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03/24/2007 03:13:38 PM · #1 |
I am doing a project where I need to make a movie clip work within a movieclip, and the second movieclip you click to make it play, but I cannot get it to play. Does any one have any advise?
03/24/2007 03:36:08 PM · #2 |
are you using action script?
if it's a simple two movie clip movie.
something like this should work. though it's kind of a hack - there are other ways. thjis action would be placed on your outer movie clip. clicking on the outer clip will cause the innerclip to go to frame #1 and play. you have to give instance names to each of the movie clips, and both will need to be loacted on the _root timeline of the main movie. i tried it with a different function and it works.
on (release) { _root.innerClip._gotoAndPlay(1);
Message edited by author 2007-03-24 15:40:34.
03/24/2007 04:03:13 PM · #3 |
They are actions. There are 10 movie clips within the one, and I am trying to make it so each one will play when it is clicked. Will what you just told me do that?
03/24/2007 05:02:52 PM · #4 |
you want the one that you click to play. i thought you wanted one to make another play.
what version of flash? v5 or higher?
03/24/2007 05:10:44 PM · #5 |
how many frames per movie clip? you could put a stop at frame two of each one. where frame 1 and 2 would be the same - and use similar code to make it play from say frame 3 when clicked.
i'd prefer to hear it's all coded with actionscript, and using only a couple - 4 max - frames of the main timeline. but...
relative path
this.on(release) { gotoAndPlay(3)
absolute path
_root.holderClip.clipToPlayName.on(release) { gotoAndPlay(3)
where holderClip is the instance name of the clip containing the multiple clips to be clicked to play, and clipToPlayName is the instance name of one of the clips you'd like to click on to start it playing. each one would have to have a different instance name.
again there are better ways to do it, but this is probably the simplest.
you could email the FLA file and i could take a quick look at what you have going on. i'm no pro but have messed with actionscript on and off.
Message edited by author 2007-03-24 17:11:12.
03/24/2007 05:13:17 PM · #6 |
you could also check out // - it's a great resource for flash of all sorts.
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