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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Favorite books and movies
Showing posts 26 - 49 of 49, (reverse)
06/19/2007 08:42:45 AM · #26

A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Place in the Sun (1951)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Bin-jip (3-IRON)(2004)
Blade Runner (1982)
Breaking Away (1979)
Contact (1997)
Cool Hand Luke (1967)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
Fetten Jahre sind vorbei, Die (The Edukators) (2004)
Leben der Anderen, Das (The Lives of Others) (2006)
Paths of Glory (1957)
Quatre cents coups, Les (The 400 Blows) (1959)
Rear Window (1954)
Sjunde inseglet, Det (The Seventh Seal) (1957)
Sunset Blvd. (1950)
The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)
The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)


Kurt Vonnegut, maybe Breakfast of Champions or Slaughterhouse Five
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita - great movie too (Kubrick's)
J.D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye
Farenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
And speaking Sci-Fi, I've never been disappointed by any Isaac Asimov's.


Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
The Corporation - Joel Bakan
Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser
Our Endangered Values - Jimmy Carter
06/19/2007 08:44:20 AM · #27
if you want classic literature, I recommend The Crying of Lot 49. You'll be disappointed by the ending but in the meantime it will have opened whole new worlds to you. Plus it's similar to "speculative fiction" which should interest you. As far as classics that are also science fiction, I recommend Kurt Vonnegut and Don DeLillo. (I've read several Vonneguts, all great, but only "White Noise" by DeLillo.)

If you want funny classic literature, check out Henry Fielding.

Classic movies... Hitchcock. You pretty much can't go wrong, though I can specifically recommend Rear Window, Vertigo, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope... you can also decide based on whether you prefer Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant! I haven't listed the Cary movies because I can never get the titles straight. :)

City Lights by Chaplin is the best romantic comedy I've ever seen.

Then there's Kubrik beyond 2001: Paths of Glory, The Shining, Dr. Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket (not a pleasant movie)

Note, I've tried to keep it to stuff that's very "watchable", no Bergman or Truffaut here.

Oh, and someone mentioned "Blow Up." You may find the ending disappointing but it is the ultimate movie about photography (that I've seen, anyway).

Oh, and if you haven't seen "Cabaret," then see it. It's nothing like the play.

(I edited this post when I realized the OP is 14 years old!!)

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 23:08:26.
06/19/2007 08:49:48 AM · #28
Originally posted by posthumous:

Classic movies... Hitchcock. You pretty much can't go wrong, though I can specifically recommend Rear Window, Vertigo, Shadow of a Doubt, Rope... you can also decide based on whether you prefer Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant! I haven't listed the Cary movies because I can never get the titles straight. :)

try as they might no body can ever top Hitchcock. younger people think of Jimmy Stewart as a goof but watch his Hitchcock movies and you will be impressed.
06/19/2007 08:52:37 AM · #29
Blade Runner
The Crow
Pulp Fiction

Tales of the Otori
The Isavalta Trilogy
Anything by Tolkien
Age of the Five Trilogy

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 08:53:17.
06/19/2007 09:25:44 AM · #30
Books =
And anything by Marian Keyes

Films =
Pulp Fiction
Little Miss Sunshine
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Girl Interrupted
212 (an independent movie at the Sundance Film Festival one year)

06/19/2007 09:54:27 AM · #31
IF you want a book you will not be able to put down...
Jeff Long- The Descent.

Movies; I thought Pan's Labyrinth was tremendous; also Apocalypto was brilliant.

If you have not seen these movies, they are must sees-

Raising Arizona,
Big Lebowski
Fight Club
English Patient
History of Violence

If you have not seen these, see them.
06/19/2007 10:02:43 AM · #32
American Gods by Neil Gaiman
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman (a take on Marvel Superheroes back in Elizabethan times)
And he has a new book coming out now called Eternals that sounds Awesome!

Some of my other favorite authors although they are not sci-fi would be Clive Cussler (his main character is kind of like Indiana Jones meets James Bond), Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child (if you have ever seen the movie The Relic - these are the guys that wrote the book), James Rollins, Matthew Reilly, Jack DuBrul, Dan Brown, Steve Berry, Timothy Dorsey, and Christopher Moore.
06/19/2007 10:06:30 AM · #33
titanic is my favorite movie... has been ever since it came out when i was 10.

yeah i'm a nerd!

i also love charlie and the chocolate factory, the wedding singer, and anything disney
06/19/2007 02:10:44 PM · #34
Originally posted by jonfrommk:

For a Sci Fi Movie try Silent Running

We actually own Silent Running, 'cause I watched it as a kid and loved it. Smartypants has tried to watch it a few times and never made it through (she say's it's boring). Just watch, now that a DPCer recommended it, she'll watch it and realize that dad was right all along!
06/19/2007 02:17:54 PM · #35

"The Dark Tower" series (Stephen King - who is also my fav. writer)


Blade Runner (all times greatest)
Apocalypse Now
Deer Hunter
Dogville (Yes, I'm a big fan of Von Trier too - I'm a Dane you know)
Mulholland Drive (Big Lynch fan too)

...and why not take TV series too:

Carnivale (It's really too bad that the show was cancelled - the best since "Twin Peaks")
06/19/2007 02:20:47 PM · #36
Waking Ned Devine
The Secret of Roan Inish
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
The Great Race
Arsenic and Old Lace
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
06/19/2007 02:38:08 PM · #37
We're having a "West Fest" at my house, it seems...currently the most popular movies we watch repeatedly are:

Lonesome Dove
Open Range
Wyatt Earp
Far and Away (not really a western, but close)
Dances with Wolves
Little Big Man
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Jeremiah Johnson
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Young Guns

I just finished reading 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper, which was really an amazing non-fiction book. I'm currently enjoying reading 12 Extraordinary Women of the Bible.
06/19/2007 02:42:55 PM · #38
Originally posted by cpanaioti:

Waking Ned Devine
The Secret of Roan Inish
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
The Great Race
Arsenic and Old Lace
Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Good call!
06/19/2007 02:54:27 PM · #39
This is not helping my already strong desire to quit my job and spend large portions of my summer in marathon moviefests.
06/19/2007 03:01:12 PM · #40
I don't read as much as I'd like to anymore.
But, I still have my books by:
Anne Rice
Stephen King
Dean Koontz
Robert McCammon

The Matrix Trilogy
The Shining

Pretty much any action, horror or suspense flix.
06/19/2007 03:35:42 PM · #41
Originally posted by strangeghost:

Originally posted by jonfrommk:

For a Sci Fi Movie try Silent Running

We actually own Silent Running, 'cause I watched it as a kid and loved it. Smartypants has tried to watch it a few times and never made it through (she say's it's boring). Just watch, now that a DPCer recommended it, she'll watch it and realize that dad was right all along!

See John Karma at its best, you help my daughter with your pp of her karting and I educate yours. Just dont let her see my average score cos then she will know I am a rubbish DPCer

Also tell her that this DPCer thinks her dad is cool...That will shake her beliefs to their very core lol
06/19/2007 03:46:31 PM · #42
Some of my favorite books:

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon
Three Junes - Julia Glass
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Haruki Murakami
The Moon and Sixpence - W. Somerset Maugham
Midnight's Children - Salman Rushdie
The Bloody Chamber - Angela Carter
Oryx & Crake - Margaret Atwood
Candy - Mian Mian
Salamander - Thomas Wharton
The entire Harry Potter series

If you read nothing else from this list, pick up Michael Chabon and Julia Glass. They're both drop dead gorgeous books.

Funny story, since a bunch of folks are recommending Stephen King, whom I personally loathe. In my opinion, the man just cannot write. I can spot the part where he's written himself into a corner with a looming deadline every time. Anyway, I can't stand him. I attended a lecture given by Michael Chabon, whom I love beyond words as a modern literary genius, and he focused the bulk of his talk on the writing process. So at the end, when we're all in line to get our books signed (for which I took specific pains to procure a pristine first edition copy of Kav & Clay), as a writer myself and with a bachelor's degree that says so, I asked Mr. Chabon if he had any recommendations for books about writing. And without hesitation, he directed me to On Writing by Stephen King, about which he said, "It struck me as very true." Hah! But can a girl really ignore a book recommendation from one of her idols? That would be just plain irresponsible. So it's on my to-read pile and I'll get to it someday.

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 15:55:31.
06/19/2007 04:02:43 PM · #43
Try Anne McCaffrey
Arthur C Clarke
Stephen King
Frank Herbert
Douglas Adams
& Alan Garner/ basically a young adult author, but his books are great.

The Hitcher
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
LOTR series

Or, I can e-mail you a copy of my own Fantasy/sci-fi novels. I have written 13 but never bothered to get them published.
Van Helsing

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 16:04:31.
06/19/2007 04:27:43 PM · #44
Best movies:
Boondock Saints
Reservoir Dogs
Blazing Saddles
Anchor Man
Pulp Fiction
The Devils Rejects
Gangs of New York

Best Books:
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five & Mother Night
Non-Violent Resistance - Ghandi
Brave New World- Huxley
To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee
Cat̢۪s Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut
Letters from the Earth: Uncensored Writings - Mark Twain
06/19/2007 04:36:27 PM · #45
I think superdave has great taste, although some of the films are a bit on the gory side!!

Snatch - needed subtitles to understand Brad Pitt, and his tinker accent. Done very well!!
Reservoir Dogs is not easy viewing, but a great film.
Nor is Pulp Fiction.

Blazing Saddles is so stupidly played up that it is hilarious.
Gangs of New York is a powerful, often gory film about power and pain.

Good choices.

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 16:36:50.
06/19/2007 04:54:37 PM · #46
Anything by Louis L'Amour, Matt Braun, Larry McMurtry, Elmer Kelton, Mike Blakely and a few others of the genre. Nothing "high brow" or "intellectual" here...but why try to be something I'm not.

06/19/2007 04:55:51 PM · #47
There are so many!!! You want us to pick just a few??!!!

::::chews fingernails nervously::::


Chronicles of Narnia
Harry Potter
Inkheart (Cornelia Funke ROCKS)
Artemis Fowl (pretty much just Eoin Colfer)
anything by Piers Anthony
anything by Robin Cook
anything by Fern Michaels
anything by Nicholas Sparks
The Stolen Child (new author, VERY VERY GOOD)
V.C. Andrews books (all of em BEFORE she died)
Eyes of the Dragon

(pretty much youth fiction but some horror/medical thrillers :)


Can't go there, too many to name :)

Message edited by author 2007-06-19 16:56:44.
06/19/2007 11:03:28 PM · #48
lets see... lots of great suggestions..

I've read LOTR, and now I'm curious if Tolkien has any other fantasy (LOTR related or not) that would be worth reading.. I've also read the unabridged version of the Stand a couple times and I'm excited to read/watch some of the other Stephen King stuff, read the Orson Scott Card stuff and Dune, LOVE the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy but really disappointed with the movie.. oh, and we read To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men in English this past year and I loved those too... but most of the books I haven't read. And I haven't seen most of the movies suggested either, so now I've got a great list!

Thanks everybody! Any others? =)
06/20/2007 02:15:27 AM · #49
I just recently went to my public library (haven't been there in over a year) and got:
Plato's Republic
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells
Faust - Goethe
East of Eden -Steinbeck

Not books I usually read, but I decided I should try reading some things my professors mention in class...this is all of course while I wait for Harry Potter to come out (!!!)

A few years ago I read a trilogy called His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (a movie of the first book is coming out in the fall I believe), the series is one of my favorite ever.

As for movies, one of my favorites right now is called Kin Dza Dza, it's a sci-fi Russian movie made in the 80's (I think), very funny, and I think you can find an English subtitled version on google videos, it's kind of long though.
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