Author | Thread |
05/04/2007 10:04:27 PM · #1 |
Ladies and Gentlemen - A large deployment of military personnel from the eastern half of TN will be occuring within the next month, and we would like to organize family portrait sessions for the effected families.
Photographers in the Tennessee area (including surrounding states!) are requested to volunteer your time & equipment. Please understand that this work is PRO BONO!!!
Please realize that we do NOT have all the details, and simply need to find how many photographers could potentially help with this program! Also, should anyone know of photographers (here, on other sites, or in the real world) PLEASE help us to spread the word!
On a more personal note, one of our own members, TCGuru, will be sending her own husband off in a few short weeks, and it is in fact her idea to accomplish this endeavor. Many of you already know her to be kind, funny, giving, and a really sweet person... but I also know that sending one's spouse away can NOT be easy - and this is her SECOND time giving up her husband to go overseas. Our two families have enjoyed many good times together, and I can vouch for her husband being a fine man, who I know will miss his family horribly. Jojo can easily photograph her husband every day until his departure; instead she has come up with the idea of helping other families, who may not be able to afford the luxury of what could be the last photographs of these fine people...
I do realize that military issues are politically charged discussions these days - yet, as a veteran, I am respectfully asking that these ideals be laid aside, and let's all work to help the families of these soldiers. These men and women are sacrificing time with their families - time that can never be recouped. Won't you please help us, or at least pass the word on to someone who can?
Thank you all, and I will be posting additional details the moment we have them. |
05/04/2007 10:13:15 PM · #2 |
I wish I could help, but I'm no where close and transferring even further.
I wish you and Jojo luck on this endeavor. I have photographing Veterans on my list of projects I want to do. |
05/04/2007 10:17:06 PM · #3 |
Depending where in East TN, and when, I may be able to help. I'm just off of I-40 about 20 miles into NC. |
05/04/2007 10:31:10 PM · #4 |
Where the hell is East TN?
Seriously, depending on the days, I'd be willing to head up that way. I have some free weekends and would love to help out. I also have some weekends that are booked solid. I am sure that it is all fluid and dynamic, but as soon as you know some dates, let me know. Also, look at // for more that may like the opportunity to help out.
05/04/2007 10:47:29 PM · #5 |
You guys are fantastic - thank you so much for the quick response, and please keep the offers coming! ;)
i JUST spoke to jojo, as she was in a meeting with the military support group that will be helping to coordinate this project - we hope to have a list of the actual locations by Monday or Tuesday. (That woman gets less sleep than anyone I know!) I honestly don't know how she does it...
I have to get up super early tomorrow, though jojo will likely post more a little later tonight. She & I have very full schedules this weekends, each with our own families, but we will both be checking in as often as possible. Please - even if you don't here from us right away - please keep posting so that this thread stays near the top! (SC - should that statement be inappropriate, kindly remove it for me? thx)
Goodnight all, and thank you again...
Billy |
05/04/2007 10:59:55 PM · #6 |
I wish I could help, but I'm too far away. I'll bumb it for you though.
05/04/2007 11:08:32 PM · #7 |
I'd definately help if I were there but, just too far away. But, here's a bump to help out. |
05/04/2007 11:29:31 PM · #8 |
I may be able to squeeze in a weekend to make it up there so keep me posted. But definitely if you need any help down this way, please give me a holler. I'm so up for this. :)
You guys rock! But then again, you probably already knew that. :) |
05/04/2007 11:30:07 PM · #9 |
Just go a new job and won't be available the next couple of weekends, but I'll keep watching this just in case! |
05/04/2007 11:59:13 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by bergiekat: Just go a new job and won't be available the next couple of weekends, but I'll keep watching this just in case! |
You and your fancy schmancy new joooooo-ob.
Maybe is someone from south Florida comes up I tag along. (AKA bump...) |
05/05/2007 01:11:00 AM · #11 |
05/05/2007 01:15:54 AM · #12 |
I have e-mailed the captain to find out how many soldiers and armories will be involved and where they all are.
I should have a response by Monday morning. If he checks his e-mail over the weekend, I may have a response tomorrow evening :)
The FRG in Dayton, Tennessee, will be doing fund raisers to pay for the pictures we are offering the families that participate (at cost of course).
Here was what I suggested:
One 5x7 and one set of 4 wallets for each family (I will put a number here at a later date). Then, if the individual families want to order more copies, a link to the photographers website who does the pictures at that armory will be left with the FRG chairperson for that armory.
We would like to see a percentage of the proceeds from the orders go to the FRG from that armory. Women involved have agreed that they will direct the orders to the individual photographer taking the shots. They have also agreed to referrals AND a mention of the photographer in the news.
We are hoping that the local news channels will all get wind of this and run with it. Not only for PR purposes for the FRGs, but also for the photographers involved.
I will post more when I know more but understand no locations may be posted here. I will have to send PM's to those interested/available.
Thank you all for responding and volunteering your time... please keep in touch over the weekend... I would like a final headcount of photogs vs. soldiers/armories by Monday so this can be planned properly and LO, I hope we can pull it off :) |
05/05/2007 05:21:07 AM · #13 |
Bump for you strange, east coasters that may be waking at this ungodly hour. Now, goodnight.
Edit 'cause spelling sometimes isn't my strong suit.
Message edited by author 2007-05-05 05:21:45.
05/05/2007 08:21:52 AM · #14 |
I'm in NW Louisiana, if any of the folks are guard folks that live nearby I'll make myself available. Also if there are any parents/grandparents in this area of the folks deploying I would gladly do some pics so the deployed folks could have some recent photos to take with them.
MSgt(Ret) USAF |
05/05/2007 11:21:34 AM · #15 |
05/05/2007 01:31:25 PM · #16 |
05/05/2007 03:00:00 PM · #17 |
05/05/2007 03:15:25 PM · #18 |
Yeah, its all good Karma doing the pro-bono stuff. I did a pro bono wedding today so hopefully that will pay back a few dues I owe.
05/05/2007 03:30:06 PM · #19 |
Just saw this and checked, looks like I'm in east Tennessee.
Put me on the list. |
05/05/2007 04:11:26 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by Jammur: Just saw this and checked, looks like I'm in east Tennessee. Put me on the list. |
You actually had to check? lol (*bump*)
05/05/2007 04:25:23 PM · #21 |
Thanks to all of you - we really do appreciate all the offers for help, and thread bumps!
Eric - thank you for providing the link (saved me from spending an hour searching for them!) - I did send a message to Operation Love late last night, and they have already sent an initial message, stating that they've received my request & will get back with us.
Keep up the great work everyone - we're getting there! |
05/05/2007 05:24:36 PM · #22 |
I'm in Ohio but would love to help!!
05/05/2007 06:48:04 PM · #23 |
Originally posted by Buckeye_Fan: I'm in Ohio but would love to help!! |
I think you'll need a passport. TN is even picky when us Georgians drive up unescorted. ;)
05/05/2007 11:55:28 PM · #24 |
Well, it appears that I will get an answer on Monday as I did not have a response in my inbox today :)
I will post up and let ya'll know something... I am guessing we will have about 2 or 3 weekends to get it done.
I have made a list and will be contacting you all then.
Thank you so so so much. You are wonderful people and these guys are lucky to have you. |
05/06/2007 12:00:51 AM · #25 |
Originally posted by _eug: Originally posted by Jammur: Just saw this and checked, looks like I'm in east Tennessee. Put me on the list. |
You actually had to check? lol (*bump*) |
Yea, East Tennessians are like that. ;) |
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