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DPChallenge Forums >> Business of Photography >> Copyright Infringement
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08/17/2008 10:05:38 PM · #1
Sorry, I am in a bad mood. Feel free to ignore me but what is with photographers using music on their websites that I doubt obtained the proper permission to do so?

Just a disturbing tend I have noticed. While they feel it is acceptable to use copyright music, they run around with watermarks and searching for people who are infringing on their copyright.

Why don't photographers use creative commons music? Why do they feel the need to have music anyways? And don't get me started on flash websites.

How would you feel if John Mayer were to use your photo on his next album cover with no attribution?

I am not pointing at anyone here but with photographers in general.
08/17/2008 10:09:56 PM · #2
Nice rant. Sometimes you just have to get things off your chest.
08/17/2008 10:34:00 PM · #3
I've often wondered about this myself and feel that it is a valid argument.
08/17/2008 10:42:57 PM · #4
I've often wondered why photographers have music on their sites, i think it distracts from the site. I can see for weddings maybe or personal sites for people, but when you are getting your photography out there, just my $.02 but i don't think its a good idea to have music anyways.
08/17/2008 10:43:10 PM · #5
Originally posted by JCDean:

Sorry, I am in a bad mood. Feel free to ignore me but what is with photographers using music on their websites that I doubt obtained the proper permission to do so?

Just a disturbing tend I have noticed. While they feel it is acceptable to use copyright music, they run around with watermarks and searching for people who are infringing on their copyright.

Why don't photographers use creative commons music? Why do they feel the need to have music anyways? And don't get me started on flash websites.

How would you feel if John Mayer were to use your photo on his next album cover with no attribution?

I am not pointing at anyone here but with photographers in general.

If John Mayer were to use my photo on his next album cover with no attribution....

I'd just make out with his face for a little bit and call it even.

08/18/2008 05:44:47 AM · #6
I am surprised not to hear from anyone supporting the photographers.
08/18/2008 05:50:00 AM · #7
Originally posted by JCDean:

I am surprised not to hear from anyone supporting the photographers.

Why would they?
It's like fudging a little on your taxes, or not always coming to a complete stop at every stop sign. Kind of a thing everyone does, but it doesn't make it right, nor legal. Who is going to come to the table and argue that it's ok to do it?
08/18/2008 06:59:14 AM · #8
i have made a dvd slideshow of my whale photos that i plan on selling.i bought the background music loop online for about $20.good value i think.i also found a free
download of whale song recordings.i have tried to contact the person who made the recordings to ask for permission to use them,but have never heard back from him.i
have given him a credit on the slideshow.if its a free download does that make it
fair game?what is the law or everyones opinions on this?this guy is a marine biologist with over 30 years of recordings,so im sure he hasnt used his best/most valuable ones.i know when i post my photos on other sites some people are going to copy them,so i
dont use my best shots;or if i dont want people to copy it i use a watermark.
08/18/2008 08:34:07 AM · #9
Djs often give a CD of the couples wedding songs to them after their wedding - and that is absolutely a © violation. But no DJ have ever been busted for it (so a DJ active in the orgs of that profession tells me). Interesting.

I agree - it's rather hypicritical for photogs to do it. Worse yet, I bet most clients assume/know the photogs are 'stealing' the music so in those cases I don't feel as bad for the photog when the clients 'steal' their photos.
08/18/2008 08:53:44 AM · #10
No no no, everyone knows the proper way to get music on your website is to download copyrighted music applications and compose your own!

Seriously though, and I'm a big supporter of copyright infringement, however this is just plain hypocritical.

Also, music can be very good combined with photo sites, however it is like a border, it can easily destroy an otherwise perfect image. The music needs to be perfectly matched with the mood of the site, not start automatically, and start at a soft volume.
08/18/2008 02:09:38 PM · #11
I have been to siminars where the speakers have strongly suggested, at least for professional business websites, that music - or other sounds such as a shutter sound when you click on an image - is looked on very unfavorably by art directors and buyers and other is the arena of buying photographs for commercial purposes. It may be different for a "retail" photography site. I for one don't care much for music starting up on a website I browse to. The first thing I do is look for the mute or stop button.

I do agree that it is highly hypicritical for someone wanting to inforce their copyright to infringe on others'.
08/18/2008 02:22:16 PM · #12
Originally posted by togtog:

Seriously though, and I'm a big supporter of copyright infringement, however this is just plain hypocritical.

ROFL - that could be your signature. ;-)
08/18/2008 05:39:10 PM · #13
I am glad to see the other side come out a bit. I know photographers that feel music is an absolute necessity on their site and want something that is popular. They hear it on other sites and think it must be alright. I know you might never be busted but does that make it right?

Surprised that the argument that musicians make enough money already has not poked out yet.
08/18/2008 05:45:36 PM · #14
i honestly can not stand it when i go onto a photographer's page and music blasts and i cant find the mute button! it is so annoying. if i ever make a website with my pictures i will NOT use music. i think it distracts so much from viewing the pictures!
08/19/2008 02:35:36 AM · #15
Well, I don't think anyone should use someone else work and I think if nobody can come up with anything then you should not use it without contacting the owner to get permission to do so. Anyway, on the other hand I love creativity and love flash web sites anything that just dazzle you with a spark of something new.
08/19/2008 07:14:52 AM · #16
I just have a question for the OP. How do you know the music wasn't paid for?
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