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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> check out this BS....
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 134, (reverse)
03/02/2007 09:22:20 AM · #26
That is outragious!
03/02/2007 09:26:12 AM · #27
Originally posted by Azrifel:

Hmmm, I'm thinking about motorcycle racers who have to nail the corner inch perfect with exact throttle movement, bodyweight shift and gear action (the needle goes to the redline in the blink of an eye). But they do it with 120 dB of screaming engine underneath.

At least it is a heck of a lot more exciting to shoot!

Please note that I did NOT criticize or belittle any other sport. :) Motorcycle racers are incredible. Football players are incredible. Soccer players are incredible. Tennis players are incredible. NASCAR drivers are incredible. Baseball players are incredible, even though the nature of the sport is that they sometimes miss the ball. Pro golfers are incredible. I'm not trying to make comparisons.

Noise is sometimes always relative. Your motorcycle racer is fully adjusted to the noise level. Hit him in the eyes with a laser pointer and see how he does. Or, even, turn the sound OFF completely for a fraction of a second. Dynamic CHANGE means more than total sound level.
03/02/2007 09:30:36 AM · #28
Makes me wonder what would happen if a F-15 would fly over at 300 ft. at that right moment. He would have a load in his pants too. :)
03/02/2007 09:32:19 AM · #29
Isn't it his own fault he got injured? I mean if he was still in his backswing he didn't have to try to stop abruptly, right? His back swing was going to stop anyway just before his downswing, so all he really had to do was just let his backswing stop naturally and not continue through with the downswing. I think he heard the click and wanted to be dramatic and make a point by stopping midswing but it backfired on him. Or maybe there's a rule that says a full backswing counts as a stroke? (I don't golf so I'm not sure.)
03/02/2007 09:34:49 AM · #30
Originally posted by vtruan:

Makes me wonder what would happen if a F-15 would fly over at 300 ft. at that right moment. He would have a load in his pants too. :)

The British Open last year was "bothered" by the presence of security helicopters over the 18th green after the paint bombing incident there.

I suspect, though, that Daly was off to a bad start and wanted a good reason to get the heck out of there. He's, seriously, got some real problems. That, however, does not make the whole game of golf a joke.
03/02/2007 09:39:42 AM · #31
Originally posted by jpeters:

(I don't golf so I'm not sure.)

03/02/2007 09:40:53 AM · #32
I really like to play golf, wish it wasn't so damn expensive. And I totally suck.
03/02/2007 09:50:44 AM · #33

03/02/2007 09:55:21 AM · #34
Originally posted by Azrifel:

I really like to play golf, wish it wasn't so damn expensive. And I totally suck.

03/02/2007 09:58:24 AM · #35
That isn't Daly, that is the thing that ate Daly.
03/02/2007 10:02:25 AM · #36
Originally posted by ludde:

Dispite of what everybody thinks about golf it is acually kind of hard on your body. Try to walk 10-20 kilometers with 10-15 kg of clubs on your back. And hitting several hundreds of balls. If you go at it for a whole day i garante you will have some sore places in the morning ;)

John Daly gets driven aroudn in a golf cart and has a caddie to carry his stuff around. he probably walks .5 K when the day is done and nver has to hold more than 2 clubs at once


Message edited by author 2007-03-02 12:54:08.
03/02/2007 10:07:17 AM · #37
This is a sport.

This is not.

03/02/2007 10:08:43 AM · #38
Originally posted by noisemaker:

Originally posted by ludde:

Dispite of what everybody thinks about golf it is acually kind of hard on your body. Try to walk 10-20 kilometers with 10-15 kg of clubs on your back. And hitting several hundreds of balls. If you go at it for a whole day i garante you will have some sore places in the morning ;)

John Daly gets driven aroudn in a gold cart and has a caddie to carry his stuff around. he probably walks .5 K when the day is done and nver has to hold more than 2 clubs at once

I wish I could ignore this, but I really don't like incorrect statements getting thrown around...

PGA Tour players do not use golf carts in competition, with one exception.

03/02/2007 10:16:54 AM · #39
I enjoy golf - It's hard on the back ... HOWEVER, the greats excerize and stretch and workout and prepare so stuff like this doesn't happen to them â€Â¦
That's the very thing that Daly doesn't do as much as other golfers â€Â¦
THAT's why he has such a following ... and AMERICAN hero! ... make a bunch of money for not working hard at all!
03/02/2007 10:17:06 AM · #40
Look at this training regimine.

This looks real hard on you.

Don't forget the carpal tunnel.

Message edited by author 2007-03-02 10:19:15.
03/02/2007 10:21:22 AM · #41
He's a classic, indeed! :)
03/02/2007 10:22:00 AM · #42
Originally posted by nards656:

And, as Gordon says, if you've never actually succeeded at hitting a ball 300 yards while making it land in a fairway only 20-30 yards wide, I highly recommend you try it. It's very addictive, and I bet you'll soon have a profound respect for the athletes that play the greatest game on earth.

I've tried golf. It's just not very exciting or even interesting. Golf requires a great deal of skill, but only a minimal degree of fitness.
03/02/2007 10:23:48 AM · #43
A Daly quote about seeing Tiger Woods in his workout gear:
"I say to him, 'Hey, man, don't you ever get tired of that workout (expletive)? Why don't you just come over and have a few beers with us and hang out?' Tiger says, 'If I had your talent, John, I wouldn't have to work out.' "

Message edited by author 2007-03-02 10:24:46.
03/02/2007 10:24:27 AM · #44
He is sponsered by hooters. If he keeps up with the doughnuts, he might be able to work there too.
03/02/2007 10:27:33 AM · #45
as a golfer and a photographer, i can tell you from experience that the sound of the shutter will throw off your concentration.

first time i pulled out the slr on my dad and started tripping off the shutter in his back swing, he about threw his back out. boy was he pissed.

btw. i won that hole.
03/02/2007 10:36:00 AM · #46
We used to get ourselves a bit inebriated and drive golf balls from our backyard into the woods when I was in college. I can certainly see how the improper swing or a distraction could have hurt him or royally messed up a swing. Been there, done that.

I halfway figured that this guy tried to correct his swing and somehow hurt himself on top of totally missing, and then dropped out out of anger and frustration. The fact that he didn't even strike the ball makes me agree that he's just being a whine bag. It's a bit over dramatic.

I'd be interested in knowing what kind of camera she had. Watch it was some point and shoot that didn't actually make a shutter click noise. That'll make my day.

03/02/2007 10:36:56 AM · #47
We've took so many doggone pics of my 5 year old in his swing that he's totally unfazed by it.

I do agree that Daly needs to get a grip on himself. But that's primarily because I feel that he's a bad reflection on golf.
03/02/2007 10:43:15 AM · #48
Originally posted by noisemaker:

John Daly gets driven aroudn in a gold cart and has a caddie to carry his stuff around.

Gold? Damn. Overpaid as well as lazy.
03/02/2007 10:49:56 AM · #49
Amazing that people are coming down on Daly for this, he didn't do anything wrong and has a right to complain. There is a no camera rule for a reason and a quiet time as they swing. It has nothing to do with athletisism, its just the culture of golf. You stay quiet during someone's backswing on a public course also, its just how golf is. If the culture was to yell and scream, than they would still shoot the same scores.

Golf is hands down the hardest sport. A tournament is 72 holes if you made the cut. The holes are extremely long and the courses are extremely difficult. They need to have perfect swing mechanics and be able to hit every club in the bag at a professional level. People spend a lifetime trying to score just an even handicap

Daly may not be the ideal look of someone in shape, but don't be mistaken, he is in good shape. He is just specialized, kind of like sumo or lineman. To hit the ball as far as he does, you need to be strong in your stomach muscles and legs, have flexibility in your hips, strength in your arms and grip to be accurate while generating such power.
03/02/2007 10:55:06 AM · #50
Originally posted by nards656:

I do agree that Daly needs to get a grip on himself. But that's primarily because I feel that he's a bad reflection on golf.

He's too busy getting a grip on other stuff not work safe

I bet if he had his druthers cameras wouldn't be allowed at the after-parties either.

His autograph is my favourite part of the photo :)
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