Author | Thread |
03/31/2007 12:11:23 PM · #2651 |
Originally posted by kashi: When you crop with Elements, if you're selection is even a hair outside the edge of the photo, it fills it in with a white line. |
I just tried that and got a green line (on account of the background colour was set at green :)). Ctrl-Z and try the crop tool again. You can nudge a selection one pixel at a time with the arrow keys. |
03/31/2007 12:19:17 PM · #2652 |
Originally posted by Melethia: My lovely little downward spiral on both challenges continues. So far, I've nothing for any of the upcoming challenges... I'll hopefully get out to shoot tomorrow. Going to attempt to play golf today. It's been awhile! Keep fingers crossed the rain stays away for about 18 holes or so... |
Hey, we're sharing a brain and weather patterns! Well, except for the golf thing. Instead, I have an Ultimate Frisbee game:

03/31/2007 12:42:32 PM · #2653 |
I had to make a trip to Mt Pleasant, Michigan yesterday which is the home of Central Michigan University and it is where my money and my son are. He is a senior there (Thank God). Naturally, I took my camera along and found this along the way. Thought it looked cool.
03/31/2007 12:50:15 PM · #2654 |
Made it through 18 holes with only minor drizzle at times. Started to rain on the way home, though. No light to shoot into today - just drab gray all day, and no anachronisms happened by while I was on the golf course. I do have to say it's one bear of a golf course! It doesn't have a lot of fairway hazards, but it has narrow fairways, LOTS of trees, and no flat lies anywhere - all ups and downs. Sidehill lies, above and below your feet lies, you name it. Just no flat lies. Greens are good but tricky and you do NOT want to be above the hole. The trees - most of the time you cannot play out of them at all - either the edge of the treeline is out of bounds (and fenced - no retrieving the wayward ball) or the trees are so thick (and the undergrowth is brambles with stickers!) that you can't find your ball and cannot hit out if you did find your ball. But it's a fun course to play if you don't pay attention to your score (kinda like DPC!) and don't mind losing a few golf balls now and then. |
03/31/2007 12:54:33 PM · #2655 |
Originally posted by Melethia: But it's a fun course to play if you don't pay attention to your score (kinda like DPC!) and don't mind losing a few golf balls now and then. |
That's a great idea! I'll start thinking of my DPC scores as golf scores and my mini-golf scores as DPC scores! I'll be so much happier! |
03/31/2007 01:18:21 PM · #2656 |
Another TS'er found my Still image for a comment. YAY !
03/31/2007 04:25:39 PM · #2657 |
Originally posted by Melethia: That is one gorgeous piece of furniture and a very spoiled cat. I like the thing on the wall, too. If this is where you live, a) I'm envious, and b) I'm coming to visit. |
That was my 1000th comment received. Thanks, Mel :) |
03/31/2007 04:32:44 PM · #2658 |
I haven't been around for a while, and was gone more than I was home last week so didn't even log in. I submitted an entry in the March Free Study and hope to have something in one of the open challenges. Not sure if I am still an official Hoover, but my photos still suck! |
03/31/2007 04:34:46 PM · #2659 |
Will be away for a few days, my sister died last Sunday and the funeral is on Monday. It means a trip to Cornwall, so I will also take my camera cos we are stopping off at a hotel overnight Monday.
Will be in touch again later in the week. |
03/31/2007 04:54:04 PM · #2660 |
Originally posted by formerlee: Will be away for a few days, my sister died last Sunday and the funeral is on Monday. It means a trip to Cornwall, so I will also take my camera cos we are stopping off at a hotel overnight Monday.
Will be in touch again later in the week. |
Very sorry to hear about your sister, Steve. |
03/31/2007 05:01:22 PM · #2661 |
Originally posted by JuliBoc: Originally posted by formerlee: Will be away for a few days, my sister died last Sunday and the funeral is on Monday. It means a trip to Cornwall, so I will also take my camera cos we are stopping off at a hotel overnight Monday.
Will be in touch again later in the week. |
Very sorry to hear about your sister, Steve. |
Thanks, but there was a family split a few years ago. I live 300 miles away from the family so I was not involved, this is my effort to get the rest of the family back together again. My sister was the dominating force and controlled my Mum and Dad as they got older. After Mum died, my Dad was at her mercy(hope that doesn't sound callous), I just want him to live out his life in peace, he is 87.
Of course there is a tie between me and my sister, but the tie is stronger with the living.(Man, this must sound so bad!!) |
03/31/2007 05:07:52 PM · #2662 |
no, it jsut sounds like family. they can break your heart, but they're still family.
03/31/2007 05:46:49 PM · #2663 |
Maybe it sounds bad, maybe it is bad, sounds fair enough to me. In any case your sister's died so you're off the hook, sound off any way you like.
Your dad's had a good innings at 87 :)
Enjoy Cornwall and watch out for equinoctial gales.
Drive carefully and take care.
Message edited by author 2007-03-31 17:47:11. |
03/31/2007 06:15:02 PM · #2664 |
Interesting day. I talked to Catherine on the phone this morning; she's just as pleasant and gracious as you'd imagine. We discussed the eye-rolling and sighs our respective spouses do when DPC is mentioned.
I had my first cheerleading event are a couple pics.....
And I've been exchanging PMs with my new DPC friend......and I will drive there and slap the first one that says "I told you so." as my new friend is actually a pretty nice guy whose comment may have been NOT taken in the light it was intended.
It seems he's been working up to joining in the activities here at DPC, so I invited him to come on over to meet all the folks here at TS.
Since you guys are basically much more nice and stable than me, anywho....
ETA: 'Nother pic....
Message edited by author 2007-03-31 18:53:44.
03/31/2007 06:26:37 PM · #2665 |
formerlee - my condolances
NikonJeb - lovely cheerleader you have there.
03/31/2007 08:31:46 PM · #2666 |
Oh - I *might* have my 2nd photo shoot tomorrow. If not, it'll be in about 2 weeks. Just trying to get schedules set with the mom.
03/31/2007 08:47:01 PM · #2667 |
super lea! well done, it's starting!
i'm in contre jour. i think this is the earliest i've ever submitted anything!
03/31/2007 09:38:58 PM · #2668 |
I've entered contre-jour, and suspect I will get a lot of DNMCs. But I like the shot.
I went downtown tonight to get my anachronism shot, and the anachronism wasn't there. Oh well, I had a good time anyway. Delray is so much fun! There's one more day to come up with something, but that was my only idea. Wait a minute, maybe I'll just enter a picture of my husband. |
03/31/2007 10:05:57 PM · #2669 |
Yep, tomorrow afternoon. I'm so totally excited about this shoot. A little boy just about to turn a year old, and his mom. She wants me to do some breastfeeding shots of them too.
I'm in contre-jour, I don't think it'll do so well (I predict a 4.7), but it's a shot I like.
03/31/2007 10:24:01 PM · #2670 |
Hello all, I did my first "real" photo shoot today! Engagement photos for a lovely couple named Becca and Greg. I would love any feedback, tips and/or suggestions - please hit me with the good, bad and the ugly as I still have lots to learn. Thanks!!!
And Lea- good luck with your shoot tomorrow!
PS - Love the cheerleading photos, Jeb! You and your daughter look so cute together :-)
Edit to add: when Jeb and I talked I insisted he get photos when he told me about his family cheerleading event today. I'm glad I did!
Message edited by author 2007-03-31 22:28:36. |
03/31/2007 11:37:18 PM · #2671 |
Catherine, I really like the last in the series you posted. The background is a very nice complement to the ladies jacket, and the facial expressions are natural, comfortable, and well lit.
My least favorite is the second one, in which they are facing one another. I think the background is distracting, and the crop is too tight.
I'd crop the bottom of the fourth one quite a bit -- enough to bring the lady's eyes to the upper 1/3 line. And I'd take a little off the left too. Her jacket is draping in an unflattering way.
I like the second of the two b&w shots better than the first, because of the angle of the man's head. In the first shot it is tilted a little too much -- looks uncomfortable, and not manly.
I have been very picky in my comments -- you asked for it. But all the shots are good. The wonderful thing you captured in all of them is the love they feel for each other. They look like a very nice couple. |
04/01/2007 12:00:12 AM · #2672 |
I agree with everything Julianne said. Mostly, I just wish I could take pics of people like those! Well done! :)
Only 2 minutes until my free study entry finally comes to light. I've been waiting the whole friggin' month! Literally - I shot it on March 1.
I have a couple of ideas for anachronism, but I'm going to be spending all day tomorrow cooking to prepare for our Passover Seder Monday night. Here's hoping there's some relevant challenge coming tomorrow at rollover, because I've been looking forward to shooting something Passover related. I've enjoyed my little Jewish holidays series of Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, and Chanukah.
I also have a couple of ideas for contre-jour that look fantastic in my head. Might wind up in fitness, though. I always tend toward the ones with fewer entries.
Good luck to all the free study entries! :)
04/01/2007 12:02:10 AM · #2673 |
Ha! Look at the extra rule for the speed challenge:
"Failure to meet the challenge criteria will result in disqualification and possible suspension of site privileges."
04/01/2007 12:35:05 AM · #2674 |
What is "Featured Photographs" on the main home page? I've never seen that before. |
04/01/2007 12:46:48 AM · #2675 |
My Free Study has a perfect 3.0000 with 3 votes so far. That makes it unanimous, doesn't it? I'm considering banning myself from entering challenges for awhile. This actually won't be hard, since I didn't get anything for Anachronism, and we have another cloud-covered day today. The speed challenge should be fun for those with good PS skills and good imaginations.
Catherine, I'm very impressed with your shoot! I'll get to commenting on them here in a bit.
Christian, good luck with your contre jour - it's one of your fortes, and I'm hoping the voters have the good sense to recognize good work.
Jeb, nice young lady you've got there!
Kashi, good luck with your shoot! I'm sure it'll go well. Did you ever edit any of the ones from your other shoot?
Steve - very sorry to hear about your sister - here's hoping the family rifts are mended. |
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