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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Grace
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 44, (reverse)
10/22/2003 07:26:25 AM · #1
Grace may be a tough one! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with as an image for grace... here is the dictionary definition to get everyone started thinking. I think to find and recognize grace while it is happening is rare but it is something that photographers hope to see and capture.

grace (
Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
A sense of fitness or propriety.

A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
Mercy; clemency.
A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve.
Graces Greek & Roman Mythology. Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.

Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.
The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God.
An excellence or power granted by God.
A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.
Grace Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for a duke, duchess, or archbishop.
Music. An appoggiatura, trill, or other musical ornanment in the music of 16th and 17th century England.

tr.v. graced, grac·ing, grac·es
To honor or favor: You grace our table with your presence.
To give beauty, elegance, or charm to.
Music. To embellish with grace notes.

in the bad graces of
Out of favor with.
in the good graces of
In favor with.
with bad grace
In a grudging manner.
with good grace
10/22/2003 07:33:15 AM · #2
How about the graceful curve of my kitten's back as she sleeps on the windowsill?
10/22/2003 07:56:50 AM · #3
It might not go over well with some folks here! Seriously though, moments of grace seem to be fleeting...
10/22/2003 08:02:33 AM · #4
Originally posted by coolhar:

How about the graceful curve of my kitten's back as she sleeps on the windowsill?

It would have to be extremely well exucuted as there are those who hate pets, flowers and kids. Sigh thats why I never win. That covers most of what I photograph.
10/22/2003 08:11:52 AM · #5
I never win because my photos suck, but at least I'm honest about it.
10/22/2003 08:14:58 AM · #6
Can somebody to say what means "a relgious tenet". My dictionary do not know those words.
10/22/2003 08:15:04 AM · #7

Originally posted by robsmith:

I never win because my photos suck, but at least I'm honest about it.

Message edited by author 2003-10-22 08:15:41.
10/22/2003 08:15:37 AM · #8

Looks like they win ribbons to me!?
10/22/2003 08:23:54 AM · #9
A religious (having to do with any Religion) tenet is an opinion, a doctrine, a belief that has fundamental importance to the practise of the religion. Your dictionary might have doctrine and that might be an easier way to understand. "Thou shalt not kill" is a religious tenet or I might feel that I restrict my diet as a tenet of my belief system.
10/22/2003 08:25:15 AM · #10
Originally posted by kinks:

Can somebody to say what means "a relgious tenet".

A "tenet" is an opinion or principle held as being true by a person or especially by an organization (such as a church). "Tenet" is a synonym for "doctrine" or "dogma". One example of a "religious tenet" might be something that is proclaimed as true without proof.

Another example: Islamic religious law prohibits Muslims from paying or receiving any form of interest. Based on the teachings of the Koran, the holy book of Muslims, this religious tenet encompasses conventional mortgages, credit card balances and any type of interest-bearing loans.

The holy trinity is a religious tenet of the Catholic faith.

The doctrine of Blood Atonement, the taking of an apostate's life, was a Mormon religious tenet during the early days of the LDS Church.

Not sure if these examples help, but there you go...

Message edited by author 2003-10-22 08:45:07.
10/22/2003 08:48:21 AM · #11
How about the graceful curve of a heron's neck?
10/22/2003 09:57:20 AM · #12
Can anything be more graceful than a plasma light ball? Just kidding! No really--it was a joke! I love the plasma light ball shots! Really!
10/22/2003 10:04:24 AM · #13
More to the point of the religious tenet thing, "GRACE" as seen from a christian viewpoint, is God's mercy on those he choses to elect to eternal life, but "GRACE" is also those joys and pleasures that God grants to every creature.

Please, I'm not trying to start up a debate on doctrine, just explaining what GRACE means to someone with a Presbyterian background. Other religious interpretations welcome.
10/22/2003 10:50:06 AM · #14
Find a chick named Grace and be done with it.
10/22/2003 12:48:32 PM · #15
Grace in terms of Christianity means: Undeserved merit or favor.

The doctrine of Grace in Christianity is that no one can earn their way to heaven based on their own merits, therefor God must bestow His grace upon you, His undeserved favor, so that you may have eternal life.

[edit: this is not meant as a counter point to the above post on grace, just my own contribution to the discussion.]

Message edited by author 2003-10-22 12:50:10.
10/22/2003 12:58:40 PM · #16
Originally posted by crabappl3:

Looks like they win ribbons to me!?

That's because they are well executed...

Also, I'll be giving 10s to any pictures of Debra Messing for this challenge.
10/22/2003 01:20:24 PM · #17
i'm gonna see a lot of ballet dancers stretching, aren't i? i hope not :(.
10/22/2003 01:26:22 PM · #18
Grace ??? It's Greek to me !...
10/22/2003 01:29:56 PM · #19
Originally posted by EL-ROI:

Grace in terms of Christianity means: Undeserved merit or favor.

The doctrine of Grace in Christianity is that no one can earn their way to heaven based on their own merits, therefor God must bestow His grace upon you, His undeserved favor, so that you may have eternal life.

[edit: this is not meant as a counter point to the above post on grace, just my own contribution to the discussion.]

Yes that is my understanding of grace but hard to photograph
10/22/2003 01:30:50 PM · #20
a gracefull fall
could have been for irony - err ;}

10/22/2003 02:18:33 PM · #21
I don't know if it just a New Zealand thing or not, but I remember we called the prayer you say before eating a meal "Grace".
10/22/2003 02:21:29 PM · #22
I wonder if hockey players count. I mean, they're sort of a grunt style of grace, but grace nonetheless... Or perhaps figure skaters? Just throwing out some ideas to everyone.

10/22/2003 02:23:35 PM · #23
Originally posted by pitsaman:

Grace ??? It's Greek to me !...

10/22/2003 03:01:38 PM · #24
Originally posted by robsmith:

I never win because my photos suck, but at least I'm honest about it.

Pfft. With an average received vote count of 5.5, you're making those of us whose pictures really DO suck feel mighty bad. :)
10/22/2003 03:08:40 PM · #25
Originally posted by EL-ROI:

Originally posted by pitsaman:

Grace ??? It's Greek to me !...

To quote Jacko's most humble words
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