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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> A Wii For Carrie
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 107, (reverse)
11/26/2007 12:03:11 PM · #1
Ok, this is how desperate I have already become, and it's not even December yet :)

Every year, I get somewhat of a chuckle out of all of the people who camp outside Best Buy, or whatever, because they want to buy that one gift that you just can't get for Christmas. "Fools!" I think to myself.

Well, here I am, perfectly willing to camp out at a store somewhere if I knew I could get a Wii for my daughter. For the first time in her 9 years, she has picked the one rather unobtainable gift, and that's about the only thing she asked Santa for (she's still a "believer," probably for the last time).

No, she's not suffering from some horrible disease or anything like that, thank goodness... she's just a great, great kid (straight A student, always in an upbeat mood... I could go on and on), and I'd love to make this happen for her, even though I've already attempted to lower her expectations.

So here's the deal... I'm asking that if anyone happens to see one for sale, or if you have some sort of inside connection that would enable you to get one (like you're the president of Nintendo, for example :), please buy it!

I'm only willing to spend the $249 (plus tax) -- as opposed to succumbing to the greedy yet entrepreneurial eBay people -- plus the cost of shipping it to me. I'll also pitch in an extra $50 for anyone who can come through for me as a token of my appreciation for your help. I may consider one of the package deals that includes an extra game, or something, but I'd strongly prefer just the regular unit.

In an effort to thwart any potential scammers who happen upon this thread, I would also stipulate that I will only make payment ($249 + tax + shipping + $50) once I receive the unit... so that will require a little trust in me, which I hopefully have earned through my years of participation here. I assure you that I will pay up immediately upon receiving it.

So there you have it... sorry this has become such a long post, but I'm already getting a little stressed over the idea of not being able to come through for her. I've already visited literally dozens of stores, and basically get laughed at, or at minimum a rude reply when I even mention the word "Wii."

Pathetically Yours,


11/26/2007 12:10:49 PM · #2
If I find one, it's mine.

If I find two, one's mine, one's yours.

Either way, good luck.
11/26/2007 12:14:01 PM · #3
Good luck! I am trying to get one for a friend over here (in the UK) who has had a really difficult year. They are going for upto £370 on ebay/amazon ($700). There is a useful website called wiifind.co.uk, I'm not sure if there is a US equivalent, but it has lots of tips. I have found out when our local shops get deliveries and call from 8am until I get through - it might be worth a shot for you! I really hope you get one for her.
11/26/2007 12:40:15 PM · #4
The only thing I can find is someone selling it for $350.

Its times like this where I am glad that I got up at 3am the day it came out and sat out in the december cold in front of a walmart and got one.
11/26/2007 12:43:17 PM · #5
I don't have a direct line on a new one, but I'll let you know how I got mine a couple of months back. At that time (and it sounds like it's the same again), no store had Wiis in stock. I discovered that both Target and Best Buy put out weekly ads that are printed in the Sunday paper, but they are actually available for viewing online starting at midnight between Saturday and Sunday. If the Wii is advertised in the weekly ad, then the store has it (and the ad usually says a minimum number that will be in the store). Both sites have you put in your zip code to view the ad, so you know you're local.

I had to wait a couple of weeks before I saw the Wii in the Best Buy ad. I went down about an hour before they opened (make sure you know when your chosen store opens...the time listed online may not be accurate, it wasn't for me), and ended up being 8th in line. They had 15, so I got one. If you try this method, you might need to get there earlier. :)
11/26/2007 12:51:39 PM · #6
I don't know if this will help you or not, but walmart.com has bundles in stock. They want close to $700, but you do get alot for the price (and you'll end up buying all these accessories and games anyway).
11/26/2007 12:56:31 PM · #7
Hey Alan

You're not alone in the quest! I have a 14 year old son who's requested one for Christmas. My poor husband travels around the country and Europe on business he's looked at everywhere he's got trips between now and the 24th and come up dry. Sadly, I had seen them on the shelf just last month and thought nothing of it -- Spencer hadn't mentioned wanting one then.

Good luck! If I find 2 I'll let you know
11/26/2007 01:25:20 PM · #8
Toys R us by the mall was to get 100 either yesterday or next sunday. They expect them to be gone by noon. Perhaps every sunday they get a new load in...

Go to the Chippewa walmart and play the Wii demo. A lady may approach you and offer to sell you a Wii - her sister had 5 to sell.

My buddy (Thirdchild of geocaching notoriety) bought one off his brother - he got it at the Game Stop in chippewa, and last week the Gamestop IN the mall had 4 boxes on display...were there consoles to go with the boxes I do not know. Perhaps I can talk my bud into selling his...he's the one that told me about the toys r us bit - he wants to us (me really) to buy 10 and sell them on eBay since...

On eBay they're going for $400+...

I ordered mine from Walmart.com 2 months ago..unfortunately (or fortunately) I had to buy a bundle deal for $550 or so - console, multiple remotes and dooddads and 4 games. Not a bad deal and most likely i'd have bought all the gingerbread anyway. All I know is it was tough to find one 2 months ago -much to my surprise- so I bit the bullet.

Of course my son wants an Xbox (which I can't stand) or a PS3. I hope he's not too disappointed.

Good luck!

Message edited by author 2007-11-26 13:27:18.
11/26/2007 01:34:15 PM · #9
Thanks for the info, Chris... it's good to have some local details :)

I'll keep the Toys R Us in mind... I'll have to see if that pans out. It's good that they're right by a Best Buy and a Circuit City, so I can kill a couple birds with one trip.

Does the Chippewa lady work at the Wal-Mart... or does she just hang out there for unusually long periods of time? I would think that she wouldn't have a lot of trouble peddling five of 'em :)

I've been to a couple Game Stops (not the one in Chippewa yet) that have had boxes on display, but no game to go with them. That was the case at the Game Stop in the mall at the Mills the other day.

I'm wishing my daughter did want a PS3 or XBox... those are actually in stores! :)
11/26/2007 01:39:23 PM · #10
Originally posted by alanfreed:

...the greedy yet entrepreneurial eBay people...

AHEM! That would be me! ;-P

Message edited by author 2007-11-26 19:30:05.
11/26/2007 01:41:44 PM · #11
Got a Sony shirt or jacket?
Most every store has a display model. Go in as a Sony 'repairman' and remove it from the store.
Might work...
11/26/2007 01:43:57 PM · #12
Uh... lucky you :)

The thing that really grabs my goat is that I know for a fact that the workers at many of the stores are using their employee discounts to buy them straight off the truck, and then sell them for a profit. So who knows how many of the units never make it to the shelves.

Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by alanfreed:

...the greedy yet entrepreneurial eBay people...

AHEM! That would be me! ;-P

Message edited by scalvert - Corrected quote.
11/26/2007 01:45:29 PM · #13
I just got one this week. Call around, and find out when the shipment is coming in. Then wait in line for an hour before they open up :D
11/26/2007 01:45:35 PM · #14
I think I still have an old WalkMan, but I don't suppose that would be too convincing :)

Originally posted by Prof_Fate:

Got a Sony shirt or jacket?
Most every store has a display model. Go in as a Sony 'repairman' and remove it from the store.
Might work...
11/26/2007 01:48:08 PM · #15
Originally posted by scalvert:

Originally posted by alanfreed:

...the greedy yet entrepreneurial eBay people...

AHEM! That would be me! ;-P

I'm thinking Alan probably desires laying of a hand upside your head right now :-)

Message edited by scalvert - Corrected quote.
11/26/2007 01:51:19 PM · #16
The problem there is that stores just don't seem to have any idea WHEN their next shipment will appear.

Often I hear from stores that they get them "every couple weeks" or some such thing. I have yet to hear anyone at a store who has been able to tell me what day they expect to get new ones. If that was the case, I'd gladly show up a few hours early and hang around. But I'll just be extremely pissed off if I show up and wait around for nothing.

Originally posted by jeger:

I just got one this week. Call around, and find out when the shipment is coming in. Then wait in line for an hour before they open up :D
11/26/2007 01:57:50 PM · #17
Another thing is check you local small video game shops/stores. You never know you may find one that has them. I am not sure if you have those little local video game stores but here in NYC everywhere their is a shopping strip theirs a video game store so again if you see any stop in and see if they have some in.
11/26/2007 02:07:19 PM · #18
Gamestop has the bundles available for preorder right now, but they won't ship till after the new year (Jan. 2nd)...and they cost almost $600. Just a thought?
11/26/2007 02:11:32 PM · #19
Sorry... that's not what I'm interested in. Yeah, we'll need games for it, but I have no intention of shelling out big bucks for one of these bundle deals. We'll pick & choose what accessories we want. And I'd have to concoct some sort of whacky story about why Santa couldn't get it to us on Christmas...

Originally posted by SamDoe1:

Gamestop has the bundles available for preorder right now, but they won't ship till after the new year (Jan. 2nd)...and they cost almost $600. Just a thought?
11/26/2007 02:16:23 PM · #20
Our local mall just gave a Wii out to a lucky customer this weekend. With them in short supply (well not available) they had to have security to escort her out of the mall and to her car in fear someone would take it from her.

11/26/2007 02:17:24 PM · #21
Seriously? The Wii is hard to find again? Crazy, the top guys at Nintendo must be about ready to build another pool full of money.

I bought mine back in April, easy to find then, but just barely.
11/26/2007 02:40:04 PM · #22
Holy cow. Your baby girl looks like Uma Thurman.

Link to Uma photos
Originally posted by alanfreed:

11/26/2007 02:51:33 PM · #23
Originally posted by aliqui:

Holy cow. Your baby girl looks like Uma Thurman.

Well, that's a new one! We used to get a lot of comments that she looks like Dakota Fanning.

11/26/2007 02:56:39 PM · #24
Okay, I did my one nice thing for the holiday season for a stranger....I called all (4) the local game stop/video game stores, they sounded mad when I asked, but they are all out.....I know you want new, but have you thought of trying a pawn shop.....you never know....

and she does look like Dakota Fanning in that shot...
11/26/2007 02:59:13 PM · #25
Thanks for making the calls -- you can probably see by their response what kind of loving, friendly people I've been dealing with :) No, I don't want to go with a used one... I would only want a new one. Thanks, though!

Originally posted by liberty:

Okay, I did my one nice thing for the holiday season for a stranger....I called all (4) the local game stop/video game stores, they sounded mad when I asked, but they are all out.....I know you want new, but have you thought of trying a pawn shop.....you never know....

and she does look like Dakota Fanning in that shot...
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