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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> OOBIE and YAPPIE Nominations - The Saga Continues
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06/15/2008 10:07:15 AM · #301
A new round of OOBIE nominations has begun. OOBIE noms posted here between June 15-21 will go to the vote June 22.

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
06/16/2008 10:28:56 AM · #302

All photography is illusion. Look how close this comes to being a dream about a horse.
06/18/2008 09:08:36 AM · #303
06/19/2008 08:57:30 AM · #304
Three more days to go until this current crop of OOBIE nominations goes to the vote. OOBIE noms posted here between June 15-21 will go to the vote June 22.

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
06/19/2008 08:54:12 PM · #305
I nominate Silence for a Yappie.
06/19/2008 09:04:45 PM · #306
The only person who goes by the single name "silence" here seems to have never made a comment. Can you explain your nomination and link us to their profile?
06/19/2008 09:06:36 PM · #307
although I do like the idea of someone named Silence winning the Yappie... :)
06/22/2008 09:50:12 AM · #308
A new round of OOBIE nominations has begun. OOBIE noms posted here between June 22-28 will go to the vote June 29.

We currently have no YAPPIE nominations for June, but there are 9 more days left this month to get your nominations in for the vote...

Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
06/23/2008 09:55:17 PM · #309
Post your OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations here!
07/07/2008 06:54:32 PM · #310
Thread got quiet! Here you gooooooo....

07/13/2008 11:15:11 AM · #311
During voting a few weeks back, one of our esteemed Team Suck voters, Greetmir, offered up the following thoughts:

Originally posted by Greetmir:

I am sorry and I know that my vote will not do either of these three candidates
any good but I must vote for ALL of the entries. It is the first, and I hope the
last time that I have ever done (or hope to do) that. They are all so excellent
in their own right and I cannot omit even ONE of the three, no less omit two
and only vote for ONE. I hope you will pass this comment on when the voting
ends so that these three people know that no matter how hard I tried, I could
not pick one above the others. A truly super OOBIE showing this round!

07/13/2008 10:42:59 PM · #312
As colorcarnival noted, things have gone quiet lately, and it seems a weekly OOBIE has become difficult to keep up.

So the OOBIE process will undergo a slight change - from now on, OOBIE nominations will go to the vote whenever we have accumulated at least 3 nominations, however long that may take. The voters will be whatever Team Suck teams were most recently announced in the team standings thread.

YAPPIEs will stay monthly for now.

But as usual, this thread is open for business to receive any OOBIE and YAPPIE nominations you may want to make, so don't let the new OOBIE vote schedule discourage you from participating as often as you like.

07/14/2008 12:58:42 PM · #313
This is so OOB that I did not even get it during the voting...

Message edited by author 2008-07-14 12:58:59.
07/14/2008 02:13:46 PM · #314
Originally posted by colorcarnival:

This is so OOB that I did not even get it during the voting...

I find that the lens flare looks like a parking meter....that's the tie in with the title which comes from a song. Duh, just read the photographer's comments and he said the lens flare looks like aparking meter too. Did not notice his comments until now.
07/14/2008 02:30:56 PM · #315
Thing is that I've gotten into the habit now of not reading titles. I just kind of browse thru photos and see what I get.
07/24/2008 09:12:10 AM · #316

subversive, not just with subject matter, but placing it in such an elegant surrounding...high society cannibalism!
07/24/2008 09:28:18 AM · #317
some Beverage entries of note:


07/24/2008 06:49:52 PM · #318
these are going on to the vote - stay tuned...

07/28/2008 11:06:29 AM · #319

Message edited by author 2008-07-28 11:08:36.
07/28/2008 11:24:51 AM · #320
YAPPIE - signal2noise. Go read thru some of the comments he leaves. They are so descriptive and well thought out. You can tell that he took the time to look at and appreciate your photo.
07/28/2008 11:33:31 AM · #321
Originally posted by colorcarnival:

YAPPIE - signal2noise. Go read thru some of the comments he leaves. They are so descriptive and well thought out. You can tell that he took the time to look at and appreciate your photo.

I really to have to agree Tommy puts a lot of time and thought into his comments.
07/28/2008 12:51:33 PM · #322
I third the nomination for signal2noise. I very much appreciate the comment he left on my Sugar entry (and thanks, Michelle, for the nom on that!) and he really does take the time to "see" a picture, and offer what it is he sees in a thoughtful and considered manner.

Oh, and this was hands down my favorite of the challenge:

Message edited by author 2008-07-28 12:52:22.
07/29/2008 04:08:06 PM · #323
why isn't this thread active? Just curious...
07/29/2008 04:25:57 PM · #324
someone posted just the other day - what do you mean?
07/29/2008 04:28:58 PM · #325
Originally posted by krnodil:

someone posted just the other day - what do you mean?

I just thought it be MORE active. I see that was unclear about that.
I was looking to see more of the OOB pics here too.
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