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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Comments: Put up or shut up.
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 61, (reverse)
11/24/2003 02:29:05 PM · #1
with the incessant rants about 'not enough comments' I decided to do a non-scientific random study (yes, that took all of about 26 seconds - hey imma busy guy) about commenting patterns.

Out of 20 random profile clicks (cross-sectioned by the dates they joined the site - about 1 person per month since inception) I found only 2 people who have made more comments than they have received. Granted there must be more out there, but this would indicate that the majority of the comments are coming from a few people. Congratulations to Inspzil (Bob) and Joanns (Jo Ann), since they were the two.

Bob clearly is not busy enough at work, since he's made over 2700 comments so far. Kiddin' Bob :)

Anyway - my challenge to you: go make sure you are not one of those people...try to make one comment for every one you receive.

like the title says: Put up or shut up.

11/24/2003 02:32:32 PM · #2
Try to make 3 for every one you receive.
11/24/2003 02:37:13 PM · #3
Originally posted by jmsetzler:

Try to make 3 for every one you receive.

...says John who has made more than three for every one of the 1800 he has received - yes, that means he's made over 6000 comments.

Setz always says he learns more from the comments he makes than the ones he receives. Judging by his success here and in other forums, I'd suggest we all heed his advice. Thanks John.
11/24/2003 02:38:03 PM · #4
I felt like I'd made tons more comments than I've received, but was humbled to find I'd done less than 3 times as many...my new goal: make it past Setzler's suggested 3 for every 1.

We'll see...
11/24/2003 02:41:03 PM · #5
Originally posted by Pedro:

with the incessant rants about 'not enough comments' I decided to do a non-scientific random study (yes, that took all of about 26 seconds - hey imma busy guy) about commenting patterns.

Nice thought, but its not a good idea to post unscientific research. And my guess is that your numbers are off by far. Unfortunately, I've found many of the comments are simply remarks, not analytical in any sense. So numbers don't mean anything, other than people are "trying".

Let's have a thread here: Post your numbers. Here's mine. Others post yours in the same format:

Member since September:
222 comments made
166 Marked useful
86 Received
>75% Analytical (my estimate)

I realize marked useful doesn't mean anything, so I added the last number not carried by DPC. (Cool if they could add a pattern matcher and try to count those!)


11/24/2003 02:47:56 PM · #6
Pedro did not check my profile,:( I would be one of the two he mentioned, I always try to leave comments,and words of encouragment wherever I can
11/24/2003 02:55:21 PM · #7
Member since March 2003
882 comments made
639 marked useful
254 received

I really try to say something useful every time. I have gotten better over time. I went back to look at some of the pages to get a feel for how analytical I've been, but again no time to be scientific. I didn't find a comment that was just 2 or 3 words - all were at least a full sentence, but mostly 2 or 3. so maybe 80%?

11/24/2003 02:55:49 PM · #8
Made: 107
Helpful: 72
Received: 122
%75 analytical
I need to work on my comments made. Last time I looked it was about the other way around.

Message edited by author 2003-11-24 14:56:35.
11/24/2003 02:57:58 PM · #9
Made: 365
Useful: 254
Received: 155

11/24/2003 02:58:41 PM · #10

Made: 262

Helpful: 206

Received: 35
11/24/2003 02:59:32 PM · #11
I tried for a while to make comments approaching the number I have recieved but I decided it wasn't a fair comparision.

In most cases I try to write somewhat considered feedback - I don't think there is a parity with those and the majority of comments I've had on my pictures.

So now I try to at least hand out twice as many useful comments as I get - the numbers in the profiles give no real indication on how useful they are...

# Made: 1685
# Helpful: 580
# Received: 1975

Message edited by author 2003-11-24 15:01:57.
11/24/2003 02:59:44 PM · #12
Made: 64

Helpful: 43

Received: 30
11/24/2003 03:02:31 PM · #13
Originally posted by adine:

I felt like I'd made tons more comments than I've received, but was humbled to find I'd done less than 3 times as many...my new goal: make it past Setzler's suggested 3 for every 1.

We'll see...

Uh, unless you just went and made a ton of comments in the last 20 minutes, you're well past John's benchmark. You've made 882 and received only 254. In fact, you're pretty much neck-in-neck with him, percentage wise - you're both at around 3.4 votes give per vote received. Though you've got about a .03 vote edge. :-)

Good obeservation Pedro. Gives me a goal to shoot for. Though I refuse to resort to "nice shot" comments to get there, and as Neil pointed out, that's what a lot of the comments I've received boil down to. I mark most of them helpful as a courtesy, but some differentiation between "thanks for the compliment" and "that really helped me" would be nice...
11/24/2003 03:03:34 PM · #14
Made: 268
Helpful: 189
Received: 148
11/24/2003 03:04:20 PM · #15
Made: 7072

Helpful: 2962

Received: 1255
11/24/2003 03:07:52 PM · #16
Made: 867
Helpful: 623
Received: 149
Member Since: Sep 22, 2003

In my defense, I often can't sleep and will stay up late making comments and I have a high speed connection and I can type 60 WPM.

Did I need a defense?

Message edited by author 2003-11-24 15:08:51.
11/24/2003 03:11:48 PM · #17
Originally posted by ScottK:

Uh, unless you just went and made a ton of comments in the last 20 minutes, you're well past John's benchmark. You've made 882 and received only 254. In fact, you're pretty much neck-in-neck with him, percentage wise - you're both at around 3.4 votes give per vote received. Though you've got about a .03 vote edge. :-)

oh! If I only had a brain! Thanks for the math help Scott, I guess I was thinking I'd got 350 something.. let me go get a cup of coffee...

Originally posted by ScottK:

I mark most of them helpful as a courtesy, but some differentiation between "thanks for the compliment" and "that really helped me" would be nice...

Differentiation would be a good idea, I mark them as helpful as a courtesy often. Also I find many people don't mark mine as helpful even when I've really thought about my comment and put some time into writing it... but that's their perogative.
11/24/2003 03:14:30 PM · #18
Made: 562

Helpful: 376

Received: 66
11/24/2003 03:16:26 PM · #19
Member since Sept. 2003

Made: 201 (so far)
Helpful: 135
Received: 85

I have recieved a lot of comments this time around for the propaganda challenge. I do make an effort to comment beyond whether I like it or not and try to comments on challenge relevancy, composition, lighting, and/or focus.

Most of the profiles I have checked have far less comments made than received. I guess this all depends upon how much time one has and whether they can take the time to examine the shots enough to leave a helpful comment.
11/24/2003 03:17:46 PM · #20
Gordon and Neil are right of course, but i think finding out how many are useful would only highlight my non-scientific study further. the number of useful comments (i specifically did not use the term 'helpful') is probably way lower. I've received lots of 'nice shot' comments, which mean nothing (although they're still nice).

How interesting that very few of the people who post their numbers in this thread are on the fewer-made-than-received side...ain't human nature grand? :)


ps I'm sure this will bring out a rash of "I'm only on a dial-up and can't comment on many" and "I'm too busy to comment" etc posts...but hey - I'm not accusin', I'm just sayin'.

11/24/2003 03:31:19 PM · #21
Made: 159
Helpful: 88
Received: 240

So there, human nature that. I've made way less than I've received, although my initial goal was to at least keep them even, and I've been a member of this site since the month it began. I have cable internet, I can type 85wpm and I work from home on most days so I don't even have excuses. I'm just a lazy slag and only give comments when the spirit moves me. But you also don't see me complaining about lack of comments. I also don't use the "helpful" mark on any comments that I receive because I don't like it and I appreciate all comments that I get.
11/24/2003 03:38:13 PM · #22
I hoped my remark might bring out a few comments like this one. ;)

Originally posted by mk:

Made: 159
Helpful: 88
Received: 240

So there, human nature that. I've made way less than I've received, although my initial goal was to at least keep them even, and I've been a member of this site since the month it began. I have cable internet, I can type 85wpm and I work from home on most days so I don't even have excuses. I'm just a lazy slag and only give comments when the spirit moves me. But you also don't see me complaining about lack of comments. I also don't use the "helpful" mark on any comments that I receive because I don't like it and I appreciate all comments that I get.
11/24/2003 03:41:52 PM · #23
How about made 1413 and received 311

(no resentments there she says laughingly)
11/24/2003 03:42:26 PM · #24
Originally posted by Pedro:

I hoped my remark might bring out a few comments like this one. ;)

I aim to please.
11/24/2003 03:48:19 PM · #25
Comments Made:403

Edit: Oh yeah, and brand new member of Critique Club

Message edited by author 2003-11-24 15:49:09.
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