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Showing posts 1576 - 1600 of 3159, (reverse)
03/07/2007 02:21:00 PM · #1576
As were all writing i did this in Aug 2004 after my grandad died, it help me fell better.
Feel free to comment


When the day dies and you’re all alone
I close my eyes and look around
I realise there’s no one home
Your still here with me

Sitting alone in a crowded room
Looking around for you to show
I make a move to slip away
You speak to me and we go

Many days have passed since you
Many nights drag without you
In a world all alone
I miss you

New days have yet to dawn
New life to be born
In this world alone
How do I go on

New days have dawned
I have been reborn
In a world so warm
I love again

I feel no cold,
I love again,
I know I am loved again.

03/07/2007 02:36:49 PM · #1577
I like that very much, Darren!
03/07/2007 02:43:09 PM · #1578
yes, I like it a lot, too.
you all are so very talanted!
03/07/2007 02:52:14 PM · #1579
Talented maybe, thank anyway.

My Medicine entry, starts 7.3, dips to 6.4 and now is 6.7, if lucky i may break 6.9 but i need some major votes coming in.
03/07/2007 02:53:56 PM · #1580
YESSSSSSS....The UPS man has arrived! My new camera is here. Have to wait for the #@$*% battery to charge! :(
03/07/2007 02:56:04 PM · #1581
Congrats, Terry!!! Have fun with the new toy!

For those that are interested, here's the setup I used to shoot both my low key shot and my acronym shot. Cost is quite minimal - you need a shop light from Home Depot or your local equivalent (Hornbach here where I live) and a piece of white posterboard. Granted, I ain't gonna win any awards for a studio setup, but it works for my purposes!

03/07/2007 02:56:23 PM · #1582
aaa! cograts hipychik:)
03/07/2007 03:05:18 PM · #1583
congrats, on the new toy, have fun playing,
UPS man is due to me tomorrow, less exciting though, new sensor cleaner and a 6gb pocket hard drive (just popped into my head, "Is that a hard drive in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me") ohh the child in me ;-)

Message edited by author 2007-03-07 15:06:17.
03/07/2007 03:15:52 PM · #1584
Originally posted by hipychik:

YESSSSSSS....The UPS man has arrived! My new camera is here. Have to wait for the #@$*% battery to charge! :(

Jealousy abounds. The government seems to be having "technical difficulties" (their words) - our refunds, which they claim was direct deposited on Monday the 5th, is nowhere to be found.

No refund = no camera
03/07/2007 03:25:02 PM · #1585
Originally posted by kashi:

Originally posted by hipychik:

YESSSSSSS....The UPS man has arrived! My new camera is here. Have to wait for the #@$*% battery to charge! :(

Jealousy abounds. The government seems to be having "technical difficulties" (their words) - our refunds, which they claim was direct deposited on Monday the 5th, is nowhere to be found.

No refund = no camera

Too funny. The first thing I did when my refund was deposited was buy a new camera =)
03/07/2007 03:28:45 PM · #1586
Kashi, I really hope they get that sorted soon. I know it's got to be VERY aggravating for you, but hang in there. It'll happen!
03/07/2007 04:13:33 PM · #1587
Originally posted by Melethia:

Kashi, I really hope they get that sorted soon. I know it's got to be VERY aggravating for you, but hang in there. It'll happen!

It is - but I'm just SO glad that the camera was the only thing the money was earmarked for. It's not like we needed it for rent or food, or something truly needed, ya know ?

I indulged in a little photo therapy - might as well make the most of the P&S before it's retired, right ? I'm in for circles.
03/07/2007 04:26:04 PM · #1588
I finally finally got outside to take a walk/photographing and it was so beautiful outside and lovely happy things to shoot and I did not freeze to death and I am feeling yay!!
03/07/2007 05:23:25 PM · #1589
I want to thank everybody in the interest, and very nice comments on my picture. So I start writing about how my Low Key photo was shot, then I said “woops” it might be considered a problem, since it has something to do with my Free Study shot. I will gladly fill in the blanks as soon as voting on Free Study is done..
03/07/2007 05:34:23 PM · #1590
Originally posted by kashi:

...The government seems to be having "technical difficulties" (their words)...

or, from the news at 6 just now, 'a computer glitch'.. ain't it great that the entire contry's taxes can be held up by a computer glitch? although, at least they're stopping it now, not when all our sin numbers and taxes have beenbroadcast to the world, or some other such foolishness.

hope the dosh comes through quickly. apparently the tax people say tomorrow - h&r block say don't hold your breath. hmm.
03/07/2007 05:37:51 PM · #1591
Originally posted by Brookied:

As were all writing i did this in Aug 2004 after my grandad died, it help me fell better.
Feel free to comment

Very nice, Darren!

Kashi, hang in there. You'll get your money, and in 6 months you'll barely remember the wait.
03/07/2007 05:46:47 PM · #1592
Originally posted by xianart:

Originally posted by kashi:

...The government seems to be having "technical difficulties" (their words)...

or, from the news at 6 just now, 'a computer glitch'.. ain't it great that the entire contry's taxes can be held up by a computer glitch? although, at least they're stopping it now, not when all our sin numbers and taxes have beenbroadcast to the world, or some other such foolishness.

hope the dosh comes through quickly. apparently the tax people say tomorrow - h&r block say don't hold your breath. hmm.

Yeah - just got the email update from CRA. Something about the software upkeep on the 4th.
03/07/2007 06:02:59 PM · #1593
Hey, I'm doing pretty well in Red:
Votes: 55
Views: 104
Avg Vote: 5.8545
Comments: 4
Favorites: 1

If this holds, then in 3 of the past 5 challenges I'll have scored 5.8 or above and gotten a favorite. :)

We just won't discuss free study or furniture, each of which will land around 5.1.
03/07/2007 08:49:46 PM · #1594
For red, I used the widest aperture available on my lens (f/3.5) after reading on Larus' profile that he almost always shoots using very wide aperture. I usually would have gone for about a f/5.6 on the photo I submitted. I was very pleased with the result. It has just the right DOF in my opinion. And of course it is very sharp, because I was able to use ISO 100 and fast shutter speed with that wide aperture. I don't know, of course, how it would have scored with a smaller aperture, but I think this was a good move. Just wanted to pass on a new "tip" that is worth some exploration.
03/07/2007 08:57:16 PM · #1595
ok...I can shoot in RAW now cause I got the new camera. Ummm..I have no idea what to do with it. Does anyone know where I can read up on it. I did a search in the forums and I can't find anything much.
03/07/2007 09:03:37 PM · #1596
People talk about turning their scores off, how do you do that? I so do not want to look at my Red crash and burn anymore. I do believe that it will take last place.
03/07/2007 09:04:26 PM · #1597
Originally posted by hipychik:

ok...I can shoot in RAW now cause I got the new camera. Ummm..I have no idea what to do with it. Does anyone know where I can read up on it. I did a search in the forums and I can't find anything much.

Does this help ?
03/07/2007 09:05:27 PM · #1598
Originally posted by cosprenks:

People talk about turning their scores off, how do you do that? I so do not want to look at my Red crash and burn anymore. I do believe that it will take last place.

Go to your preferences, there is a place that you can check shut off scores and comments during voting.
03/07/2007 09:05:31 PM · #1599
Originally posted by hipychik:

ok...I can shoot in RAW now cause I got the new camera. Ummm..I have no idea what to do with it. Does anyone know where I can read up on it. I did a search in the forums and I can't find anything much.

This should help. :)
03/07/2007 09:10:46 PM · #1600
Thank you ladies! I feel like I'm in kindergarten again!
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