Author | Thread |
10/23/2002 05:00:51 PM · #101 |
Is it really art or some kind of sexually desire? I have a husband. Seeing others doesn't really enthuse(sp) me at all.
Originally posted by ClubJuggle: I would turn your question around and wonder whether it's healthy to have a strong need NOT to see nudity. Probably neither is more or less healthy than the other. To me, though, the argument is not about a need to see anything in particular. It is about how to balance a photographer's desire to create a certain work of art that he or she has conceived in his or her mind against the viewer's desire to avoid certain types of images. It's a tough balancing act.
10/23/2002 05:06:47 PM · #102 |
let's not rehash what is nudity/art/pornography again... I think this thread has about lived its useful life...
10/23/2002 05:21:17 PM · #103 |
As I mentioned above, I believe there are perfectly good technical ways we can assist folks avoid the images that offend them. My question: If there will be a checkbox (or similar) for images with nudity, will there also be a checkbox for images with guns and bullets? Or violence?
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/23/2002 5:19:07 PM.
10/23/2002 05:21:19 PM · #104 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: let's not rehash what is nudity/art/pornography again... I think this thread has about lived its useful life...
I agree with you John, but I have last question. Earlier in the thread you said you were on 2 other sights without nudity. Could you share the URLs? Then everyone can be somewhere they are happy :) |
10/23/2002 05:23:52 PM · #105 |
Originally posted by myqyl: Originally posted by jmsetzler: [i]let's not rehash what is nudity/art/pornography again... I think this thread has about lived its useful life...
I agree with you John, but I have last question. Earlier in the thread you said you were on 2 other sights without nudity. Could you share the URLs? Then everyone can be somewhere they are happy :)[/i]
Photo Critique Forum
10/23/2002 05:24:55 PM · #106 |
Originally posted by Jak: As I mentioned above, I believe there are perfectly good technical ways we can assist folks avoid the images that offend them. My question: If there will be a checkbox (or similar) for images with nudity, will there also be a checkbox for images with guns and bullets? Or violence?
Good question. I know the nudity/sexual content thing was made a priority because it could put jobs on the line... I can't guarantee it would be implemented but a similar box for violence might be desirable as well. I'll bring this question to the attention of the admins.
10/23/2002 05:27:15 PM · #107 |
Originally posted by Jak: As I mentioned above, I believe there are perfectly good technical ways we can assist folks avoid the images that offend them. My question: If there will be a checkbox (or similar) for images with nudity, will there also be a checkbox for images with guns and bullets? Or violence?
I believe that nudity is the only current issue at hand. If we tried to cover everything that may be offensive to anyone, we would have to come up with a way to hide just about everything imaginable.
If we cover guns and violence, should we also cover religion, flags, etc? Where does it end?
10/23/2002 05:28:31 PM · #108 |
Another note: DPC is not responsible for what you do during time you are supposed to be working :)
10/23/2002 05:40:39 PM · #109 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: Originally posted by Jak: [i]As I mentioned above, I believe there are perfectly good technical ways we can assist folks avoid the images that offend them. My question: If there will be a checkbox (or similar) for images with nudity, will there also be a checkbox for images with guns and bullets? Or violence?
I believe that nudity is the only current issue at hand. If we tried to cover everything that may be offensive to anyone, we would have to come up with a way to hide just about everything imaginable.
If we cover guns and violence, should we also cover religion, flags, etc? Where does it end?
Well, personally I'm far, far more uncomfortable and/or offended by images depicting violence & guns. I am pretty unshockable on the human form. But then I'm not from the US and have been struggling with the strange (to me) cultural inversion that goes on here in Texas, where the body is sinful and shameful but violence is a huge form of entertainment, in many many forms.
But to the point, I think an opt-in scheme that people could personally select on or off, would solve the problem for the various 'sensitive' topics. All you'd have to do is self-rate your image as having an adult theme.
10/23/2002 05:52:02 PM · #110 |
Originally posted by Sonifo: Is it really art or some kind of sexually desire? I have a husband. Seeing others doesn't really enthuse(sp) me at all.
Does every photo have to enthuse you though? I personally like seeing human bodies, naked or otherwise. Everyone has one. I am not as comfortable with some of the other images which appear on the site (for instance, guns and the cutting photo from the last challenge), BUT I respect the right of those photographers to post those photos and I try to vote on them as works of art even if the subject does make me a bit queasy.
Everyone has a body, but some are just afraid of their sexuality. If a photo makes you very uncomfortable, then just pass it by. And if your son asks about a photo, explain the concept of art. Don't know how old he is, but sometimes the younger they are the better they understand the concept of art. If he doesn't recognize it as a body, then maybe some more explanations are in order...
* This message has been edited by the author on 10/23/2002 5:49:44 PM. |
10/23/2002 06:00:25 PM · #111 |
Originally posted by bamaster: I sense a trend here... every week a little more edgy than the other. I'm beginning to think next month I'll have to give a credit card number to vote.
I'm new on this but in just 2 weeks I've seen more that belongs or a porn web site that I care too. My grandchildren, ages 15 to 2 like to look at this and I have to run them out of the room. I also understand young people submit pictures. I'm no prude but I don't care for these on a family web-site
10/23/2002 06:04:21 PM · #112 |
How about a system like the movies have. PG 13 & R. when you submit a photo there would be an option to select a PG 13 or R. You would be required when submitting a photo of nekked people to select one. In your setup page you have the option to select view all, view all except PG13 & R rated, view all except R rated (x would not be an option??). This Idea would help me you see my son just entered the contest (he is 11). It could be a problem down the road. |
10/23/2002 06:05:09 PM · #113 |
Originally posted by kosmikkreeper: Hi Aelith
Thanks! To be honest, I can't beleive that my photo would even shock! It's a basic nude shot with a twist. :o)
Some had the nerve to call it porn! Now that's insulting!
It is pure porn if you can see pubic hair. Especially if he is down at that end eating the apple peel. And we all know the apple is associated with the first sin, even though that is not what the bible says. It calls it a fruit. I recommended you be disqualified and would do it again. I call it Pure filthy porn.
10/23/2002 06:06:46 PM · #114 |
Originally posted by PTLParsons: Originally posted by bamaster: [i]I sense a trend here... every week a little more edgy than the other. I'm beginning to think next month I'll have to give a credit card number to vote.
I'm new on this but in just 2 weeks I've seen more that belongs or a porn web site that I care too. My grandchildren, ages 15 to 2 like to look at this and I have to run them out of the room. I also understand young people submit pictures. I'm no prude but I don't care for these on a family web-site [/i]
You may be correct or not in your interpretation of pornography - but it doesn't say this is 'family site' anywhere. As always, you have to exercise your judgement in what you think younger family members should have access to on the 'net. This is not a family web site. It is a photography web site. There may or may not be an overlap there, but it is certainly not guaranteed. We provide some level of selection on the content, based upon the acceptable standards of the adults who run the site, and with some consideration that there may be children using the site. It has always been made clear when asked that while children may use this site, the content is at the discretion of the responsible adult who should be supervising the child's 'net access.
It is not our job nor will it be our job to remove or censor content for 'the sake of the children'. There are probably other photography sites actually aimed at children, that may be more suitable for your needs.
10/23/2002 06:08:16 PM · #115 |
If the nudety is well done then it gets high marks from me. I didn't say I voted them down. For instants, I voted an 8 on Jmselzers. Very nicely done and looks like it took alot of hard work. I didn't vote it a ten because I didn't see the Wow in it. Sorry you miss read what I posted. |
10/23/2002 06:08:31 PM · #116 |
Why is there a need for a checkbox for guns and bullets? A gun is an object, same goes for bullets. It takes a human to put it to bad use, it's a tool. I think if we're going to do a check box for it, we need to do it for:
- knife, it can kill too - baseball bat, it can kill too - fist, it can kill too - foott, it can kill too - car, it can kill too - hammer, it can kill too
See where I am going with this? you might as well just put a checkbox for everything.
Besides out of those objects, firearms are the only ones protected by the Constitution, same goes with free speech. Being a Libertarian (no it's NOT the same as a liberal), I am never offended by the photos, but always offended by people who post on forums about what needs censorship and what doesn't.
Originally posted by jmsetzler: Originally posted by Jak: [i]As I mentioned above, I believe there are perfectly good technical ways we can assist folks avoid the images that offend them. My question: If there will be a checkbox (or similar) for images with nudity, will there also be a checkbox for images with guns and bullets? Or violence?
I believe that nudity is the only current issue at hand. If we tried to cover everything that may be offensive to anyone, we would have to come up with a way to hide just about everything imaginable.
If we cover guns and violence, should we also cover religion, flags, etc? Where does it end?
10/23/2002 06:08:34 PM · #117 |
Lets make it simple. Just an option for nekked . When you submit a nekked picture you select the Adult button In your set up you would see the option Yes look at all images. Look at all images except Adult. |
10/23/2002 06:10:02 PM · #118 |
Originally posted by jmsetzler: I believe that nudity is the only current issue at hand. If we tried to cover everything that may be offensive to anyone, we would have to come up with a way to hide just about everything imaginable.
If we cover guns and violence, should we also cover religion, flags, etc? Where does it end?
My point exactly, John. It is impossible to justify banning any one thing (nudity, say) because once you start banning ANYTHING you are on the slippery slope to banning everything. Best not to ban anything at all and keep off that slope.
10/23/2002 06:12:40 PM · #119 |
I like this idea! When I go rent a movie I look at the ratings. This would satify all of us.
Originally posted by m_square: How about a system like the movies have. PG 13 & R. when you submit a photo there would be an option to select a PG 13 or R. You would be required when submitting a photo of nekked people to select one. In your setup page you have the option to select view all, view all except PG13 & R rated, view all except R rated (x would not be an option??). This Idea would help me you see my son just entered the contest (he is 11). It could be a problem down the road.
10/23/2002 06:17:21 PM · #120 |
Originally posted by PTLParsons: I'm new on this but in just 2 weeks I've seen more that belongs or a porn web site that I care too. My grandchildren, ages 15 to 2 like to look at this and I have to run them out of the room. I also understand young people submit pictures. I'm no prude but I don't care for these on a family web-site
DPChallenge never claimed to be a family web site. This is not an adult-themed web site, but the site's policy focus has never been on making the site "kid-safe."
10/23/2002 06:19:57 PM · #121 |
Originally posted by Sonifo: I like this idea! When I go rent a movie I look at the ratings. This would satify all of us.
Originally posted by m_square: [i]How about a system like the movies have. PG 13 & R. when you submit a photo there would be an option to select a PG 13 or R. You would be required when submitting a photo of nekked people to select one. In your setup page you have the option to select view all, view all except PG13 & R rated, view all except R rated (x would not be an option??). This Idea would help me you see my son just entered the contest (he is 11). It could be a problem down the road.
How should we deal with it when a user submits a pic to PG-13 that some users feel should be R?
10/23/2002 06:22:49 PM · #122 |
Originally posted by m_square: How about a system like the movies have. PG 13 & R. when you submit a photo there would be an option to select a PG 13 or R. You would be required when submitting a photo of nekked people to select one. In your setup page you have the option to select view all, view all except PG13 & R rated, view all except R rated (x would not be an option??). This Idea would help me you see my son just entered the contest (he is 11). It could be a problem down the road.
It might be a help. My son who is a "nasty marine" as others call them doesn't want his sons, aged 2 and 4, looking at these shots. Is he a prude. It's kinda hard to call a marine a prude.. To do it and live is even harder. joke joke. I think some people are doing it just to see if they can stir anything up. There are plenty of places they can show their shots if they really wanted them critiqued and to receive scores that fit their photography ability in that field. They will always get a one from me on this site, only cause I can't give a minus. |
10/23/2002 06:23:17 PM · #123 |
Originally posted by paganini: Being a Libertarian (no it's NOT the same as a liberal), I am never offended by the photos, but always offended by people who post on forums about what needs censorship and what doesn't.
I am glad that Paganini and I agree with this. There should be no banning of anything, right?
Oh, and by the way, the US Constitution doesn't apply where I am, nor where many other members live. The U.S. Constitution, therefore, is of no value in this discussion.
10/23/2002 06:24:41 PM · #124 |
How much longer will the American public be ashamed of the human body?? I̢۪m not sure where I was going with this.. just thought I would stir the pot |
10/23/2002 06:24:59 PM · #125 |
Originally posted by PTLParsons: I'm new on this but in just 2 weeks I've seen more that belongs or a porn web site that I care too. My grandchildren, ages 15 to 2 like to look at this and I have to run them out of the room. I also understand young people submit pictures. I'm no prude but I don't care for these on a family web-site
I stand strongly behind these images as art, and we consider each entry on a case-by-case basis. The new version of our site will allow you to block images marked as belonging to nude galleries.
Drew |
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