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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Just jumped in with both feet
Showing posts 1 - 18 of 18, (reverse)
08/20/2003 06:41:04 PM · #1
I've been doing all kinds of research on Canon lenses/10D accessories for several days. The agony is over... I just placed my order, and it's gonna hurt!

I got the 50mm 1.4 prime, the 100mm 2.8 Macro, and the 70-200 4.0L zoom, along with Hoya SMC UV and poarizer filters for all three lenses, Heliopan graduated ND filters for the 50 and 70-200, a Tamrac Expedition 5 backpack, 2 512 MB 40x CF cards, a 30GB Super Digibin 2.0 portable CF hard drive, and last but not least, a lens cleaning kit!!!
I think I'm going to have to cash out some 401K to pay for this stuff!!

Now I can't wait for the FedEx guy... He's my new hero!
08/20/2003 06:43:26 PM · #2
Welcome to Team 10D... You wont be disappointed... Especially with your sweet lens line up.
08/20/2003 06:43:46 PM · #3
Good luck. If you think you finished buying stuff you're kidding yourself. lol. You think DPC is addictive, wait until you want that new 17-40mm L lens and that Sigma 50-500mm. woo hoo. Toys are fun.

Welcome to team 10D !!! You'll love it.
08/20/2003 06:44:59 PM · #4
Ahh Jacko beat ya by 20 seconds.. lol
08/20/2003 06:50:22 PM · #5
Nice choices! I get mine on Friday according to FedEx...so far just the 50mm F/1.4 for me. I have kinda settled on the 200 f/2.8L as the next one but am really considering the Sigma 70-200 EX f/2.8...
08/20/2003 06:54:57 PM · #6
Gonna sell your Sony or just hang onto it?
08/20/2003 06:55:29 PM · #7
I would highly recommend the Sigma 70-200 2.8..... I've had mine for several weeks now and it rocks!
08/20/2003 07:30:04 PM · #8
My wife encouraged me to buy this stuff, but I think future purchases will come out of (and only out of) any earnings I make with the camera.

I decided to go DSLR due to the fact that I have three exhibits lined up, the first one in October. I don't know how productive they will be, but I'm shooting for print and/or framed print sales, as well as portrait contacts.
I do lots of portraits of my kids (three boys, ages 1, 3, and 5). Some are straight forward portraits that anyone would hang up, others are heavily Photoshopped, and some are just unconventional (see below).
I get soooo much feedback from people about how they would love to have images like this of their kids. I will be able to put up a few portraits with the exhibits and advertise this style of 'Portraits."


Lots more examples here:

Message edited by author 2003-08-20 19:34:06.
08/20/2003 07:32:04 PM · #9
Originally posted by Kali:

Gonna sell your Sony or just hang onto it?

My brother wants to buy it (he is aiweaver here at DPChal).
I'm also going to sell some Nikon film SLR's and lenses...

Will also be selling the dog, the kitchen sink, and all of my underwear to help pay for the 10D and accessories!! LOL

JD Anderson
08/20/2003 07:33:12 PM · #10
Originally posted by Toddh:

I would highly recommend the Sigma 70-200 2.8..... I've had mine for several weeks now and it rocks!

Do you know how it compares to the Canon 70-200 4.0L? I read soooo many lens reviews before deciding on the ones I bought. I missed the Sigma 70-200, though.
08/20/2003 10:14:55 PM · #11
There's apparently not a lot of difference. A lot of it has to do with the red line around the end of the white body. The Canon f/4 is smaller and lighter, which is beneficial. The extra stop might be missed, but only in very low light conditions. Even with f/4 you'll get a nice shallow DOF and the andvantage of digital is the continually variable ISO. f/4 at ISO 1600 or 3200 is usable in fairly dim light. The Sigma EX line is supposed to be really nice, though. I'm leaning towards the Canon 200 prime as it's regarded as one of the sharper lenses available and as I'll be doing track meets at dusk, the f/2.8 (over the Canon f/4 zoom) can't hurt. It's just a question of whether or not I'll really need a zoom. I'm sure I'll agonise over the choice and change my mind 72 times before I make the choice. Will have to do it soon, though...

Message edited by author 2003-08-20 22:22:09.
08/24/2003 06:23:36 PM · #12
I just ordered the 70-200mm F/4L. Figured it's the best compromise of range, speed, weight and price. Got yours yet Smelly?

Message edited by author 2003-08-24 18:25:06.
08/24/2003 06:29:15 PM · #13
Originally posted by jimmythefish:

I just ordered the 70-200mm F/4L. Got yours yet Smelly?

My camera body is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, the Super Digibin 2.0 digital wallet/portable hard drive thing is scheduled to arrive Tuesday. I spoke with Adorama this morning and my 50 1.4 and the 70-200 f4.0L (and lots of filters, Tamrac backpack, CF cards, etc) are scheduled to ship tonight. The 100mm 2.8 Macro is on back order...
I had hoped Adorama would ship sooner (Thursday order last week)... oh well, patience, patience
Reminds me, this is my image titled Patience:


I'm getting ready to order some Alien Bees strobes today or tomorrow....
(No, I didn't win the lottery recently, just have some opportunities to earn some money with photography and want to have the right equipment to do it with... I hope it pays off, literally!)
08/24/2003 08:22:27 PM · #14
My 10D and the 50mm 1.4 have been sitting in a FedEx delivery van located about a 30 min. drive away since Saturday morning, but they told me I can't get it until Monday. Aaargh.
08/24/2003 08:26:51 PM · #15
That reminds me of when some of my kid's Christmas presents were sitting at a UPS warehouse on Christmas day. I called and asked if I could just come and get them, but NO.

I really like that b&w portrait JD!
08/24/2003 08:53:55 PM · #16
Originally posted by jimmythefish:

My 10D and the 50mm 1.4 have been sitting in a FedEx delivery van located about a 30 min. drive away since Saturday morning, but they told me I can't get it until Monday. Aaargh.

Better get that 717 out and take a "patience" self portrait like mine! LOL
08/24/2003 08:55:55 PM · #17
Originally posted by sagestudio:

I really like that b&w portrait JD!

It was inspired by ozdick:

Message edited by author 2003-08-24 20:56:20.
08/24/2003 08:56:53 PM · #18
We could turn this into "who has the meanest self portrait" thread...
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