. And it will be studied for ages in classes ranging from philosophy to Games of Chance.

Sorry, Raish, I'm only going to buy your book if you illustrate it with Peter-the-Great's Triangular Russian Framing Method and a Laurus-Eats-My-Dust Yappie Sucker.
01/26/2007 02:25:41 PM · #2049
Originally posted by JuliBoc:

Originally posted by cosprenks:

... What I could use is a mentor in PS. I'm just not understanding it. I've read everything until my head hurts I've played and played in it, and I'm just not getting it. Hopefully in the Spring I can take a class.

Have you tried watching the Photoshop Workbench tutorials on The Radiant Vista?

Thanks will take a look. I've done the tutorials at Photo Shop they helped some. I really think that I need to take a class and just play more. I'm off to Vegas will take lots of pictures and hope that I can come up with some good ones
01/26/2007 02:37:08 PM · #2050
Originally posted by noraneko:

Sorry, Raish, I'm only going to buy your book if you illustrate it with Peter-the-Great's Triangular Russian Framing Method and a Laurus-Eats-My-Dust Yappie Sucker.

this is just too funny!!! HEHE:)
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