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11/08/2007 03:54:33 PM · #76
Originally posted by geosmores:

3) I have a fear of using the Telephone, I would rather drive an hour to ask a question in person rather than call and ask the question. .

Me too! I haaaate the phone. and I'm super duper, unimaginably shy but for some reason talking is something I'd still rather do in person, even though I'm not 100% thrilled to do that way either. It's far better than the telephone.
11/08/2007 04:00:34 PM · #77
1.) In response to another post about living in Utah and never skiing, I also have lived in Colorado my entire life and never been.

I live in Utah and have never tried skiing either. I hate being cold!

I can't stand my face touched either.

I'd rather die than eat tuna....
11/08/2007 04:11:07 PM · #78
Originally posted by Hot_Pixel:

Originally posted by scarbrd:

5. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue.

I can do this one as well, they say people who do this are great kissers in Cosmo Magazine BTW :)

I'm sure that isn't all Cosmo Magazine says about people who can do this! ;-)
11/08/2007 04:17:25 PM · #79
1. The sound of a Canon EOS 40D in high-speed shutter mode gives me wood.

There's probably more, but I'm watching a video right now.
11/08/2007 04:19:07 PM · #80
Originally posted by scarbrd:

5. I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue.

/quickly checks user icon.

11/08/2007 04:21:40 PM · #81
I can't stand my face touched either

Me too.....I never have anyone touch my face....never had a facial...I'd think I would go nuts....also never, ever, touch my bellybutton. Yuck!

The back of my knee's are so ticklish that I hysterical laugh when touched. (I am good to touch everywhere else though). LOL

edited for forgetfullness

Message edited by author 2007-11-08 16:25:49.
11/08/2007 04:23:41 PM · #82
I suffer from Exploding Head Syndrome although it is currently in remission.
11/08/2007 04:24:24 PM · #83
Originally posted by pearlseyes:

When I cut into an avocado, I throw the pit out the back door and over the fence. I can't throw it in the trash for some reason.

btw....Avocado's are the staff of life. Go guacamole!!!!

I used to live in an orchard with a few dozen avocado trees. I had all the guacamole I wanted. I love the stuff, but I'm very opinionated about it.
11/08/2007 04:29:05 PM · #84
I'm allergic to coconut. Unfortunately, I can eat everything else! HA
11/08/2007 04:36:18 PM · #85
Originally posted by Shecoya:

I've written a goodbye letter to the important people in my life... in case.

That's a great idea!

Here's something odd about me:

I feel that each letter and number (1-9) has a gender:

1 is female, 2 is male, 3 is male, 4 is female, etc...
a is female, b is female, c is male, etc...

I can't explain why each one is the gender it is, I just "know" it.

I don't know why, but I suspect this probably has something to do with some book having anthropomorphic letters/numbers when I was learning them as a small child. At least, that's what I tell myself to make me feel better.
11/08/2007 04:37:39 PM · #86
Originally posted by geosmores:

2) I own about 1,200 board games, many games I buy just to take photos of them. I do eventually play them all.

You'd better update your bgg profile, then. It says only 341. ;-Þ
11/08/2007 04:37:49 PM · #87
I also make my bed right before I get in at night. It drives my husband nuts! Can't sleep if it's messed up at all.

I sort candy, cookies, chips what ever. It has to have some kind of bizarre order. Broken ones first, smallest pieces to largest, smallest number of a color to largest number of a color.

I'm obsessively organized at work, but my house is a disaster.

I have nervous habits like biting my nails. I got acrylic ones to force myself to quit biting them. Now I can't stop trying to pick the acrylic off my nails.

Posting comments online terrifies me! I can't see your face, so I can't tell how you are reacting to me and that totally freaks me out! Being on this site is a major deal for me. This thread made me feel better. Thanks.

11/08/2007 04:40:36 PM · #88
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I suffer from Exploding Head Syndrome although it is currently in remission.


You should be a.....doct....aum...never mind.

I have this happen to me 3 or 4 times a year. I had no idea this had actually been recognized- feel free to add this to the oddthings about me.
11/08/2007 04:40:49 PM · #89
Can you tell which way my eyes are rolling? lol, just kidding.

Originally posted by bdinnetz:

Posting comments online terrifies me! I can't see your face, so I can't tell how you are reacting to me and that totally freaks me out! Being on this site is a major deal for me. This thread made me feel better. Thanks.

11/08/2007 04:42:53 PM · #90
Please feel free to share your favorite recipe...(salivating as I type).....guac is good!
11/08/2007 04:46:10 PM · #91
ok - my weird things.

1). My biggest fear, which I think I could even classify as a phobia, is PUKING. I am completely and utterly PETRIFIED of it. I am so afraid to puke. Especially if someone has the "puke flu." If I have been near them at all, I will obsess about whether or not I don't feel good for about a week, just incase I happen to get it.

2). I also am afraid of the canned biscuits that pop.

3). If I have potatoes and carrots in the same meal, i HAVE to mash them together.

That's all I'm willing to admit right now. ;)

11/08/2007 04:47:39 PM · #92
I always count the stairs as I climb them, it drives me crazy
11/08/2007 04:49:38 PM · #93
Originally posted by Pug-H:

Originally posted by geosmores:

2) I own about 1,200 board games, many games I buy just to take photos of them. I do eventually play them all.

You'd better update your bgg profile, then. It says only 341. ;-Þ

Thanks for reminding me and add to my I behind guilt =). I keep meaning to take the time and add all the ones I been picking up (at garage sales and thrift stores) over the last 6 months. The stacks get bigger and bigger, a whole room is now full of boxes of games, and I keep finding other things to do.
11/08/2007 04:51:09 PM · #94
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I suffer from Exploding Head Syndrome although it is currently in remission.

Odd. My isn't so much a noise as a jerk. You know when you body finally relaxes and you "jerk." However, mine often coincides with a completely unexplainable noise or event in a dream.

As far as eating teh candies with the same color -- It doesn't happen much, but when it does, I go from right to left.
11/08/2007 04:52:15 PM · #95
I cannot put on a pair of pants without socks on! HELP
11/08/2007 04:52:18 PM · #96
I can touch my nose with my tongue.

I have the ability to create an argument without doing a thing.

I am a GOG - Grumpy Old Git!

I have been married for 37 years!!

That's all:)
11/08/2007 04:54:41 PM · #97
- I also don't like talking on the phone and avoid it when possible.

- I hate hate people who are always selling. Whether it be selling themselves, their product or whatever I just want to strangle the person and then afterwards pitch them on a 911 call at an inflated price of course. Oh wait, should I have said that?

- If I'm not doing anything I can't just sit still. I have to move around, flip bottle caps or do something.

- I hate corduroy. Touching it gives me the chills.
11/08/2007 04:55:17 PM · #98
Originally posted by karmat:

Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I suffer from Exploding Head Syndrome although it is currently in remission.

Odd. My isn't so much a noise as a jerk. You know when you body finally relaxes and you "jerk." However, mine often coincides with a completely unexplainable noise or event in a dream.

I know what those are and I would characterize this as being different. It can happen when I am relaxed (especially after exercise). I can sense it is coming and then I will hear a "pop" in my head which seems to be accompanied by a bright flash. I don't jerk or move at all. Sometimes they will come in waves where I can have 3-7 of them in a row. They aren't painful, just very odd. It hasn't happened for a year or two though. Maybe I'm not relaxed enough. ;)
11/08/2007 04:57:41 PM · #99
Haha. These are quite funny. Now for mine.

1) If using salad dressing, I always smell it first before applying to my salad.

2) I check my alarm clock the same amount of times every night to make sure it's actually set.

3) The toilet paper has to be the right way. The loose paper must be on the outside folding over on the roll.

4) Whenever I type something, the spacing has to be right. As in having equal space between number 1, 2, 3, and 4.
11/08/2007 04:58:14 PM · #100
- I've had panic attacks caused by fruit stickers. Just thinking about them makes me on edge.

- My first pet was a Screech Owl. I've also had at one point or another: Multiple Redtailed Hawks, Harris Hawk, Cooper's Hawk, Merlin, Kestrel, Barn Owl, Pygmy Owl, and a couple Prairie Falcons. Most of them were injured and we cared for them short term for rehabilitation. We had a few for several years. My dad is a Falconer.

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