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07/13/2007 12:15:43 PM · #676
Got a couple more editted..

07/13/2007 01:34:55 PM · #677
the last of the candid stuff - I think all of these were from Paris.

Message edited by author 2007-07-13 13:35:42.
07/13/2007 01:45:21 PM · #678
These are a few of the models we shot in Paris.

Huge thanks to Laurent ( Toyan)for hooking us up with the models and his studio.

FINALLY....the end of my trip photos. Unless of course I hid a few away in case I need a free study entry ;)

thanks to all for a ridiculously good time, particularly Gary, Nasti, and Az for all their hard work in setting it all up, and to Lau for being our tour guide in Paris.

Peace, y'all


Message edited by author 2007-07-14 01:55:14.
07/13/2007 02:07:11 PM · #679
whoops. one more.

07/13/2007 04:45:24 PM · #680
two from paris

07/14/2007 11:53:53 AM · #681
two from paris too

07/15/2007 04:20:23 AM · #682

I just looked at my 1000 party shots, I have very embarassing photos of everyone. Transfer 200 euro to my paypal account and I will not publish them. :)
07/17/2007 03:57:59 AM · #683

one more
07/28/2007 04:39:55 PM · #684
I miss you fokkahsssss

Cant wait till yer all on Canadian Soil.. was just having a moment of reflection and I was compelled to write how truly amazing I think you all are.. what an incredible world we live in.. that a community such as dpc.. could render such potential and plant the seeds of friendship in the ways it has!!! I'm so blessed :)

~hugs love n Twirly things~
07/30/2007 04:55:26 PM · #685
That's so true..
Every time it get's better so imagine how it will next year!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
07/31/2007 07:12:52 AM · #686
Yeah, I agree. had an even better time than i expected (and i had high expectations). Ill be back in Toronto as of September. If any of yall are around there and have some time for some photos. Hit me up!
07/31/2007 07:32:49 AM · #687
I hope I can make it next year. I had a fabulous time this year and I enjoyed meeting you all. You are great!!!!
And as tapeworm_jimmy said, it was better than I expected.

As a side topic, one question to the people from Holland: what would be nice to visit in the south of Holland. I have a friend coming over and we were planning a small trip in the country side/seaside/cities in Belgium/Holland. And of course, if some of you are "on the way" would be nice meeting you (again, for those that I've already met). We might be there somewhere in between 11th and 18th of august.

07/31/2007 08:06:07 AM · #688
Me and High on Energy will be on a small holiday in the south of holland (west). We're their from the 12th till the 15th of August.

07/31/2007 08:11:22 AM · #689
Originally posted by lowonenergy:

Me and High on Energy will be on a small holiday in the south of holland (west). We're their from the 12th till the 15th of August.


That's cool! Maybe we can meet at least for a beer! You already know what are you gonna visit or you'll decide later? We haven't planed anything yet so we are open to suggestions :)

Oh and one stupid question: are there places where we can rent bikes? I mean I know almost everyone in Holland owns a bike so maybe there are no rent centers? :)
07/31/2007 09:27:12 AM · #690
We don't know the area that well where we're going too, if you can read dutch you can visit this website.//www.akkermansoutdoor.nl/home.php

It's a rafttent (lol, how do I explain this..) we sleep on a wooden tent in the water and we have to get their by cano. It's in the south-west of Holland

We can surely have a drink, if you are planning getting that way!


Message edited by author 2007-07-31 09:27:34.
09/19/2007 04:51:42 AM · #691
Hey, how is everybody? I have my computer set to show pics as the screensaver and I have my GtG folder included in that lineup. As they flash by, I think "Hey, I should edit that and stick it in my portfolio." So I've done that with a few. Enjoy.

And Anastasia, did you ever post the group shot taken with your camera?

[thumb]589026[/thumb] [thumb]589032[/thumb] [thumb]589033[/thumb] [thumb]589034[/thumb] [thumb]589035[/thumb] [thumb]589029[/thumb]

Message edited by author 2007-09-19 04:56:39.
10/22/2007 11:11:09 AM · #692
last but not least
10/22/2007 11:24:58 AM · #693
Originally posted by Anastasia:

last but not least

congrats you finally made it!
10/22/2007 12:01:12 PM · #694
Originally posted by Anastasia:

last but not least

Geeks! ;-)
10/22/2007 02:32:42 PM · #695
I still have a load of embarrassing pics to work on, maybe at the end of the year I will post some. :)

10/24/2007 06:34:11 AM · #696
Originally posted by Azrifel:

I still have a load of embarrassing pics to work on, maybe at the end of the year I will post some. :)

I have a good embarrassing one of you!
11/16/2007 02:53:41 PM · #697
Originally posted by aKiwi:

Originally posted by Azrifel:

I still have a load of embarrassing pics to work on, maybe at the end of the year I will post some. :)

I have a good embarrassing one of you!

Bring it on! :))))

Since I have no time to edit all the stuff anyway, I shall upload some of the pictures right now. :)))
11/16/2007 03:35:05 PM · #698
Here we go. I don't have time to edit the zillion wideangle party shots (in reality people have payed me lotsa money not to show pics) so this is it for now. A pity really, because I have some nice shots from the Sunday GTG. But first I have to edit a hundred shots from Moscow and Petersburg for a travel agent. After that... no time.

07/03/2017 02:03:44 PM · #699
10 years ago, last weekend. Amazing.
07/03/2017 07:19:28 PM · #700
I so badly wanted to be able to go to that, but it was out of the question :-(
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