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Showing posts 2351 - 2375 of 3159, (reverse)
03/26/2007 09:54:51 PM · #2351
Originally posted by kashi:

Well, I've got a shot in "Still".

Terribly disappointed with my portrait score.
Have an idea for anachronism.

I don't get it. You got over 5.7 in your portrait score. I haven't seen 5.7 in ages.
03/26/2007 10:17:30 PM · #2352
I'd like to thank everyone for the comments on my portrait. I was scared to death to do a portrait, and, as it turned out, the score is my personal best. I am anxious to try some of the pp suggestions I got. In the meantime, it was a work of love, and it was a thrill that it turned out to be a photo I am proud of.

03/26/2007 10:40:59 PM · #2353
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Y'all say hello to Jack above me here.....he's an member, and a decent photographer looking for refinement who is a little down in the DPC Dumps.

Here's one of his that I think is just stellar and will help y'all help me convince him that he's gonna be just fine here.....

Thanks Jeb...
03/26/2007 11:01:32 PM · #2354
Oops. Meant to post this in the scores thread. LOL


Votes: 82
Views: 139
Avg Vote: 5.2073
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Message edited by author 2007-03-26 23:02:12.
03/26/2007 11:05:08 PM · #2355
Multiple Light Sources II

Votes: 178
Views: 254
Avg Vote: 4.9382
Comments: 3

Langdon's Birthday

Votes: 165
Views: 279
Avg Vote: 5.1333
Comments: 2

Pop Culture
Votes: 79
Views: 123
Avg Vote: 4.7089
Comments: 2

Scores ain't so hot, but I like all three of these pictures and that's a nice feeling. I also like my color portrait and have been getting some great comments, many from suckmates. Thank you!

I also may have a wonderous brown contender for spinning. Reminds me of klstover, at least in the camera viewfinder.

Hijack! I commented on some of your photos. I like your style.
03/26/2007 11:11:16 PM · #2356
Hello Jackal9. I've been visiting your profile. You have some nice photos. And what are you doing in AU5? Your average is 5.1+.
03/26/2007 11:13:31 PM · #2357
Originally posted by posthumous:

I also may have a wonderous brown contender for spinning. Reminds me of klstover, at least in the camera viewfinder.

btw, it's the wonderous part that reminds me of Kelly, not the brown part!
03/26/2007 11:44:28 PM · #2358
You might have noticed my signature line has started talking about the Multiple Sclerosis walk on April 14. I turn 40 the day before, and some friends and I will walk 7 miles to raise money. I can think of no better way to celebrate how lucky I've been for 40 years. :)

My wife has MS - she was diagnosed in 1991. So far we've been very lucky, and up until a year ago the only permanent effect was tingling in her limbs. But for the past year, she's had trouble with her left foot not going where she wants it to, resulting in a limp.

Anyway, if you'd like to support me, please go to //events.msandyou.org/goto/levyj413 . Every little bit helps!

I know how annoying requests for donations can be, so I won't repeat this ad. Thanks for bearing with me. :)
03/27/2007 12:22:56 AM · #2359
Hi Jack, welcome to the nut house. :-)

Jeff - good luck and have fun on the walk. I've done the MS 150 in Texas twice (ride a bike from San Antonio to Corpus Christi - 150 miles - in two days) and can say the organizations does a world of good for the folks with MS. We had several in our office who had benefited directly from their support, and also received a lot of support in our fundraising goals at work, too. Granted, it's hard to do at work because everybody wants money for something, but one of our best activities was an "ice cream social" - we bought all the stuff, then invited everyone for ice cream and had a box out for donations. You might want to give that a try.
03/27/2007 12:25:50 AM · #2360
Originally posted by Melethia:

one of our best activities was an "ice cream social" - we bought all the stuff, then invited everyone for ice cream and had a box out for donations. You might want to give that a try.

Hey, thanks! :) Yes, I'm very wary of asking at work, esp. since I'm a manager now. An open box with me treating to snacks sounds good, though!
03/27/2007 12:36:58 AM · #2361
Originally posted by levyj413:

I know how annoying requests for donations can be, so I won't repeat this ad. Thanks for bearing with me. :)

Please let us know the final tally. And good luck with your efforts.
03/27/2007 12:58:28 AM · #2362
Originally posted by Melethia:

Hi Jack, welcome to the nut house. :-)

Jeff - good luck and have fun on the walk. I've done the MS 150 in Texas twice (ride a bike from San Antonio to Corpus Christi - 150 miles - in two days) and can say the organizations does a world of good for the folks with MS. We had several in our office who had benefited directly from their support, and also received a lot of support in our fundraising goals at work, too. Granted, it's hard to do at work because everybody wants money for something, but one of our best activities was an "ice cream social" - we bought all the stuff, then invited everyone for ice cream and had a box out for donations. You might want to give that a try.

Nut house huh?? LOL. Thanks!!

Jeff, I'm behind ya man, good luck on the walk!!
03/27/2007 02:26:06 AM · #2363
JuliBoc left a good, useful comment on my latest foray into DPC-midlevel-voterland. (A favorite hangout, I'll admit.) She mentioned that she didn't care for the DOF and would have liked more of the subject in focus. I tend to agree. I'd like to have had at least his front legs in focus, too. So now we have a learning/teaching experience opportunity!

First, here's the picture:

From that, you can see I was shooting at an ISO of 640, wide open aperture for that lens (f4.5), 1/30th of a second (good of him to hold still, yes?), and probably close the full focal length of the lens (105mm). I was also shooting with the lens up against a thick piece of glass.

So here's the discussion bit... I know had I been able to close down the aperture a bit I could have had more of my subject in focus, but I seem to recall that at 105mm and fairly close to the subject, no matter what aperture I use I'll still have a relatively shallow DOF. I haven't tested this out recently, and I will admit that I'm getting slower as I get older, but how should I set up my shot to get a deeper DOF?
03/27/2007 04:34:53 AM · #2364
Originally posted by Melethia:

I haven't tested this out recently, and I will admit that I'm getting slower as I get older, but how should I set up my shot to get a deeper DOF?

You answered your own question really. The DOF is controlled by apereture, focal length, distance to subject. Smaller aperture would probably have been your best bet, assuming that you didn't want to move further away.

Also remember that the DOF is greater behind the focus point than in front, so you can make use of that.

Here endeth my rubbish lesson ;)
03/27/2007 04:39:23 AM · #2365
I just want to thank all you suckers for the comments on my color portrait of my daughter. Great suggestions and tips, and just kind words. She is 7 months pregnant so she's been a little down on how she looks (feeling really big and all), I read her some of the things people said about her and it really made her feel good. Thanks, again.
PS...she does have some gorgeous eyes huh?

Oh and "hi Jack!

Message edited by author 2007-03-27 04:40:01.
03/27/2007 05:36:55 AM · #2366
Jack hi and welcome to Tam Suck thread.

Good morning to the rest of ye.
Ireland is nice a foggy, Might get a fid and street light shot tonight.
depends on time as i have to go to Manchester tomorrow for a business trip. ;-(
03/27/2007 05:48:31 AM · #2367
Originally posted by mist:

Also remember that the DOF is greater behind the focus point than in front, so you can make use of that.

My attempted point of focus was the eye - seems the nose to the back of the head made it into the focused area. Based on what you said, where should I focus (in this example) to get the most area in focus as possible? (I'm not even sure I'm making sense...)
03/27/2007 06:07:09 AM · #2368
DOF Calculator website.

Of course, it might help me if I actually used this.

Message edited by author 2007-03-27 06:36:38.
03/27/2007 06:37:01 AM · #2369
Velly inteellesting... changing the aperture and focal length of the lens did nothing to change the DOF in several cases I tried. The distance to the subject was the sole determiner of the DOF.

Never mind - it did. Just faster than my old eyes could see. :-)

Message edited by author 2007-03-27 06:38:32.
03/27/2007 07:49:27 AM · #2370
I got a comment from Deb on my Pop shot. And she likes it!! Thanks Deb!
03/27/2007 08:13:36 AM · #2371
Originally posted by kashi:

Well, I've got a shot in "Still".

Terribly disappointed with my portrait score.
Have an idea for anachronism.

Originally posted by posthumous:

I don't get it. You got over 5.7 in your portrait score. I haven't seen 5.7 in ages.

I'd had it pegged for a new personal best, and it fell short of that. Hence the disappointment.

I've been made aware of some faults in the photo now though, and know how to do better next time.
03/27/2007 08:33:17 AM · #2372
Anyone interested in giving a fellow TS member a boost at JPG magazine?

I need some more yeah votes and they promote friend votes. No cheating going on here! It's a simple yeah/nay for whether you believe the image fits the theme. The theme is Entropy, their decription is "things fall apart". So far I have 9 yeah votes (all strangers, since I haven't sent the link to anyone).

Here's my link.

Thanks guys and gals!!
03/27/2007 08:49:02 AM · #2373
Kelli, voted for you!:) this is a scary photo...
I didn't know you are there too!
maybe someone could vote for me too?
beauty redefined
I also have one for Breakthrough but it's probably too early to post it here.
thank you so much!
03/27/2007 08:57:10 AM · #2374
Svetlana, I voted for you too! This is my first time submiting there. I signed up for the free issue to check them out. I think it's a nice place. The only thing I don't like is there is no way to look for people or certain pictures.
03/27/2007 09:09:31 AM · #2375
thank you Kelli!:) yes, I agree, there are so many photos there, it would be great to search something particular. I don't really like the way the only show the most "popular" photos in every theme, and I really didn't like them when they didn't take my photos a month ago! :) I hope it will be better this time:)
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