Author | Thread |
03/10/2007 04:27:01 PM · #1726 |
I finally found some freakin' circles! I was starting to think we didn't have any in Michigan! So I am in that challenge and I really like it which means it probably won't go over well. I am in the free study too. Now for the grain or cross dress. HHmm... |
03/10/2007 04:32:53 PM · #1727 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: I just found out that I am a winner in the Philadelphia Center for the Photographic Image photography competition, PhotoImage ‘07. Here is the website.
A friend noticed this on the website and emailed me - I haven't received official notice yet so I don't even know which photograph will be in the exhibit.
Green beer for everyone! |
Massive congrats, Mary. What's wrong with Guinness? It's the pinnacle of the brewer's arse art and there's no need to go dumping dye in it.
I have entered a circle, by the way. |
03/10/2007 04:40:03 PM · #1728 |
OK i changed my entry for Circles completely, I think Voters will make it a brown, i love it so i am happy.;-)
quiet_observation Big congrats on winning, well done
Message edited by author 2007-03-10 16:45:44.
03/10/2007 04:48:09 PM · #1729 |
best wishes to jeanne - glad she's nearer home!
congratulations indeed mary! well done!
i think i'll be n circles, if the man will model for me...
03/10/2007 04:59:09 PM · #1730 |
Originally posted by xianart: best wishes to jeanne - glad she's nearer home!
congratulations indeed mary! well done!
i think i'll be n circles, if the man will model for me... |
Hmmm...what kind of circles? |
03/10/2007 05:02:10 PM · #1731 |
yoohooo!:) big congrats Mary!!! |
03/10/2007 05:06:47 PM · #1732 |
Mary, that rocks! It looks like you had a TON of competition, too - the website mentioned over 800 entries. I wonder if it will be one of your photos from the penitenary? Or did the entries have to be related to Philly / PA?
Edit to add: Sucking is definitely only a state of mind around here. Team Suckmates don't really suck at all. But don't tell anyone ;-)
Message edited by author 2007-03-10 17:07:38. |
03/10/2007 05:17:14 PM · #1733 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: I just found out that I am a winner in the Philadelphia Center for the Photographic Image photography competition, PhotoImage ‘07. Here is the website.
A friend noticed this on the website and emailed me - I haven't received official notice yet so I don't even know which photograph will be in the exhibit.
Green beer for everyone! |
A big congrats, Mary! |
03/10/2007 05:23:53 PM · #1734 |
YAY MARY!!! Be sure, when they ask for your bio, to mention you're a proud member of Team Suck. (We really need t-shirts...)
That is WAY cool. Very much extra way cool, even.
Thanks for the update on Jeanne, Jeff. Hopefully at some point she'll get access to a computer so she can fill us in on her probably not enviable adventures through the medical system.
I should be in for circles. I actually have a whole bevy of shots from which to choose for this one. I may go with the one mom likes, though she said, and I loosely quote, "I like this one the best but I think the other one would probably score better." Heh! I'm probably going with the one she actually likes best. The one *I* like best is just too geeky. I'll post it to my portfolio a bit later. |
03/10/2007 08:28:10 PM · #1735 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: I just found out that I am a winner in the Philadelphia Center for the Photographic Image photography competition, PhotoImage ‘07. Here is the website. |
That is just INCREDIBLE! Congrats a hundred times! :)
03/10/2007 08:32:58 PM · #1736 |
Originally posted by levyj413: Hey gang - I just got interviewed by lkn4truth and L2 for the DPC Podcast. We spent a fair amount of time on Team Suck. :) |
Hey, did anyone notice my post from last night?
I thought I'd explain how it happened, lest anyone think I'm putting myself out there as the Team Suck spokesman.
lkn4truth does these DPC podcasts where he interviews people. He posted a note yesterday asking for volunteers, so I sent him a PM, and he interviewed me last night. Laurie Gaddis ( L2), one of the recent SC initiatiates, co-hosts. You might have noticed her posting here occasionally (hi, Laurie!). She said we have more lurkers than we know about. :)
It was really fun chatting with both of them. We used Skype, which allows you to make free calls fom computer to computer. Maybe we could try a Team Suck conference call sometime - you need speakers and a microphone. It'd be very cool to know your voices! :)
Anyway, they noticed in my profile that I'm proud of my YAPpies and asked about it, which led to a long discussion of Team Suck. I managed to brag about Don, Mary, and Deb, and I might've mentioned a few others, too. It'll be available for listening within a few weeks - they have several interviews in the queue now.
I highly recommend the experience to all of you - drop them a line and volunteer. :)
Message edited by author 2007-03-10 20:33:22.
03/10/2007 08:49:36 PM · #1737 |
How and where do we listen to it. I really don't know what a podcast is. |
03/10/2007 08:53:03 PM · #1738 |
Originally posted by hipychik: How and where do we listen to it. I really don't know what a podcast is. |
Oh, a podcast is just an audio or video file someone creates. You can find the DPC podcasts here:
Message edited by author 2007-03-10 20:53:16. |
03/10/2007 09:00:20 PM · #1739 |
hey, jeffrey, sorry, i did notice, then got distracted, and, well, just call me goldfish girl...
congratulations! i do enjoy the podcasts, although i haven't listened for a little while. they certainly have improved exponentially since the first one!
03/10/2007 09:05:26 PM · #1740 |
Originally posted by levyj413:
Oh, a podcast is just an audio or video file someone creates. You can find the DPC podcasts here:
// |
Jeffrey, your podcast interview must not be posted yet? Couldn't find it there. Ooops, edit to add that you said it wouldn't be available for awhile. My bad.
Message edited by author 2007-03-10 21:13:57. |
03/10/2007 10:16:10 PM · #1741 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: I just found out that I am a winner in the Philadelphia Center for the Photographic Image photography competition, PhotoImage ‘07. Here is the website.
A friend noticed this on the website and emailed me - I haven't received official notice yet so I don't even know which photograph will be in the exhibit.
Green beer for everyone! |
Great big congrats from me as well Mary!! That is too awesome for words! Now we really know who doesn't suck!
And congrats to Jeanne for making it (close to) home! |
03/10/2007 10:26:59 PM · #1742 |
Hey, back to critiques for a minute.....
I wouldn't get too worried about anything other than what YOU think of how it looks and what would make it more efeective and appealing to YOU, completely subjectively.
See, the thing is, I know you guys, your styles, and your personalities and that's what I want when I ask for a critique here.
You can have all the judging you like, but what I want is for the people I know, and who know me, to look at my work.
I just entered a contest with my local club, critique optional, and got a second place and THEN.......
My piece got critiqued even though I didn't want it to be.
The funny thing is that I entered two works, the one that got a second and the other was an also ran, portrait shot, that I entered simply because it was one of our members' grandaughter.
One of the judges was a complete and total a**hole and he made comments about my second place entry that weren't true, and he criticized my dodging and burning on the portrait......which I am hoping that someday you guys will show me how to do.
Had I wanted either pic critiqued, I would have uploaded them and asked you guys. I didn't because I knew that they were decent and I was happy with them.
So........IMNSHO, don't anyone sweat their critique abilities because I know that it seems to me that with the taste and talent that we haver here, I get what I need any time I ask.
Oh, and......thanks for the comments on the ones I submitted today.....that was exactly what I needed in the way of feedback.
I have gotten an entry for Grain done and am submitting it.
I think I have Circles, it needs chosen and proccessed, but my Crossdress fell through, dammit!!!!
Oh.....Jeanne......get better!
03/10/2007 11:42:32 PM · #1743 |
Big CONGRATS to Mary.
And good thoughts and wishes to Jeanne. It's astonishing how life can turn around in an instant. |
03/10/2007 11:45:26 PM · #1744 |
i just did my first experimental slideshow with proshow gold (i'm very impressed with it), and i just used the first music file i came across on my computer. i had no idea what it was, there was no title on it. imagine my surprise when i pressed play on the preview, and it played mussorgsky's 'pictures at an exhibition' how apt.
edit: mussorsky, mussorgksy, mussorskgy argh. it's right now!
Message edited by author 2007-03-10 23:50:31.
03/11/2007 12:42:50 AM · #1745 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: I just found out that I am a winner in the Philadelphia Center for the Photographic Image photography competition, PhotoImage ‘07. Here is the website.
A friend noticed this on the website and emailed me - I haven't received official notice yet so I don't even know which photograph will be in the exhibit.
Green beer for everyone! |
03/11/2007 12:47:02 AM · #1746 |
Wow, please tell Jeanne that I will be praying for her recovery. How on earth did she break her leg in 10 places?????? OUCH!!!
03/11/2007 05:37:12 AM · #1747 |
Good morning European Suckmates! I don't know about your part of Europe, but it's been a gorgeous morning so far and looks to be a wonderful day. Few errands to run (the American commissary is indeed open on Sundays - woo hoo!) then probably a nice touring bike ride, maybe along the river. Not even sure I'll take the camera (it's heavy after awhile). Hope North America wakes up to a good day, too - and you guys have to remember to change your clocks. We have two more weeks 'til we have to. |
03/11/2007 06:27:10 AM · #1748 |
Today is the St. Patrick's parade in Philadelphia. I'm working on a b&w motion assignment - so I'll see if I can find some. |
03/11/2007 06:27:53 AM · #1749 |
G'morning! Hey I woke up to a 5.0 on my Red! Finally got past the 4's. Hopefully it will stay! I'm shooting the cross dress sometime this morning and then later it's my grandaughters 1st birthday party! Sounds like a fun filled day. |
03/11/2007 07:15:55 AM · #1750 |
Mary ... HUGE congrats on your PCPI win!
Deb ... It is a glorious day here in Belgium too and I am gonna take my camera for an afternoon walk.
Jeanne ... WOW! I dunno what to say but ... hang in there ... I hope the healing process is soon just an unpleasant memory. Heal well and fast.
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