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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> Pittsburgh, PA GTG - July 14 - McConnell's Mills
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 138, (reverse)
07/08/2007 01:23:04 PM · #76
Cool -- I'll look forward to meeting him! I just did his Bird in the Hand cache a week or so ago. And I just stopped bleeding :)

Originally posted by Prof_Fate:

Looks like I will be there with my friend, fellow geocacher (thirdchild) and wedding/photo assistant. Seems he likes taking pics and wants to learn more. I figure this would be perfect training for him. Now to get him to join DPC!
07/08/2007 04:13:49 PM · #77
so alan, what time do you plan on being here on saturday morning?
07/08/2007 09:28:06 PM · #78
Originally posted by JaredWickerham:

so alan, what time do you plan on being here on saturday morning?

It's a little early for me to make a surefire decision on that, but I would guess 9:30 would be about right. I'm trying to squeeze in another vacation before our vacation (in one of your old stomping grounds -- western NY) next week, so it's hard to be too sure about anything at the moment :)

Message edited by author 2007-07-08 21:28:53.
07/08/2007 09:39:40 PM · #79
Sorry it took so long for me to read this. I rarley enter these challanges anymore, but I would love to come along if you would have me. Also, im not sure if anyone is interested, but if we wanted to go to the zoo after McConills Mills or somthing, like do a morning shoot and then go to the zoo. I work there, and I could most likly snag some tickets and get everyone in for free!
07/08/2007 10:06:11 PM · #80
Come on along!

I don't know how realistic a zoo visit would be since the locations are a good hour apart... I would be all for a separate zoo GTG down the road sometime. I hope you can make it!

Originally posted by jusdino4it:

Sorry it took so long for me to read this. I rarley enter these challanges anymore, but I would love to come along if you would have me. Also, im not sure if anyone is interested, but if we wanted to go to the zoo after McConills Mills or somthing, like do a morning shoot and then go to the zoo. I work there, and I could most likly snag some tickets and get everyone in for free!

Message edited by author 2007-07-08 22:06:34.
07/08/2007 10:23:14 PM · #81
Originally posted by jusdino4it:

I work there, and I could most likly snag some tickets and get everyone in for free!

I love the Pittsburgh Zoo. I would have been there last week, but my boss switched around my schedule and it rained on my day off that week. I would definitely be interested in a zoo GTG sometime.

Join us on Saturday, Alex.

07/08/2007 10:45:22 PM · #82
Yeah, im there preatty much every day. As im sure you have noticed animals are the main focus of my photography. I got stuck in that rain...lol. I had to go up to my office which is all the way by the aquarium from the front gate during that downpoor. It was NOT FUN. Good decision not going.
07/09/2007 05:06:21 PM · #83
One potential fly in the ointment here... with Pennsylvania's budget impasse, state parks are actually closed right now. Since McConnell's Mill is a state park, presumably it is actually closed right now thanks to our geniuses in office.

I would highly suspect that this will only go on for a matter of a couple days, but it's something we'll need to keep an eye on as the weekend approaches.
07/09/2007 06:02:28 PM · #84
I know Alan wanted a less urban setting for a GTG, but if they don't reopen the park, there's always the zoo. Now that we have connections, maybe Alex can get us special passes to go up and pet the lions or swim with the polar bears. Then we'd just need next weeks member challenge to be "People getting eaten by wild animals." :)

Message edited by author 2007-07-09 18:03:32.
07/09/2007 10:34:06 PM · #85
Hey if the park doesn't open, I would love to do some urban photography. But I do love the zoo also!
07/09/2007 10:35:15 PM · #86
Like I suspected, the state shutdown was short lived... they just came up with an agreement, so everything should be open as scheduled.
07/11/2007 10:23:06 AM · #87
Even if the budget didn't pass, I think legally we would have the right to use the park as it is considered public property. There just wouldn't be any services available like clean restrooms, visitor information or safety/security personnel.
07/11/2007 11:01:51 AM · #88
You're confusing me, Open/Close... . Sounds like a threat to strike, situation. They once cancelled Kingergarten-aft./extra-curricular funding in my city, untill the taxpayers passed the school levy.

This morning the rain gods were filling the rivers for us, at least a little. Just, remember, many animals/mammals don't reside in the Zoo, included humanlike ones. I like Zoological Parks, too.

Hopefully, I'll be there by 9:30-am. I recently got a weather proof KATA E-702 raincover that I haven't tried out, yet. Now I can shoot in any weather. Umbrellas mounted on tripods also work, I'll show you how.

Sometimes they close restrooms, just bring lots of paper. For the Paper Challenge, of course. I noticed the European GTG had lots of beer, if anyone brings beer, I'll drink some. I can bring some Torti-ya/Nacho chips and/or life sustaining, Water.

Message edited by author 2007-07-11 11:02:19.
07/11/2007 08:45:02 PM · #89
No, they actually prohibited people from entering the parks.

Originally posted by fencekicker:

Even if the budget didn't pass, I think legally we would have the right to use the park as it is considered public property. There just wouldn't be any services available like clean restrooms, visitor information or safety/security personnel.
07/11/2007 11:47:42 PM · #90
It seems that how much dough (you have) and who you know determine your inalienable rights.

So is anyone bringing Food/Drinks? Could someone update the "attendees" list at the begining of this thread.

Message edited by author 2007-07-11 23:49:37.
07/12/2007 12:04:28 AM · #91
Yep, we need to get a good list of who's attending and who's bringing what goodies.

Summarized from the posts so far:

Me - paper cups/plates
Alan - Grill, (and was that an offer to bring burgers, or was it a suggestion for someone to bring burgers?), his wife's brownies are required at any GTG he attends :)
Buckeye_Fan - Brownies
Jared - Chips and Soda
07/12/2007 02:11:13 AM · #92
alright-i edited the original post.

John, are you going for sure?
07/12/2007 07:21:56 AM · #93
I'd like to add that I'm bring some fresh veggies and dip!!
07/12/2007 09:19:30 AM · #94
If someone else is willing to bring burgers (and buns for that matter), cool... otherwise I'll add that to my list.

Originally posted by Stiger:

Yep, we need to get a good list of who's attending and who's bringing what goodies.

Summarized from the posts so far:

Me - paper cups/plates
Alan - Grill, (and was that an offer to bring burgers, or was it a suggestion for someone to bring burgers?), his wife's brownies are required at any GTG he attends :)
Buckeye_Fan - Brownies
Jared - Chips and Soda
07/12/2007 10:13:47 AM · #95
I'll bring lots of cool fresh water, for survival in the heat. I saw the movie Waterboy with my son. We both liked it. I also saw the Water World movie. Blue's my favorite color, on this blue planet. I can also bring some Stadium Mustard, Sweet Pickle Relish, and Barbecue Sauce, Condiments.

Message edited by author 2007-07-12 10:13:56.
07/12/2007 10:25:37 AM · #96
Looks like we're gonna have a gorgeous day on Saturday. Accuweather is showing 78 and sunny.
07/12/2007 10:50:24 AM · #97
Im %99 sure that I will come. It is my intention to, unless somthing comes up. I will bring what ever I can. Most likly that will consist of sodas, and whatever else I have lying around my house. If there is anything else that is specificly needed, I would love to contribute. I just dont know what we need.

Also, my dad is coming along.

Message edited by author 2007-07-12 10:51:12.
07/12/2007 12:53:40 PM · #98
Originally posted by JaredWickerham:

alright-i edited the original post.

John, are you going for sure?

Yes, 4SURE 4FUN, I will try not to get wet in the river.

I've been whitewater rafting in PA and twice in the New River. Once when the river was 10 ft below normal level and once when it was 10 ft above normal level. I've got photos and video tape of me and our Boy Scout Troop. The PA rafting was actually for College credit Phys-Ed class, culminated in one rafting trip.
07/12/2007 08:14:33 PM · #99
Add me to the list! I'm carpooling with Stiger so be sure he is on the list too. I don't know what I am bringing yet, I'll probably stop somewhere shortly before arriving at the park to pick up something to bring.

Are there some cell-phone numbers I could have in case we can't find each other at the park? (although the tripods will be a good clue ;)

Maybe you have this info at the beginning of the thread, I should go check...


Okay, just checked the first post, no phone numbers. If someone(s) would pm your cell-phone number to me that would be helpful. Also is there a specific place at the park we are meeting? or is there only one developed part of the park to pull into?

It will probably be close to 11 AM when we get there.

Message edited by author 2007-07-12 20:22:29.
07/12/2007 09:10:43 PM · #100
Hey there...if anyone would like to give me their cell phone # and I can give mine, that would be great!! PM me!!
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