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11/21/2007 04:25:23 PM · #1
This is the Thread, to post your Finished Assignments... If you are Interested in an assignment, PLEASE SEE ----> "Local Assignment Thread" and I will give you an Assignment..

This is the Critique and Rules I will follow when Commenting on your finished work..

#1.....DO photos Match Assignment ( 3 Photos Max )................ 1 to 10 Points

#2.....Do photos selected Interest the Viewer............................. 1 to 10 Points
#3.....Do photos MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs ( 100 Word Max. and can be
Shorter than this ) Each Photo (3) requires a Paragraph.......... 1 to 10 Points

#4.....Composition on each Separate Photo'
Photo 1................................................. .................. 1 to 10 Points
Photo 2 .................................................. ................ 1 to 10 Points
Photo 3 .................................................. ................ 1 to 10 Points

#5.... Technicals... DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..
Photo 1................................................. .................. 1 to 10 Points
Photo 2................................................. .................. 1 to 10 Points
Photo 3 .................................................. ................ 1 to 10 Points

#6 Overall Presentation .................................................. ..... 1 to 10 Points
Perfect Score ---------> 100

If anyone else wants to chime in and help grade these when they start coming in then by all means help.

Message edited by author 2007-11-21 16:25:42.
11/25/2007 02:41:50 PM · #2

Cave Creek Arizona was started as a gold mining town and stopping point for the US Cavalry in the mid 1870's. Most of the original building are long gone, replaced by an eclectic mix of old and new. One of the attractions is Big Earls Greasy Eats, a 1930's gas station erected from an oil company kit and turned into a hip burger joint when gas sold for $94.9 a gallon.


Because this is sort of a tourist town, every other corner boasts a souvenir stand or rustic antique store. There are a multitude of rustic little shopping clusters down the length of Main Street. One of the unique treasure available are authentic aged steer skulls, yours for less than $150 each.


The original creek is somewhat forgotten, as it disappears into the desert most of the year. The only time water flows in Cave Creek is during the spring run off and during the month long monsoon season. Trees grow along the banks though, so it is very obvious where the creek will flow again come spring.

Message edited by author 2007-11-25 15:00:46.
11/25/2007 04:09:22 PM · #3

#1) Yes photos match assignments. 10 Points

#2) The photos interest me. 10 Points
#3) Photos do MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs 10 Points

#4) Composition on each Separate Photo'

Photo 1: I would like to see more of Big Earl's. The photo is good but would just love to see the whole building. I think it would interest us more. 8 Points

Photo 2: Composition on this is great. I love the fact that you got in close. 10 Points

Photo 3: I think I wider angle would do this justice. I love the sky. 8 Points

#5) Technicals- DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..

Photo 1: The background is slightly blurred and I like the fact that my attention is drawn toward the gas pumps. 8 Points

Photo 2: IMO this is the best photo of the bunch. I love everything about it 10 Points

Photo 3: Focus seems a little off and I feel it is lacking something. 7 Points

#6) Overall Presentation

I enjoyed reading this and the photos were a nice touch. Something I think I would want to visit one day just to have a bite to eat at Earls. Very nice presentation Barbara and you have guts for being the first. 9 Points
Total Score ---------> 90

Message edited by author 2007-11-28 09:06:26.
11/26/2007 04:49:38 PM · #4
Beaverdam, NC

Beaverdam, a community just out of Canton, NC, is a quaint, peaceful area dotted with modest homes and multi-generational farms. Though increasingly popular for new home sites, this area has not yet seen the building of multi-million dollar homes and developments that is typical of other parts of the county.

Built in 1930, Beaverdam School housed an elementary, middle and high school until 1966, when the area consolidated the area schools and Beaverdam became part of North Canton Elementary, Canton Middle, and Pisgah High. Though largely abandoned now for about 5 years, it has been used for various purposes since 1966.

Religion is very important to many of this region, and Beaverdam is no exception. They take great pride in their spiritual heritage, and seek to preserve the ways of their fathers' fathers. This building is built on to the original stone work of the church, built circa 1870 or so.
11/27/2007 11:27:17 PM · #5
Steilacoom, WA

Strangers to the Pacific Northwest might first question the name. Originally named Scht'leqwem by Native Americans, it was transformed to 'Steilacoom' by early white settlers. The area was highly regarded by Native Americans with plenty of food and other needed materials to create a comfortable life. This fact was not missed by early settlers and Steilacoom became Washington Territory's first incorporated town in 1854. The comfortable, and leisurely, lifestyle continues despite Steilacooms proximity to the big city (Tacoma). Steilacoom's residents enjoy being close to Puget Sound and Mother Nature with many choosing to maintain 'in-town' gardens. (Scarecrows are optional.)

The proximity to the water is one of Steilacoom's main attractions. Resting on a West facing slope and looking out over Puget Sound, many homes enjoy views of the sound and the Olympic Mountains when the weather is not too drippy. Steilacoom also serves as home for the public ferry that serves the residents of Anderson Island. And for those inclined, a couple city parks with beaches are just a short walk away. Salter's Point Beach offers a little something for everyone. Beautiful views for mom and dad and plenty of rocks to skip into the bay for the kids.

With such an early start, compared to most of the towns and cities in Puget Sound, Steilacoom is bound to have some history. This history includes the first post office established in the Washington Territory. In 1974 Steilacoom was recognized as a National Historic District with 32 buildings and sites on the National Registry of Historic Places. But residents are still part of our modern world. Old has been preserved to coexist with the new.

Message edited by author 2007-11-27 23:28:45.
11/29/2007 06:34:13 PM · #6
Holyrood, Newfoundland, Canada

Holyrood was once known as "Hollyrode" which has been interpreted by historians as an old English name for "Holy Cross" from the ancient Anglo Saxon word "rode" meaning staff or cross. The earliest settlement is believed to be in 1689 with many settlers relocating from Ireland during high immigration in the 1800's. This photo was taken from George Mountain and shows how the town is built along the coastline, as fishing was the main way of life there for hundreds of years.

This is a fish plant that operates seasonally processing caplin, squid, lumpfish roe, Greenland Halibut and other groundfish species. Fish plants employ people in different ways; they buy fish from fishermen and then employ workers to process and ship the fish. Fishing is an important industry in coastal Newfoundland and Holyrood offers a deep and sheltered harbour.

A lone fishing boat sits in the water. Most other boats have been placed in dry dock for the winter. This is a small boat but can be used for fishing or for pleasure. They are a common site in coastal Newfoundland and Holyrood is no exception.
11/29/2007 07:47:04 PM · #7
#1) Yes photos match assignments. 10 Points

#2) The photos interest me. 8 Points

#3) Photos do MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs 10 Points

#4) Composition on each Separate Photo'

Photo 1: My eye wanders. Not sure where to go. Maybe just too many things to look at. 7 Points

Photo 2: Composition on this is ok. Maybe a little too close for my liking as I would like to see more of the building. 7 Points

Photo 3: My favorite of the bunch I like the low angle. And the church being off to the left. 8 Points

#5) Technicals- DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..

Photo 1: I think this image is just too dark. I think lighten it up a little or maybe take it at a different time of day.7 Points

Photo 2: The shadows kinda hurt it and I would like to see those powerlines disappear 7 Points

Photo 3: As I said before I like this photo the best.I do think it would be better if you would have gotten closer on this to show some detail in that old church. 8 Points

#6) Overall Presentation

I also enjoyed reading this. I always like to learn a little history. Very nice presentation Karma. I feel you had a pretty tough assignment. 9 Points
Total Score ---------> 81

Message edited by author 2007-11-29 19:48:06.
11/30/2007 03:12:10 AM · #8
Bibb City, GA

Bibb City, Georgia - a city within a city. It was established in 1909 and managed by The Bibb Manufacturing Company. Only workers from mill and their families were allowed to live within the city while the mill provided housing, school, hotel, small stores, police, city hall, and a doctors office for their citizens. Up until the 1950̢۪s city services included cutting the citizens grass and garbage pickup. Housing was rented to mill works for an average of $7.00 a week that included all of the above services.

In 1998 the Bibb Manufacturing Company closed it doors. Though the city had seen many changes from the 1950’s through 1998, two years after the mill closed there was no longer funding to continue city operations. In 2000 Bibb city dissolved its charter and became part of Columbus, Georgia. In recent years parts of the mill has been renovated into clubs, thrift shops, antique stores, and restaurants. Housing has also become a commodity as property values have see a 70% increase. Future plans for the city includes renovating the ¼ mile long mill into apartments, lofts, and retail establishments.

Looking at the new Antique Mall one can’t see this once was part of the mill. The cotton storage area has been leveled and renovatedâ€Â¦ the only reminder of what once was a city within a city is a single water tower. Through its rust it proudly shows the Company and City logo, a city that has began to vanish in recent years. I hope the city of Columbus keep this historic tower as a reminder of a city once known as Bibb City, GA.

Scott W.

Message edited by author 2007-12-04 10:28:10.
11/30/2007 03:41:09 PM · #9
Haddonfield, NJ

Built in 1750, the Indian King Tavern has been a central landmark in Haddonfield, New Jersey, for 255 years.
The Indian King Tavern is the site where New Jersey was legally created. In 1903 the facility became New Jersey's first State Historic Site. I took a separate picture of the plaque on the building and inserted that into this picture so it could be read.

Indian King Tavern

The world's first nearly-complete dinosaur skeleton was discovered here. John Giannotti's Hadrosaurus foulkii sculpture in Lantern Lane is now the central landmark of downtown Haddonfield


Birdwood, the historic Haddonfield, New Jersey, home of John E. Hopkins on the shore of Hopkins Pond, played a central role in the discovery of the first dinosaur skeleton in 1858. Hopkins often invited vacationing friends, such as William Parker Foulke, to his estate house for dinner. It was here that Foulke first heard the story of the strange bones found 20 years earlier by Hopkins' diggers in a marl pit a short walk from the rear of the house. At that time marl was used as fertilizer by farmers.

Message edited by author 2007-12-01 10:25:33.
12/01/2007 09:08:17 PM · #10
St.Esprit, Quebec Canada
Founded in 1808, the village of St.Esprit was colonized mostly by deported Acadians, who sprawled across the region and created lots of tiny villages that still surround St.Esprit: St.Jacques (where I live), St.Alexis, and such.

The village gets its name from the river that runs through it. Acadians being very religious, the church was given a prominent place within the village, at the center of the main place.

Many of the houses on the main street date back to these earlier days, when Acadians settled in this region they called New Acadia. Some of them have been restored to a new beauty, full of color.

The village revolves mostly around agriculture and there is no real attraction there. Many of the farmers own maple groves, passed through families for decades.

Each year, at spring, for a short time, it's sugar shack season. Tourists come from around the province to get a taste of what some call the best maple syrup in Quebec. Made by boiling the maple sap into a sugary syrup, it accompanies other traditional meals like baked beans and fried pork rinds.
12/03/2007 01:10:24 PM · #11
#1) Yes photos match assignments. 10 Points

#2) The photos interest me. 8 Points

#3) Photos do MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs 10 Points

#4) Composition on each Separate Photo'

Photo 1: Not real sure I like the composition on this. The half part of water showing distracts a little. 7 Points

Photo 2: Composition on this is good. The reflection is nice 8 Points

Photo 3: At first I wasn't to sure but it helps gop along with the words. I really wish the rail wasn't there though. 8 Points

#5) Technicals- DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..

Photo 1: The shadows are distracting. 7 Points

Photo 2: I like this photo the best. The tree kinda helps frame the photo. I just wish there was more contrast.9 Points

Photo 3: Technicals are good the tre helps frame it and everything is in focus. 8 Points

#6) Overall Presentation

I also enjoyed reading this. Very nice wording that was concluded nicely. 9 Points
Total Score ---------> 84
12/03/2007 01:22:10 PM · #12

#1) Yes photos match assignments. 10 Points

#2) The photos interest me. 9 Points

#3) Photos do MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs 10 Points

#4) Composition on each Separate Photo'

Photo 1: I love the wide open view there. Nice job. 10 Points

Photo 2: I like that you went in close on one of the buildings. Nice colors. 9 Points

Photo 3: I think I would like to see more around the boat and the boat put in the rule of thirds here. 8 Points

#5) Technicals- DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..

Photo 1: Very nice and my favorite of the bunch. Everything is in focus and the angle is quite nice. 10 Points

Photo 2: I like the colors. DOF is nice. The water is slightly out of focus so it doesn't distract much.9 Points

Photo 3: Technicals are good. This might have more punch in black and white.I think I would like to see that horizon line off centered more as well. 8 Points

#6) Overall Presentation

Again I also enjoyed reading this. You made it interesting by adding the words about it being the single oat left there. I am loving learning about all these small towns. Good job.9 Points
Total Score ---------> 92

Message edited by author 2007-12-03 13:22:34.
12/04/2007 09:52:12 AM · #13

#1) Yes photos match assignments. 10 Points

#2) The photos interest me. 10 Points

#3) Photos do MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs 10 Points

#4) Composition on each Separate Photo'

Photo 1: Composition is nice. I like how you shot this with the rock in the lower left corner. My eye goes from there to the road then the trees. 10 Points

Photo 2: I like the perspective. It really helps show how big this building is.9 Points

Photo 3: I like it. Low perspective leads me up the stairs then to the door. The tower adds interest as well. Only thing I wonder is why you cut the left side of the building off. 9 Points

#5) Technicals- DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..

Photo 1: I think my favorite of the bunch. Nice choice on the short DOF. Puts the rock as the main focus point. 10 Points

Photo 2: This one might have more punch as a black and white. I think that would give it more of an older feel.8 Points

Photo 3: I like it. Everything is in focus especially the water tower to help along with your words. 9 Points

#6) Overall Presentation

Well you were brave to go where others did not want to go. This part of town doesn't look so scary. Nice job and I think your overall presentation was great. I enjoyed reading this. I would have given you a 10 but noticed a few misspelled words. Very nice overall presentation though. 9 Points
Total Score ---------> 94
12/04/2007 10:00:43 AM · #14
Originally posted by Caroline69:

St.Esprit, Quebec Canada

Hopefully, I will get to this this afternoon or evening. I've not forgotten about you!

Message edited by author 2007-12-04 10:01:01.
12/04/2007 10:06:35 AM · #15

#1) Yes photos match assignments. 10 Points

#2) The photos interest me. 8 Points

#3) Photos do MATCH the Manuscript Paragraphs 10 Points

#4) Composition on each Separate Photo'

Photo 1: Composition is good. Your angle on this shot makes it interesting IMO. I do like the fact that you inserted another image of the plaque for us to read 9 Points

Photo 2: I think I would like to see the whole sculpture.8 Points

Photo 3: I really wish you could have gotten a shot of that house without all those trees in the way. 7 Points

#5) Technicals- DOF Choice/ Focus/ etc..

Photo 1: My favorite of the lot. I really like everything aboput this photo. 10 Points

Photo 2: The photo looks a little dark on the right side. I fyou could have gotten a lower angle and without the building in the back I think it would look much better.8 Points

Photo 3: I can only guess that you could not get a shot of the house without the trees. If so I think it would have been much better to put interest on just a part of the house. 6 Points

#6) Overall Presentation

Again I enjoyed reading this and learning about the small town. It was a nice read and I really liked the fact that you put the extra shot in there of the plaque for us. 9 Points
Total Score ---------> 85
12/04/2007 10:08:42 AM · #16
Originally posted by karmat:

Originally posted by Caroline69:

St.Esprit, Quebec Canada

Hopefully, I will get to this this afternoon or evening. I've not forgotten about you!

Thank you for your help. I didn't want to be the only one critiquing as I fell I am no expert.
12/04/2007 02:06:37 PM · #17
Don't you worry guys! I did not participate in the SC for the glory or the points. It was simply a means to get out there and shoot something else than my kitties or kids! I have already enjoyed everyone's comments so far. Thanks a lot!
12/05/2007 11:48:43 AM · #18
I have my photos ready of Marietta Square (3), but feel stupid...how do i post these? They are only on my hard drive, no link available...
12/05/2007 11:53:23 AM · #19
Sorry, feel stupid, but trying to learn...

Message edited by author 2007-12-05 12:32:18.
12/05/2007 12:01:47 PM · #20

Message edited by author 2007-12-14 13:15:46.
12/05/2007 12:08:48 PM · #21
Thanks for the posting info! These are my impressions of the public square in Marietta, GA. Now if it were a bit warmer, it was very windy, plus if I had more time...I did very little editing other than slight adjustment to density. The color of the sky was amazing...note to self: Go back and capture some night photos since it will be much warmer this weekend, perhaps even re-shoot the same scene...mmm...
I appreciate the opportunity to get feedback here and learn from my mistakes!
12/05/2007 12:25:23 PM · #22
This is an old art deco bank building and destinctive clock. I framed it with the bare tree limbs for effect.

This is the entire square, decorated for Christmas. Should be shot at night on second visit.

Detail of clock face
12/05/2007 01:29:07 PM · #23
ETA added a link to the tutorial.

Posting Thumbnails

Message edited by author 2007-12-05 13:31:06.
12/06/2007 09:45:46 AM · #24

Marietta (Georgia) public town square, old bank building. I like the way the sky color and bare trees frame this view. This is adjacent to the town square which is a very vibrant area of town. There are few if any businesses that are not open.

Trees surrounding the square. This area is one of the most heavily wooded metro areas in the US, and they make the square look larger than it really is.

Detail of the bank clock face. I tried to frame it with the trees to give it a little more feeling of depth.

Message edited by author 2007-12-06 10:31:30.
12/06/2007 09:48:57 AM · #25
Originally posted by photom1946:

[img] //www.dpchallenge.com/portfolio_edit.php?IMAGE_ID=620005 [/img]

Bank clock...

just click the second button (thumbnail) from the right, then enter only the number 620005...
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