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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> OOBIE and YAPPIE Nominations - The Saga Continues
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12/15/2007 10:47:02 PM · #1
Welcome to the new thread for Team Suck's OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations!

An OOBIE sucker is awarded to an "Out Of the Box" entry in a DPChallenge, something that meets the challenge in a creative fashion that DPC voters might not have properly appreciated.

A YAPPIE sucker is given to a commenter for either a particular comment or a history of great comments.

If you have ideas for someone who should get an OOBIE or a YAPPIE, please post your suggestions in this thread. It's helpful to have a blurb or even a poem about why you are making the nomination.

Description of the general nomination/voting process:

A. Nominations for OOBIEs are collected weekly, running from Sunday to the following Saturday. Nominations for YAPPIEs are collected throughout each month.

B. After the Team Suck standings are announced each week (team standings), two teams will be PM'd with a ballot for that week's OOBIE vote: the team that sucks the least for that week, and another randomly chosen team. Those voting each month on YAPPIEs are a randomly selected and PM'd group of 10 TSers.

C. The winners will be announced about a week after each voting round begins. OOBIEs are awarded weekly; YAPPIEs are currently awarded monthly. Each award gets its own announcement thread.

There are currently only 3 rules:

1) Please do not nominate yourself or your own photograph;

2) Please try to keep in mind that the YAPPIE is meant to recognize individuals more for the quality of their comments than for the sheer quantity that they produce, and nominate accordingly. For comment quantity recognition, please see the excellent work of Judi and her 100% Comments Club awards;

3) As much as we appreciate commenters, please hold nominations on repeat YAPPIE winners until 90 days have elapsed. To see a list of YAPPIE winners check the YAPPIE Hall of Fame, listed below.

So there you have it folks, let's inaugurate our new nominations thread - post your candidates for an OOBIE or a YAPPIE here!

Then there's the OOOBIE : - for those OOB-meisters that just can't ever quit and are often out of the box. Past recipients of the OOOBIE are Bear_Music and pointandshoot

The YAPPIE Hall of Fame

posthumous The Deathtime Achievement Yappie
- he has made so many comments and been nominated so many times, deservedly so, that it is impossible to track how many yappie suckers he should have.

The Cat YAPPIE, a special YAPPIE to those who have left 9 lives worth of comments, to Jutilda, SandyP, sherpet, Melethia


timwest167 ....6/22/2008
krnodil ....5/20/2008
eyewave ....4/19/2008
karmat ....2/12/2008
yospiff ....1/6/2008
Critique Club....05/15/2007
KiwiShotz (aka KiwiPix)....05/29/2006

Message edited by author 2008-06-22 09:45:52.
12/16/2007 09:55:24 AM · #2
A new round of nominations has begun - the OOBIE noms you post here between December 16-22 will go to the vote December 23.

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
12/17/2007 12:25:28 AM · #3
Without a doubt, hands down, a totally OOBIE award to hipychik for this bottom-of-the-heap gem. I loved it for its absolute, deadpan presentation, the cartoonish saturation, and the genuinely effective sales pitch. Absolutely, of all the ads, this one be by FAR the most effective at selling cars on DPC, and I don't care what the voters said :-)

12/17/2007 01:39:53 PM · #4
I nominate Pointandshoot for an OOBIE this b&w gem of a car ad.

12/19/2007 06:08:07 AM · #5
Yappie nomination for Haneck. I "found" this user because of this comment on the snaffles shot below:

Originally posted by Haneck:

This might be an interesting idea, with the blur, but there are some things I personally would have fixed... the colors, first of all, are a little wild. Maybe less saturation would help, although perhaps you wanted the wild colors. There is lots of grain as well, which you might be able to fix by lowering the ISO. But then the picture can get too dark... Also, the picture appears rather washed out and overexposed. Overall, I would suggest a lower ISO setting, and a longer shutter-speed, and maybe a tripod or even a table-top or something to keep the camera steady and prevent the picture from getting too blurry. Hope some of that was helpful! :)

Haneck (profile doesn't say man or woman, and I hesitate to conclude from the name alone, and thus the ackward use of username in this nomination) makes comments the way I like to see them made; expressing an opinion, being supportive but making suggestions, and often acknowledging that there are other ways to look at the image ("perhaps you wanted the wild colors").

While many comments (I think on a current side-challenge?) are brief, there are numerous gems with interesting observations made in a way that is respectful of the photographer's creativity and intention. Very pleasing to see and to read . . .
12/19/2007 06:15:42 AM · #6
Two nominations from the Hell challenge for OOBIES:

by Kelli
This is positiviely delightful! See Bear's comment for more.

by raish
Not only is the sign perfect, but the processing matches.

I don't know, but these two really really say Hell quite nicely, so I guess they aren't really OOBIEs, but I'm nominating them anyway!
12/19/2007 08:42:18 AM · #7
Hell - the ultimate Rorschach test...

12/19/2007 10:04:29 AM · #8
(Can anyone nominate?)
12/19/2007 10:09:48 AM · #9
Originally posted by Melethia:

Two nominations from the Hell challenge for OOBIES:

by Kelli
This is positiviely delightful! See Bear's comment for more.

by raish
Not only is the sign perfect, but the processing matches.

I don't know, but these two really really say Hell quite nicely, so I guess they aren't really OOBIEs, but I'm nominating them anyway!

Totally agree with both of these; two of my high scores in the challenge, and both hammered by voters.

12/19/2007 10:21:03 AM · #10
Originally posted by Louis:

(Can anyone nominate?)

Absolutely, the more the merrier! :)
12/19/2007 11:25:01 AM · #11
Originally posted by krnodil:

Hell - the ultimate Rorschach test...


Agree with this one, thought it was fantastic.
12/25/2007 06:02:15 PM · #12
The OOBIE noms you post here between December 23-29 will go to the vote December 30.

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
12/26/2007 08:18:51 AM · #13
Lots of nice images rolled over in the past week - any of them OOBIE-worthy?
12/26/2007 08:30:09 AM · #14

12/26/2007 10:41:16 AM · #15
I loved this shot in "long exposure", and it got hammered. I kept going back and looking at it, it really does something for me. It's so "ordinary", and yet its oddly compelling. Almost like the two open challenges merged in the one image. And besides, if you look close you'll see the face of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle in the largest piece of laundry.

But, seriously, in the context of "long exposure" this is pretty OOB, being as subtle as it is.

OOBIE nomination from me :-)

12/26/2007 11:21:37 AM · #16
I'd like to nominate yospiff for a Yappie. He's done 100% comments on more than one challenge now, and he seems to really try to find something constructive to say about most of the images. A nod of acknowledgement to a new user, wardmac, who has left a lot of comments already - I've seen his name on nearly all of the challenge results I've perused today.
12/26/2007 11:33:18 AM · #17
Originally posted by Melethia:

I'd like to nominate yospiff for a Yappie. He's done 100% comments on more than one challenge now, and he seems to really try to find something constructive to say about most of the images. A nod of acknowledgement to a new user, wardmac, who has left a lot of comments already - I've seen his name on nearly all of the challenge results I've perused today.

is that acknowledgement of wardmac a nomination, Deb?
12/26/2007 11:37:11 AM · #18
If I can nominate two in one post, sure! :-)
12/26/2007 11:44:03 AM · #19
okey doke :)
12/26/2007 11:09:39 PM · #20
Adding info to the nomination for yospiff. In another thread, he wrote:

My largest frustration is when I think I have a great entry and it does low 5's with little feedback to tell me why. My answer to that issue has been to comment on everything I vote on. The result of commenting has been that taking the time to analyze why I do or don't like others shots has been contributing to an improvement in my own photos.

12/27/2007 12:28:05 AM · #21
OOBIE from the BITE challenge:

by dinwald

Normally a shot of a single bird might not do it for me for this challenge, but the way this is presented most definitely meets the challenge. I love that the bird itself is not sharp - it's fluid and blurred and quite lovely. The motion can be felt. I love that the background is a background. I even like that the bird is centered. It speaks of transience, of beauty, of simple grace.

If this had been pin sharp it wouldn't be half so appealing. It has a very transient feel, like the snow it's flying through. Beautiful work :)

Very nice capture. I hope you don't get hit for the soft focus as it really adds to the effect of the shot.
12/27/2007 10:08:56 AM · #22
I would like to nominate raish for this photo. Truly excellent photography.

12/30/2007 02:07:02 PM · #23
The OOBIE noms you post here between December 30-January 5 will go to the vote January 6. Our first OOBIE vote for 2008!

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
12/31/2007 02:19:27 AM · #24

I know it blue ribboned, but I think this shot should be considered for an OOBIE.
12/31/2007 02:36:34 AM · #25
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

I know it blue ribboned, but I think this shot should be considered for an OOBIE.

I think you're confusing OOB with Wow Factor
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