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11/24/2003 03:50:54 PM · #26 |
Member since April '02
Made: 1889
Helpful: 618
Received: 1704
I used to make more comments, but have fallen off some lately ... I seem to spend too much time in the forums discussing why people don't comment more ... |
11/24/2003 03:54:15 PM · #27 |
Originally posted by Pedro: Gordon and Neil are right of course, but i think finding out how many are useful would only highlight my non-scientific study further. the number of useful comments (i specifically did not use the term 'helpful') is probably way lower. I've received lots of 'nice shot' comments, which mean nothing (although they're still nice).
How interesting that very few of the people who post their numbers in this thread are on the fewer-made-than-received side...ain't human nature grand? :)
ps I'm sure this will bring out a rash of "I'm only on a dial-up and can't comment on many" and "I'm too busy to comment" etc posts...but hey - I'm not accusin', I'm just sayin'. |
I don't agree that they [_mean nothing_] ....I hope. It means to me anyway that someone took the time to view my photo. They looked long enough to write something. I applicate it..even if they just say gee-wiz this is neat.
11/24/2003 03:56:47 PM · #28 |
I enjoy commenting and do as much as I can.
However, just a polite reminder that the "Helpful" feature is a (relatively) recent addition to the site. The first several hundred comments I made were made before it existed. Hence working out ratios of comments marked helpful out of comments made is not entirely accurate unless you count only those made since the "Helpful" feature came into play. I really like it as a feature though as it's nice to know that photographers have read and aknowledged the comments made, whether or not they agree with them.
:o) |
11/24/2003 04:11:45 PM · #29 |
Originally posted by justine: I don't agree that they [_mean nothing_] ....I hope. It means to me anyway that someone took the time to view my photo. They looked long enough to write something. I applicate it..even if they just say gee-wiz this is neat. |
touche. you are absolutely correct about that Justine. Nothing wrong with a feel-good now and then. |
11/24/2003 04:20:35 PM · #30 |
Some notes from newbe:
You guys trying to say everyone have to make as much as possible comments? I don't think so about myself.
My score is:
made: 16
helpful: 14
received: 33
And I think most of my comments are not "useful", it's just my filling about some great work I see. I really appreciated to ppl for comments I've got for my photos, but I can't pay back same or even more. I came to the site to learn how ppl do real art, real photo. So it's too early for me to comment work of others, especially with full range of critics. Again I very glad when I got "useful" comments and try to catch every word from it, but can't do the same. Finally you’d say, hey this guy left much less comments then got, hmm, bad guy. No, believe me, I just don't want copy and past "This is nice shot" to everyone; for more "useful" comments I just don't have enough knowledge.
11/24/2003 04:59:07 PM · #31 |
Making comments depends on a)mood im in. b)mood im in....
Which, i guess, is the same for all of us..
and of course time, so I normally vote then go back and comment, time permitting...
Made: 311
Helpful: 224
Received: 126
Message edited by author 2003-11-24 17:02:15.
11/24/2003 05:06:32 PM · #32 |
Originally posted by slava: Some notes from newbe:
You guys trying to say everyone have to make as much as possible comments? I don't think so about myself.
I don't think it's necessary for everyone to shoot for this. I think the thread is trying to encourage people who feel they CAN make suggestions and good comments to do so more often. And it's also OK to tell the photographer simply how a photo made you feel, or you feel about it.
In any case, if everyone made three times as many comments as they received, where would all those comments be going? You do the math LOL.
11/24/2003 05:49:48 PM · #33 |
make comments when you actually feel like commenting on something.. most compliments are boring and i would venture to guess that those of you with the billion to one comments/receieved ratios don't really help to enlighten anyone. |
11/24/2003 10:39:38 PM · #34 |
Originally posted by Miah: make comments when you actually feel like commenting on something.. most compliments are boring and i would venture to guess that those of you with the billion to one comments/receieved ratios don't really help to enlighten anyone. |
Well gee thanks! I try to leave something that talks about the shot itself, how it related to me, how it affected me on a personal basis and what I see right/wrong about it. Admittedly some are just, "GREAT SHOT!" but those are on the 10's that, to me are already perfect and I have nothing to add.
Comments like this make me want to run right out and keep commenting, NOT! ;P
11/24/2003 10:50:39 PM · #35 |
Member since September 2003
Made: 762
Helpful: 489
Received: 204
Shannon |
11/24/2003 10:57:56 PM · #36 |
here's an idea: if your photographs don't speak to the imagination of the viewers (that is, the viewers don't feel compelled to comment), then start posting photos that will piss them off :) |
11/24/2003 11:00:38 PM · #37 |
neuferland, i'm sorry if i sounded insulting- the thing is.. when this thread got to be about everyone showing off their comments posted/received ratios, i got a little defensive. |
11/24/2003 11:02:43 PM · #38 |
Member Since Sept. 2002
Made: 1133
Helpful: 453
Received: 612
wow I have really fallen behind while I have been out of action... Looks like lots of new people around here as well as some great photos!! Guess I need to get back into the swing of things! Happy Holidays everyone!
11/24/2003 11:06:40 PM · #39 |
Originally posted by Miah: neuferland, i'm sorry if i sounded insulting- the thing is.. when this thread got to be about everyone showing off their comments posted/received ratios, i got a little defensive. |
Nah, no worries, Mk's post was also a bit of a jab, I can take it. The reason I put the ;P at the end is to let you know I'm just kidding. I'm too old to worry about things like this, I like commenting and will keep doing so.
I only have my 6's and 7's left to comment on in Surprise, will work on that tomorrow. For now, it's sleep, this body is actually getting tired, must take advantage of that! :)
11/24/2003 11:09:57 PM · #40 |
What about propaganda, Neuferland? :D |
11/24/2003 11:26:42 PM · #41 |
Originally posted by Miah: here's an idea: if your photographs don't speak to the imagination of the viewers (that is, the viewers don't feel compelled to comment), then start posting photos that will piss them off :) |
I don't think people are showing off. But there was an assertion made at the beginning of the thread that there were only two people who had made more comments than they received. I found that a bit implausible, and suggested people post their numbers so we could see the data in one place. Of course, when I posted, I lost sight of my scientific experience and didn't think of the sampling implications!
It would be more interesting, more scientific, and a lot less work of course to see sitewide statistics calculated from the database. DP sysops, you listening?
Personally, I think all comments can be valuable. Comments as to whether people like a photo are meaningful to me at least. On my own photos, along with the nice comments, I would like to see more people willing to say what it is they don't like a photo, whether based in photographic experience or not.
But I think the original idea in this thread starting was for those with more experience to try to comment more, and do more constructive analytical comments, to help those with less experience (and sometimes even those with equal experience). Certainly I think I've seen that as a theme in the forums in general, here in the mentoring discussions, and in the "restarting" of the critque club.
Regards--Neil |
11/25/2003 12:02:38 AM · #42 |
Originally posted by Neuferland:
Nah, no worries, Mk's post was also a bit of a jab, I can take it. |
If it was a jab, it wasn't at anyone but myself (and maybe a little at Pedro, but certainly not you...not even sure how you came to that conclusion). It just happens to be the truth. Pedro pointed out that no one responding was of the ilk that he spoke tada, here I am.
11/25/2003 12:11:37 AM · #43 |
I'm definitely not showing off.
Member since:Mar 4, 2003
Made: 32
Helpful: 15
Received: 126
I think that when I made most of those I had high speed internet, and now I'm in such a rural area that it isn't even available.
I also haven't entered a challenge since the 21st of September, and I'm a member so I could have entered any of the challenges.
Sometimes it just takes to long to check and vote/comment. I think that is one reason I haven't entered any challenges either. I can't expect to enter and always get comments and not give any back (even though it seems thats what I've done.. lol) I've just been uploading to my portfolio (I don't think portfolio is the word I'd use for it though)
11/25/2003 01:50:47 AM · #44 |
Made: 306
Helpful: 97
Received: 139
I'm not at 3:1 yet, but definetly making more than I get. Though it would seem that I could be a bit more helpful ;)
11/25/2003 07:36:57 AM · #45 |
Originally posted by mk:
Originally posted by Neuferland:
Nah, no worries, Mk's post was also a bit of a jab, I can take it. |
If it was a jab, it wasn't at anyone but myself (and maybe a little at Pedro, but certainly not you...not even sure how you came to that conclusion). It just happens to be the truth. Pedro pointed out that no one responding was of the ilk that he spoke tada, here I am. |
I meant a friendly jab because your wording was similar to mine when talking about internet connection, time available, typing speed. I thought it was a bit of a compliment! Now I see you don't even notice me! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
For those playing along, this is a joke, only a joke and should be taken no other way but as a joke, SMILE, YOU'RE ON DPC!!! :D
11/25/2003 09:08:27 AM · #46 |
member since Sept '03
comments made: 353
helpful: 246
received: 52 |
11/25/2003 09:21:35 AM · #47 |
Oops, I'm ashamed that I have recieved more comments than I have made. I vow to do better. Dsidwell, however has done much better.
Made: 3325
Helpful: 2421
Received: 1504
He's my hero!
11/25/2003 10:07:36 AM · #48 |
Well, I am a beginner, but I always try to make as many comments as I can. I am active since October 2003 - I am an user since August, and here are mines... Not bad, I think, including that when I was (am) ill, I didn't have a mood to make comments. :-) But I try to do my best to make as many, and as many helpful ones as possible.
Made: 257
Helpful: 173
Received: 64
I have to go back to elementary school I think. I always have to edit my posts because of my spell mistakes. :-))) Or maybe I just can't type.
Message edited by author 2003-11-25 10:10:56.
11/25/2003 11:23:31 AM · #49 |
Originally posted by nshapiro: ...But there was an assertion made at the beginning of the thread that there were only two people who had made more comments than they received...snip |
n'uh uh. I wasn't suggesting only two people had a positive +/- ratio, I said in my random sample of 20 only 2 people were on the positive. I did it a few more times this morning, and found similar results (SD of about .75, again with pretty loose parameters - I'm not a scientist, just a doof makin' observations).
My original point was - and still is - that despite the amount of whining that goes on in the forums about it, the vast majority of people do not make as many comments as they receive. Clearly that does not apply to many of the respondants in this thread, less MKs gratuitious contribution. The obvious answer is that an overwhelming number of the comments (useful or otherwise) are made a by a minority of the sampling here. If everybody pitched in a little more, it'd become a non-issue.
and no, i will not back up my data, nor will i post my references, nor do a single other calculation, since (thank goodness) I don't have to. University was a long time ago. ;)
Where Neil is absolutely correct, is in his comment that more of the experienced people around here need to be helping with some things that may seem simple to them, but elude the noobs.
...and Miah, if you click on the profile page of any user here, you can see all of the comments they've made, along with the corresponding photo. I did that in a few of the high ratio instances, and I disagree with your comment - many of them actually contained decent (however brief) insight, and took time and thought.
Pedro |
11/25/2003 12:08:35 PM · #50 |
Challenges Entered: 6
Votes Cast: 1322
Avg Vote Cast: 6.1649
Votes Received: 1419
Avg Vote Received: 4.0275
Made: 36
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Received: 52
Forum Posts: 56
Profile Viewed: 272 times
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Photographers: 31
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I think its comical that everyone here has posted their comment statements.
But to Pedro YOU are right about people making comments they should cause it has helped me to take better photographs since I started my first challenge (7 challenges )past! My average score has gone up through all the challenges!Looking at others pictures have inspired me! I have a lot of favorite photogaphers and photos now I just have to learn howe to take great pictures and be someones favorite too!
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