Author | Thread |
09/23/2007 07:07:23 AM · #201 |
I'm in favor of the DNMC checkbox. Lets face it, a low score doesn't always mean DNMC. It could mean the photo just wasn't good. With a DNMC tally you'll at least know what exactly it was that caused your low score. Now if DNMC tally sounds too negative then just call it Challenge Theme Relevancy Index or something like that. :P
09/23/2007 07:58:16 AM · #202 |
Originally posted by yanko: ... Now if DNMC tally sounds too negative then just call it Challenge Theme Relevancy Index or something like that. :P |
Yes that does sound better hehe. Classy 8) |
09/23/2007 10:32:01 AM · #203 |
Originally posted by yanko: I'm in favor of the DNMC checkbox. Lets face it, a low score doesn't always mean DNMC. It could mean the photo just wasn't good. With a DNMC tally you'll at least know what exactly it was that caused your low score. Now if DNMC tally sounds too negative then just call it Challenge Theme Relevancy Index or something like that. :P |
Current status:
People vote and do not comment.
People vote 3 or below and do not leave a comment.
People vote 1, 2, or 3 and leave comment DNMC.
People vote 6, 7, or 8 and say DNMC but it's a gorgeous photo.
Future status:
People vote and do not comment.
People vote 3 or below and do not leave a comment.
People vote 1, 2, or 3 and leave comment DNMC.
People vote 6, 7, or 8 and say DNMC but it's a gorgeous photo.
People vote and check the DNMC checkbox because they think it's DNMC.
People vote and check the DNMC checkbox because the photo is great and they just want to play head games.
People vote and think the image is DNMC yet don't select the checkbox because it's one more thing to do.
People vote and think the image is DNMC yet don't select the checkbox because they don't want to.
People vote and select the DNMC checkbox just because they can.
People don't vote and select the DNMC checkbox just for fun.
Statistics are only as good as the data input. Garbage in, garbage out.
edit typo.
Message edited by author 2007-09-23 10:32:45. |
09/23/2007 11:09:32 AM · #204 |
Should we have a DNMC check box during challenges? Should people suck it up and realize there is no hope? Should we just have a survey to see what people think??
SC? Wanna chime in? |
09/23/2007 11:11:30 AM · #205 |
Originally posted by basssman7: Originally posted by jonejess: [
The DQ is a red herring. Forget DQ. Pull back. Just a checkbox. No penalty. Just for fun. |
But why? If you are going to take a stance on dnmc, why not go all the way and "fix" it once and for all? |
The proposals made to date do NOT even begin to address the issues at hand. This is NOT a fix... it is at best a placebo.
In order to truly correct a perceived problem, we as a collective have to identify exactly what it is that we find offensive, and to date that has not been done, nor is it apt to be determined any time soon.
The reasons why images are considered DNMC material is truly subjective, and as such cannot be clearly delineated, particularly in a venue such as this one where there exists a significant degree of variance is areas such as language, ethnicity, education and others, all of which factor into the perception of each individual.
Fine, have your box, but to suggest that factor X of DNMC votes should equate to a DQ is to suggest that the majority is truly knowledgeable as to the intent of the photographer or the medium that is being portrayed, and that in my personal perspective is indeed a quantum leap.
Ray |
09/23/2007 12:53:03 PM · #206 |
Originally posted by NikonJeb: Originally posted by jonejess: There is the rub. People that wish to better define whether or not a photo meets the challenge are, generally, and for the most part, to stupid to understand the subtlities involved. |
You know what?
I finally understand.
It's comments like this that really makes this place a pleasure.
BTW, genius, *TOO* would be the correct application of that word.
I don't even know what that other word "subtlities" is.
Perhaps you meant subtleties??????
You don't know jack about me or what I'm trying to say, plus it's obvious you have no interest in trying to understand it.
I'm too stupid?
Up yours!
I should have known better than to try and be civil and reason with the likes of someone like you.
I realize I'm wasting my thoughts and time with this.
BTW, if you're going to throw stones about the grasp I have on being able to reach the voters in my quest to learn and do better, then you damn well ought to check and see where your scores are relative to mine.
My apologies to those in this thread that are trying to be civil and accomplish something.
Good luck, I am sooooo done now. |
Geeze. I'm on your side. I need to remember how difficult it is to communicate sarcasm in writing. I DNMC. |
09/23/2007 01:36:42 PM · #207 |
Originally posted by jonejess: Geeze. I'm on your side. I need to remember how difficult it is to communicate sarcasm in writing. I DNMC. |
My apologies.
I get too passionate about trying to help and improve anytime I'm with a group of what I consider to be like-minded individuals.
Then someone starts taking shots and I lose track of who's taking which tack.
I need to lighten up, not concern myself with policy, or the lack thereof, and just mind my business......which in this case is to learn photography.
I just have to realize that any time there's a movement to try and improve/help, there is so much resistance that it's not worth getting excited about, and that nobody asked for my help in the first place.
So again, my apologies.
09/23/2007 03:04:16 PM · #208 |
Is this topic still OPEN?!
09/23/2007 03:26:17 PM · #209 |
Originally posted by basssman7: Originally posted by GeneralE: The "Silent Majority" argument -- great ... |
Do you ever post anything constructive? Or do you always spend all your time being overly sarcastic and borderline ignorant? You are always welcome to disagree with me (and usually but at least I try and make a point in my posts. |
Rather sad that you would make a personal attack on the General. I shall work on the premise that you are a "Light Reader" of threads or simply focus on a limited number or case specific discussions, otherwise you would know that your comments in this instance are totally unjustified.
There are countless examples where the General has provided solace and guidance to novices in this realm. The mere fact that someone does not agree with you or sometimes submits a rather curt response is not to be translated into that person being "borderline ignorant".
Viewed in the grand scheme of things, we are all ignorant to varying degrees.
Message edited by author 2007-09-23 15:34:05. |
09/23/2007 04:50:33 PM · #210 |
in a sense of strict enforcement. i would say it's the best beaver you can find that gets along with the moose.
i dunno about rubber moose, but rubber beaver tastes like crap...
Originally posted by PapaBob: Originally posted by basssman7:
Originally posted by soup:
if all the challenges were like the 'rubber ducky' challenge things would be a lot easier around here... ;}
an open mind is a powerful tool
Ok then it is decided. All challenges henceforth must include either a ducky, a woody or for us Canucks, a beaver or a moose.
Problem solved.
Clarification, is that a rubber beaver and a wooden moose or a wooden beaver and a rubber moose? lol |
Message edited by author 2007-09-23 16:52:10.
09/23/2007 05:43:22 PM · #211 |
This is a mad thread Just as mad as the threads where people say that voters should assume that all images meet the challenge.
The site is a photo site, where people vote on the quality of images around a theme/challenge. People can leave votes and comments as they please.
Given the option of a site of (1) mediocre photos that clearly meet the challenge and (2) stunning and inspirational images that sometimes need a shoehorn into the subject, I know which one sparks my interest.
09/23/2007 06:02:26 PM · #212 |
Originally posted by glad2badad:
Current status:
People vote and do not comment.
People vote 3 or below and do not leave a comment.
People vote 1, 2, or 3 and leave comment DNMC.
People vote 6, 7, or 8 and say DNMC but it's a gorgeous photo.
Future status:
People vote and do not comment.
People vote 3 or below and do not leave a comment.
People vote 1, 2, or 3 and leave comment DNMC.
People vote 6, 7, or 8 and say DNMC but it's a gorgeous photo.
People vote and check the DNMC checkbox because they think it's DNMC.
People vote and check the DNMC checkbox because the photo is great and they just want to play head games.
People vote and think the image is DNMC yet don't select the checkbox because it's one more thing to do.
People vote and think the image is DNMC yet don't select the checkbox because they don't want to.
People vote and select the DNMC checkbox just because they can.
People don't vote and select the DNMC checkbox just for fun.
Statistics are only as good as the data input. Garbage in, garbage out.
edit typo. |
Your last sentence is irrelevant. The idea was never offered as a solution to fix irresponsible voting/commenting. That'll happen regardless of what system is in place. The point of adding the checkbox is:
A) Anonymity - The voter would now be able to say a photo is DNMC without fear of getting a nasty PM back or ridicule by others after the challenge is over.
B.) More information to the photog - Without the fear of retribution the voters will be more likely to tell the photog what they thought in regards to challenge theme relevancy. This can't be anything but a good thing for a learning photog. If brute honesty is too much of a problem for the photog then make it an option where they can turn off the checkbox on their photos?
09/23/2007 06:17:10 PM · #213 |
You know you can program your keyboard to add DNMC in one push of the button, or is it because you want to be annomonous? |
09/23/2007 06:59:06 PM · #214 |
you can always shoot a wedding without even taking any photo of bride and groom. And that would be so out of box. And many people might not get it, but you can always tell them as fools who did not get it. And when bride-groom say they are disappointed you could always tell them that you have your opinion and they have their opinion and for you its your opinion that matters.
It all works beautifully. |
09/23/2007 07:27:36 PM · #215 |
Originally posted by zxaar: you can always shoot a wedding without even taking any photo of bride and groom. And that would be so out of box. And many people might not get it, but you can always tell them as fools who did not get it. And when bride-groom say they are disappointed you could always tell them that you have your opinion and they have their opinion and for you its your opinion that matters.
It all works beautifully. |
Well that's apple's and orange's. DPC is a free-contest. Shooting a weeding is a JOB. Can't really compare the 2. |
09/23/2007 07:36:57 PM · #216 |
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo: Originally posted by zxaar: you can always shoot a wedding without even taking any photo of bride and groom. And that would be so out of box. And many people might not get it, but you can always tell them as fools who did not get it. And when bride-groom say they are disappointed you could always tell them that you have your opinion and they have their opinion and for you its your opinion that matters.
It all works beautifully. |
Well that's apple's and orange's. DPC is a free-contest. Shooting a weeding is a JOB. Can't really compare the 2. |
And if we give them a DNMC button to push everything will be just fine...:) |
09/23/2007 08:36:56 PM · #217 |
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo:
Shooting a weeding is a JOB. |
I always thought that was recreational.
09/23/2007 08:37:58 PM · #218 |
09/23/2007 08:58:37 PM · #219 |
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo: Originally posted by zxaar: you can always shoot a wedding without even taking any photo of bride and groom. And that would be so out of box. And many people might not get it, but you can always tell them as fools who did not get it. And when bride-groom say they are disappointed you could always tell them that you have your opinion and they have their opinion and for you its your opinion that matters.
It all works beautifully. |
Well that's apple's and orange's. DPC is a free-contest. Shooting a weeding is a JOB. Can't really compare the 2. |
Sarcasm is difficult to ..... |
09/23/2007 08:59:52 PM · #220 |
Originally posted by zxaar: Originally posted by thegrandwazoo: Originally posted by zxaar: you can always shoot a wedding without even taking any photo of bride and groom. And that would be so out of box. And many people might not get it, but you can always tell them as fools who did not get it. And when bride-groom say they are disappointed you could always tell them that you have your opinion and they have their opinion and for you its your opinion that matters.
It all works beautifully. |
Well that's apple's and orange's. DPC is a free-contest. Shooting a weeding is a JOB. Can't really compare the 2. |
Sarcasm is difficult to ..... |
Well if you are gonna be sarcastic at least have the example be apples to apples...
:-P |
09/23/2007 09:04:39 PM · #221 |
Originally posted by thegrandwazoo:
Well if you are gonna be sarcastic at least have the example be apples to apples...
Why don't we start a thread when each challenge is announced where everyone can explain their narrow minded version of what meets the theme, what doesn't, and politely ask the voters and commenters to vote and comment using our criteria instead of theirs :P
Message edited by author 2007-09-23 21:11:08.
09/23/2007 09:11:55 PM · #222 |
Originally posted by neophyte: Originally posted by zxaar: |
Well if you are gonna be sarcastic at least have the example be apples to apples...
Why don't we start a thread when the challenge is announced where everyone can explain their narrow minded vrsion of what meets the theme and politely ask the voters and commenters to vote and comment using our criteria instead of theirs :P |
You know, my idea is leave the things as it is just remove the vote scrubber part, and lets us give lots of 1s to all the photos we think are dnmc. Why not. This way someone is free to enter whatever he/she wishes and we are free to vote as please to us.
What is wrong in giving lots of 1s.
I feel there is not lot of freedom in voting, if I give lots of 1s my votes would get scrubbed off. And on the other hand people are allowed to enter dnmc as they want. Its not fair game.
09/23/2007 09:39:42 PM · #223 |
Originally posted by yanko: A) Anonymity - The voter would now be able to say a photo is DNMC without fear of getting a nasty PM back or ridicule by others after the challenge is over. |
We've already given you the opportunity to make your DNMC comment anonymously, if you're unwilling to have your views on the matter challenged. |
09/23/2007 09:51:17 PM · #224 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by yanko: A) Anonymity - The voter would now be able to say a photo is DNMC without fear of getting a nasty PM back or ridicule by others after the challenge is over. |
We've already given you the opportunity to make your DNMC comment anonymously, if you're unwilling to have your views on the matter challenged. |
I think you are missing the part where he said "after the challenge is over". Being a baghead is only for the voting period of the challenge. |
09/23/2007 10:09:12 PM · #225 |
Originally posted by basssman7: Originally posted by GeneralE: Originally posted by yanko: A) Anonymity - The voter would now be able to say a photo is DNMC without fear of getting a nasty PM back or ridicule by others after the challenge is over. |
We've already given you the opportunity to make your DNMC comment anonymously, if you're unwilling to have your views on the matter challenged. |
I think you are missing the part where he said "after the challenge is over". Being a baghead is only for the voting period of the challenge. |
So you want to express your opinion, and even DQ a photo without having to defend, support or take responsibility for your position? |
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