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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I got in a car crash (long post)
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03/17/2007 10:52:21 AM · #1
I got in a car crash last night.
but I am atill alive and it is quite miraculous since the car is completely destroyed.

I was driving around 60-70 km/h last midnight and that car came towards me swinging. I though he was drunk but sitll had control since he was driving anyway but no, he hadn't. I tried to go to the right, into the woods but he came to me first and crashed right into the driver's side, where I was sitting.

as he told me later it was too much ice on the road and he just lost control.

I have, well, had a Land cruiser - a perfect car! and it is high.
he had a Mercedes, a low car. he crashed into my front left wheel. his car got even more destroyed and his window got into pieces right into his face. since I was sitting so high in my LandCruiser my window didn't almost get hurt at all so my face is fine. I only got an airbag right into me nose:) but it will get well soon.

a woman in that other car fell out on the road. she stayed alive, but I don't really know what has happened to her.

I broke many bones. yeah, I have never broken any bones so maybe it was time. the first thing I thought after I realized I was still alive is that a car would explode soon. how silly is that? and I haven't even seen many action movies. so I ran on my broken bones away from the car - it might have been a fascinating thing to watch.

I have been in the hospital since yesterday and they prepared me to the operation to put together all my bones. but they changed their mind recently and decided they should wait a couple of days and see how the bones will start growing themselves.
I have never had any operations before.

so I think there won't be any tennis today. maybe in june-july some day.

please, use seatbelts when you are driving. it has saved my life yesterday.

have a beautiful and safe weekend everyone!
03/17/2007 10:55:45 AM · #2
Im glad your ok, hope you get better soon ;) ... sounds like a horrible experience :(
03/17/2007 10:56:20 AM · #3

03/17/2007 10:59:39 AM · #4
Take care! Get well soon. P.S. did you take any photos!!?



03/17/2007 11:02:52 AM · #5
Originally posted by MikeOwens:

Take care! Get well soon. P.S. did you take any photos!!?



thank you, thank you to everyone!

NO:) this was one of the very very very few times I didn't take a camera with me:( yeah..
03/17/2007 11:11:38 AM · #6
My God, Svetlana, I totally stunned at this news. I wish you all the best for your upcoming operations and a speedy recovery.

All my very best wishes.

03/17/2007 11:14:28 AM · #7
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this!! What did you break? Are you at home or in the hospital? I hope get better soon!

03/17/2007 11:24:05 AM · #8
thank you!

I am at home. finally:) I broke several bones in the left leg and foot and some were dislocated.
but the worst thing is that all that time they were thinking I had to take an operation I wasn't allowed eiher to drink or eat anything! I came home sooo very hungry:)

my poor car, it was totally in pieces, they were all the way on the road: wheels, cds, plastic.
03/17/2007 11:28:13 AM · #9
You can replace the car, I glad you survived. Sounds like it was very scary

I hope you are back up and shooting in a very short time!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Rest and get well!

03/17/2007 11:29:05 AM · #10
Originally posted by silverfoxx:

thank you!

I am at home. finally:) I broke several bones in the left leg and foot and some were dislocated.
but the worst thing is that all that time they were thinking I had to take an operation I wasn't allowed eiher to drink or eat anything! I came home sooo very hungry:)

my poor car, it was totally in pieces, they were all the way on the road: wheels, cds, plastic.

Oh, Svetlana!!!

That is TERRIBLE!!!

You take care, and be gentle in all that you do for a while.

Some of the efects from the wreck may not hit for a day or two and you mat be surprised by the residuals.

Just remember to write to any and/or all of us at any time and we'll be here to listen and offer support.

Most of us old farts have been graced by living through a bad crash at least once in our lives so we can understand what you're going through.

It was just a car and you lived and will get better.....thank goodness you were driving a tank!.....8>)

I'm so glad you're still with us.

Take care, dear girl!

Edit: Typos

Message edited by author 2007-03-17 11:29:59.
03/17/2007 11:29:59 AM · #11
Very sad and terrible news. Glad you are mostly OK and hope your broken bones heal quickly. You are right on with the seat belts. Hope the lady on the road is recovering.
03/17/2007 11:30:43 AM · #12
Pffff, Svetlana, I'm glad you're ok..!

(edit, exept for the broken bones. but they will heal)

Message edited by author 2007-03-17 11:31:13.
03/17/2007 11:31:32 AM · #13
Oh, Svetlana! Heal quickly, take plenty of pain medication, and make your husband take care of you. :)
03/17/2007 11:32:41 AM · #14
Oh wow, Svetlana! So glad to hear you're okay! Take care and take it easy, wishing you a speedy recovery. :):)
03/17/2007 11:33:03 AM · #15
Whew, what a story... so glad you're ok. I think this is one of everyone's worst fears. Stay well and heal quickly.
03/17/2007 11:39:43 AM · #16

I'm glad you are ok! I know how scary a crash can be.... just take care of yourself and get well soon! :)
03/17/2007 11:45:06 AM · #17
That really sucks.

I hope you get well soon!

03/17/2007 11:51:17 AM · #18
As everyone has said - take care of yourself, and heal quickly. Be careful of residual effects of the crash. I am so glad you are not hurt worse. Take care of that camera button finger...:-)
03/17/2007 12:03:34 PM · #19
Wow, glad to hear you're only injured and nothing worse. Car crashes are one of the scariest things you can go through.
03/17/2007 12:05:02 PM · #20
Hi Svetlana - I'm so happy to hear that you are alive and well enough to post to dpc!! You may remember that I was in a car crash 4 weeks ago, during the 30 Day Where You Live challenge. So when I read your story, it made me cringe! And I remember that the next day I was just grateful to be alive.

I hope your bones heal well and that you get good medical treatment so you won't have problems later on. Stay in touch and let us know how you're doing! The next few days might be challenging, when the adrenalin wears off. But you will be fine - I know it.

03/17/2007 12:13:12 PM · #21
that really sucks
mend well!!
03/17/2007 12:34:18 PM · #22
Get well soon Svetlana - I'm so glad you're here to tell us about the crash. It's only a car, it can be replaced.

But I remember that feeling so well - the first few days after my truck was totaled, I was so upset about losing my truck (I was rear-ended by a drunk driver).

We'll see you back in fine form before too long I'm sure.
03/17/2007 12:43:50 PM · #23
WOW....sorry to hear that.

Hope you have a speedy recovery.
03/17/2007 12:44:26 PM · #24
i'm so glad to hear you're fine, svetlana. i wish you a very speedy recovery.
hope you'll get well very soon, we'll definitely miss your pictures ;)
03/17/2007 12:56:55 PM · #25
Uff da. God bedring :)
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