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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Trend?
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07/16/2003 12:35:08 AM · #1

What is means "trend"?
07/16/2003 12:40:18 AM · #2
Trend is something that is popular or in style. The 50's would have been hula hoops and 45's, 60s the Beatles, 70s Flower Child and Disco eras...those are trends...but doesn't mean the past can even be something present.
07/16/2003 12:43:01 AM · #3
Thanks Anna!
Take care
07/16/2003 12:45:44 AM · #4
Bring on the mullets...of course, that could be considered more 'tragic lifestyle decision' but I'm giving high marks to hockey hair.
07/16/2003 12:47:26 AM · #5
Originally posted by a_berenguer:

Thanks Anna!
Take care

Welcome Alexis
07/16/2003 12:49:37 AM · #6
something present?? like the ever shrinking cell phone!
07/16/2003 01:04:14 AM · #7
I don't know but I'll be voting down anyone who didn't enjoy themselves during the process as this is stated in the instructions.
07/16/2003 01:11:28 AM · #8
Originally posted by jimmythefish:

Bring on the mullets...of course, that could be considered more 'tragic lifestyle decision' but I'm giving high marks to hockey hair.

I'll score hockey hair high as well, but only if it's someone in a Redwings jersey!
07/16/2003 02:17:30 AM · #9
Maybe I'm just too young... but what is Hockey Hair? Sorry.. LOL... also how can there be 2 entries allready 2 hours into the contest? Gees... no wonder we get some very low quality photos in every challenge when people enter their photos so quickly with barely enough time to shoot!
07/16/2003 02:20:49 AM · #10
Originally posted by RiderGal:

Maybe I'm just too young... but what is Hockey Hair? Sorry.. LOL... also how can there be 2 entries allready 2 hours into the contest? Gees... no wonder we get some very low quality photos in every challenge when people enter their photos so quickly with barely enough time to shoot!

Yes Talya, you must be too young.

check it: //www.kidzworld.ca/site/p744.htm

THAT'S hockey hair (previously known to me as Bi-level hockey hair, and evolved into the mullet).

07/16/2003 02:21:46 AM · #11
RiderGal, as a member of our generation (I'm 17) I'm very dissapointed you are not familiar with hockey hair! Maybe it's just a guy thing then. Cause it is definetly something that is around these days. Hockey hair is the fad running through hockey guys to grow their hair long... especially in the back and have it hang out the back of their helmets... and fly behind them as they play hockey. It's all in line with the whole mullet thing thats popular again.

Would you folks consider Aviator Sunglasses as being a trend?

07/16/2003 02:25:00 AM · #12
07/16/2003 02:27:14 AM · #13
Originally posted by RiderGal:

also how can there be 2 entries allready 2 hours into the contest? Gees... no wonder we get some very low quality photos in every challenge when people enter their photos so quickly with barely enough time to shoot!

I've often wondered the same thing.

Message edited by author 2003-07-16 02:27:56.
07/16/2003 02:28:01 AM · #14
I tell you what, I was very sadden when Barry cut off his mullet, but luckely this year he has grown it back alittle. It just isn't NHL tonight without a mullet. And for clarification the mullet is the dual purpose hair cut, all buisness in front, and fun in back.

Now on to the trend thing, I would really like to see more non-clothing trends here, or over looked trends, I have an idea, but I am affraid not everyone will follow my thinking, but FUDGE the score, I think it may work.

One other thing, Red Wings, Red Wings, swept in the first round.

Message edited by author 2003-07-16 02:29:12.
07/16/2003 02:30:09 AM · #15
Originally posted by mk:

I don't know but I'll be voting down anyone who didn't enjoy themselves during the process as this is stated in the instructions.

and how are you supposed to know whether that person enjoyed it or not? hehe...
07/16/2003 02:39:12 AM · #16
Originally posted by Spanish Grease:

RiderGal, as a member of our generation (I'm 17) I'm very dissapointed you are not familiar with hockey hair! Maybe it's just a guy thing then. Cause it is definetly something that is around these days. Hockey hair is the fad running through hockey guys to grow their hair long... especially in the back and have it hang out the back of their helmets... and fly behind them as they play hockey. It's all in line with the whole mullet thing thats popular again.

Would you folks consider Aviator Sunglasses as being a trend?


I think the hockey players "stole" the hair thing from the soccer players ... I was kicked off my high school cross-country because I would cut my hair (again) shorter. The next quarter, when the soccer coach said he'd have to back up the CC coach, my dad went to see the district superintendant. He said "they can't do that ..." and the rest is "history" (as were my visits to practitioners of the tonsorial trade).

Any sunglasses costing more than I make in a day qualify as trendy, if (thankfully) not a trend.

Message edited by author 2003-07-16 02:39:43.
07/16/2003 02:48:27 AM · #17
no, hockey players didn't steal that. It had to be theirs. So many hockey players came from eastern europe (sorry to the Czechs & Russians), where styles, including the mullet, moved at...a different pace. (Here is where I start trouble and get expelled from the site) It is also attributable to the Canadians (hockey+mullets=canadian)

Ok, fire away!
07/16/2003 02:54:05 AM · #18
If we're talking about bad hair cuts as worn by sports stars(?) who remembers the bubble perms sported by football, soccer to our colonial friends ;), in the 70's?
07/16/2003 02:54:21 AM · #19
The reason so many hockey players have the mullet is due to simplicity. During the season, they travel and play so much they don't have time to go to the barber, but the hair still grows, they cut down the front to keep it out of there eyes, and just let the back go.
07/16/2003 03:03:09 AM · #20
Back to the real subject, how about I just take a photo of anything and then make it black and white, that seems like a really over used trend today.
07/16/2003 03:05:28 AM · #21
Originally posted by robsmith:

If we're talking about bad hair cuts as worn by sports stars(?) who remembers the bubble perms sported by football, soccer to our colonial friends ;), in the 70's?

Gary Carter (baseball) and Dan Marino (American Football) come to mind. On the other hand, I miss the Dr. J in-your-face Afro-style ....
07/16/2003 05:19:26 AM · #22
Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

Originally posted by jimmythefish:

Bring on the mullets...of course, that could be considered more 'tragic lifestyle decision' but I'm giving high marks to hockey hair.

I'll score hockey hair high as well, but only if it's someone in a Redwings jersey!

Aren't you in CO now!! I may have to hunt you down and sacrifice your mullet to the Av's gods! (C:
07/16/2003 05:24:05 AM · #23
I think the hockey players "stole" the hair thing from the soccer players[/quote]
If I remember right..alot of it came from the 80's. The heavy metal bands and the 'hair bands." I know mine was sorta similar to the mullet in my Headbanger Days!! LOL
07/16/2003 05:30:48 AM · #24
I'm probably going to submit something to do with a trend that I'm experiencing personally.

go canucks! we resigned cloutier.

07/16/2003 06:00:03 AM · #25
Just wait untill next year when the Wild have some real playoff experience under there belt, the cup will reside in MN.

Message edited by author 2003-07-16 06:00:19.
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