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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> ABSTRACT SCORES shared in Black & White
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Showing posts 101 - 125 of 378, (reverse)
08/27/2008 12:07:58 PM · #101
Originally posted by bob350:

Originally posted by Truegsht:

Trolls are still running amuck! I have dropped almost to a 4.1 in the last 3 votes.... Just can't score above a 4.5 anymore.

In a number of threads about other challenges, I have seen posts noticing that DPC voters in general don't like abstracts nearly as much as other categories of images. I suspect some voters will give out low scores generally this time just because they don't like abstracts. On top of that, we see in this thread another layer of polarization -- that I characterize as those who consider an image abstract if the subjective viewer first notices and first notices and is mainly affected by the shapes and forms that the image presents (I am in this camp) pitted against others who vow to give low socres if any aspect of the subject can be identified as a known object in the real world. These people will fuss very literally about definitions (is it black and white enough? is it abstract enough?) and base all of their score on that (perhaps contrary to the rule to "consider" that factor). The really extreme view gives a "1" to anything that doesn't seem to "meet criteria" as subjectively defined by the self-designated criteria police.

Some images in this challenge should generate high scores even from the harshest voter. Some would do poorly in a free study, irrespective of "criteria". For the rest of us, it may help to have thick skin and cling to the perspective that scores are the summed subjective opinions of a few hundred voters out of the thousands of people registred with DPC. Guess I'll have to take my own advice: 5.2xxx so far.

Hit it dead on Bob.
08/27/2008 12:10:20 PM · #102
Woohoo... 40 votes, 63 views and 3 comments all useful!
average score...4.55.
I'm moving up in the world. lol
08/27/2008 12:10:28 PM · #103
Votes: 41
Views: 63
Avg Vote: 5.8537
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

Scoring well above my average. Sure hope posting here doesn't jinx that.
08/27/2008 12:10:55 PM · #104
Abstract Black and White

Votes: 46
Views: 62
Avg Vote: 4.3696
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 08/27/08 12:08 pm

I do like my image A LOT so regardless I am happy even with the 4.3 I think I wouldve done better entering my shoehorned image into the road challenge, but like I said, I really like this image :) The comment made me smile too.
08/27/2008 12:11:05 PM · #105
The road less travelled is scoring veryyyyyyyyyyy low as well. I don't think it is just the abstracts.

I loved voting on the abstracts and handed out several 9's and 10's.
08/27/2008 12:12:47 PM · #106
Originally posted by escapetooz:

Someone commented that it was out of focus. Wow... astute observation. ... why even bother to comment on something so obvious?

Can't wait to look up THAT commenter after the challenge is over.
08/27/2008 12:14:31 PM · #107
Originally posted by escapetooz:

Votes: 45
Views: 61
Avg Vote: 4.0667
Comments: 3
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0

Someone commented that it was out of focus. Wow... astute observation. I know there have been pages and pages of forum discussion on this topic but seriously... why even bother to comment on something so obvious? It's like saying... your photos is devoid of color. I have eyes. I see that it's out of focus. I had the same shot in focus and it didn't have the feeling I wanted. That was an artistic choice.

On a happy note, someone else gave it a 10 and LOVED it. It's people like that that keep me submitting at all.

But what if that person is not even a photographer and has zero knowledge of what consists of a wonderful image and is only giving you a 10 because he loves puppies or he loves the pretty colors you used. On the other hand, the other voters who gave you a serious vote on your overall effort, execution, technical aspect, etc are doing you the real favor and these are the ones you should be learning from? Does this make sense?
08/27/2008 12:14:54 PM · #108
I see that I am good company. I suspect that my photo is being voted on by thumbnail only. Or it's not abstracty enough or has lousy tonal range :p

At least it is in black and white. I surely must be getting points for that :)

Votes: 37
Views: 52
Avg Vote: 4.8649
Comments: 1
08/27/2008 12:20:52 PM · #109
Originally posted by colorcarnival:

.... or has lousy tonal range :p

Sorry Michelle, I didn't mean it that way. I'm not voting on this challenge. So you may leave me a PM if you'd like a detailed comment before voting ends.

Message edited by author 2008-08-27 12:21:15.
08/27/2008 12:29:17 PM · #110
citadel, you haven't voted on mine yet! KEEP VOTING!!!

Votes: 44
Views: 62
Avg Vote: 4.7955
Comments: 0
Favorites: 0
08/27/2008 12:30:24 PM · #111
I was going to attempt to offer every entry a comment, just a quick snippet of what I thought and what I liked.....but it seems that while everyone likes getting comments, some folk are very quick to flame those which don't give praise alone. I think I understand now why so many people don't bother giving their opinions.

Anyway, I'm at:

Votes: 47
Views: 58
Avg Vote: 4.4255
Comments: 1

Could be worse! :)
08/27/2008 12:31:28 PM · #112
Originally posted by LadyTara:

I was going to attempt to offer every entry a comment, just a quick snippet of what I thought and what I liked.....but it seems that while everyone likes getting comments, some folk are very quick to flame those which don't give praise alone.

Hi, welcome to DPC.

I have no comments so if you do get around to leaving some I'd be happy to receive it even if it says my picture sucks which, apparently, it does.
08/27/2008 12:33:29 PM · #113
JulietNN, I don't think you've gotten to mine yet, either ;)
08/27/2008 12:41:02 PM · #114
Votes Received: 43
Avg Vote Received: 4.5116
Made: 9
Helpful: 7
Received: 0
Helpful: 0

I am pretty happy until now.. this is my first contest ever and I am not in 1's.. (at least for now:-).

The one thing people like me need is a lot of comments. I havent rec'd any comments yet out of the 43 votes. Is it because there are almost 300 entries? Perhaps so.. because I voted for ~100 images, and commented on only about 7 in this contest.

We need more comments. C'mon guys...giddy up:-)

08/27/2008 12:41:24 PM · #115
I was at:
Votes: 44
Views: 62
Avg Vote: 4.7955

Now I'm at:
Votes: 45
Views: 64
Avg Vote: 4.7556

How do I figure out what my last vote was? (I hate math!)
08/27/2008 12:44:59 PM · #116
Wow. Maybe I'm in ribbon contention with this score. :)

Votes: 45
Views: 66
Avg Vote: 5.9778
Comments: 1
08/27/2008 12:45:26 PM · #117
Originally posted by hazelmay:

I was at:
Votes: 44
Views: 62
Avg Vote: 4.7955

Now I'm at:
Votes: 45
Views: 64
Avg Vote: 4.7556

How do I figure out what my last vote was? (I hate math!)

(# of votes x average) - (# of votes x average)

As long as only one vote difference you can tell exactly what the last vote cast for you was

Message edited by author 2008-08-27 12:45:36.
08/27/2008 12:46:38 PM · #118
Originally posted by levyj413:

Wow. Maybe I'm in ribbon contention with this score. :)

Votes: 45
Views: 66
Avg Vote: 5.9778
Comments: 1

good job Jeffrey. hopefully, the score stays this high and you advance into the next round of the beat your average tourney!
08/27/2008 12:51:37 PM · #119
Originally posted by LadyTara:

I was going to attempt to offer every entry a comment, just a quick snippet of what I thought and what I liked.....but it seems that while everyone likes getting comments, some folk are very quick to flame those which don't give praise alone. I think I understand now why so many people don't bother giving their opinions.

Do what I do.

"Nice photo, I really liked ________. I think if you had done _____ and ______ then the photo would have more impact. Perhaps _____ was not the best choice and may cause it score lower than otherwise."

For instance

"Nice photo, I really liked composition with the purple flowers in back. I think if you had done a wider DOF and sharper focus then the photo would have more impact. Perhaps the bright white background was not the best choice and may cause it score lower than otherwise."

Always say something good at first to show you care and that the effort was appreciated. Not pointing out flaws in the photo does them a disservice.
08/27/2008 12:51:50 PM · #120
seems as though abstract is an unknown concept ...
08/27/2008 12:56:55 PM · #121
Originally posted by bobnospum:

Originally posted by LadyTara:

I was going to attempt to offer every entry a comment, just a quick snippet of what I thought and what I liked.....but it seems that while everyone likes getting comments, some folk are very quick to flame those which don't give praise alone. I think I understand now why so many people don't bother giving their opinions.

Do what I do.

"Nice photo, I really liked ________. I think if you had done _____ and ______ then the photo would have more impact. Perhaps _____ was not the best choice and may cause it score lower than otherwise."

For instance

"Nice photo, I really liked composition with the purple flowers in back. I think if you had done a wider DOF and sharper focus then the photo would have more impact. Perhaps the bright white background was not the best choice and may cause it score lower than otherwise."

Always say something good at first to show you care and that the effort was appreciated. Not pointing out flaws in the photo does them a disservice.

Sound advice:-)

Not many people can take only bad criticism.. pretty much everybody needs a sweet pill to go along with it. And this way the criticism would have more impact too. Some critics however just put it it out there with no coating.. I would appreciate that personally (as long as they have more experience than myself:-).
08/27/2008 12:57:02 PM · #122
You have commented on 21 images (7%) in this challenge.

Taking a little break from the challenges for a bit (last week of DPL is over, but it was very fun no matter how many last minute shots I regretted hehe) so my mission this week is to comment on all the photos in the challenge. If so this will be my first 100% comments left on a challenge. If you wish to do so, you may PM me during voting. I'm not voting on this challenge.

doh. Sorry not DPL but DPC Oly.

Message edited by author 2008-08-27 12:59:14.
08/27/2008 12:57:56 PM · #123
Originally posted by Techo:

You have commented on 21 images (7%) in this challenge.

Taking a little break from the challenges for a bit (last week of DPL is over, but it was very fun no matter how many last minute shots I regretted hehe) so my mission this week is to comment on all the photos in the challenge. If so this will be my first 100% comments left on a challenge.

Hear hear... you should get a medal for doing just that:-)
08/27/2008 12:59:10 PM · #124
Originally posted by Techo:

Originally posted by colorcarnival:

.... or has lousy tonal range :p

Sorry Michelle, I didn't mean it that way. I'm not voting on this challenge. So you may leave me a PM if you'd like a detailed comment before voting ends.

Hey Techo - I sent a PM and I'm sorry if it looked like I was singling out your comment - because I wasn't trying to! I explained all that in the PM. This was really more of an out-loud kind of musing and yours was the last comment I read before I posted. And like I said in the PM, I'm thinking that my pic does not fit into anyone's description of Abstract at all lol.

And as an aside, I find it kind of fun/interesting that people are leaving comments about what they think is in my picture.
08/27/2008 01:00:53 PM · #125
Thanks, cpanaioti :)

Last two votes - a 3, then a 5.

Votes: 46
Views: 65
Avg Vote: 4.7609
Comments: 0
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