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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Opinion on 10-22mm lens
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08/02/2007 01:31:51 PM · #1
Want to buy a 10-20mm-(22mm) lens.
Sigma or Canon. Price isn't really a factor here. Viewing shots taken with both lens on DPC - seems both look wonderful. Any opinions?
Thanks for your help.

Message edited by author 2007-08-02 13:35:36.
08/02/2007 01:37:32 PM · #2
Just got mine a couple of weeks ago (Canon)... love it!!!

From what I've researched, the Canon seems to be the way to go.... virtually zero barrel distortion!
08/02/2007 01:41:45 PM · #3
If price is not an issue, Canon is the obvious choice. As Lee said, the barrel distortion is negligible, and also the lens is remarkably flare-free when shooting into the sun, very important on an ultra wide angle lens.

08/02/2007 02:05:45 PM · #4
Can't say anything about the Sigma since I've never used it, but I really like my Canon. Nice sharp little lens there.
08/02/2007 02:14:34 PM · #5
Just got my Canon 10-22 from another DPC'er here a few months ago and I love it. What a great lens. Really nice clear pictures and I love that its a really wide lens I get alot more picture which is what I really needed and wanted. Really cant say nothing bad about it.
08/02/2007 02:18:29 PM · #6
I love my Canon, but have seen some good stuff from the Sigma here. I'm still partial to the Canon though.
08/02/2007 02:19:21 PM · #7
I have the Sigma with a Nikon mount and really enjoy it!
08/02/2007 02:39:46 PM · #8
I have been using the canon lens for over an year...it's simply awesome and opens up my 20D for true wide angle photography.
08/02/2007 02:42:32 PM · #9
I haven't shot with the Canon, but I have been extremely happy with my Sigma 10-20... I chose it because it will work on any of the Canon APS-C sized sensor cameras. It's not limited to the Camera bodies that support EF-S lenses.

Message edited by author 2007-08-02 14:43:17.
08/02/2007 02:45:29 PM · #10
Just something to consider: If you're ever moving to a full frame body (Canon 5D, 1D, or a film camera) you may want to consider that neither of those lenses (both being EF-S) will work. The Sigma 12-24 will.

Perhaps not important to you, though.

Edit: John - it looks like what you're saying is the Sigma 10-20 would work on a 5D?

Hmm - it seems some folks express concern about using the Sigma 10-20 on a FF body, but people are doing it.

Message edited by author 2007-08-02 14:50:50.
08/02/2007 02:59:22 PM · #11
I love my 10-22. Versatile little lens and sturdy.
08/02/2007 03:09:36 PM · #12
Originally posted by smurfguy:

Edit: John - it looks like what you're saying is the Sigma 10-20 would work on a 5D?

Hmm - it seems some folks express concern about using the Sigma 10-20 on a FF body, but people are doing it.

You can use the Sigma lens on a FF body since it just has a standard EF mount but it cause severe vignetting at all focal lengths. The Canon lens will not even mount to a FF body since the design of the lens would cause the mirror to smash into the back of the lens. The Sigma lens has a standard mount, as said before, but casts a much smaller image circle.
08/02/2007 03:11:05 PM · #13
I have the canon and love it. f3.5 is great. Used it to capture Aurora in Alaska.
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