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Showing posts 276 - 300 of 324, (reverse)
05/08/2007 09:49:41 AM · #276
I am satisfied too, I think we will be fine with Alfredo entering photos when he can. Welcome aboard!
05/08/2007 10:52:31 AM · #277
Ches, I love the card! Unfortunately I seem to be stuck with getting it to show up in my signature.
05/08/2007 11:05:56 AM · #278
Thanks to all! so I stay
Ches, please let me know to my regular email address about anything else you need from me. That is just in case I miss the reading from this thread. I will try to get used to stop, read and participate in the discussions though.
05/08/2007 11:13:05 AM · #279

Message edited by author 2007-05-09 14:58:47.
05/08/2007 11:19:39 AM · #280
Bam I'll finish up the cards tonight (Need pics from Chris and Alfredo though) Then post the code for everyone to put in their sigs that has the logo, all cards (with links to the big one) and the Team Motto once it's been agreed to.

I was looking through the other teams threads and they all seemed to pick on to do the cards, makes it easier in the long run.

Afredo do you want me to use Canonpener as your card pic?

Team Motto suggestions
Reject This
Reject The Norm

any others? It's OUR team we can make it anything you want.

I also need a paragraph or something to sum each of you up on your team card page. Any volunteers to do the write ups? You're welcome to do your own, or someone elses if they don't mind.

VVVVVVVVVVV Notice the beginning of our card lineup.

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 11:21:15.
05/08/2007 12:52:45 PM · #281
OK, I guess I will go first.....

I worked in software development for years, but about 4 years ago in the middle of a serious MS attack, I decided this life was not for me. I sold my house in Virginia, loaded my daughter and my dog into a rented van, and drove across the country to Phoenix. I entolled in Culinary school, graduated with highest honors and accepted a job as a chef. I currently live with my daughter PaulinaRD who came to me from India when she was just a baby, my boyfriend of 2 years, 2 dogs and a cat. I have been taking photos since age 9, with only a couple of small breaks.

Is this the type of thing you are looking for?

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 13:16:23.
05/08/2007 01:09:47 PM · #282
Two things: Ches, I guess I'm pretty vain because I really like the card you designed for me yesterday with that picture. If you want me to do it over at home, just let me know. I didn't have time last night after all because I went on a hot date.

Second, I'll follow Barbara's lead to add a small paragraph about myself.

I have worked in the retail auto industry for 9 years. I am currently the Finance Manager at a Toyota/Honda dealership in Logan, UT. I am originally from where Barbara ended up, in Arizona. I was always the geeky kid carrying around a camera on backpacking trips and stuff, and realized that some of my photos weren't all that bad. So I bought in to it more and more over the years and that is what got me here. I have a beautiful wife and three darling children at home who support me well with this time-consuming hobby.
05/08/2007 01:16:28 PM · #283
Great Scott, and I agree that card is wonderful.

For the paragraph I was thinking a little more.... Trash talkish.

What are you about in photography. What are the strengths you're bring to the team.

Though we can do "real life" stuff too if you want.

Trying to stay with in this Rejected theme :)

Kind of a See what you missed idea!
05/08/2007 01:21:25 PM · #284
Can my trash talk be all lies? I've got nothing to back any of it up. It's all in my head. Think Joey Porter when he played for the Pittsburg Steelers in Super Bowl XL. Can that be me?
05/08/2007 01:28:02 PM · #285
So, kind of like what an announcer at a boxing match would say then???

In the Reject corner we have the all-powerful TRAQUINO scoring an average of 5.7034. Scott specializes in landscape and portrait photography. You may have seen shots from his portfolio is such prestigious publications as The Herald Jounral or hanging with a blue ribbon at the Utah State Fair. His recent work is so amazing that some say he is the next Ansel Adams. Watch out DPC. You've rejected him before, but he will not be rejected now!

Is that trashy enough? I've never been a trash talker, so it doesn't come first hand to me.

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 13:49:37.
05/08/2007 01:29:46 PM · #286
I have been seriously into photography since I was 9 when my mother taught the 4H photography club. I bought my first serious 35mm camera when I moved to Germany at age 16. Other than a couple of small breaks, I have not put down my camera for 40 years! I have traveled the world in search of beautiful images: Germany, Austria, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, India, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Iceland, and the Bahamas. My goal in life is to travel to every continent at least once.

People have accused me of adopting my children from other countries in order to be able to travel to those places.
05/08/2007 01:31:58 PM · #287
Exactly what I was looking for Scott!!!!

Now can you do the rest of us? lol
05/08/2007 01:32:39 PM · #288
Scott, use what I wrote and trash it up a bit?
05/08/2007 01:57:32 PM · #289
Originally posted by BAMartin:

I have been seriously into photography since I was 9 when my mother taught the 4H photography club. I bought my first serious 35mm camera when I moved to Germany at age 16. Other than a couple of small breaks, I have not put down my camera for 40 years! I have traveled the world in search of beautiful images: Germany, Austria, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador, India, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Morocco, Iceland, and the Bahamas. My goal in life is to travel to every continent at least once.

People have accused me of adopting my children from other countries in order to be able to travel to those places.

Watch out for the mighty BAM-BAM. Although she has a wopping 5.3550 average, she was rejected by the people of DPC. She was taking photographs when most of the DPCers were still having their diapers changed! Her war cry will now be heard far and wide and she continues to travel the globe in search of the perfect photograph. Mental pain, suffering and agony will be inflicted on all those who have rejected her in the past.

How is that? Kind of lame, I know, but isn't that what trash talk is?

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 13:59:08.
05/08/2007 01:59:41 PM · #290
05/08/2007 02:02:33 PM · #291
Dang Scott, you have a secret talent for trash talking! That's awesome. Please, will you do mine also? The only problem is, there's not much for me to go on. I worked as a Registered Nurse for 10 years in ICU and Recovery Room. Quit to raise my two darling daughters, whom are my favorite models. Decided they were too cute to waste ugly skills on, so wanted to increase my abilities and knowledge, which is what has brought me here. That's about it, I think? Sorry it's so lame....

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 14:03:39.
05/08/2007 02:09:03 PM · #292
I agree. You're definately volunteered to finish us up.

Hmm background for me. Computer geek, Untrained photographer. Only been really working at it for the past couple of years. Mom of toddler, teen and adult. Animal collector, Number cruncher

Hmmm what I want. I want to be a photographer who used to program, instead of a programmer with a fancy camera.

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 14:29:46.
05/08/2007 02:21:26 PM · #293
Charlene, how long have you been in to photography and trying hard at it? What is your favorite type? What do you wish to accomplish?

I need to focus on work for a little bit, so I will try and get some more of these done later this afternoon.
05/08/2007 02:27:43 PM · #294
I've been really studying photography for a year now. Unfortunately at this stage, I'm not sure what I'd like to get out of it. I'm kind of letting it take it's own natural course, if that makes sense. I really haven't found my niche yet. Thanks for looking this stuff over. No hurries, of course.
05/08/2007 07:34:07 PM · #295
Originally posted by dcnfarrell:

Dang Scott, you have a secret talent for trash talking! That's awesome. Please, will you do mine also? The only problem is, there's not much for me to go on. I worked as a Registered Nurse for 10 years in ICU and Recovery Room. Quit to raise my two darling daughters, whom are my favorite models. Decided they were too cute to waste ugly skills on, so wanted to increase my abilities and knowledge, which is what has brought me here. That's about it, I think? Sorry it's so lame....

I've been really studying photography for a year now. Unfortunately at this stage, I'm not sure what I'd like to get out of it. I'm kind of letting it take it's own natural course, if that makes sense. I really haven't found my niche yet.

Charlene, the newest member of DPC on Team Reject, has seen it all while she was a nurse in the ICU. Now she is focusing on showing it all to the rest of you. Still too new to have her own niche, y'all better be on the lookout 'cause she'll wipe you out and take you over. Accompanied by two darling models, nothing will stand in her way.
05/08/2007 07:37:04 PM · #296
Thanks so much, Scott. That's a lot of work, and I know it took some time to try to make me look good. Thanks! Hope to repay you some day, lol!
05/08/2007 07:41:07 PM · #297
Originally posted by chesire:

I agree. You're definately volunteered to finish us up.

Hmm background for me. Computer geek, Untrained photographer. Only been really working at it for the past couple of years. Mom of toddler, teen and adult. Animal collector, Number cruncher

Hmmm what I want. I want to be a photographer who used to program, instead of a programmer with a fancy camera.

Ches the Best. That about sums it up!:)

...or you could add

Ches the Best. As captain of Team Reject she holds the key to the demise of her persecutors. She'll add you up, divide your forces and multiply your weaknesses, all with a single press of a shutter button. You didn't see her coming but you know where she'll end up: On Top of the Rest. Watch out for Ches the Best!
05/08/2007 07:41:32 PM · #298
These all sound really cheesy. Is that OK?
05/08/2007 07:43:12 PM · #299
Cheesy is good

ok have most of the cards done. updating scores to re-upload.

Still need paragraphs on James, Chris and Alfredo, and pictures from Chris and Alfredo.

Check out the links on the sig and see if you're happy with what you see. Once I have the rest I'll send the sig code out.

Message edited by author 2007-05-08 19:56:38.
05/08/2007 08:45:17 PM · #300

Replace the [... with [ and there's our siggy.
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