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DPChallenge Forums >> Business of Photography >> Wedding albums
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06/18/2008 08:12:12 AM · #1
So I've shot my first wedding and now need to look into where to send the photos to be put in an album or book.

Who do you send your photos to or buy your albums/books from? Do you do your own photo in photo pages? How much does it cost?

Thank you

06/18/2008 08:18:48 AM · #2
There are several ways to do this - individual photos in mats on pages (tap and many other companies), coffee table books (hard cover, paper pages) and you can do each page anyway you like in PS or some offer templates (mypublisher is a low end version of this type of book) or you have 'flushmount' books - some are peel and stick 'self mount' and others you send the prints to the factory for assembly (mostly only available to pro photogs).

Cost can vary from $20 or 30 to $300.
06/18/2008 08:52:40 AM · #3
What do you think of the design/print and bind service from artleather? I have an acct there, but I haven't used it yet.
06/18/2008 09:17:53 AM · #4
I've spent as much as $400 for a leather 10X10 40page wedding album. That was / is a beautiful heirloom album. That's what I offer with my 2 highest priced packages. The other packages get a very nice mid-quality coffee-table-style album (which I now get from American Color Imaging). They run about $150. I do the design for each page myself with Photoshop and Photofusion, upload the pages as single jpgs. THey then print & bind and I get the book in about 2 weeks.

Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions, Anthony.

BTW, don't be overwhelmed by the oodles of book providers out there, but for a wedding album...DON'T go low end. The bride & groom will want to keep this book for the rest of their life and they deserve something nicer than just a brag book.
06/18/2008 09:28:36 AM · #5
In Australia here we use Jorgensen albums. Very good quality. I order the album and mats and put them together myself. I think they have outlets pretty in most areas of the world now. For photo books we use Asuka Books which I think are Australia only but I'm sure you'll find equivalent in your neck of the woods. I agree with Cindi in saying that for wedding albums it's not worth going cheap. Get decent quality.
06/18/2008 09:31:53 AM · #6
Originally posted by NVPhoto:

What do you think of the design/print and bind service from artleather? I have an acct there, but I haven't used it yet.

Dealing with AL sucks compared to almost any other album company out there. In some ways their improving, but the service/turn around time if very sketchy - one order takes 2 weeks and the next 3 months. Inconsistent to say the least.
06/18/2008 09:34:52 AM · #7
I've been shopping around for albums too, as we needed a new portfolio. A beautiful leather volume is what we'd like (but cannot afford at the moment). Instead, we've gone with a self-made Pina Zangaro port in 11x14 (very nice, very modern feel with acrylic & brushed aluminum). Eventually, we will use that for our boudoir portfolio... but it will suffice for now.

I had wondered about the little inexpensive books that are printed on regular paper, so went into a Wolf(Fox) Camera store yesterday - EGADS!!! that thing was disgustingly cheap and absolutely horrible colors & paper. They are kinda known for high priced / low quality goods, but this was GROSS!!! I nearly asked the guy @ the counter about it, but couldn't even manage words - just shook my head & wandered out the door.

cindi is right - DON'T go with the price factor on wedding products. Heck, I wouldn't give the wolf camera product away with my competitor's name on it!
06/18/2008 10:23:31 AM · #8
I would kind of prefer to it be book style rather than in a sleeve of some sort. This is my wedding gift to the couple. They aren't paying for any of this and I don't want it to be cheap either as he is a real close friend of mine. I was expecting to spend about $150 on the book. I want it to be something that they will keep forever and show their daughter.

I don't know if you guys have seen my other post, but i don't have many pictures. Probably about 75 to 100 usable ones...only half of which is the of the couple by them selves....the rest are of with family, bride father dance, groom mother dance...and wedding guests. The couple didn't want to have a an all out moment for just them...they wanted it to be a celebration of joining families and friends.

Cindi I'll be PMing you for website so I can look them up and so forth.
06/25/2008 08:17:24 AM · #9
Originally posted by albc28:

I would kind of prefer to it be book style rather than in a sleeve of some sort. This is my wedding gift to the couple. They aren't paying for any of this and I don't want it to be cheap either as he is a real close friend of mine. I was expecting to spend about $150 on the book. I want it to be something that they will keep forever and show their daughter.

I don't know if you guys have seen my other post, but i don't have many pictures. Probably about 75 to 100 usable ones...only half of which is the of the couple by them selves....the rest are of with family, bride father dance, groom mother dance...and wedding guests. The couple didn't want to have a an all out moment for just them...they wanted it to be a celebration of joining families and friends.

Cindi I'll be PMing you for website so I can look them up and so forth.

Take a look at www.finaoonline.com for the album. Each album is custom designed to your specifications. I would recommend www.whcc.com for your prints. There is also www.millerslab.com if you are looking for additional paper and finishing options. If you are simply looking for prints WHCC is a bit cheaper in price and their regular print quality is the same. It's the additional options millers lab offers that give their photos the extra punch other labs don't offer. Also if you prefer a design print and bind service where the photos are printed in the book you may want to look at www.lagunaalbums.com or www.tuscanyalbums.com

I hope this information helps

Message edited by author 2008-06-25 08:19:05.
07/16/2008 02:49:13 PM · #10
Hello :)

I have some doubts about wedding photo albums (I never did anyone).
I have a client who wants me to create a wedding photo album with 5 to 7 photos per page, which album's measurements are: 20 x 13.66 inches. I'm familiarized with the metric system, not with the imperial system, but those measurements looks too big in centimeters (50 x 33 cm)
However, my client is willing to pay me US$15 per page. I don't know if a page is 20 x 13.66 inches or the half of that. Whatever be the case, is US$15 per page a right price?

I need an answer asap.

Thanks in advance :)

Mart :)
07/16/2008 03:12:41 PM · #11
WAY cheap. The norm is 3.5 pictures a page for a collage/storybook layouts like a flushmount or coffeetable book. You have the cost of the book, each page, and then your design and editing time.

A hard cover, leather, flush mount 10x10 (inch/25x25cm) book with 30 sides can COST $300. Coffee table books usually cost less but you have fewer options on the covers, imprinting, etc.

If you figure 3.5/page and 30 pages that's about 100 images. You have to edit all of them as well as design the pages. IMO this should add up to more, per image, than what you sell a 5x7 print for - so $30 to $50 per page is more what I see as a going rate - retail to the bride of course. SO you get $900 to 1500 range for a price.

If you go by how long it takes, I can do an album like that with editing and changes in about 5 hours and like to get $100/hour on average (more for shooting, less for editing). I also like to get at least double on materials, preferabl triple, so that works out to $1100 to 1400 range.

Leather Craftsman will do it all for you - send them the files and you get a book back. I don't see a 10x10 but averaging the 8x10 and 10x15 they'll charge around $900-1100 - plus you'll want some markup/profit on that price. They do top of the line books so remember to factor that in.
07/16/2008 04:21:09 PM · #12
I may catch some flack for this...but I put together my daughter's wedding photos in a 12x12 coffee table style book by Shutterfly and I love it. There was one very minor flaw, and they sent me a replacement - didn't even ask for the first one back - so I've been using that to show people. It's been almost a year and I've had absolutely no problems with the quality of the book. It has been "pawed" over by many, many people...including the art shows I've done. I've even gone over a few minor spots on the cover and on one photo page with a very lightly damp cloth and it cleaned right up. Just a thought.

The page and color quality I think is excellent. I did the entire page in PS Elements and just dropped in the jpg file. Make sure you mark the area that says they won't adjust anything (contrast, colors etc.) in auto mode when they print.

07/16/2008 05:32:42 PM · #13
I've had great experience with both Tuscany albums, and GraphiStudio. The company I deal with on the Tuscany album lets me design each page through a drag and drop interface. I've been very impressed with the number of effects I was able to do. Customer service is great, and turn around was about 3 days.

GraphiStudio is based in Italy so the whole process is a bit more involved. You have the option of doing your own layout, or paying their designers to do it for you ($3.50/page). Again, the quality was outstanding, and customer service was also great.

Cost starts out with the number of pages you include. Then add on the album cover, and any other extras. For a high end album, you will get fewer pages than if you go with a cheaper company.
07/16/2008 05:53:40 PM · #14
Originally posted by Prof_Fate:

WAY cheap. The norm is 3.5 pictures a page for a collage/storybook layouts like a flushmount or coffeetable book. You have the cost of the book, each page, and then your design and editing time.

A hard cover, leather, flush mount 10x10 (inch/25x25cm) book with 30 sides can COST $300. Coffee table books usually cost less but you have fewer options on the covers, imprinting, etc.

If you figure 3.5/page and 30 pages that's about 100 images. You have to edit all of them as well as design the pages. IMO this should add up to more, per image, than what you sell a 5x7 print for - so $30 to $50 per page is more what I see as a going rate - retail to the bride of course. SO you get $900 to 1500 range for a price.

If you go by how long it takes, I can do an album like that with editing and changes in about 5 hours and like to get $100/hour on average (more for shooting, less for editing). I also like to get at least double on materials, preferabl triple, so that works out to $1100 to 1400 range.

Leather Craftsman will do it all for you - send them the files and you get a book back. I don't see a 10x10 but averaging the 8x10 and 10x15 they'll charge around $900-1100 - plus you'll want some markup/profit on that price. They do top of the line books so remember to factor that in.

Wow... You know mate, I just did 2 shots with a Nikon D3. I teach photography and my new student has that monster. I have never seen in my whole life nothing more than a Nikon D80 and a Canon 400D. I was close to a heart attack!!! bro!!!!! Wow... 24.3 MB each raw at 100 ISO, super wide tonal range and dynamic range... FAINT!!!!

Okay, I don't have too much friends photographers, so I tell you this thing ^^ You kow, we humans like to share our experiences ^^

Back to topic...

I don't know if I have to do the photo editing, but I'm familiarized with that, due that I do wedding adjustemtns and corrections for 3 (normal editing) to 10 dollars (super special editings, specially, black and white, which are the most harder to achieve) each picture. I usually do the ones for 3 dollars because my client wants that (nice quality, by the way). Of course, if I have to edit the pictures my client will pay for that as I have said above (US$3/picture).

The thing with the album is that I have to do the design, only. I don't have to print it, just the design of the layout, add some vectors, distort a bit the frame of the picture (like those grungy borders), put some flowers and put the photos into the album. That's all... And the payment is 15 US$ per page. I estimated 100 photos in total, 5 to 7 per page would be a 20 pages album, US$300, without editing the pictures but the layout with all those things.

After that, I send all that stuff through Internet to Canada. I'm a freelancer and I live in Argentina.

I actually work for this client since April, correcting and adjusting his pics, but he asked me for this thing about the album.

Hope not to bother you for asking again.

And your reply was very generous and kind. Thank you very much for your help. Really, thank you very much.
I posts, from time to time, dropping some light in the confused people as well :)

Thank uyou very much, mate :)
07/16/2008 06:26:17 PM · #15
OK, so we have had the low end option that Prof-Fate & Idnic offer (the $400 mark), the mid-range option that is the Graphistudio, I will throw two more into the mix here.

QUEENSBERRY are considered one of the best, if not THE best in the world, they are reassuringly expensive but man o man are they incredible. They are built like tanks, they don`t have flimsy pages like the Graphistudio albums and the range of covers they offer is huge. They are handmade in New Zealand, although I design all the albums here using Photojunction which is an incredibly versatile application designed specifically with album design in mind (they are a subsidary of Queensberry, although it does support a range of other suppliers). They offer both Matted and Digital albums and also a `Duo` style, which is a mixture of both and if designed correctly they look amazing. However, they are expensive, a 15x15 with 20 sides I sell for £950 ($1900) for just the album, unless they go for my top end package which has one included. However they do offer a lot of different sizes starting at 12x12. The downside is you have to buy their `starter` pack to get on their books and that cost me in the region of £290 (about $580) which consists of a years license for Photojunction, a sample/swatch album (14x10) a digital miniture, a style album and a few other bits and pieces. Their support is fantastic, they are in New Zealand which is handy for me as I do most of my album work at night, just when they are getting into work, I have a freephone number so it costs me nothing to call them. free freight on any feature albums. I only just received my second `show album` off them today which was a 14x10 Duo in landscape orientation and its oozes class.

The other high end option that I know of would be Albums Austalia which are in the same class as Queensberry, I dont use them but have seen and felt their albums and they are built to the same standards.. Just as expensive.. Just as classy.. When I was deciding on who to go with it was a choice between Queensberry and AlbumsAustralia, I went for Queensberry as I was familiar with their product line and the guy I used to work for had some amazing looking albums from them..

Edit - QBY also allow flip out pages which means on an 18x12 landscape album you could have flip-outs on either side of a page which would allow you to have a whopping 72" panorama in the middle of the album. Great for those large group shots!

Message edited by author 2008-07-16 18:36:12.
07/16/2008 06:29:02 PM · #16
Originally posted by Makka:

In Australia here we use Jorgensen albums. Very good quality. I order the album and mats and put them together myself. I think they have outlets pretty in most areas of the world now. For photo books we use Asuka Books which I think are Australia only but I'm sure you'll find equivalent in your neck of the woods. I agree with Cindi in saying that for wedding albums it's not worth going cheap. Get decent quality.

Oops, almost forgot Jorgensen, they would pitch in slighty below the other two I mentioned - good compromise between cost/quality. Good call!
Although a few years back I used Asuka Book for a couple of weddings I knocked out on the cheap and found them total crap. flimsy, wafty books that have special magnets in them that attract fingerprints to any black areas. Thin pages that curl/tear easily. I would put Auska in the low-end of the market.

Message edited by author 2008-07-16 18:36:53.
08/14/2008 03:50:29 PM · #17
For a wedding that I shot recently the couple have requested their own albums which are the traditional type with prints stuck directly to the pages with a protective sheet between each of the pages. I don't normally offer this but as they've requested it and have bought the albums I'm happy to oblige.

My question though is what is the best and safest way to mount the prints? They'll be 10"x8" for the main album and 8"x6" for the two parent albums. I want something that will give a good bond but be adjustable in case it doesn't go on straight/in the right place/with ripples/.. and also something that won't risk a mess on the pages as i've seen some photo mounting spray do, rendering the album useless.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

For the interest of the thread as well I offer Spice Hallfield for low end albums and then GraphiStudio and Jorgensen for the high end

08/14/2008 04:02:33 PM · #18
Doesn't anyone use mpix? I just did my sisters wedding book through them. She loves it. My only 'complaint' was that it is on Stock paper rather than photo paper (although you can also choose pearl or linen)....25 two sided pages (50 pages) with a silver engraving for $52.00

08/14/2008 04:20:50 PM · #19
Originally posted by dassilem:

Doesn't anyone use mpix? I just did my sisters wedding book through them. She loves it. My only 'complaint' was that it is on Stock paper rather than photo paper (although you can also choose pearl or linen)....25 two sided pages (50 pages) with a silver engraving for $52.00

That sounds like a coffee table book and for some that's great. I offered something like that as a bridal album and nobody wanted anything to do with it. HS Seniors love them and I do use it for photo guest books at weddings.
08/14/2008 04:24:28 PM · #20
yeah I guess it is just a coffee table book.
but she was happy, so I guess it was good.

Thanks for the other info
08/14/2008 04:24:56 PM · #21
Originally posted by kevip6:

For a wedding that I shot recently the couple have requested their own albums which are the traditional type with prints stuck directly to the pages with a protective sheet between each of the pages. I don't normally offer this but as they've requested it and have bought the albums I'm happy to oblige.

My question though is what is the best and safest way to mount the prints? They'll be 10"x8" for the main album and 8"x6" for the two parent albums. I want something that will give a good bond but be adjustable in case it doesn't go on straight/in the right place/with ripples/.. and also something that won't risk a mess on the pages as i've seen some photo mounting spray do, rendering the album useless.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

For the interest of the thread as well I offer Spice Hallfield for low end albums and then GraphiStudio and Jorgensen for the high end

Not sure what album you're talking about. "Self Mount" is what most companies call their peel and stick albums. TAP has them as well as art leather. GP ALbums out of Chicago offers them or a version with a repositionable adhesive - you have 3 days till it sets up to remove the prints or make adjustements.

Hot mount is what i've seen most places - it's like a tissue paper I guess that is heat activated so you can line evertything up and then put it in the press and heat/press it together. Most album companies do it this way BUT won't touch inkjet prints and all coat regular photo prints so they don't stick together during the heating/pressing process.

I don't know of a 'double sided tape' that one can buy that is like that in the albums - 8x10 and thin.
08/15/2008 03:51:38 PM · #22
Originally posted by Prof_Fate:

Not sure what album you're talking about. "Self Mount" is what most companies call their peel and stick albums. TAP has them as well as art leather. GP ALbums out of Chicago offers them or a version with a repositionable adhesive - you have 3 days till it sets up to remove the prints or make adjustements.

Hot mount is what i've seen most places - it's like a tissue paper I guess that is heat activated so you can line evertything up and then put it in the press and heat/press it together. Most album companies do it this way BUT won't touch inkjet prints and all coat regular photo prints so they don't stick together during the heating/pressing process.

I don't know of a 'double sided tape' that one can buy that is like that in the albums - 8x10 and thin.

Thanks, the pages on the album are just paper with no adhesive on it at all. The prints would then be normal prints that I would mount in the center of each page.

What i'm trying to work out is the best way to mount the pictures neatly and allowing for correction if I mount the 60th page off center and need to fix it without ruining the whole album.

I've tried spray photo mount adhesive before but found it very messy, I've heard of corner mounts, double sided tape, glue sticks, etc.. but wondered if anyone has any experience with any and the pros/cons of the different methods.

Thank you
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