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Showing posts 1776 - 1800 of 3159, (reverse)
03/12/2007 03:06:43 AM · #1776
Ack. I don't like the real-time update on the average score panel.

Just made the mistake of looking at my profile page - now I know that my time score is currently > 5. "But that's good mr mist isn't it?" I hear you say. Well, yes, it is. But only if it stays there! now I have a whole week to wait knowing it was over five right at the start ;)
03/12/2007 03:23:55 AM · #1777
just poking my head in to say hi.

03/12/2007 03:43:40 AM · #1778
Circle II
Votes: 5 Views: 10
Avg Vote: 4.4000 Comments: 0

Time II
Votes: 10 Views: 15
Avg Vote: 5.2000 Comments: 1

Circle sucking along pretty much as I had imagined and Time not doing as well as it should be, but I don't really care...........sob!

Question.......do y'all take into account the total lack of time when voting a speed challenge?
03/12/2007 03:51:59 AM · #1779
Hi, Sickdog! Mist, I don't like the real time average either - and I suspect it still has bugs. Some of the really anal retentive folks are watching the fourth decimal point complaining it isn't working quite right. I'll just ignore it. I pretty much do anyway. Jeb, I generally just vote - 24 hour or 7 day challenge really doesn't factor into it for me. Then again, my voting is weird. I generally fail to notice things like oversharpening halos, too much neat image (unless it's a LOT of neat image), etc, etc. And I didn't get a chance to vote in Furniture. Some neat stuff in there!

Momentary "letting off steam" thought for the day - I know we have different levels of participants here, and there's a nice core of "them" - the folks who always do well, have very clean, crisp, well presented images. Sometimes it irks me a bit when one of "them" bemoans their sub 6.9 score and says something like "Well, I guess 7th isn't bad since I didn't really do much for this anyway" or "I didn't really like the shot but figured I may as well enter it". I realize it's all relative and has no affect on me whatsoever, but it can be just the teensiest bit irritating sometimes. Steam mode off. :-)

03/12/2007 04:10:23 AM · #1780
Morning all, hope the weekend was kind to all with a lot of good shooting.
I re shot my circles on Friday night, Very happy with the resulting picture. scoring 5.6 i expect to finish around 5.2ish.

something very different from myself,

Nothing in for Time, i did not have the props,

Image grain i have a thought but need some help with space. at work.

crossdress-- not a hope ;-)

have a good week.
03/12/2007 05:47:11 AM · #1781
Originally posted by Melethia:

Sometimes it irks me a bit when one of "them" bemoans their sub 6.9 score and says something like "Well, I guess 7th isn't bad since I didn't really do much for this anyway" or "I didn't really like the shot but figured I may as well enter it". I realize it's all relative and has no affect on me whatsoever, but it can be just the teensiest bit irritating sometimes. Steam mode off. :-)

I agree. This is what I was (somewhat) referring to with my post before about scores. I mean, yeah, please do post your scores and stuff, but remember when you're saying "aw, only 7.1 this time, shucks" that some of us have trouble breaking 5.
03/12/2007 07:15:14 AM · #1782
Votes: 9
Views: 20
Avg Vote: 3.6667
Comments: 0

well it would appear the ages editing circles was a complete waste. well, i like the image. quite alot, actually. so,

Message edited by author 2007-03-12 07:15:34.
03/12/2007 07:29:32 AM · #1783
Originally posted by xianart:

Votes: 9
Views: 20
Avg Vote: 3.6667
Comments: 0

well it would appear the ages editing circles was a complete waste. well, i like the image. quite alot, actually. so,

Hey...it's early! That's only 9 people!
03/12/2007 07:30:32 AM · #1784
Originally posted by xianart:

Votes: 9
Views: 20
Avg Vote: 3.6667
Comments: 0

well it would appear the ages editing circles was a complete waste. well, i like the image. quite alot, actually. so,

I'm right there with you...

Circle II

Votes: 14
Views: 24
Avg Vote: 4.0714
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
03/12/2007 08:28:10 AM · #1785
Circle II

Votes: 13
Views: 25
Avg Vote: 4.1538
Comments: 0

that's a bit better. it seems the happy people have woken up...
03/12/2007 08:42:56 AM · #1786
I won't bemoan my scores, but I did peek and am not surprised. I do have one very enthusiastic comment on Time, so I made someone happy. Lately I've been getting very few comments during challenges which is a bit of a downer. I do thank fellow Suckers for comments after the challenges, though.
03/12/2007 08:45:40 AM · #1787
My scores in Circles and Time are hinting to me that perhaps I should stick with wildlife, LOL. But I'll never get better at other stuff if I don't enter it, right?
03/12/2007 08:52:29 AM · #1788
Alternative Medicine
Votes: 225
Views: 311
Avg Vote: 5.6267
Comments: 8

Circle II
Votes: 15
Views: 28
Avg Vote: 5.0000
Comments: 1

Time II
Votes: 20
Views: 31
Avg Vote: 4.4500
Comments: 0
03/12/2007 09:13:12 AM · #1789
Alternative Medicine
Votes: 230
Views: 331
Avg Vote: 4.6087
Comments: 16

Circle II
Votes: 10
Views: 19
Avg Vote: 4.7000
Comments: 0

I knew my Alternative Medicine wouldn't make 5 - it dies have serious problems, but I just loved it, so I entered it anyway. But I thought Circles would score better. Early yet, I know. Oh well - maybe I will get some comments to let me know the problems with it.

Maybe I should have stuck to "nitting". hahahaha. I kind of like the sound of that - think I'll use it from time to time.

It DOES have problems. Maybe it "dies" too, but I meant "does."

Message edited by author 2007-03-12 09:14:13.
03/12/2007 12:45:17 PM · #1790
Votes: 229
Views: 312
Avg Vote: 6.6026
Comments: 18

Votes: 23
Views: 41
Avg Vote: 5.9130

I am happy enough with these score, Medicine very happy with, Circles again complete change so happy enough.

happy happy happy:-)
03/12/2007 12:53:25 PM · #1791
Originally posted by mist:

Originally posted by Melethia:

Sometimes it irks me a bit when one of "them" bemoans their sub 6.9 score and says something like "Well, I guess 7th isn't bad since I didn't really do much for this anyway" or "I didn't really like the shot but figured I may as well enter it". I realize it's all relative and has no affect on me whatsoever, but it can be just the teensiest bit irritating sometimes. Steam mode off. :-)

I agree. This is what I was (somewhat) referring to with my post before about scores. I mean, yeah, please do post your scores and stuff, but remember when you're saying "aw, only 7.1 this time, shucks" that some of us have trouble breaking 5.

I could feel this way constantly if I let myself. I guess that's the problem with entering weird images.. sometimes I actually wonder if I'll break a 4.
03/12/2007 01:02:26 PM · #1792
On the other side of the coin, if I got a 6.9xxx can i not bemoan the fact it is not a 7.xx?
Can i not wish for a better score and finish position.
As i said before is scoring high is not your thing then why post a score and why take notice of other scores?

If you did not want to score higher and better then you would not in turn post your own score looking for more.
03/12/2007 01:05:36 PM · #1793
Originally posted by xianart:

Votes: 9
Views: 20
Avg Vote: 3.6667
Comments: 0

well it would appear the ages editing circles was a complete waste. well, i like the image. quite alot, actually. so,

As above only early doors yet, and remember nothing is a waste so long as you learn from it
03/12/2007 01:07:45 PM · #1794
Originally posted by klstover:

I could feel this way constantly if I let myself. I guess that's the problem with entering weird images.. sometimes I actually wonder if I'll break a 4.

That's true Kelly but then I don't think that I do enter weird images, so there's no excuse for my scores. Currently my TIME image is hovering just above 5, for example, and I think it's great.
03/12/2007 01:40:19 PM · #1795
Well sometimes mine aren't weird and don't do well either. But anyway, I guess all I'm saying is that I agree with how people have their own levels of scores, and scores they would love to have that people aren't happy with.

Yeah, I for one know I wish I had scores that high, but I also recognize that getting that score does not mean the person cannot wish for a better score and finish. Just as I have my own levels of scores I know that some other people have theirs higher, and I'm not one to get annoyed at people purely for wishing they did better.
03/12/2007 02:00:49 PM · #1796
Circle II
Votes: 31
Views: 47
Avg Vote: 5.5806

Time II
Votes: 48
Views: 62
Avg Vote: 5.1250

I'm not doing as well as I hoped, but I really like both of my images and that's all that really matters. I received some very good constructive criticism on my 'time' entry. It gave me some important things to think about when I capture an image.

Message edited by author 2007-03-12 14:08:26.
03/12/2007 02:13:29 PM · #1797
Originally posted by Brookied:

If you did not want to score higher and better then you would not in turn post your own score looking for more.

I leave scores off, and consequently don't post them. I'll look once when I see most folks have 50 votes or so in, then I turn 'em back off again. Were it me, and I had a 6.9, I would not bemoan the fact it wasn't a 7, because I would be overjoyed to have a 6.9. It's all relative. I'm not competitive per se here, and probably never will be. I live for comments, and lately haven't been getting very many of those either.
03/12/2007 02:17:31 PM · #1798
Originally posted by Melethia:

Originally posted by Brookied:

If you did not want to score higher and better then you would not in turn post your own score looking for more.

I leave scores off, and consequently don't post them. I'll look once when I see most folks have 50 votes or so in, then I turn 'em back off again. Were it me, and I had a 6.9, I would not bemoan the fact it wasn't a 7, because I would be overjoyed to have a 6.9. It's all relative. I'm not competitive per se here, and probably never will be. I live for comments, and lately haven't been getting very many of those either.

I did have scores off but the ever-changing average makes that a bit pointless. (My average before this entry was 4.999 so I know where my current score is based on it).

At the end of the day I don't begrudge people a good score, or even moaning about it. Just a little thought would be nice for us who don't come in so high.
03/12/2007 02:20:37 PM · #1799
Originally posted by mist:

Originally posted by Melethia:

Originally posted by Brookied:

If you did not want to score higher and better then you would not in turn post your own score looking for more.

I leave scores off, and consequently don't post them. I'll look once when I see most folks have 50 votes or so in, then I turn 'em back off again. Were it me, and I had a 6.9, I would not bemoan the fact it wasn't a 7, because I would be overjoyed to have a 6.9. It's all relative. I'm not competitive per se here, and probably never will be. I live for comments, and lately haven't been getting very many of those either.

I did have scores off but the ever-changing average makes that a bit pointless. (My average before this entry was 4.999 so I know where my current score is based on it).

At the end of the day I don't begrudge people a good score, or even moaning about it. Just a little thought would be nice for us who don't come in so high.

I know i may be guilty of this so from now on i will try and be a little more thoughtful of others when posting my scores, sorry
03/12/2007 02:40:08 PM · #1800
On the plus side, I have 3 comments of quality on my entry.
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