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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Environmental Portrait II scores anyone?
Showing posts 126 - 144 of 144, (reverse)
03/24/2008 09:05:17 AM · #126
Originally posted by rarmermann:

Originally posted by Gatorguy:

I don't know where my score is as they are not on but I'm a bit frustrated in that based on comments, I'm being shot down by new photographers who have no concept of alternate styles of photography such as high key, low key etc. I can't say more. If the image does not "fit" where all is "normal" then I can only assume based on comments that they are voting me down. I am happy that some are more well rounded though.

BTW, I'm basing my assumptions based on the profiles of the commenter's

In any event, it's a shot that both I and the subjects like very much.

It's a shame that you think that just new photographers would be the only ones to shoot you down.

That's usually the way it is with some exceptions, of course. The first things I do when I get a negative comment from someone I don't know is to go to their profile to see what they're about. A high percent of the time the ones that leave the most technically geared comments or have the more narrow views would appear to be the least experienced. I myself am embarrassed by my earlier perceptions and have hopefully come a long way.

The other week I stumbled on some old comments that I'd left back in 2005/06...deleted them and re-wrote based on my views today. Again...very embarassing stuff. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It's everyones hope that we all improve with time.

Message edited by author 2008-03-24 13:13:58.
03/24/2008 11:47:33 AM · #127
Well I'm totally newbie and confused, of course I know I can score however I want but I haven't decided

based on the merit of just the photograph
or based on the way the photography fits the challenge
or based on the merit and the way the photograph fits the challenge!

I read a bit of this thread and about newbes not knowing the difference between high-key and low key but what about what an environmental portrait is.. I thought it was a really specific genre. but so many of them are you know, the environment or a portrait out of context..

so how do you all vote, lets say with this challenge as the example.. if the image is GREAT but totally misses the point (I submitted one for one of the next ones and honestly it's a touch of a stretch I think!) do you vote it lower, much lower?

just curious and wanting to make my first post sometime!


edited to add that yes indeed I read the other environmental portrait II thread and this is discussed, at least What it should be, but how do you all score...

Message edited by author 2008-03-24 11:59:15.
03/24/2008 12:28:58 PM · #128
Originally posted by mayize:

...but how do you all score

I vote with a velvet hand. I see no need to bring a gun to a pillow fight. People are here to learn in most cases so I don't mind taking it lightly in the voting.

If you're asking about the criteria...? I try to read or view as much about any topic that interests me if I plan on voting or entering. Sometimes the pre-Challenge threads scare me away from the whole Challenge if peoples ideas seem too hardcore or narrow based on what I've found or believe to be the essence of the whole thing. I'm quite relaxed on my rules so I can leave room for artistic interpretation. Some people here shoot commercial images and there are others who don't so it's good to keep an eye out for which is which and score them fairly.

I usually vote once and go back to bump up images that I really like and give an extra bump to ones that I would like to see win.

Message edited by author 2008-03-24 12:48:20.
03/24/2008 01:09:46 PM · #129
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Originally posted by mayize:

...but how do you all score

I usually vote once and go back to bump up images that I really like and give an extra bump to ones that I would like to see win.

I too am new to this type of challange and vote each pic libreally. I find that when voting it can be very hard to do so I do vote it a bit high until I get the feel of the genre. But at the same time I do not get bent out of shape when the score is not to my liking. I try to be as fair on voting since I consider this a hobby and find it fun to do.

So pawdrix I totally agree with your posting.

Message edited by author 2008-03-24 13:11:07.
03/24/2008 02:51:13 PM · #130
Votes: 223
Views: 293
Avg Vote: 6.0583
Comments: 10

I expect there are quite a few 6's but I am fairly happy given that this started out at under 5.5!
03/24/2008 03:28:32 PM · #131
Votes: 212
Views: 285
Avg Vote: 5.1792
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Mine is still steadily going down with a hiccup here and there back up a tiny bit.

I voted on every image in this challenge (except for my own of course) and had an average score of just above a 5. I first vote on all of the images and then go back and adjust the votes based on having seen all of the images. I haven't commented much because I just don't have the time. I try to comment on the ones I really really like and the ones that I actually have something constructive to say. As far as new photogs shooting the more experienced people down I would advise that if your image isn't appealing to the lay person then it isn't a good image as that is the audience you should seek. I don't have to know diddly squat about photography to know if I like an image or not. If a person has to be an experienced photographer to "get" your image then you have failed in my opinion. Again this is just "my" newbie opinion. I guess it shouldn't count.
03/24/2008 03:40:23 PM · #132
Originally posted by dponlyme:

I don't have to know diddly squat about photography to know if I like an image or not. If a person has to be an experienced photographer to "get" your image then you have failed in my opinion. Again this is just "my" newbie opinion. I guess it shouldn't count.

But the more you know the more you'll have the ability to like or at the very least be able to understand.

As a Chef I would much rather cook for people with an educated palate than a bunch of McNugget Heads. It's more fun and more rewarding for everyone involved. An educated viewer raises the bar from a simple like/dislike scenario to something a bit higher. I hope everyone here aspires or is looking for some higher ground?

If you've ever seen people sit on a bench in a museum and stare at a painting or any piece of art for some time it might be interesting to find out what they are trying "to get" in that time that a 5 second or 30 second view might not bring. Some images are not meant to be gotten in 5 seconds. An educated viewer or photographer will look deeper and in most cases differentiate between a choice (artistic or otherwise)from a mistake. My only point is that if a person throws around an opinion they should make a great effort to keep in an informed opinion. I think that's fair.

And nobody said that you shouldn't count unless I missed a post.

Message edited by author 2008-03-24 18:54:06.
03/24/2008 04:01:00 PM · #133
3.66 something.
03/25/2008 09:34:29 AM · #134
Votes: 232
Views: 388
Avg Vote: 6.7155
Comments: 18

dropped down a chunk considering the vote count. Lets just get this over. Cmon rollover!
03/25/2008 09:39:29 AM · #135
Votes: 236
Views: 349
Avg Vote: 6.2331
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

Down a bit too, and ready for roll over.
03/25/2008 11:03:43 AM · #136

Message edited by author 2008-03-25 11:21:07.
03/25/2008 11:39:18 AM · #137
Votes: 248
Views: 391
Avg Vote: 6.0927
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/25/08 11:38 am
03/25/2008 11:48:32 AM · #138

Woooo. Considering i started on a 6.9, this isn't the riot i thought it would be.
03/25/2008 12:07:12 PM · #139
Votes: 241
Views: 330
Avg Vote: 5.5311
Comments: 5

well it's no ribbon... but a PB anyway...
03/25/2008 01:52:08 PM · #140
Votes: 250
Views: 357
Avg Vote: 6.0760
Comments: 12

Considering I got up 6.2 it appears that while there aren't a lot of trolls voting on my image the last 50 or so voters thought my image was only average.
03/25/2008 01:58:59 PM · #141
Originally posted by pawdrix:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

I don't have to know diddly squat about photography to know if I like an image or not. If a person has to be an experienced photographer to "get" your image then you have failed in my opinion. Again this is just "my" newbie opinion. I guess it shouldn't count.

But the more you know the more you'll have the ability to like or at the very least be able to understand.

As a Chef I would much rather cook for people with an educated palate than a bunch of McNugget Heads. It's more fun and more rewarding for everyone involved. An educated viewer raises the bar from a simple like/dislike scenario to something a bit higher. I hope everyone here aspires or is looking for some higher ground?

If you've ever seen people sit on a bench in a museum and stare at a painting or any piece of art for some time it might be interesting to find out what they are trying "to get" in that time that a 5 second or 30 second view might not bring. Some images are not meant to be gotten in 5 seconds. An educated viewer or photographer will look deeper and in most cases differentiate between a choice (artistic or otherwise)from a mistake. My only point is that if a person throws around an opinion they should make a great effort to keep in an informed opinion. I think that's fair.

And nobody said that you shouldn't count unless I missed a post.

On the other hand, Simon Cowell doesn't know how to sing or play an instrument and probably can't even read music. However he knows what he likes which happens to correspond to what sells. Also considering that photography can be an artistic medium not everyone is going to appreciate a given shot regardless of how good it is. I've seen some shots in my local photo club that scored low which I personally liked (and I wasn't the only one). The point I am making is that we all have our own tastes and while experience and knowledge will help us explain why we like something it doesn't necessarily make us "better" at deciding what we like. (I also agree with you Pawdrix but I am merely presenting the other side of the debate)
03/25/2008 03:06:50 PM · #142

Message edited by author 2008-03-25 16:14:36.
03/25/2008 03:12:14 PM · #143
Originally posted by Citadel:

Originally posted by pawdrix:

Originally posted by dponlyme:

I don't have to know diddly squat about photography to know if I like an image or not. If a person has to be an experienced photographer to "get" your image then you have failed in my opinion. Again this is just "my" newbie opinion. I guess it shouldn't count.

But the more you know the more you'll have the ability to like or at the very least be able to understand.

As a Chef I would much rather cook for people with an educated palate than a bunch of McNugget Heads. It's more fun and more rewarding for everyone involved. An educated viewer raises the bar from a simple like/dislike scenario to something a bit higher. I hope everyone here aspires or is looking for some higher ground?

If you've ever seen people sit on a bench in a museum and stare at a painting or any piece of art for some time it might be interesting to find out what they are trying "to get" in that time that a 5 second or 30 second view might not bring. Some images are not meant to be gotten in 5 seconds. An educated viewer or photographer will look deeper and in most cases differentiate between a choice (artistic or otherwise)from a mistake. My only point is that if a person throws around an opinion they should make a great effort to keep in an informed opinion. I think that's fair.

And nobody said that you shouldn't count unless I missed a post.

On the other hand, Simon Cowell doesn't know how to sing or play an instrument and probably can't even read music. However he knows what he likes which happens to correspond to what sells. Also considering that photography can be an artistic medium not everyone is going to appreciate a given shot regardless of how good it is. I've seen some shots in my local photo club that scored low which I personally liked (and I wasn't the only one). The point I am making is that we all have our own tastes and while experience and knowledge will help us explain why we like something it doesn't necessarily make us "better" at deciding what we like. (I also agree with you Pawdrix but I am merely presenting the other side of the debate)

Thank you for your point of view on this. In rethinking this I agree with pawdrix also that an informed and educated viewer is a better viewer and may be able to see more of the nuance of an image because they are looking for it. I also think that dpchallenge is where I would expect to get this (a more informed viewer). On the other hand a picture to most people is not a work of art to be looked at for an extended period of time like you might at an art gallery. It's just a picture and it is the pictures job to make you want to look at it for a longer period of time. I personally don't want my pictures to be appealing only to people who are 'informed' but also to the general population at large. That is the higher ground I seek to achieve. I find that it is most rewarding to capture the attention and praise of an uninformed viewer because that describes most people. I want my images to be appealing to the widest range of people. Uninformed opinions are usually the best ones to tell if I have achieved that goal. After re-reading all of this discussion I think what pawdrix is saying is that if you are basically uninformed then don't make a pretense of thinking and commenting as if you are. I would agree with this also. What stuck in my craw was the way he seemed to be saying that a newbies opinion didn't really matter when I think that in many ways they should matter the most.
03/25/2008 10:47:22 PM · #144
Votes: 249
Views: 338
Avg Vote: 5.2048
Comments: 13

Made it back to 5.2+ just need to hold on for another 1 1/4 hours.
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